Master Meets His slave

Master Meets His slave

Driving down the street and saw her. 5'5", nice, tight, figure; blue summer dress -- not too tight; brown hair. Looked to be forty-something, *very* attractive. At least to him. At 35, he'd long since learned the wisdom of choosing older partners. Much of his early sexual education had come at the hands, mouth, pussy, and ass of an older aunt. This lady looked like a prime specimen of his favorite dish.

Being new in the neighborhood, he hadn't had time to really check things out. But, over the next few days, he managed to spot the object of his desire several times -- usually out for a walk. She was fairly predictable. That was good. He found out where she lived. Some casual conversation with a neighborhood busybody got him her name (Nancy), and a bit of other information. She lived alone. Her husband had passed away (heart attack), and her c***dren lived a long ways off.


Eric began his campaign immediately. First, he went to a local sporting goods store and bought a new pair of jogging shoes. Then, he began walking. Daily. You see, Eric was retired and had moved to a quiet Midwestern town, bought a new, but not ostentatious, house in a decent neighborhood, and moved in. He wanted to write. Now, he'd have the time. And, so, his schedule being rather flexible, he had plenty of time to stalk the lovely brown haired lady who looked tailor made for his libidinous urges.

It took four "chance" meetings, a brief and friendly "hello" each time, before he was able to strike up a conversation with her. He kept it short, but interesting, hoping to pique her curiosity about him. He knew he was fairly good looking, and he worked to keep in shape. He wasn't Tom Cruise or anything, but he'd learned a long time ago that as far as women were concerned, it wasn't how you looked *to* them, it was how you looked *at* them. He kept his looks appreciative -- so she'd know that he found her attractive -- but not lurid. She knew she was good looking, and didn't find it at all alarming that others shared the opinion.

That first conversation lead to others. Soon, they were walking together. A few days of this became a week. Then, she invited him to her home for homemade lemonade after a walk on a particularly warm July day. He accepted. Still, he made no move, except that he complimented her on how lovely she looked in that particular dress -- she always wore dresses -- the color being especially apt for her eyes. She seemed to enjoy his attention and her movements suggested a certain flirtation. He'd also noticed certain other things about her. If he was right, it promised to be a rich conquest.

Lemonade in hand, he allowed her to lead him on a tour of her house. As he expected, it was as neat as a pin and tastefully decorated. She had one room that was full of books. He looked at the titles. He smiled, to himself. He *had* been right. Everything John Norman had ever written was on those shelves. So was the "Beauty" trilogy. She saw him pause before that section of her collection. A flush spread across her features. He decided to risk all. John took down one of the volumes to look at ("Captive of Gor").

"John Norman. I have most of these -- not as many as you, Nancy. So, tell me, do you ever imagine yourself as Elinor Brinton, branded slave in the collar of Rask of Treve?"

She blushed. Deeply. Beautifully. She seemed to shudder for a moment, then collect herself.


The last word came out almost as an involuntary gasp. He sensed the risk she knew she was taking and marveled at her courage. His own gamble had paid off in spades.

"Position," he said, quietly, but with authority. She complied, immediately, perfectly, as if she had been waiting for this moment all of her life. Almost without transition, she dropped to her knees in the thick carpet, her buttocks resting on her heels, her knees spread wide, her hands at her thighs, palms outward, head down

"Look at me."

She looked up at him, her eyes wide open, her expression one of expectancy. She was a slave girl in nadu, awaiting the pleasure of a Master.

"So. What are you?"

"A girl is a slave whore, Master."

"How long?"

"Always, Master, as long as she can remember. But, she is late in admitting this to herself or to anyone else."

"I do not allow slaves to wear clothing in my presence, unless it be a bit of red pleasure silk. Stand and strip, slave whore."

Again, the obedience was instant and sure. In moments, he was treated to the sight of her nakedness. It was an incredible treat. Not many women of Nancy's age have managed to defeat gravity. Nancy had. If you've seen the pictures of Nancy Sinatra or Farah in Playboy, you'll know what I'm talking about.

"Turn about."

She did, the flush spreading from her face to her body. Her breasts were splendid. High and firm, not too large, capped with teats like long cherry red spikes. Best of all, her legs were trim and tan, and her pubic pelt was trimmed neatly and did nothing to hide the charms beneath it. Her buttocks were firm and well shaped, and her belly had just a hint of the paunch that women develop in later years.


Again she was on her knees before him, legs spread, her slave-heat on perfect display. Her love cradle was magnificent. He knew he would enjoy subjecting her to numerous slave ****s.

He stepped up close to her, his groin just at the level of her upturned face. He looked in her eyes, locking them to his, as he pulled down his running shorts and athletic supporter, freeing his stiff cock. He let it fall forward, it's thick head slapping Nancy on the cheek. Her mouth opened and she turned to capture him with it.

"Pleasure me."

She moaned and began to lick and kiss his cock. She reached up to grasp him with her hands, but he prevented this, telling her to use her mouth only. Obediently, her hands returned to her sides. Placing his hands on either side of her head, he began to guide her movements. The angle was not right for full throat penetration at first, until she adjusted her position slightly, moving her head forward and the rest of her body back, extending her neck, aligning her mouth and throat. Soon, he was sliding his cock all the way to the root in her gullet, her slurping sounds mixed with moans of pleasure. He noted that her tongue and lips were eagerly active upon him, and that her body was literally shaking with pleasure as she serviced his organ.

It had been some time since he had last had a woman and so he should be forgiven if he did not last long under the assault of Nancy's ravenous mouth. He made no effort to hold back this time, but let nature take its course and was soon spilling a large load of his frothy seed into her belly by way of her mouth and throat. Her moans of pleasure became much more intense as she felt him begin to spew -- her sounds being muffled by the presence of his mighty shaft in her face. He assumed the slave whore was cumming, but he didn't care, lost in his own orgasm. When he was finished, he pulled his cock from her mouth and restored his clothing to it's proper place.

"You are a slave. Yet, you have no Master. Is that true?"

"Yes, Master."

"That is unhealthy. I am going to change that."

"Please Master."

She looked up at him, expectantly, a drop of his cum still clinging to her lower lip. She seemed to notice this at the same moment he did and her tongue quickly darted out and captured this stray prize, pulling it back into her mouth where she held it, savoring the taste and texture.

He smiled.

"I am going to leave now. After I am gone, you will make phone calls to your close relatives and whoever might be looking for you and tell them you are going on a little trip -- I don't care where. In the morning, make arrangements to have your mail and newspapers taken care of for two weeks. At exactly 12 noon, I expect you to be at my front door wearing that blue dress (he pointed to the floor near her) and *nothing* else. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master."

Eric said nothing more. He walked from the room, out the front door, and went home, never giving her or her house a backward glance. Once inside his house, he began to prepare, feverishly, for the arrival of a new slave.

Nancy Morgan was stunned. Here she was, naked, kneeling in the middle of her library, the taste of fresh semen still on her tongue, her nipples hard, her flesh mottled with pink blotches, her pussy streaming juices down her thighs, and her breath coming in gasps. Worse, she'd just called a man Master, and had agreed to spend two weeks at his house as a slave whore.

"My GOD, Nancy! What have you DONE?"

Then, she started to laugh. She laughed so hard, she began to weep. She eventually sprawled on the floor, laughing and crying. And she knew something about herself. She was happy, truly happy, for the first time in years.

As she thought about the suckling she'd given Eric's cock, she juiced again and her hands went to her crotch. Frame by frame she replayed the entire incident in her mind, recalling the tastes, textures, and scents as though she were actually re-living the experience. She began to moan and then whine as her climax overtook her, a powerful orgasm that seemed to go on and on.

Finally, sated for the moment, she got up, picked up her clothing, and went to prepare herself for what was to be her new life. There were phone calls to make, and notes to write. Lots of work to do before noon tomorrow.

Eric's doorbell rang precisely at noon he smiled, wondering how early his new slave whore had gotten herself ready; how long she had been waiting to come to his house. If his guesses about her were anywhere near accurate, she'd been ready for hours. John did not go immediately to the door upon hearing the bell. He waited while he counted to fifty, wishing to instill some uncertainty into his new toy.

As instructed, she was wearing the dress he had ordered, and as he could see her breasts clearly outlined through the fabric, he knew she had complied with his other orders as well. When he opened the door, she immediately went to her knees in the position of a slave girl in the presence of her Master.

"What are you," he asked?

"A slave whore, Master."

"What do you want?"

"To serve you totally and completely."

"In all ways?"

"Yes, Master."


"Yes, please, Master."

"You understand what you are doing by entering my house after having said these words?"

Nancy said nothing, but leaned forward, extending her arms upward to Eric, offering herself to him.

"Tell me, kajira, do you wish to wear the collar which signifies your position?"

Nancy shuddered, thinking she had somehow been transmitted directly into the presence of a real Gorean Master.

"Yes, Master, a girl would be honored to wear your collar and become your property, to do with as you please, without any reservations."

"Beware, slave, lest you find yourself in a bondage much more deep than you could possibly imagine."

"Absolute and total service is what this girl seeks, Master."

"Very well, take off that dress and then crawl into my house."

Nancy hesitated for only a moment, but Eric noted her hesitation for later discipline. He knew that the high hedges on both sides of his sidewalk would prevent anyone from seeing her here unless they happened to be looking directly up the walk. Quickly, she shed the dress, proving that she had, indeed, worn nothing under it, and then, as a slave, she crawled into his house, pausing in the entryway awaiting further instructions. Eric followed her inside, closed the door.


Nancy immediately complied.

Eric kicked her legs apart, spreading them to better display her feminine attributes. Her thighs were wet. Her pussy was flaring open and shut like a the mouth of a landed fish. She was clearly paga hot. Pulling off his shorts, he fell upon her, taking her from behind, subjecting her to the first of what would be many slave ****s, his cock bursting into her well moistened slave cunt, ravaging her, causing her to cry out in both misery and delight.

Nancy squirmed and jerked beneath him, pinned helplessly to the floor by his weight, her arms held to her sides in his strong grip, his long, thick, cock ravaging her delicate vaginal tissues. She whimpered and moaned under the assault, but, of course, did not object to this treatment. It was not her place to do so.

She was well used, this first time, and, when he had finished with her, he rolled her over and thrust his dripping dick into her mouth for cleaning. This she did with alacrity and, apparently, great enjoyment. He stopped her before she could arouse him once more, for he had other plans for this slave than just fucking her. He stood up, still naked from the waist down.

"Heel," he said, walking down the hallway.

Nancy struggled to her feet, rubbing her breasts where they'd been ground into the entryway carpeting (she hoped he'd take her on some softer surface next time!), and followed him, remaining the appropriate distance behind. They went through a large living room, "obviously decorated by a man," she thought, and down a hallway toward what was apparently the kitchen.

They came to a doorway and he turned into it, disappearing down a stairway. She followed. One flight of stairs down produced a spacious, carpeted room, with a door at the far end. There was a sofa against one wall which had a number of large, metal, rings protruding from it. There was a rack along another wall which had an assortment of whips, restraining devices, and implements for inducing pain. Nancy shuddered as she considered the whips, noting that one was apparently a reproduction of the five strapped Gorean slave whip. Deep in her heart she knew that she would not fully realize her dreams until that whip came crashing down upon her back.

"Kneel," Eric ordered, pointing to a place in the middle of the floor.

"Whip position."

With a shudder of fear, Nancy quickly complied, putting her head to the floor, tossing her hair forward, baring her back for the whip. She heard Eric walk several steps away and then return.

"Earlier, outside, a slave hesitated before following the command of a Master."

"A girl is sorry, Master, she will not hesitate again."

"I'm sure she won't. Lift up your head."

Nancy looked up and was confronted by the Gorean slave whip. Without a word she began to kiss and lick the whip, paying homage to the instrument of slave discipline she had long dreaded, yet, dreamed of experiencing. Eric took the whip away from the slave's worshiping mouth and stepped back. Nancy put her head down, without being told to. Eric smiled, noting the automatic submission. He wondered how long this beauty had been simmering, alone with her desires, waiting for the right Master to come and fulfill her dreams.

The arm moved up and back, the five leather tongues whistled through the air and landed with a *SPLAT* across the naked back of the kneeling slave. There was a quick, loud intake of breath, a long, pregnant pause. Nancy's mouth opened wide in surprise and shock, but for a moment, no sound emerged. Eric waited, arm poised.


Nancy sobbed, her breath coming in heaving gasps as she realized for the first time what a whip in the hands of a real Master could do to her. Her whole body trembled, and, to her utter and complete amazement, she felt her pussy throbbing, a steady stream of juices dribbling onto her thighs, betraying her innermost needs.

"Thank you Master," Nancy sobbed, finally, her body still trembling in fear, and .... anticipation.

Once more Eric's hand went back, and Nancy heard the whoosh of the thongs as they flew through the air, propelled by his manly strength. *SPLAT* the five leather blades exploded across her back once more, causing her to suck in great gulps of air through clenched teeth, but she did not scream this time, only moaned in pain and pleasure as she accepted her punishment, knowing that there was more to come, but also knowing that she had, at last, found someone capable of reaching inside of her and grasping her deepest desires. And, so, she accepted the pain, not knowing that John was using but half strength strokes at this point.

"Aren't you forgetting something, SLUT?"

"Oh! Thank you for another stroke of your whip, Master...a slave needs correction when she errs."

"That's better. Now, are you ready for a REAL stroke?"

Nancy's mind reeled what had he been giving her? Love taps?

"A slave begs mercy from her Master and promises to do better in the future."

Nancy crawled over to Eric's feet and began to lick and kiss them, attempting to placate her Master so that she would avoid a more painful whipping than she had already endured. He kicked her away from him with his foot. Then, reaching down, he grabbed her by the hair and pulled her to her feet.


"Sorry Master...please Master...have mercy on a poor slave girl who knows little of serving real men."

Eric said nothing but dragged the slave across the room by her hair, bent double at the waist, until he had reached his destination. Two large eye bolts were opposed floor and ceiling at this spot. Each ring had leather cuffs, with the cuffs attached to chains which were adjustable in length.

"Put your arms over your head, slave."

"Yes, Master."

Eric secured Nancy's wrists in the padded cuffs and adjusted the chains, lifting her feet somewhat off the floor, leaving her dangling for a moment with her arms stretched over her head. He then similarly secured her ankles and tightened the lower chains, stretching Nancy's body like the bow of a violin. He stepped back to admire his handy work.

"Beautiful," he murmured to himself. Nancy heard this low comment and blushed, hotly, from her head to her toes. She, at last, was beginning to have some understanding of what being in real slavery was all about. Her entire body was alive to sensation, be it pleasure or pain, and she found herself not distinguishing very much between the two, in terms of which she was most curious about. It was the intensity of her feelings that occupied her mind at the moment. Eric had no intention of administering a full whipping to his new slave, but he wanted her to know what it was like to be in this position totally at his mercy and to feel the kiss of the lash at its most powerful. He considered, as he admired her tightly stretched form, where the blows would land. Nodding to himself, he picked up the five bladed slave whip and began walking around and around the bound beauty hanging before him, her breasts rising and falling as she gasped for breath her diaphragm restricted by her position.

He saw her muscles begin to relax somewhat and he quickly brought his arm back, and then forward in a powerful stroke across her previously untouched ass.


Nancy's mouth opened, but no sound came out. She could not even breathe. The shock of the full strength whip stroke spread swiftly across her entire frame, leaving not one molecule of her flesh unaffected. When sound finally emerged from her wide open mouth, it was a high, keening, wail of pain and anguish. But, she had learned her lesson, at least.

"Th-th-th-thank you Masssssttteeeerrrr," she gasped and sobbed.

Once more she heard the cruel thongs whistle through the air and felt the fire of their impact this time on the backs of her thighs and she emitted a short shout of pain, followed by a gasp of thanks to her Master.

"For breaking position, a slave might be given 10 strokes like these two."

"TEN STROKES!" Nancy thought, her mind reeling at the implications. She wondered what she had gotten herself into. But, then, she noted that her cunt was still streaming juice which had wet her thighs all the way to the knees. That ended the mental debate over the wisdom of her choice.

"But," Eric continued, "since you are an untrained slave, and new to your collar, I will only give you five more. You will count each one and thank me for it. If you miss count, we will start over. This will be true any time you are whipped. Do you understand?"

"Y-y-y-yes, Master."

And, so, five more times the whip made its "swish-splat" sound, and each time it tore a new scream of agony and desire from the very depths of Nancy's soul. But she managed to gasp out the count and a thank you to her Master for administering discipline to an errant slave on each stroke.

When he finished the fifth stroke, Eric gently took his slave down from the restraints and allowed her to kneel at his feet. Without a word, he offered the whip to her lips and she began to make love to it with her mouth, knowing instinctively that the whip was as much her Master as the man standing before her.

"Take this and hang it on the wall over there, girl."

"Yes, Master."

Nancy moved as quickly as she could, her body still consumed by the fire of the lash and her own, unsated lusts. She hoped he would use her, sexually, now, in spite of the fact that her flesh burned from the lash. She ran to the wall, in the short, mincing steps of the slave girl, and carefully, lovingly, hung the instrument of her torture on the appropriate hook. Then, she returned, equally quickly, and knelt at the feet of her master. In spite of the fact that the backs of her thighs were on fire, she dropped into a perfect Nadu, her buttocks on her heels, her knees wide spread, displaying her charms. Her arousal would have been plain, even to a blind man, so strong was her womanly scent. Eric was not blind, however, and he noted the condition of Nancy's Venusian temple, smiling to himself at his great good fortune to have run into this incredible woman.

Eric took a fitted metal collar and held it out to the lovely slave whore kneeling at his feet. He said nothing. He just looked into her eyes, searching them. Smiling. The slave smiled back, her body trembling slightly. She extended her arms, wrists crossed, toward her Master of the moment, offering her slavery to him in the ritual words.

"This one begs to wear your collar, Master and prays that while wearing it, she will give the greatest of pleasure to her Master through her service."

"Repeat after me: I, Nancy Morgan..."

"I Nancy Morgan."

"Beg to wear the collar of Master Eric..."

And so the ritual words were spoken, and when they were through, Nancy had declared that her entire being was the total, and complete property of Master Eric, to do with as he pleased, her will meaning nothing. She was now property. Owned. Possessed. A slave. He showed her the collar, which was engraved "property of Master Eric" on the front.

Eric placed the collar on her throat and locked it. Nancy's body jerked as she felt the steel encircle her throat and heard the click of the lock. She was collared. Heat surged into her loins as she felt the effects of that simple act.

"To my lips, girl."

Nancy quickly rose and pressed her body against the Master's, feeling her breasts crushed against him, the teats hard as diamonds drilling into his flesh. Eric turned Nancy's face up for a kiss, sealing their union. He gave her the kiss of a Master -- hard and fierce, bruising her lips, drawing blood and licking it off.

Nancy trembled and moaned as the Master broke the kiss and thrust her away. Standing, naked and trembling, she lowered her head once again and waited for her Master's next move.

"Turn around and present your ass to me, Nancy."

"Yes Master."

"Reach back with both hands and open yourself to me."

Nancy turned away from Eric, crouched on all fours.....her face pressed into the hard cold floor, cheek feeling the sting...her legs spread, knees bent upwards, ass raised, hands clasping each firm buttock, and she slowly parted them, revealing her heat.

Eric breathed deeply, smelling the now familiar odor of Nancy's heat. Slowly, he drank in the vision of female beauty and lust displayed before him. He could see the marks of the whipping just completed, but it only added to her beauty, in his estimation. The sleek back, individual muscles twitching as if belonging to a mare awaiting the mounting of her stallion ("a very appropriate metaphor," he thought to himself); the delightfully curved buttocks, submissively held apart like the halves of a ripe peach, an open invitation for him to pierce her two lower slave openings; the upper hole, from this angle, a brown rosette, clenching and releasing in a wanton display of unbridled lust; and, the love cradle itself, the fur glistening with a thick coating of the evidence of Nancy's descent into her slavelusts. Yes, her slave heat was well displayed, and she knew it.

Nancy felt that slave heat slowly spreading throughout her thighs and her belly, as she remained motionless for her Master.

Eric slapped his hand to his forehead.

"OH! I forgot something. I have purchased you a gift, sweet slave."

"Master is too generous with a slave whore."

Eric laughed and went to a nearby cabinet from which he extracted a package. Walking back to Nancy, he unwrapped it. She immediately caught the scent of leather, and her lust went up another notch. Her cunt dripped and the splashes as her exudation hit the floor were clearly audible in the otherwise quiet room. Then, she felt something being pulled over her head. It was a leather helmet of some sort, except that it covered her eyes, left two small holes under her nose, and an opening for her mouth. She was effectively blinded, and the smell of freshly tanned leather filled her head. A new surge of pure, white, heat flashed through her body. Master Eric
had guessed one of her most secret pleasures, and had just exploited it. She could not even choose whether to react or not, as all choice had been torn from her at the closing of the collar lock. She was helplessly, hopelessly, consumed by her slave-needs. The leather hood was just the most recent demonstration of this.

"Ohhhhhhhhhh, Maaaaassssssssttttteeeeerrrrrr...a slave whore thanks you for the gift," she moaned.

"I will now claim all three of your slave openings in succession. You must ask for my cock in each of them in turn. First your cunt, then your ass, and finally, your mouth, which will receive my seed."

"Yes, Master. May this one please be honored with Master's cock in this one's now dripping, hot, slave whore, cunt, please?"

Eric knelt behind Nancy, watching her body react to all the wonderful feelings coursing through it. He always enjoyed watching a slave whose submission was active and alive, unfettered in a way, even though she was in bondage.

Nancy felt herself shivering, knowing how exposed and vulnerable she was to his assault. He owned her body and soul. The collar around her neck was cold steel, but it burned into her flesh, it's meaning becoming all too clear as she felt her Master kneel between her legs, his gaze taking in her lewd display of wanton lust and slave heat.

"Yes, slut. You will receive my a moment."


Eric laughed as he reached his hand between the wide splayed buttocks of his slut puppy slave whore and began to caress her most intimate flesh, manipulating it with skill and knowledge. Nancy had no choice but to respond as a slave in heat, and she began to squirm against his knowing fingers.

"Mmmmmaaaassssttttteeeeerrrrrr," she whined.

"Keep silent, slave."

Commanded to silence, Nancy continued to writhe against the almost cruel caress her slut puppy cunt was receiving. Her whole body shook as she felt two, three, and then four fingers of her Master's hand slide between her nether lips. He fucked her clasping cunt that way for a while, his thumb diddling her clit as her whole body shook with pleasure and the strain of not crying out. He smiled as he moved that thumb into his palm and gave a mighty shove.

"Speak, slave."




Eric's thrust had forced his hand, his entire hand, up inside Nancy's slut puppy cunt, so sloppy with the evidence of her slave heat that he had little need of further lubrication. When he had pushed inside until his knuckles met her cervix, Eric stopped the inward movement of his hand, and twisted it around a bit. Then, he pulled it back, slowly, and began to fist fuck his slave. Slowly at first, then faster and harder he mauled her cunt with his obscene sucking sound accompanying each stroke. Nancy was in a delirium of slave-pleasure.

"oh..thank you Master," she moaned on each stroke, "I yield me your slave," she sobbed, then "nooooooooooo please don't," when he pulled his hand free of her cunt.

Eric moved around in front of Nancy and offered her his hand and arm to clean of the slave juices that covered it. He pressed his juice covered arm against her mouth. She could not see, but could taste and smell what was offered, and, wordlessly, she accepted the task. Her mouth and tongue greedily sought and devoured every last drop of her own internal secretions, further proving her wanton slave nature.

When she had cleaned his arm and hand to his satisfaction, he silently reclaimed his position behind her. Eric notched the head of his cock in Nancy's cunt and slowly pushed it all the way in.

"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhh!!! Master!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Eric hilted his cock, marveling at the way her pussy had recovered from being fisted -- it was tight and marvelously warm -- and when his balls rested against her pubic fur, he leaned over Nancy's back, reaching around to grasp her tits, squeezing the nipples flat between his fingers as he began to swiftly fuck in and out of her paga hot cunt.

Nancy gasped, feeling her breasts crushed in the Master's strong fingers, the pain sending a jolt of pure white heat throughout her body -- heat which burned the pain into pleasure as she felt her body used as it was intended. She was a slave whore being fucked by a Master, fulfilling her nature, being what she truly was, enjoying every second of her brutal use.

"Finger your clit, Nancy...make your slut cunt cum around your MASTER'S cock!"

Nancy felt her sloppy, wet cunt being rammed from behind, her Master's cock head leading the charge, her cunt lips pushed aside, roughly and swiftly. The slave whore tightened her cunt muscle around her Master's firm throbbing cock.....feeling it rub against her cunt weeping it's tribute to his forceful use of her. Following her Master's will, Nancy reached under her body with one hand and placed her fingers obediently at the top of her slit, reaching for the knob of flesh which throbbed with a life of its own. Grasping the slippery mini-cock between her fingers she squeezed it and pulled it, drawing groans and cries from deep within her body now deep in the throes of slave orgasm.


Well did she know the meaning of her collar as she came and came and came under the brutal onslaught of Master Eric's cock. Nancy's mind and flesh were reduced to the small area surrounding her genitals as a whole series of slave-orgasms erupted, sending her consciousness swirling into the void. Eric leaned back a bit and looked down at Nancy's ass. He spit on a finger, lubricating it, and plunged it to the last knuckle in her ass hole.

"YOWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!! HURTS!!!! OH GOD!!!!!!! MASTER!!!! WHY!??"

"Silence, slave...keep stroking your finger is NOTHING compared to my cock...which you will shortly feel in its place. Or, would you rather take my FIST?"

"Oh GOD, Master, you would not fist your slave in her ass, would you? A girl would be split open! Have mercy, Master."

Nancy's breath was coming in pants and gasps as her Master finger fucked her gaping ass hole, her cunt being rammed over and over with his pulsing cock. She continued to rub and stroke her swollen clit, feeling it yearning to leap from its hood, her cunt being fucked, her ass being ****d...and she moaned her slave needs for her Master's ears alone.

"Oh, sweet little slut you are worried about Master's fist splitting your ass, are you? That might be worth seeing, slut. I am considering it. "

Nancy shuddered, continuing to cum around Eric's invading cock and, now, two fingered assault on her lower slave openings.

"CUM, slut me what a true submissive slut you are!"

"oh godddddddddddddddd.....a girl is yielding, Master!!! She cannot help herself!!!


"Speak and do not be silent...tell Master what you are doing...describe your feelings!"

"Y-y-y-esss, M-m-m-m-asttter. This one is rubbing her clit ever so furiously, feeling its covering falling back, its head emerging......writhing as your beautiful cock slides in and out of her slippery cunt, pacing itself with the strokes of your finger.... ohh Master..this one is such a fuckslut! ...this one is your wanton fuckwhore... "

Eriv laughed, and with his unoccupied hand began administering sharp, but not too painful, slaps to her ass cheeks. ohhhhhhh..yes!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!," Nancy screamed, her whole body beginning to shudder as wave after wave of pure, slave, pleasure overtook her. "ohhhhhh Master Eric...this one is your slutpuppy, ready, always so HOT!!! this one will strive to make you so proud to own this fuckwhore....your friends will envy you, Master!!!!"

Nancy felt her arousal spreading across her body in wave after wave, tiny beads of sweat appearing over her she pushed back into to her Master's glorious shaft...forward and backward..

Eric suddenly jerked his cock from Nancy's cunt and his finger from her ass hole. He poised his cock head at the entrance to her ass and waited for the invitation.

"Please, Master, use this fuckwhore's ass hole for your pleasure. It is yours, completely." To punctuate her invitation, Nancy pushed her ass back, her ass muscle relaxing.... buttocks high, and she felt for her Master's cock head. She began to beg for it, her ass hungering for the invasion, the use of her Master's cock.

"pleeeease Master, this stupid fuckwench whore is useless unless fucked up her hot hot asstunnel."

Eric pushed forward, forcefully, to meet Nancy's ass hole as it opened for him, burying himself in her ass in one, brutal, stroke.

"AHHHhhhhh....what a wonderful ass hole...Push yourself all the way onto my cock, you beautiful fuck slut! And, Keep fingering your clit!"


Nancy rubbed her swollen, dripping, cunt harder and harder, the heel of her hand firmly against her erect and exposed clit.

"Silly slave! Do you think I do not KNOW what an ASSWHORE you are? DO you think I do not KNOW what your slut-ASS demands?"

"A girl is sorry Master....ohhhhhhhh my asssss is yielding to your cock Master!!!!"

"Thank me for reaming your slut ass, my sweet, darling, Nancy. Beg me to fuck it as hard as I can."

Eric held his cock all the way inside Nancy's ass, his balls resting against the still gasping, gaping, swamp of her cunt. His balls tight in their sack, demonstrating his advanced state of arousal.

"ohhhhhhhhhhhhh...Master....sweet sweet Master......thank you for fucking Nancy's ass...she is such an asswhore......yes know her so well...know how she must be rammed and fucked hard, hard, with all manner of instruments.,...she thanks you Master..pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease Master.........ravage her ass.....this one pleads to be USED!!!!!!!!! ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.........!!!!

Eric gripped Nancy's hips in both hands and began to fuck her ass hole with long, hard,fast strokes.

"YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" the lovely slave cried, "fuck, fuck, fuck," she chanted on each powerful stroke into her defenseless ass. Nancy remembered seeing a rounded wooden elongated peg hanging on a nearby wall...and she begged Master Eric to use it on her.

"Oh, Master," Nancy gasped, "please use that wooden peg hanging on the wall over there on a girl's ass."

"Excellent suggestion!"

"ohhhh Master....this puppy bitch in heat is feeling such wonderful arousal as your fucking cock plunges deep within her dark hot ass".

Eric pulled his cock out of Nancy's ass and quickly went to the wall, grabbing the long, wooden, peg, then returned to the still kneeling bitch and replaced his cock with the smooth wooden instrument, slowly burying it in her steaming depths.

"This one is such a wanton lust filled whore....begging and pleading for all manner of fucking...OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!! MASTER!!!!!

"Now, I have one hole left to claim. Turn around and pay homage to My manhood with your mouth."

Nancy turned, crawling to her Master, the wooden peg protruding from her heated ass hole, each pace forward allowing it to rub deeply against her ass flesh, and lust filled and wanton, she sat like a good puppy bitch between her Master's thighs.

"Pleeease Master...may this one feed upon your throbbing shaft??"

"Yes, but first, one thing you must do for me...."


"Taking each of your nipples in turn, pull your tits up and away from your chest and slap the undersides twice, sharply. Then, you must take my cock in your mouth and suck me DRY!"

"Yes Master...oh thank you Master!!!"

Eric fisted his cock while he watched Nancy spank each of her tits in turn.

Nancy placed her hands under her breasts, slowly creeping upwards, feeling their fullness, clasping each nipple, and as she pulls each breast away from her chest by its nipple, she sharply smacked the undersides, feeling her tits hardening, standing erect...

"Did you like that, slut?"

Nancy looked down upon her Master's cock, licked her lips as she eyed the droplets of precum lazily floating on his swollen cock head.

" Ohhh Yes Master!!!!!!!"

"Do it again then...harder."

"Whatever Master wishes"

Nancy held her breasts out by twisting each nipple...and SMACK!!! SMACK!!!! she sharply slapped the underside of each, feeling the resounding slap, feeling the rush of heat throughout her full swollen breasts, her ass muscle tightening around the width of the wooden peg as she sat back......being a delicious lust filled bitch.

Nancy positioned the end of the thick wooden peg between her flattened feet, and slowly began to rock forward and back, her hand reaching for her Master's glistening cock.. Nancy took her Master's twitching thickened cock within her firm grip and inserted it into the heat of her mouth, sliding it in, and as she felt it slide she rocked upon her haunches, assfucking....cock sucking, a deep moan emerging from her cock filled mouth.

Eric grasped Nancy by the sides of her head and, slowly, inexorably, took full possession of her mouth with his cock. Nancy gagged as her Master's cock pushed against her throat, but it quickly passed as John held her head still, giving her time to adjust to the invasion.

"Now, Nancy...make your MASTER cum."

Nancy's lips and tongue slowly worked over the surface of Eric's swollen purple cock head feeling for that ridge of cock head skin...nibbling on it....biting it, pulling it away from his cock head... sliding his cock deeply into her mouth, suckling it...drawing upon it with her lips and tongue ... repeatedly moving her head forward and back, forward and back, her ass welcoming and releasing that wooden peg, over and over. Eric groaned, hearing the slurping noises of his little fuckbitch, so innocent, so whorish, so perfectly hot, drinking from his cock.

Eric's lust had been building to the boiling point ever since he had felt Nancy's mouth around his cock when she cleaned him up after her first slave ****. It had taken every ounce of control he had at his command to keep from spilling his seed into her earlier. But, that was all gone now. The thin veneer of control was gone and he felt his cum start to well up from his balls, feeling like it was about to erupt with enough force to tear the head right off his swelling, jerking, cock. He cried with a loud voice the call of a Master to his slave!

" NOW! DRINK!" he shouted, grabbing her head in both hands and stuffing his entire length down her gulping throat. Eric looked down, watching her suck, and suckle her hand holding the base of his cock tight, jerking his load from his bloated balls directly into her flaming belly, as she swallowed blast after blast of his frothy tribute. Gulping... Choking! Cum spurting deep into her throat, Nancy fought to keep up with the hot load being deposited in her upper fuck hole.

"OHHHHHHH MASTER! Nancy thought to herself, being unable to speak because her mouth and throat were full of his cock, "YOU ARE DELICIOUS! OH WHAT A FEAST!"

Hot creamy cum began to overflow from her mouth, falling on Nancy's tits, dripping on to her still tumescent nipples, leaving hot, sticky trails down her flesh. Eric released her head and she moved her mouth off his cock, gasping for breath.

"Oh, Yesssssssss, Master. Thank you for gifting this slut's mouth with your precious seed," Nancy breathed, her Hands still firmly sealed around his shaft, her mouth moving back to draw upon his cumslut, drinking the last drops of his spend, feeling his hot, sticky, cum slowly flowing down her throat, warming her belly. Finally, Eric was forced to pull his, now very sensitive, cock from the little whore's mouth, as the sensations were just too intense to be endured.

"Oh Master....this one is so honored to be fed your thick, creamy juice....feeling it pass into her belly....oh, thank you Master!" Nancy cried as she began to rub the overflow of his jiz into her face and chest, her skin shiny where his sperm had splashed and leaked.

"Lay back, slut puppy for your Master would feast upon your flesh."

"Yesssss, Master," Nancy purred, quickly laying on her back and spreading her legs, the wooden dowel still sticking out of her ass.

Eric nearly dove between the slaves's legs, kissing and licking his way up her thighs, Cleaning the skin of all evidence of her passion and lust, until his mouth reached the treasure he sought.

Nancy screamed in pleasure as she felt Eric's mouth cover her sex, his tongue probing her slit, tracing every contour, every millimeter of the crenelated surfaces there. With one hand, he divided the thick lips guarding her womanhood and with the other he began sawing the dowel in and out of her well used ass tunnel. The combination of fingers, dowel, and tongue was too much for the newly collared slave, and she screamed her release.


Nancy's slave orgasms slammed her mind and body one after another until they joined as one, long, searing, flame of lust which flared up and consumed her, leaving her nearly u*********s, panting, covered with sweat, and totally sated.

Eric got up, smiling, licking his lips, tasting the juice of his new slave. He loved the taste of a woman's heat, and he knew he'd drink often from this font.

"Get up, girl. Heel. It's time to show you the room where you will be branded."

"BRANDED!!!" Nancy screamed in her mind.

"Will Master mark his slave as his property by burning her flesh?"

"You are my property, whether I brand you or not, slave. When you accepted that collar, you gave up all control over your flesh. It is mine. I may do whatever I wish with it. Your very life is in my hands."

At his harsh words, Nancy began to at last realize the depth of her slavery. A fire burned in the pit of her stomach, and she felt the small aftershocks of climaxes contract her cunt muscles, forcing more juice to ooze forth from her hungry slit. Were all of her dreams to come true then?

"This flesh is Master's to use as he wishes, and a slave girl is fortunate to be marked as such," she breathed, crawling to Eric and kissing his feet. Then, she rose, and followed him out of the room, and into a whole new life, a smile on her lips and a look of absolute contentment on her face.

Published by archie_bunker
9 years ago
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archie_bunker Publisher 4 years ago
to sexyinheels : Not many people take the time to read the whole thing
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sexyinheels 4 years ago
i hope there will be more to this story!!!!