Rock and Roll Bike Nights

Rock and Roll Bike Nights

Cum On LetsTaste The Band ! Pt #1
Usually when my friends get together we talk a lot of shit, they are an artful bunch of Partiers that there ever was, Give us a reason and a place and we will get fucked up drunk Stoned High Low wherever the wind Goes, usually a lot of bikes and bikers around, two/ three guys playing Poke-her Pas the Bitch or Poker in the traditional style.
A good bunch of these fella's usually surround the bar or the poker table or the pool table or the new video games that Eddie brought in and a few poker machines from the 70's. Each of us showing off our guns. There are a few small holes in the walls from stray bullets and from learning the art of throwing knives at the dart board and missing on purpose. Just all out being (Modern Day Vikings) in general. Every day and night we have our outrageous battles of wit and will, hammering out metal for fixes and customization's of bikes or cars or something and and the occasional Club Bitch hanging around serving the needy! We tend to do what we want and being in the middle of the desert in Arizona or Nevada depending on what clubhouse we decided to do our Business in, we generally have fun when we want and make trouble with those who seem to want some also we really don't like snoops so leave us alone ok Your choice.
As with each waning hour while twilight approaches and the sky turns amazing shades of Blue and Pink and Pastels and changing so very often that you wouldn't be able to tell anyone about it so we would smoke outside enjoy it as we get into our Modes. Everything usual all the time All but last Night.
The sun going down the air was very Cool with the west to east wind Warm at the same time and as it turned out the evenings festivities were going to be a slight bit different. There are always two guys at the Clubhouse Joey and Leo were watching the place, two guys there out of 25-30 a night, Fun Fn Place With the light perfect I thought about a Lisa on the next block, I might go see her when we finish tooling and fightin or whatever.
Ron and I took our Choppers for a short 25 minute ride and then doubled back to The CK to grab some beer. We were walking in as Five Pretty hot twenty something chicks were walking out! Never seen them before. As far as Yes or no? a definitive Yes; I would Yes.
Pretty they are but payed them no mind been everywhere done everyone I don't look basically some hottie is always around our place. These broads gave us the usual "uptight fuck off you can't have this cunt control the world college Bitch Look" and made a beeline to their Car. In a way I don't blame them really Kingman at night is a really fucked up place and the cops are hell. Their car was a nice one too a Dk Blue 2004 BMW i. We would discover later that they had a companion vehicle.
When we got to the Coolers I asked Ron if he remembered the brunette that I tagged in Boston Gardens after the AC DC Show, We knew the production Rigger so we always got backstage, anywhere all the time. That's where those wicked girls were, And being a musician for many years you just walk backstage and if some one tries to stop you say I work here in a commanding voice strike up a conversation with the hottest Groupie and they will leave you be! The Memories of all the threeways fourways etc. all the ways we had with them bitches the stories the friends way over the top.
What could be done, we did it! Drumstick Anal or The Full Bud Pussy" stick it up there and drink it down all at once or lick her ass. The Cold Heineken in out in out! Whiskey Wine Vodka bottles, a little bit of Coke and It was all a Fantastic anything and everything, Hey Dumb-fuck Just a word of advise! do Not shove anything hollow up in no pussy or ass anywhere you could kill someone you could have fucked forever the vacuum created could deflate the fn Hindenburg. Stupid people I swear-If you are Wondering YES! Some fool Somewhere! Why do you think I'm telling You!
We were reminiscing about the super-hot wild sluts that paraded around the stadiums back in the day, Ron said these girls reminded him of the Stryper, Poison Concerts of The 80's n 90's Watch out these days the fn Queens all look like that, Yikes kinda fn scary. We laughed and said unassumingly wouldn't it be Cool if those girls were Groupie's following a band around on tour And they are on their way to Vegas or Flagstaff but needed a place to "sleep".
Three of the girls we saw were in that Era's style, and two of them looked like Twins, Yow the thoughts! Those girls then all had Lots of Hair piled up, Big lip Lipstick and ripped fishnets, short skirts leather or plaid, with a black studded belt, hmmm what a great outfit for being a guy banging a bitch was easy "skirt up and you're In" at anytime anywhere but most likely at the get; after fucking in or on the Camaro. Leave um Soaking leave um dry but leave them with cum Stains and a Smile!
Walking up to the counter to cash out I found the Brunettes' license on the floor. Jackpot ! I said yo Ronnie check this out what's her name? I had to ask him what her name is cause I didn't have my glasses. "Louise Stanacek" he said as he handed it back to me with a devious smile! Nice~~~~~~> .
lately I been pissed at getting older just cause of the need for glasses, can't read the fine print without em, it really sucks, it slow's every fucking thing down cause you gotta fn find em and then you gotta wear em!
We paid Rhonda our favorite coke slut cashier lady and walked out i was thinking, if they get a hotel it's gonna be three hundred bucks in Kingman's rat holes, see the roads are dangerous and there are no lights on the freeways. Watch out lately the fn i*****ls and the cartels run these roads always.
Their driver" the Taller Blonde "got out and headed our way, she looked the lawyeress part, like the negotiator! With Hips and Stacked Boobs swayin she came as the two other girls the Brunette's followed "the Twins" who looked like exact copies of each other and both of them had the same outfits on as the other; Wow Fn Great I thought; Like a true to life commercial hair blowing in the breeze smiling seductively. I want to keep both of them forever, shit Their Eyes, Ears, Smile Teeth, Hair and The Nose! They were the Same height, weight, One had a Pink Top and the other with a Black Top, Looking Good!
They looked like they were Italian thick wavy long brown Hair with lots of blond tints, these girls were glowing as they approached. I thought for second Greek But the strong nose. I have a fetish of Women with prominent noses like that, they look so Good Sucking Cock. I'm Italian 100%, so I acted Italian, haha but the romantic wise' one. Were They European? cause they were talking in different dialects Norwegian Greek etc, I don't know maybe they were just fucking around talking about us but I couldn't hear to well because of the fn sirens everywhere, fn Kingman.
While we were inside the K gettin beer their cargo van must have arrived. Inside the van it looked as if it was a Group a Band I thought? Equipment in the back, set up for to have a place to screw and sleep. Three more girls, one a dumpy looking bitch came out of the truck and immediately after her came her boyfriend I guess cause she was holding a string like a bitch leash! that was tied to him. Maybe from a woman's point of view he was handsome, "You know from a broads point of view of. This dude looked familiar I think I know who he is! hmmm gorgeous blonde ex I'm still thinking. Where When Why?
I remember now; "Patti Warren" 85 Penthouse Pet Fuck Wow the feelings of that night and "Her" came back hard "although I was in control I could have cum right then thinking of her and the time we spent together. The Greatest memories yet of anyone I have been with.
I was getting hard not crampin at the time but, my tight jeans, yeah it would have been easy for me to cum with just a touch or a studied look from one of those two absolutely Stunning Twins. Good thing they were turned away looking back to the others, cause I got a chance to breathe and relax. Thank God they were still coming across the lot or it would have been embarrassing. Maybe? I mean damn if I "Came" in my pants before theses bitches even touched me? Not good for me and the never been a geek squad. That was close!
Can I help ya all? I easily brought out the charming Host in me!
"Hi I'm Ginny Hello I'm Rita and I'm Louse"! their hands were nice and cool to the touch but when my hand squeezed theirs for the Greeting their hands "Caught Fire"; Witches? hahaha awesome! They were HOT they needed to be Fucked. It was so Hot, I thought you get a similar feeling when You're drilling your old lady, with that Hot cunt wrapped around your cock. Cock warmer,sheath, um; guys know what I mean. Ladies that's got to feel good too, but not as good as it does to men. Why do you fn think you have so much control over this fn world. Fuck~~~~~~~>
After the introductions were over, She asked; "We would like to know if you know a good place to go to hang out cause we are heading to Vegas tomorrow morning and We don't want to sleep we want to party; get fucked up and have some fun! I also wondered if they had dope. Who else parties all night and day and doesn't need to sleep. hmmmm?
Oh shit my body got Flush yeah Hot! It's happening again; what's going on with me? It was under control this time now! My Cock pushed forward and made a racket against all my jacket zipper-clasps, tassels, chains, keys bouncing around, they all stared at my big growing cock in my tight blues. The gals were getting crazy looking at each other like they had never seen a big fat cock before. I loved it I was feeling strong and wanted them all right there. The other girls that came out of the van were pretty themselves so that just added to the moment. Hahaha! good show I said to myself!
The ideas; the feeling; the want of all that pussy at once. Just a Horny Man always, always needing different Pussy! Always~~~~~~~>
Ron and I looked at each other had a short discussion! Ok Yes I said we have a Clubhouse and it's on route to Vegas" they all smiled and wiggled which made them all the more even sexier. On Cue Ron and I said together "Let's go let's get the fuck out of here."
After we put the beer in their van we walked back to the bikes and the real bitchy smirking-tramp- looking blonde bitch got out back seat of the bmw ran up to us and crouched to her knees between our bikes to give us both a feel, "you know She said I'm sorry for making that face at you". I Smirked and said "No worries I'm happy you did, cause I got a plan for you! I'm looking forward to this. Fuck Yeah the intensity Rose ! We started the Choppers up and took one lady apiece, "Yep the Twins wanted to ride with us! With smiles from ear to ear they put their arms around us!" Hell's Bell's Let's Get it on".
Our club is already the talk of the town, I was thinking what rumors those k**s across the street are going to start now? We all know most of them are true, hahahaha! We have "The Reputation" and All the teenagers hang around there when the cops are across town hassling someone! The cops entrapment tactics are SICK AND UNLAWFUL! WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO OUR RIGHTS AND OUR 1ST 2ND AND 14TH AMENDMENTS?
Well anyhow, We love the K it's owned by our Treasurer Gene. We don't get free stuff unless it's written off as overstock which is a hefty bit of party tools and it keeps us free of food and booze debt at the club. 33 miles to the Club "here we go" Radar Love! On the Way I Thought "Good the unattractive bitch was already taken" and that was great from everyone's POV especially mine I don't have to subject one of the guys back at the clubhouse to her! Bwahahaha
Published by Zeusvegas
8 years ago
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