With Jim

With Jim

While I was in Jims arms he held me close. He gabded me Busters ball again and I bounced it to hard, it bounced around while Buster chased it till he hit the door. It swung open and out he ran. I called out to him but he ran down the hill chasing after the ball. "I'm sorry, I'll go after him." I told Jim. He said not to worry, he knows where home is. I felt bad but he said not to worry. Jim seen how I was feeling and he tickled my sides. I laughed and squirmed. He kissed my cheek and asked if I felt better. "Yes", I told him. He spun me around so I was facing him."lift your legs and lay back" he said. I laid back and put my legs up. "Can I tickle down there" he asked I smiled and lay my head back."yes please"I said giggling. He took my legs, bent my knees and kissed my ankles. Then spread them and pushed my legs to my chest with one hand and used his finger tips to trace around my crotch. It felt tingly, I let out a moan. When he reached my balls he traced his fingers around and under them. My dick twitched." Something's happy, letlet's see how happy I can make. I laughed and said o.k. He licked his fingers and ran them down from my balls to my butt hole. I jumped when he reached it. He laughed and said lets try that again. He licked his fingers again and slid down softly. My dick twitched again, this time it started to grow. "Well looky here"he said. He took my dick in his fingers and stroked softly till I was hard. My head was spinning and my breathing sped up. My hip raised up, and he could hear me breathing heavy. He put his hands under me and stood up. He carried me to the bed and laid me flat, then he rested beside me, stroking my dick.soon my dick was hard, while he stroked it, I seen the head was big and red. He crawled on to the floor and pulled me to the edge till my butt was just hanging off. I look up at him, he smiled and said to relax. Then he spread my legs and leaned over me. "Can I kiss it" he asked, I said yes. He bent down and kiss the tip. Then he ran his tongue over the slit and around the head. I started shaking." Do you like that", he asked. I nodded my head. " how about this", he said and lowered he mouth on to my dick. He slid all the way down, and licked up and down, circling around then sucked it. My head exploded. After a few minutes I was bucking. While he was sucking he massaged my balls. My dick hurt and throbbed, then started to soften. I was covered in sweat, my heart pounded and breathing was starting to get back to normal. "How was that"he ask. All I could do was grin. He stroked me till I was all soft again. I must have fallen asleep, because I felt him shake me and call my name.He said it was going to be dark soon. I looked around and remembered where I was. I got up put my swimsuit and shoes on, kissed him and ran out the door.
Published by 1120scott
8 years ago
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