BDSM, Master/slave Etiquette?

BDSM, Master/slave Etiquette?

It has been quite some time since i endeavored to compose a blog post of any kind, however, i feel compelled to do so now. I am surprised at the number of "Master's" who do not know proper etiquette when approaching an owned slave online, do not know what "Old Guard" means and certainly do not know what "property" means.

Maybe i am still naive, at the tender age of 47...

When i began my journey, i lurked a lot in chat rooms for Masters and slaves, did a lot of online research and spoke to all sorts of people about the lifestyle. i learned early on that Old Guard was something special and more involved than the people who came to BDSM out of a need to find adventure or who just wanted to play with multiple partners. As i studied, i came to realize that there was a section of people who practiced a deeper level of commitment and caring for their property and who believed in respect, structure, defined roles, responsibility and dedication; i wanted that! For these people, their word means everything, and when they own a person, it is with the full knowledge, and gravity, of that responsibility to care for their property in every way. Property might be loaned out but never without complete consideration of the consequences of that action, both for the property and the Owner. A slave would never be loaned without knowing who was to have access, and what would be done to, that slave.

Likewise, a slave would never be approached directly. It simply is not done. It shows a lack of respect from the approaching Master/Dom/Top and it puts the slave in an uncomfortable situation. When a Master/Dom/Top had an interest in engaging someone's property, they would seek permission to approach, talk to, touch or otherwise engage with the property in question. Never would a Master/Dom/Top simply ask the slave to "be friends". How would YOU like it if someone borrowed your toy without asking? Hmm?

It's been such a long time since I spoke to anyone online...i was lucky enough to be found early on by my ONE. i was a little surprised to have some "Master" not read my profile or understand that making a friend request, without asking my Master for permission, was not acceptable. i simply declined the request with a "No, Thank you. i am owned." Maybe they will understand, maybe not.

We welcome comments or thoughts on this topic as discussion is a great thing to induce learning. What do You think? Is it ever acceptable to not ask permission from the Master? If so, when and why?
Published by sn946_092_050
8 years ago
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Great post ! Means more and has a lot of weight coming from owned slave. Glad you expressed yourself eloquently in a subject matter that a lot of people in bdsm think they know about. Hopefully your words will give some clarity to those who need it.
slave....I am proud of your post and that you want to assist others along their journey. you shall be rewarded.

Master Lea