Some thoughts on Caitlyn Jenner

Some thoughts on Caitlyn Jenner

Some thoughts on Caitlyn Jenner

I love my XHamster for a variety of reasons....some fairly obvious *giggles* and others more subtle and surprisingly profound - check out my faves and read the brilliant writing of lillith10 to see what I am talking about.

As many are aware, Caitlyn Jenner recently won the Arthur Ashe award for courage ( the man was amazing - the award less so) and was featured on the cover of Vanity Fair. The resulting furor and hatred has been staggering to say the least.

For those who may not be caught up, go to the following link to Deadspin - my favourite sports blog... and see the commentary and follow through to TMZ and Jon Stewart's The Daily Show (those outside of America will need to go to comedy central to view)

For many of the T-community (and I am meaning CD's, TV's, TS and TG's here) there is a lot more going on than just "I get off wearing X"..... and it can be a very scary place to inhabit for a variety of reasons.
No big deal I hear some say -you enjoy dressing up. If only it were that easy.

Many times I have mused to myself how much simpler ( and easier if I am honest ) it would be if I was simply gay or even bi-sexual.... the worries while being closeted - family, friends, co-workers.... the struggles with self-loathing, guilt, depression and suicide....the difficulties and realities faced should someone be brave enough to actually transition ( and sisters, you have my utmost respect)... and finally (the knockout blow) the realization that should you actually self-actualize, your chances of gainful employment other than sex-work is close enough to zero as to make little difference.

Please understand that I am not usually a political a****l, neither need nor want your pity, or want to make myself the centre of attention in this matter.
In reading about Caitlyn Jenner's coverage in Vanity Fair and the subsequent hatred and vilification via social media, I am struck that there are two, maybe three groups remaining in North America that it is still socially acceptable to openly hate and discriminate against - Transgendered (of various flavours), bi-sexuals and homosexuals ( if you live in the right pockets of North America - y a a y.. smh).

And it all comes down to sexual orientation - the last safe bastion of hope for hatred among cretins so inclined...

I apologize for my rant, as there are so many wonderful and accepting people here on Xham... but do yourself a favour and watch Jon Stewart ( so sad to see him leave especially after Colbert's departure) and read what the commentariat has to say both on Deadspin and TMZ...

and then tell me again that Caitlyn Jenner isn't deserving of the Arthur Ashe award...

end of rant - and thank-you for reading...
9 years ago
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Most peeps forget that the decathlon is considered the most grueling, macho-man event in track, if not in the entire sports world. That Caitlyn jettisoned that public image of 'American hero" forever to be true to herself is the epitome of courage in my opinion. And makes her a hero to a lot of gurls, especially those of us with some hard miles on us.....
to PNWgirl : *Giggles*... thanks you made my day..... I agree that it is better, especially here in major metropolitan cities in Canada - ...
But, while it may be okay to have a gay friend - not that there's anything wrong with it (as the joke goes), there is a vast chasm between acceptance of gay/homosexual people and those that are some form of Transgendered: CD, TV, TS, TG and any other flavours.
For the many positives that the U.S. brings to the world, I think that we are ahead of them on this one.
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I think there's a lot more tolerance of non-heterosexual sexual orientation these days. You might be too young to appreciate that :smile:
change comes slow, 30 years ago I thought pot would be a legal non subject. I have to be happy at this point that a few states have made inroads. Jenner has pushed things to the front, unfortunate that the vehicle was silly ass reality TV. There will be no epiphany that will wake society to accept all people for who they are. You can only be who you are and lead by example. It just takes time
to jaygomez1958 : Sadly, I keep hoping that this is an opportunity for lasting change - and yes, apparently I am delusional... :wink:
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I know that all this is hot and very controversial and the public eye and publisty is want most people want let Caitlyn enjoy her spotlite while she can sooner than later it will be yesterdays
to George178 : I too consider myself a Christian in the proper, right sense of the word and not the one that is sadly used as a club by those who would use it to make their hate and intolerance socially acceptable....
Thank-you for taking the time to comment George... and ( please, this is not a shot at you my friend) if more of the so-called Christians in this world truly would adopt a "treat others as you yourself would wish to be treated" attitude, our world would be in far, far better shape than it currently is today.

Sadly, what you say about SRS (sexual re-assignment surgery) is all too true and is one of the many mine-fields for the Trans-spectrum to negotiate.
And as far as wanting to see a TG pussy - I think that sexual curiosity ( while not politically correct - sigh ) is normal and actually healthy...
Thank you for confirming for me that there are still some people who truly understand what the word Christian actually means... XOXO
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I'm straight, conservative, and I consider myself a Christian. And, believe it or not, I don't give a hoot about other people's sexual orientation. The only people I'm prejudiced against are those who would engender (I hope you don't mind my using that word, too) hatred and discord between us.

The only concern I have for Caitlin Jenner is her emotional health. I've talked to several TS friends, and every one of them told me they have no intentions of pursuing that final operation. Every one of them told me, and I'd heard it before, that the overwhelming majority of those who have had the change later regretted it. Many transgenders went so far as to commit suicide. I wouldn't wish that on anyone --even those who would promote hatred!
...I would like to see a TG pussy, though. :smile:
Just read this article by Laverne Cox regarding Caitlyn Jenner
It's funny...because normally I leave anything political alone.... because :TLDR... much boring, little sexy...
But it really does make me angry that in this day and age when most decent humanity wouldn't dream of using a racist epithet, it is perfectly okay to use invective centred around another human being's sexual orientation.

Sadly, it will take me absolutely forever to fuck the rest of the haters....

Seriously, thanks for reading and hope you get the love and support you need...

much love, LittleMissLipService
to lca4eva : Thank-you for taking the time to read my rambling comments sweetie...

I truly hope that the media will at last do the right thing to engender ( see what I did there - giggles ) understanding if not respect for the transgendered across all of the spectrum ( CD, TV, TS, TG ) .... at least to the level enjoyed by many in the lesbian and gay community which I know is still not great in many parts.

Please feel free to message me ( and this goes to any who struggle with being Bi, CC, or Trans in any flavour) as I know only to well the psychological perils and challenges that may occur....

Love and hugs to you sweetie
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Thank you for this!