Friendly neighbor ll

Friendly neighbor ll

Looking up Mr Davis is leaning on the fence watching me. My dick falls limp and I turned beet red. Shuddering I plead, d,don't tell my mother. Smiling he said what would I do something like that for. As I pull my pants up he said, why don't you come over and finish. My heart pounding from fear and excitement, I tell him I don't think I should. Reaching his arms out over the fence Mr Davis said, come it'll be our little secret. Not wanting anyone to know I was playing with myself, I buttoned my pants and let Mr Davis lift me over the fence. Setting me down, he took my hand and sucked my fingers clean. Nervously I went with him into his house.
Again I asked him not to tell my mother. Mr Davis sat down and said, I won't as long as you finish. He smiled and held out a hand. Still frightened, I reached out and took it. He pulled me to him and unbuttoned my pants. As they fell he lifted each leg and pulled my pants off me. He slid my underwear down and I stepped out of them. Sitting up Mr Davis said, I've seen you at night after you came to bed. Sheet white I hung my head. He reached up and cupped my balls and gave them a squeeze. He said, let me tell you a secret. I play with mine too. Feeling a little better I said, really. As he wrapped his fingers around my dick, he said yes. Tugging on my dick he asked, has anyone played with you before. N,no I stuttered. His hand felt good moving up and down my dick. When it was hard, he moved his hand quick at first, then slowed down. With his other hand, he pushed my legs apart and pressed behind my balls. My breathing quickened as he moved his hand faster. As pre cum started to run out, Mr Davis said, that's it. Relax and let it happen. He squeezed my balls and pressed on my scrotum. He ran his hand over the head of my dick, rubbing my pre cum around the tip of my dick. I closed my eyes and laid my head back. Each time he squeezed my balls, pre cum came out. Soon he had my dick covered with it and he moved his hand fast then slow. I felt my dick start to throb as he made me cum. Mr Davis held the base of my dick tightly. When the erg ended he started moving his hand slow again. He told me to take off my shirt. Pulling it off, I stood completely naked in front of him. Quietly he asked, do you like that. Unable to speak I nodded my head. He pulled me to him and laid me across his lap. Moving his hand quickly I started shaking all over. My mind went blink as my dick exploded with cum. Covered with cum I could just look up. Mr Davis leaned over and kissed me. Cleaning me up he said, why don't you come back over tomorrow. My mind still in a fog I said ok. I dressed and climbed back over the fence. My dick was so sensitive I could barely walk.

Published by 1120scott
6 years ago
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Great Story's Keep Me Cumming !!!!!!
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Thank god Mr Davis was there to help!