Custom Content: My Policies

Custom Content: My Policies

*The pseudo legal stuff ya may wanna know before you approach me for you content making needs*

-All purchases are considered final.If you are disappointed with your services, I am truly apologetic but sometimes expectations can’t be met flawlessly. Rest assured, I put forth my full effort to production. The only reason a refund might be issued, is if there is a catastrophic failure; preventing me from delivering a service, and a “rain check” cannot be made. This is still at my discretion, though.

-I try to complete all services as soon as possible, after payment is received. Sometimes, however, life does happen and gets in the way. This can cause a reasonable amount of delay. We are only human. I do strive to provide quality content in a timely manner and will refund at my discretion if I do not feel that a service can be provided in a reasonable amount of time.

-Live Sessions/GFE are paid directly before services are delivered. I try to not schedule/accept payment too far in advanced because it increases the risks that something may prevent a session from happening. I will negotiate an opening, and double check an hour or two ahead of the appointment to confirm. If you fail to confirm your appointment; you may lose your slot. If you pay for a service and then ghost from it (especially after confirming and starting) then you will not be given a refund.

-All payment for services are to be delivered upfront. Do not send any money without prior discussion of services; if you do, the money will be considered a gift/donation. In the case of custom content; please try to relate all of the details prior to payment. That way, I can more closely produce the content that you are fantasizing. After all, the fantasy in you head may not match the way my brain interprets it. If you want to change the nature of your content after payment; I will do my best to accommodate, but I hold no obligation to alter the product I’m delivering; most especially if production has started or if new request are outside of my comfort zone.
-If you are wanting an large production done, with all the bells and whistles (to the best of my abilities), then the payment may/can change. First, if it is a particularly large sum of money (as in North of $500 or more) I may be willing to discuss a “pulled payment” process; where the total will be divided down into smaller payments, and delivered prior to various stages of shooting/editting process. If special costumes or props are needed for the production; these items will have to be added to your total, and paid for prior to shooting, however, the “service” payment isn’t due until the items have be received and productions are ready to begin.

-With regard to any “Live Sessions”, bringing someone into your fetish, without prior consent or discussion is in extremely poor taste. I do reserve the right to refuse the direction of the session; or deny services entirely, if I do not feel comfortable catering to certain fetishes. If a scene is skewed from planned content or pushed to an area that makes me feel too uncomfortable; I may end the sesssion prematurely; and without refund. Openly discuss your intentions. You have been warned!

**As with anything, these policies are subject to change without prior notifications. I will try to make you aware of "policy" during discussion phases if I get the sense you aren't as familiar with them; or just didn't read it.**

Published by Riley-Raunch
7 years ago
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