A chance metting 2.

A chance metting 2.

Abby closed and locked the door and flopped down on the bed, her head was spinning from all that had happened in just an hour or so. Meeting Jean, and Madame DuPont's offer were all just so perfect.
She wondered if she could really improve her French enough to find work here in this wonderful part of the world.
This was her second last stop on her tour on the region in a few days she was supposed to move to her next booked hotel fifty miles away, but this little village at thee foot of the rolling hills had surly stole her heart. The high meadows and the babbling brooks with cool flowing clear water were some of the most beautiful sights she'd ever seen.

Oh she so wanted to stay here forever and make a new life for herself far away from her cold damp England.
As Abby lay there thinking how wonderful it could all be she couldn't help but slip a hand between her legs. She was surprised to feel how wet she was, her panties were moist to the touch, but if she was to be honest with herself it began when the hansom older man that she now knew as Jean came over to talk to her.

He had made her feel special in the way that every woman likes to feel special. He looked deep into her eyes as they talked, not like younger men, who were talking to you and checking out whatever else was on offer in case it didn't work with you.
No he was in a whole other league from those men. He had an air about him that said he didn't need to explore when he'd found what he wanted.

Abby blushed when this thought entered her head,,, he wanted her. She was thinking about him as she played with her wet pussy.
She bucked up her back and slid her panties down and removed them then she sat up on the bed and pulled off her dress, then removed her bra. Her pert nipples were very hard and she teased each of them between finger and thumb. Then she lay back down and her hand found it's way back between her legs. Her clit was swollen and she flicked at it with one finger sending little shivers of pleasure thru her body. The window was open and the scent of wild flowers floating in on the warm evening breeze only made her more aroused. She was lost in a dreamy state as she pleasured herself, taking her time enjoying every caress of her fingers on her now buzzing clit. She was squeezing her breasts and her head was gently rolling from side to side as she masturbated. The warm evening sun shining thru the window on her naked body felt so good.

What she hadn't told Jean or Madame DuPont was after her naked swim she'd laid on the bank naked in the long grass letting the sun dry her off before dressing again. It felt so good having the on her naked body, she'd parted her legs to feel it warm kiss on her pussy.
she was so tempted to masturbate there by the river to, but was too scared in case anyone passed by and saw.
The thing with Abby was that when she pleasured herself she liked to take her time enjoying her body to the full, yes she had a few toys but if she was to honest she liked her fingers best. Now here on the bed her legs wide the warm sun on her pussy as she brought herself slowly to orgasm was one of the most wonderful feeling she'd ever had in her life.
Abby came moaning and purring softly biting her lip as she liked to do, also she pinched her nipples very hard as her orgasm washed over her, she found the pain heightened the pleasure so much.

She lay on the bed her breathing slowly returning to normal as her orgasm faded. She lay there for five minutes with her eyes closed thinking about how she could get this new life she wanted so bad. Then she sat up on the bed and made a pledge to herself.
Yes I'm going to go for it. I'm going to accept Madame's offer and work really hard on my French and try and find work somewhere.
Abby surprised herself with her thinking she'd always taken so long to make up her mind about anything, but no this was the new Abby, no more pussy footing around thinking forever while life passed her by, no she was going for this with all her heart.
She jumped up off the bed and went to see what she would wear for her evening with Jean.
Madame's idea with the swimsuit under her clothes wasn't a bad one, but no Abby decided that she would bring it inn her bag and change there if she wanted to swim. Then a wicket thought struck her, maybe I'll just swim naked like I did in the river. Her nipples squirmed and grew hard and she could feel her clit swelling as this thought entered her head.. She tempted to lay back on the bed and masturbate again, but didn't.
The evening was very warm and as she'd discovered since been her, unlike England it only got warmer as the evening went on.
Abby looked thru what she had hanging in the wardrobe and opted for a chic summer dress that could also be worn for evenings.
She looked thru her underwear to see what went with the dress, and blushed once more as she decided on no underwear at all.
Her breasts were naturally proud and stood on their own and the soft mat of red hair that covered her didn't need covering anyway it was just too warm for underwear..
Abby showered and did her hair loose, so it could flow as nature intended. She applied makeup, not too much just some blusher and dark red lipstick which she favoured. She sprayed some perfume in the air and walked thru the mist so it wouldn't be too over powering just a hint of hidden essence. She put on a little eyeliner and looked at herself in the mirror, looking back at her was the new Abby.
The curtains were still open and she was completely naked. he could easily be seen from the building across the way, but she didn't mind, her body was good so why should she be embarrassed by it.
She took her shoulder bag and removed the book that she'd been reading and picked up her swimsuit and stuffed it into the bag, closed the zipper, and then opened it again and pulled out the swim suit and let it fall on the floor, thinking to herself yes I will swim if the offer from Jean still stands, but I'll swim naked and I might even ask him to join me.
Abby wondered if doing something like that made her a slut, but no it did not. The French do things like that, they're not ashamed of how they look or who sees them, I'm not in England where all those things are frowned on, France is liberated.

Abby looked at her watch, it was seven thirty, forty five minutes to go before the car arrived for her, she somehow knew it would be on time. She decided that she would go down and see if Madame DuPont was free to talk and ask her again about her kind offer.
Abby slung her bag over her shoulder looked herself over in the mirror once more and walked to the door she was just pulling it shut when she turned suddenly and went back into the room. he walked to the dresser and pulled open a drawer and took out the little bag that lay there. she opened the bag and held the item in her hand turning it this way and that way deciding if she would put it on for the evening or not, then moving to the mirror she swung her hair to one side and fastened the choker round her neck, she wasn't sure why she wanted to wear it, but something told her it was fitting for the evening to come.
she left the room closed and locked the door and went down to the lobby.
Madame DuPont was sitting behind the counter her always seemingly half full red wine glass at her elbow.
She beamed a huge friendly smile when she saw Abby.
''Tres Bon. Oh you do look so beautiful this evening Abby, my dear friend Jean is so lucky to be having such a lovely guest tonight''
''Thank you Madame DuPont, do you think the way I am dressed will please him''.
'' Oh very so much, did he tell you something about himself when you spoke at the café''.
''No not really, we just talked for a while and he made the kind offer and invited me for the evening''.
''Well when I see you as you now are, I mean dressed like that, so beautiful with that wonderful thing round your neck, I just thought he maybe said something, what is that on the front, I don't see so well from her, old eyes''.
''Oh you are not old Madame and your eyes are beautiful and I am sure you see just fine''.
''You say that, but the delivery man with the beer and wine only last week gave me,, how you say, wrong back money, twenty euros to few''.
''You can tell him next time he comes, I'm sure it was just an honest mistake''.
'' That man he make lots of these mistakes''.
'' Oh the thing at the front, it's just a little letter A for Abby''.
''My friend Jean will like that very much''.
''Thank you I am happy to know I made the right choice in wearing it''.
''So have you got your swimsuit under your dress, so when you want swim you can be ready quick''.
Abby moved closer to the counter and bent over and whispered.
''I have nothing on under my dress except for some perfume''.
''And will you not swim then''.
''Oh I will swim''.
''Yes well that will please Jean very much''.
Abby blushed.
''Madame DuPont did you mean what you said about me staying here with your and working in the hotel and learning better French and when it's good enough looking for work in a hotel somewhere around here''.
''Yes I did mean it, but why you look for work when you have work here in my hotel''.
''But you said we swap work for rent and I can learn better French and find a job''.
''Yes that was so long ago''.
''It was only an hour ago''.
''When you old time it go quicker. You come and work for me here in my hotel. Evete she will soon leave, she have baby underway and she will not work so much when baby come. I give you her job and you live here with me. I can't pay so much as big hotel, but when you live and eat here with me then it will be the same''.
''Oh my dear Madame DuPont I just don't know what to say, I cant find the words to thank you''.
''You don't need many words just say yes and make an old lady happy''.
''Yes, yes, yes, a thousand time yes''.
Abby ran behind the counter and hugged Madame DuPont.
''Careful not mess your makeup and your hair, soon you go to Jean for the evening''.
''Oh I'm just so happy, I cant believe this is happening, my dreams are coming true, thank you very much Madame DuPont''.
''Yes, Yes enough thank you for one day, now lets talk quickly about your new job. You have booked and paid for another three nights. So when they are over will you need to go back to England and,, how you say,, do things to move here with, I understand if you must''.
''No Madame DuPont I don't really want to go back to England. If I do I will only meet people that will try to talk me out of coming back here. My Mother died last year and my Father was killed in a car accident when I was young. My boyfriend and I are no longer together and I have no real family anymore, to be honest I feel more at home in France than I ever did in England and I have only been her for a short time. I can arrange to sell the house, but it will take time, but then I will have money''.

''Ok so you stay with me, good. I have a apartment on the third floor that can be yours. It has three nice big rooms and a small kitchen, not that you need that, we can eat together in the evenings if you like, but sometimes you might like to bring a man home and cook for him, then the kitchen will be good. The apartment has that balcony that looks over the river at the back, it's quite there with not so much noise from street''.
''That sounds wonderful, it's too much to try and take in at one go, thank you once again''.
''No need for more thank you, you go and enjoy your evening with my very good friend, will you need to bring a key or will you not come back till morning''.
Abby blushed,
''I will bring a key just in case''.
Published by guru6969
9 years ago
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She is living every woman's dream. Yet there is an innocence about her. Like everything seems to good to be true. Her happiness is my happiness. I know she is in for a sexual frenzy. Now, I sense how she will let go and lose herself in the moment. She has already let go of everything tied to her past. She is free to experience pleasure in a way that makes her transformation complete. You nailed it again, my guru
And I was thrilled when she decided not to bring her swimsuit. Her decision to swim naked is something I would do. I can see a little of myself in Abby. Enjoying the thrill of standing nude in a doorway with no shame. She is realizing her body is a beauty to enthrall. I am excited that plans are falling in place for her to stay in France.
That was amazing. I love how you continued to build the plot. Yet, you included an incredible scene of masturbation. I certainly sense Abby quickly adapting to the french way of life. I love that she is so eager to shirk off her british roots. It says a lot that she prepares for this date making the decision not to wear underwear.