Video titles. I guess you CAN make this stuff up.

Video titles. I guess you CAN make this stuff up.

I was perusing videos today when I start to notice that I often come across the same clips with different titles.

Then there are titles like these that don't make much sense in the way of English language usage, but they got all the right buzz-words in so I guess it's effective.

This is apparently somebody's "wife", maybe the wife of the aforementioned "BBC", but that doesn't really play into the "wife" fantasy, so for oh, 5:56 minutes, she can't be his wife.


These titles, I tell ya'
I bet this same clip is posted all over the internet and by title, the people's "identity" is different in each one.

In this one, the woman is a "Mom", which plays into the fantasy of the person who posted it. In others you'd see the title of wife for "that" crowd. Then for both of the people there goes an array of different derogatory and/or thinly veiled violent epitaphs.

Just like you can't judge a book by the cover, you can't judge a video by title.

Published by Alec_Smart
8 years ago
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