Old updates - About me page was getting too long.

Old updates - About me page was getting too long.

This is mostly for me, I usually read this every few months as a reminder of where I came from.
Plus it's fun to see if I changed how I write at all.
It's mainly just me saying I'm busy and where I am in life at that time, nothing much more than that. :P

If I look familiar it is because I am in fact the short lived Mystifiedfate (lasted about a whole 5 minutes, lol) I accidentally put in an email that didn't exist and I couldn't edit it so I had to make a new account, so here I am!

Anyways let me talk about my self a little bit.

Hi! My name is Rylee, I just recently turned 18 and I wanted to try this site out. Just so you know I do speak French, not enough to be fluent, but enough to hold myself in a decent conversation. Anyways I do not have a web cam but I do have a phone that can take pictures. To be honest though I might hold off on that for a while, so what you see right now is what you get. If you want to know anything about me ask it in a pm and I might just get back to you!

Edit: I forgot to put this in my bio but please don't get the wrong idea if I don't reply to you right away! I have tons of homework and I am also on here to watch videos. I will try to get back to you whenever I cam but it will take some time.

Also, feel free to ask my ANYTHING, I'll most likely answer it. ;)

Update 10/2/13: Just got a new profile pic for you all! I might just keep an archive on here with old profile pictures down the line so people can get more of a taste of how I look. Let me know if you want that in a pm or something!

Update 11/1/13: I'm kind of tired of seeing profile pictures of men's junk...not that I'm against it or anything, it's just all over the place. If your profile picture is just what's bellow the waist don't get mad if I decline you. Hopefully you will understand :)

Update 4/21/14: wow it's been a while since I have done an update! I was thinking of possibly uploading some new profile pics like I used to. Would anyone be interested in that? If so send me a pm telling me how much you want it ;)

Update 7/21/14: I'm going to college! I've been pretty busy with hanging out with friends after graduating from Highschool so I haven't really thought about updating this, sorry about that! :(

I'm currently starting to prepare for the fall term for college and I can't wait! Wish me luck everyone

Also here's a new profile picture for you all! I just took it a few minutes prior to this update :)

Lastly give me some college advice in a pm or two! God knows how much I'll need it :/

Update 8/31/14: Oh. My. God. It has been a long weekend! I'm sorry to say that I forgot to let everyone know that I was going to Sac Anime! I'm not the biggest fan of Anime but that and a couple of my other hobbies go hand in hand, so I went w/ a bunch of friends and had a blast! I kinda wish that I remembered to update this to let everyone know before hand and possibly meet up w/ anyone there. But I was kind of in a hurry, hopefully you had as much fun as I did! :D

Update 9/5/14: First week of college is over! :D

College life is...weird! But also awesome at the same time! I took a class for 4 years that specifically taught me how to prepare for college academically but I still feel like I am lost, even after the first week. The social atmosphere is a lot of fun though! Luckily I have two of my best friends that go to the school with me so we're all helping each other out. So...there's a part tonight, and I'm going! God I am so nervous! If anyone has any party advice in particular please let me know, I'll be on for a while so I'll most likely read all of your advice.

Oh, and expect a present within the next couple days ;)

Update 9/20/14:'s my birthday! I'm 19 now! I actually totally forgot about it until like my mom called my at 5:00 am telling me that I was just born 19 years and three minutes ago...that was awkward since my room mate was sleeping as well. But anyways I hope everything is well for everyone! I'm going to see if I can give a present to you all by the end of the weekend. (even though I'm the one who should be receiving presents :P )

Update 1/4/15: Kinda late but I hope everyone had a happy new year! I know I did. ;p But for real hopefully you all got to do everything that you wanted to do, especially all of the college students out there. As for the past weekend I have been spending much of my time at the same convention that I went to 6 months ago...and once again I forgot to mention it to anyone at all. But if anyone is going to Sac Anime tomorrow hit me up, I might go and maybe we can meet up? (If we do please don't mention...this sight if you see me around other people. That is all that I ask.)

Update 2/1/15: Been a while again! I haven't been doing too much recently, just been busy with being a College student and all. I'm curious as to see what you guys want to know about me! I've recently just seen a lot of "Hey there" pm's going on. While I don't hate that it just gets a little...repetative after a while. Feel free to open up a pm with a question! ;)

Also new picture of me, this was way late.

Update 2/2/15: I do not want to sound rude when I say this so everyone please try to understand where I am coming from.

I am a college student at the moment, what does this mean? It means I have a ton of work to do. While I have had an easy start things have now been picking up which means even more work. For the most part this means essays, and studying. Both of these things are extremely time consuming for me because I need to do well in school. So just because I am online doesn't mean I am ONline. I might have the tab open to this website but it doesn't mean I am looking at my pm box the whole time. If I am not replying that means I am most likely doing something else. So please, be patient! I will get to you eventually, whether that means it will be twenty minutes, two hours, or two days from then.

TL;DR : Please calm down when I do not answer you right away, it prolly means I am busy, not ignoring you. :)

Update: 7/10/15: It's been a while! Nearly half a year since my last update. Well my first year of college has been completed for a while now. Since then I've been having a lot of fun back home. Sadly I have not actually been on this site all that much, but I guess that happens from time to time.

Anyways my last/first "blog" thing went well and I have an idea for a new one.

I was thinking of answering a bunch of questions a lot of guys ask me in my pm's and then posting it up. However I'm not sure how everyone will think of this and I would like your guys' opinions. If you wanna see something like that then let me know! Also feel free to ask me a couple questions you would like answered on the blog post.

Also feel free to ask me anything anyways! I'm generally an open book up until you get to some specific personal details about me.

Update 9/25/15: Holy shit. Fuck. Sophomore. Year. Like I understand having 16 units this semester was going to be rough, but still I never thought that it would be this bad! Eh at least I have good grades to show for all the work I am putting in. Having no free time is awful though! Anyways even with classes and all that Sophomore year is still a blast. I missed a lot of people here and I now have a single! So pretty much I don't have to worry about anyone else fucking in my room than me! :D So this weekend I finally caught myself a break, which means I am going to be catching up on here a lot along with catching up with the party scene here. Wish me luck!

Oh and expect a new profile picture sometime soon, I took a little something real quick when I woke up.

Update 6/19/16: So's been a while. College and a job took over, didn't have much time for fun, actually had very little now that I think about it. So when I started to come back I noticed that all of my pictures were gone! Well that sucks...So to make it up to you guys I'm going to reupload the ones I think were in that gallery. Also I just took another picture today for you guys so I'll have that up in a bit. PM me! Summer break is on and I have a TON more time to myself. ;D

Update 12/20/16: 6 months later, whoops. Well it's winter break and from the looks of it I got some time to myself. No camping trips with friends and no Christmas stuff with family members? (Bummer) so I'm going to be around much more. School this semester was hell, had to come to the conclusion I'll likely be taking another year of college, didn't take enough units to graduate within 4 years, double bummer. But I mean it's whatever, at least I'm getting close to getting out! :)

Published by mystifiedtime
6 years ago
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st_john_green 2 years ago
I hope that you can update soon I found these journal entry's to be interesting. I know that since this site has changed it is harder to share posts so hopefully that doesn't put a stop to your sharing here. Anyways take care and stay safe 
ourpleasures4u2 4 years ago
I too LOVE your diary. As if I can imagine you going about your life. Congratulations on completing your degree. I hope it leads you into a wonderful life. 
oldermale0303 4 years ago
Just started reading you. Hope you update. Enjoy reading you journals 
Jamal72 5 years ago
Are you into men of the darker persuasion?
geodude1970 5 years ago
You seem like a lot of fun
Art371 5 years ago
Wow you really do create following here.  So I'm sure after college you had a lot of cock tossed your way.  Which would be expected.  I mean look at you your simply stunning. 
ricky_baby100 6 years ago
have you been getting laid much now that you're in College?