My greatest love

My greatest love

I have been in many relationships, one long term, most short term. They have almost always been sexual, and I have loved some of the women I was involved with. However, my greatest love was (and still is) a beautiful woman I'll call Stevie (sorry, but I care about her so much I don't want to expose her to any harm). We met at work back in 1999 (go ahead, throw out your Prince comments). I was a supervisor and she was a secretary (not mine). We hit it off from day one...had a lot in common & there was an unexplainable attraction. You know it if you've been there: a strange, unexplainable need to be around that person, find excuses to talk to them, etc. I was single and new to the area, she was/is married and a native. Her marriage was a mess, and she would often confide in me. I tried to be supportive and not take advantage of the situation, but our attraction to one another was overwhelming. We started going out on dates...a lunch here, a trip to a local attraction there, and so on.

So, at this point you might be asking "what was it about this woman that made you fall so hard?"
I can't give you an answer like "she had huge tits" or "she was all horny and rubbing up on me" or some other base response. Stevie was/is pretty in a simple way, not like a model, just girl-next-door pretty. She has a slender build, no big booty or chest. Brown eyes, brunette (back then...she's blond now), smart, funny and (the complicating factor) religious. Our conversations were some of the most honest, deep discussions I have ever had. There was no pretense, just straight up talk about her marriage problems, religion, our desires & hopes, and just everyday stuff like music, tv, and so on. We had this connection that was beyond description. We would go to parks where there was ponds, streams, ocean, etc. Our favorite thing was to dangle our feet in the water and just talk about life and love. Boring? If you think so, I'd say you've never been truly in love. When you love someone deeply, its those simple moments of intimacy that stick with you, not the "hot-monkey-love" shit I read about in some blogs.

As time went on, she would bring along her daughter, who was around 3 yrs old at that time. We got along great, and we would go on trips to parks, tourist attractions and so on. And when Stevie and I were alone, we would get as intimate as you can get without having intercourse. The kisses and caresses were intense, amazing, dizzying. But she would not cross that line as long as she was still married. Gotta respect that...made me love her more.

In the end, her hubby whined to his church folks, and they put immense pressure on Stevie to stay with him, despite their troubles. We parted ways, and that should be the end of the story. But recently, I googled Stevie and found out she is online, doing the facebook thing. I dropped her a note & she replied (totally shocked I'd bothered). We are chatting regularly. Her daughter is all grown, so she has no real obligations except to herself. Our conversations get deeper every day, and I wonder if now is the time she'll step back, access her life, and make that leap. Its probably just a pipe-dream, but will my greatest love finally come to fruition? I'll let you know...until then, I'll write more & maybe some of you will relate and comment. Be happy, be well, be you.
Published by grog7x7
9 years ago
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to kattika : Sorry its been so long to reply. Thanks for understanding, and I'm sorry it didn't work out for you and Linda. If its any consolation, Stevie and I have a long running email conversation going on right now. There is no doubt that we are in love, but she is too devout to take the next step. She even admits this to me, and is trying to figure out what to do. I hope you are in, or soon will be, involved with someone who truly appreciates you. Be strong, my friend.
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Wow, dude that is really an amazing story, and I hope if anything else, you and Stevie will remain great friends for eternity. I had met someone like her long,longtime ago. Her name was Linda. She was not religious but she could melt ice with her smile. She was also in marriage that wasn`t getting better, in fact there was trial separation period when she and I met. Anyways to make a long story short, we broke up at her insistence, saw her once after that,..then never again. That was 30 years ag
to halinaplays : Thank you so much for taking the time to read my story and give me so much feed back. "Stevie" and I did more emailing today. She actually googled my house and said she loved it. Its obvious from her messages that she is not happy, but she keeps trying to make her life work. Shows you how much strength and determination she has. I guess I'll just try to be there for her, and we'll see how things develop. I'm glad that you & I have a deep soul & its obvious you care about people w
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Don't worry about who reads it. You have stumbled on something you can do for yourself. I know you have other stories to share. I will always read them. Please let me know each time you post a blog. I am so happy your first blog was simply beautiful.
and crazy. Deep down, my devotion to God rules my life. Some men think I'm beautiful. It is only because my heart is pure. You may understand, the most beautiful women have faith. I don't think this is a pipe-dream. With all my heart, I hope your greatest love has finally come to fruition. It felt good to write this blog didn't it? You relived those memories. You shared a piece of yourself. When you hit the post button, you knew it your heart you told a great story. Keep doing this. D
credit for being faithful despite your longing. As you said it 'made you love her more.' That lets anyone who reads this blog realize you think a woman with morals is to be admired more than a woman who cheats. It also shows that two people can fall in love without having sex. And the ending filled me with joy. She didn't change. She just became more beautiful. I'm not a christian. However, my belief in God, Prayer, Karma and the Afterlife have got me through all things. I can be wild an
a memory that feels pure. The description of your feet in the water was perfect. The technique of saying 'some of you people won't get it' added depth. You didn't just write a story. You engaged readers to realize the simple moments in life have the most meaning. You can tell this is a real story. I can imagine this married woman wanting so much more but restraining herself. That epitomizes sexy. When the person we want is off=limits they damn near become an obsession. You gave her cred
My friend, you just made my night. I will be totally blunt. Some people can write a good blog. Some people couldn't do it if their life depended on it. What you pulled off was exceptional. First of all your grammar, adjectives, descriptions and more were brilliant. I saw no flaw in this blog. I can tell you that the way you described this woman made me visualize her. Some of the most captivating women work the girl next door charm without realizing it. What you accomplished was evoking