Rights of the Chakras

Rights of the Chakras

Rights of the Chakras.

Chakra Seven = The Right to Know
The right to accurate information, to knowledge, truth, and to simply know what’s going on.
Chakra Six = The Right to See
Clear physical seeing, psychic perception, and the seeing of patterns, so mistakes are less likely to be repeated.
Chakra Five = The Right to Speak and Hear Truth
Clear communications. Avoidance of lies, secrets. Ability to create and express your authentic self.
Chakra Four = The Right to Love and be Loved
Supported by loving parents, freedom and support in society for love between certain groups, high self esteem, good communications.
Chakra Three = The Right to Act
To have autonomy and individuality in the context of the family, to innovate, to be oneself, to be free.
Chakra Two = The Right to Feel
Being able to feel your feelings without threat of punishment. Enjoying pleasure, including sexual pleasure. Plus, a sense of innocence.
Chakra One = The Right to Be and to Have
Feeling welcome in your life. Feeling connected in a family or group. Self-care. Enjoying abundance.
7 years ago
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