Helen's Three Men In a Week

Helen's Three Men In a Week

Helen once had sex with three different men over the space of five days – this was in 1986 when she was in my twenties and she was living in East London.
It is a thing we often talk about and re-live when we play together.
I like the idea of her being slutty very much and she quite likes recalling those carefree days too.
The names of the men were Peter, Ken and Ian. (Ian was married then and is still married to the same lady).

Helen said she did not set out to do it, “It just sort of happened really”. Here is the story in her own words, from a recording we made of what she told me had happened.

“Well, I recall that I had not had sex for over a year since splitting up with my boyfriend, and I must have thought that I wanted to do something about the lack of sex because I had gone on the contraceptive pill, just in case."
The funny thing was that I kept that diary from that time, which turned up, as you know, and I used to write some aspects of my sexual happenings down on paper so I now know what happened very clearly, and even which order the three men were in – and how it happened.“

By background, it is worth saying that Helen already knew all three of the men, though had only had sex with one of them before – and that was two years earlier. One of the other two was and still is married, and she still sees him socially and his wife. And so have I – which I explain more about at the end.

First “up” (in every way) was Ken. Helen describes it thus…

“Ken was a guy that I had been having sex with, on and off, some years before. We had stayed in touch whilst he was away working and living in Australia for about two years. Now, in 1986, he was back and we had seen each other a few times again. Nothing happened at first as neither wanted a serious relationship, but I could tell from some comments he made that he might be up for some fun.
So, one night he came over to my flat. I cooked a meal and we sat and chatted after whilst watching TV.
He sat quite close to me and we cuddled up. I knew something would happen.
And it did.”

Her diary entry for Wed 16/8/86 says,

“Wow, old times with Ken again! We kissed first – gently and then it got more passionate. At least he’s just up for some fun. He’s still a funny man too. Makes me laugh. Great night though tired after getting up for work at 6am today.”

Peter was next. He was a guy that Helen had got friendly with from work and they were also at the same university too and had known each other to say “Hi” too for a number of years.

Her diary entry for Fri 18/8/16 (two days later than the night with Ken) says,

“Can’t believe me and Peter got it on last night. Well, it has been coming for a bit, I guess. Feel so slutty as was wearing same clothes as on Wednesday, even the same bra. Had sex in exactly same position on sofa as on Weds with K. Just think, nothing for bloody ages and then two men in a week. P is a really good lover, very slow, very hot and strong. Not sure I fancy him enough though for serious relationship. Still, he’s not too heavy on commitment (think he has that other woman still on the go too) so should be loads of fun when I want. That’s more like it! Famine then feast.”

Then there was Ian, who as I explained above was married. Helen had known him for three years before as a friend in a wide social circle of friends from her home town. He is six years older than Helen. (The other men were about the same age).

Her diary entry for Sun 20/8/86 at 10am reads,

"Ian is coming over later. Feeling still really worked up. I know he wants me, I know he’s married but told Jean about it. She says “Go for it, girl” Well she would! God I’m feeling so slutty. Wonder that will happen.”

Diary entry for the next day reads…..

“Can’t believe it, but in a way I sort of can. And feels even naughtier that he’s married, though I do feel a bit guilty. Ian pounded so hard too. Kept comparing my big tits to (his wife’s) small ones and had to tell him to stop, as did not want to think of her. Wait till I tell Jean.”

And that was it.
She never had three men in a week again after that, though she did have two a few times – she saw Ian for sex a few more times when she was also seeing Peter.
In fact, she kept seeing Peter for about a year, until she finished with him as she felt long term they did not have a future. Married man Ian came over for sex about three more times she thinks, but she says she often felt bad about his wife after, who Helen had also met and knew, so they stopped having sex after that.

But I enjoy hearing the story of when she had three men inside her and spurting their loads deep inside - all in under a week – and hearing her tell it again and again. What was so great was her doing it in exactly the same position on the sofa on her back, with the men standing above her with their feet on the floor, even her bra being taken off by each man.
And the fact that she set out to do that too in the same place, same clothes too… as she knew it would be slutty. Of course, only she knew, not the men. And the fact she enjoyed the thought as the second and third one fucked her, and still does is even more fun.

And now the diary has turned up, we can fill in more of the detail of what happened on those nights.

In terms of the men…..She has not been in touch with Ken for a long time. Just Xmas cards.
Peter, she last saw three years ago. There is the occasional email and Xmas card though. He is married and now lives in Ireland.
She still sees Ian occasionally and so do I when she visits her Mum. He and his wife also came to our anniversary party last year. His wife is not well so sometimes she meets him out at a social occasion he is involved in regularly. I like to imagine they get up to stuff, but probably not. He is still a good looking guy and very cultured, so I can see why Helen likes him so much.

It is a great story and it shows how slutty Helen was… and can still be.
One I like to relive.
Published by focussystems
9 years ago
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I love hearing about my wifes past fucks
Lovely memories, wife stories are excellent. 🥰👍
Was so hot to hear my wife telling me of her past.
Helen does not like to talk about it too often, but she will sometimes
Love to hear the details of each experience mmm
Well the little minks haha
Wish I was in her circle of friends xx
Mmmmm, lovely story,, would love to hear more detail. Thanks :smile:
yes, I know!  I guess that is where the theme from your excellent story came from
to Calamity-Janey : Yes, very true
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It's those memories we cherish that make us all who we are....even the slutty ones.... :wink:
to cherisy : Hope you are still enjoying Helen!
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Sexsational, mate!!!
Wish my wife would tell me about her sex life before me. 
Excellent bit of writing, thank you
love this, I can get my wife to tell me about men before me and it really excites me and her some times though she tries not to go into too much detail some times I can cokes more out of her, I would love to watch her with some one else !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
to Oriental_Brit_Stud : Yes, quite a thought!
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Such a slutty story, I love it. Imagining that Helen is taken by all three of them at the same time. x x x
great story , must have been such a horny week mmmmmmmm
to coolboomer : I'll PM you soon about it.
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to momsrobert : wonder why she talks about it less? I am sure it makes you horny.
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wow very horny story!
another sexy true story sooo erotic an makes me hard everytime !
mmm sexy lady
Reminds me so much of what my wife told me about her lovers. She used to be quite open about her escapades but has got more reticent as she grew older. I've posted about 2 of them.
Yes, thank you.
We often relive it...she tells me what happened all over again
It is fun
Thanks D
Guilty Pleasures
WOW... great story of a hot slutty wife. I like that sort of story and reliving it for both of you I can only imagine how explosive that is when you get intimate. Well Helen can relive those memories with me anytime, would enjoy taking her everyday of the week. Such a sexy hot lady..........I like. Thanks and looking forward to much more.
Wow, that was so horny. Thanks for sharing. I would love to hear all the dirty exploits of Helen's other encounters. Thanks again.
to pb200302 : You and me both!
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