Visit To College (Story)

Visit To College (Story)

Nineteen year old boy named Buck graduated high school three months ago, and about a half dozen colleges wanted him because he played baseball and football in high school and also have solid 3.5 grade point average. In high school, Buck played second base for his high school baseball team and wide receiver for the high school football team. He is five feet ten inches tall, one hundred and fivety seven pounds, and has brunette hair that is down to his neck.

One of the colleges that Buck wanted to attend, he was going to visit today. The college that Buck is visiting is titled Lincoln College which is about fiveteen minutes away from his parents Shayne and Connor's home. He heard about Lincoln College from his mother's friend that she graduated and currently is a financial aid staff member at the college. Buck arrived on the campus at ten in the morning, and was welcomed by the tour guide Leah who was maybe in her mid thirties and is five feet seven inches tall, one hundred and thirty four pounds, has long curly black hair, and also has an average bulid body. Leah was giving Buck a tour of the campus that had long brick bulidings that had classes for Engineering, Liberal Arts, History, Nursing, Education, Public Speaking, English, Mathematics, and other courses for different Majors. They also had dorm like apartments that were close to the campus so student do not have to drive to the college and do not have to drive back home.

While on the tour of Lincoln College, Buck saw a girl sitting on the bench near the college's library who had big bushy red hair, this girl is five feet nine inches tall and weighs in at one hundred and fourty two pounds, has a toned bulid body, has a black dragon tattoo on her arm, has a big bouncy butt, has a 33B bra size, and the most beautiful smile he has ever seen. After the tour was over, Buck decided to go see that girl he saw on the bench near the college's library and start walking to her and she had headphones in her ears listening to some rock music on her Ipod since she is a rock junkie. As soon as Buck got close to the back side girl he tapped her on the shoulder and the girl turned around to face him.

''Yes can I help you?'' The woman asked him while she took out the headphones out of her ears and turn off her Ipod and decided to put it in her pocket.

''Yes 'ma'am, I couldn't happen to notice how beautiful and very attractive you are. I wanted to introduce myself to you. Hello my name is Buck and what is your name is 'ma'am.'' Buck complimented and then spoke to her as he opens his hand out to maybe possibly get his hand shaked by this girl

''That's very sweet of you hun, I never got complimented by a guy before, and my name is Ranie hun it's nice to meet you.'' Ranie responded to being complimented by him and got to know what his name is and opened her hand out and shook his hand in a handshake

''It's nice to meet you as well, I don't know why a guy wouldn't compliment you because your a beautiful young woman and they must be either blind or truly idiots.'' Buck said as him and Ranie shook hands.

''I guess the guys don't like the rock chick type of girl that I am.'' Ranie said to him

''I love rock music and I also love rock chicks so your good in my books.'' Buck smiled at Ranie as she was not use to get treated like a normal woman because throughout high school men and women would treat her like she was a freak, but when she got to Lincoln college she found friends of both sexes and she felt like she finally belong in somewhere but the only thing she felt she was missing was a boyfriend and all her girlfriends are dating her guy friends and had a couple of gay friends as well. She felt like the lone wolf in there friendship circle.

''Thanks Buck....'' Ranie said to him as she thinks she finally found the perfect guy for herself.

''Your Welcome Ranie....Well I got to go, can we exchange numbers maybe we can talk later......'' Buck said and then asked if he could get her number

''Of course Buck.....'' Ranie said as she got a piece of paper out of her backpack and wrote down her phone number on the paper and put a heart at the end of the phone number. Buck put the piece of paper in the right pocket of his shorts. He He started walking to his car and saw Ranie waved at him and he waved goodbye at her.

When he opened the car door, Buck sat in the drivers seat and got his cell phone and dialed his parents Shayne and Connor's home number and then pressed call on the phone.

''Hello?'' Buck's Mother Shayne asked on the phone

''Hi Mom...It's me Buck.......I just got done going on the tour of Lincoln College...'' Buck responded to his mother

''Well....What do you think of Lincoln College son?'' Shayne asked her son

''It's amazing....It is a very good school....I just wanted to tell you that I decided to go to Lincoln College in the fall and I hope you tell dad about my decision.........'' Buck told his mother about Lincoln College and told her that he is going to Lincoln College for the fall semester and what his parents will not know is that a beautiful woman named Ranie helped him make the decision to go to Lincoln college.

After this visit to Lincoln College, Buck packed his backs and moved in an apartment close to the campus and learnt that Ranie is like 3 apartments away from him which meant he could always see her. After the fall semester started, Buck and Ranie started hanging out after classes and then going on dates on the weekend and knew that they are perfect for each other. When Ranie introduced Buck to her friends they instant accepted him in there circle and the girlfriends of Ranie adored him because he was the sweetest guy they know and can be the type that is a jock and also can be a freak. While at college, Buck played college baseball and college football and was a star on both teams and if Buck didn't know about this school from his mother's friend who financial aid staff member he would never of meet Ranie and his new found friends.

Published by Uncensored62792
9 years ago
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this reads like the beganing of a romance