"I say old boys, just seen that dirty slapper go in the toilet about fifteen minutes ago hasn't come out yet! you think she's shagging or doing a bit of...Well you know what these celebrity types are like,"
"Quentin! You old queen were you been all night?" the inspector asked
"I've been other wise engaged,"
"I bet," the judge said waving towards the waitress
"She's probably having a big dump," the reverend replied holding his nose,
"I think we should find out what the sluts up to in there," the bank manager said tapping the police inspector on the hand.
"Yes, your right could be a job for the yard, duty first, just in case she's injured or sick, yes duty first....Might get a peek at her cunt as well,"
The table again full of laughter.
"Large one love, have one yourself,"
"Thank you but I'm not allowed," replied the waitress
"Tell you what when you get back to the bar find a quiet place and slip off them panties bring um back her and I'll lick um clean for you,"
"Oh sir!," The red faced waitress said rushing away.
"Nice little slut that one's, been giving me the eye all night,"
"You coming for a look Quentin?" The reverend asked.
"Not my sort of thing if you know what i mean,"
"Ye we know what you mean," replied the inspector
"Now if there was a big fat cock on show then......."
"Yes Quentin we fucking know," shouted the bank manager
"Fare enough see you boys later, now who's that over there,"
"Fuck he's like a walking carry on film, right let's go take a look," the inspector said taking his drink from the waiter,
"Looks like your friends not serving anymore,"
"Fuck off rev,"
The three men made there way through the crowded room, arriving at the toilet they found it guarded by a tall stocky man.
"I take it your the manager," the inspector asked,
"Police!" Showing his warrant card, something he never tied of, in his thirty plus years as an officer it still gave him a hard on to pull it out,
"I believe there's some sort of criminal activity happening in there please step aside sir,"
"Okay i don't need any more crap tonight," replied the manager, "are you three police as well?"
"There my colleague's​ yes, keep this door guarded please! Entry is forbidden! Do you understand? If there's a problem knock twice on the door,"
The inspector pushed past the big man into the dark small cubicle followed by the bank manager and the reverend. Pushing the second door open the three men stood transfixed at the sight before them.
Katie price was lying down naked except for a pair of leather boots one girl naked sitting on her face, another naked in between her legs, her tongue lapping at her shaven pussy,
"Fucking Jesus Christ," the inspector said
The others couldn't speak the reverends month feel open unable to register what he was seeing, he'd seen some depraved things he'd took part in most of them but seeing someone famous doing it was another thing altogether.
The bank manager blurted "having fun,"
The young girl sitting on Katie's face turned towards them jumping up as she mumbled something the men couldn't understand.
"What you fuckers want?" Katie asked looking up at the men, the girl between her legs grabbing at her bra and panties now damp with piss from the toilet floor.
"No, no don't be embarrassed, we're all friends here what's your name sweetheart," the inspector asked taking the girls panties from her,
"Mandy," the girl replied doing her best to cover her small breasts,
"And you?" Pointing towards​ the second with the piss soaked knickers in his hand
"Oh yes good British names, yes good British filthy chav slut names all we need now is a Sharon and Tracy and we've got a party," the inspector said handing the panties to the reverend.
"I know a Sharon and a Tracy," Mandy interrupted.
"Yes, I'm sure you do sweetheart,
"So what you after?" Katie asked getting to her feet, the three mens eyes never leaving her massive tits.
"Fuck there some big motherfucking plastic bastards," the bank manager remarked.
"Ye and you'll never get a chance to taste um you old cunt,"
"Oh now now, let's all be friends," the reverend interrupted
"What you fucking in here for anyway, fucking dog collar on! You a vicar of something? Standing there holding her wet knickers......And what's that? You got a fucking hard on! See it through your trousers! Dirty bastard, open that fucking door," Katie shouted trying to push through the three men.
"Now calm down," the inspector said his two hands grabbing her breasts pushing her back.
"You cunt," katie shouted now red with anger
"No, no like i said calm down, the thing is, I'm a very well respected officer of the law and you and your little friends are simply dirty fucking whores! That's it, dead simple, the question is what are we gonna do with the three of you?"
"Arrest them, filthy bitches," the reverend laughed " put um in the slammer,"
"Well that is a possibility, so what have we here.....outraging public decency? Obscene behavior? That's a few months in prison and a fine, not to mention the bad press, oh dear what to do?" Scratching his chin the inspector brushed a hand through the young girls hair who was still kneeling looking up at him.
"I gotta be in work in the morning....I don't wanna go to jail"
"I know my darling but it's not that simple."
"Tell you what the three of you up against the wall, the celebrity in the middle....Come on chop chop," clapping his hands the three did what they were told Katie taller than her younger friends the high heeled boots giving her another four inches, her bronze tanned lined body standing out against the two girls snow white flesh,
The revered couldn't resist any longer his well used penis now in hand, the damp knickers wrapped around it as he moved his hand up and down, catching sight of him the bank manager took over moving the reverends hand replacing it with his own a practice they had done for years, each other at times wanking the other into mouths, arseholes, cunts even magazines over men or women didn't matter to them, at times the inspector would participate as well in there 'jazz sessions' they liked to call them, there code just in case there wifes had to take the message each man would know the game was on.
Published by Tinalover
7 years ago
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