LittleMisslipService Shares Some Tips....

LittleMisslipService Shares Some Tips....

LittleMisslipService Shares Some Tips.... about Long False Nails you pervs

So I was reading a blog post from Gd2go4 aka Tina's blog regarding not being able to find long enough press-on style nails ( ) and felt for her.... having been there myself, needing to be all lovely and femme and being frustrated with much of the process...especially when it comes to things like lovely false nails....

I didn't want to hijack her post, so I thought I should write a little one of my own sharing some things that I have learned about glue-on style nails...
Now, I really do not claim to be an expert, but through trial and error - and eventually research lol, I have found a few things that work for me.
Having said that, I would absolutely love it if you girls GG and otherwise would chime in with your own little tricks and hints in the comments section - please do not hesitate to disagree with anything I may say, but please ..let's keep this respectful :)

So...first things first - why glue on?

It's really a matter of choice. On the Pro side, press-ons are faster, come in a wide variety of shades and clean up is quick and easy...

Um, then so why glue-on nails?

I have found that, if I anticipate more enthusiastic playdate, glue on nails are stronger, can be affixed in a more sturdy fashion, are infinitely customizable and, more importantly for us glamorous girls are available in a variety of lengths and shapes from modest to wild.

Like Tina, I too love beautiful nails and toenails and I will say that preparation is key.... so having clean, trimmed nails and cuticles is a great place to start. Since there are many more erudite beauticians on "teh webs and the Tube of You", I will leave you to look up information for how to give yourself or someone else a mani or a pedi....

Choice of Nails

When I find something that works, I like to go beyond the trial size packs....
Many of you also might find that many of the smaller "12 - 20 piece" false nail packs don't offer enough variety in widths to accommodate the size of some of your nails... enter the 100 and 200 packs from brands such as Kiss and Nailene, which come in a wide variety of sizes...

The two that I am particularly fond of are from Kiss - the Full Cover Active Ovals, and my faves - the Curve Overlap.
Both come in a 100 nail pack so you will have plenty for dressing up more than a few times.....
And before some of you complain "What am I supposed to do with the too small sizes?", I have a question for you......
Ever notice how you buy an absolutely lovely looking shade of nail polish at the store and then it is either too light or too dark for your intended purposes? I must have 12 different shades of light pink for this very reason alone....
Well -make up a set of samples for yourself by carefully painting the "too small" false nails with each different nail polish you own.
Now you will have a handy little set for reference when planning your outfits're welcome... *giggles*

Now, I am also firmly believe that if you are going to go to all this effort, you might as well do it properly..... so in addition to the false nails of your choice, you will need:

1) Some sort of a base coat
I happen to like using a basecoat/ridge filler combo and have used and enjoyed ones from ChinaGlaze, Essie and Opi... YMMV as they say, but I don't suggest buying the cheapest one available.

2) your nail polish of choice
I love so many colours and am not here to shill for any one company, but you do get what you pay for , so the usual suspects Opi, Essie, ChinaGlaze, Revlon etc... if you are careful and look around, you can find deals on nail polish... not everything needs to cost you $10/bottle.

3) A rapid dry nail top coat.
I like to use a drying top coat with a gloss finish.. maybe it's just me, but I think that a glossy finish "is teh sex" as the k**s say ..
I happen to like the GOOD TO GO RAPID DRY TOP COAT BY ESSIE as it is glossy and works very very well.... as with nail polish above, you don't need to buy the most expensive, but get something you will be happy with. By the time your nails are done, you will have put in a fair amount of time and effort...don't ruin it with a cheap topcoat that wrecks your polish..

4) The nail glue is included in the kit.
Should be plenty, but obvs you can buy more should the need arise later on.

5)Nail Polish Remover
What? You didn't think that you were going to make any mistakes? Ahahahahahahahahaaha......don't worry darlings, I am laughing with you. Many, many times, I have sat there muttering under my breath as I strip my ruined nail polish off so that I can start over again. have stuck with the Opi brand as I trust them... but there are so many choices and considerations, that maybe someone more knowledgable than myself would like to chime in in the comments? Oh yes, when we are done and need to remove our lovely false nails, this is what we will be using so don't buy the small bottle.

6) Misc - In addition to this, a pair of nail clippers or scissors, a pair of tweezers and a nail file/emery board will be needed.

So let's begin shall we....

First your nails can and should be prepped ahead of time. Try to choose a time when you are not rushed - in this case haste will definitely make waste.
I find that with getting my makeup, my false eyelashes, my yummy stockings and lingerie on, that sadly, it is actually easier to do my nails last.
Shocking - I know!

Assuming you were paying attention previously and that your nails and cuticles are clean and in good repair, the first thing we will do is to select the correct sizes for our nails....nothing is painted, nothing is glued....
Simply hold various sized nails on top of your own and see which ones are going to fit naturally, following the curve and width of your own nail...
Do not try to jam the widest false nail possible from one side to the other of your nail bed for two reasons - one it will prevent you from getting a good seal when time comes to glue them on, and two it makes your hands look bigger...less is more!
Now I am fortunate in that I am relatively fine hands... yes, I'm all that - ha!
What I mean is that my fingers, wrists etc. are "finer boned" as they say... but even so, if you choose a false nail that is a hair narrower than your actual nail, it will make your hands look more delicate and feminine.... and that's a good thing.

Once you have chosen your correct sizes for each of your nails, I lay them out in order so that it is easier for me...preferably on a hard, smooth surface that is both easy to clean and solid enough that drying nail polish is easy to no paper, no towels, cling-wrap etc.

So using my tweezers, I hold the very outside edge of the nail ( furthest point away from your nail bed). I like to have good light so that I can easily see what I am doing as part of the trick to good looking nails is to be smooth and efficient when applying the polish...

Coat your brush with polish and remove the excess on the inside of the bottle.... using long smooth overlapping strokes, paint outwards from the thinner inner edge towards the outer edge.... try to be efficient as if you take too long and keep applying polish, your first strokes will already have started to dry and you will end up with a big smudgy mess.... let's save the messes for things that we can clean up with our tongues instead *giggles*

Set it down carefully in it's place to let it dry - don't worry about getting it absolutely perfect as this is just our first coat..

"But wait" I hear some of you saying...."You didn't apply the base coat first"...
Yes, you are correct - I have done my false nails both with and without base coat and have found that when applied to the false nail directly, it doesn't seem to make much of a difference in the look or feel. Now, possibly, this is due to the quality/brands of nail polish I have used - honestly IDK, so maybe someone better versed than I would again like to weigh in on the comments. What I do know is that I am pretty fussy and can still achieve good results but as the say YMMV... or your OCD.....hahaha.

So, in the fashion described above apply a first coat to all of your false nails....and then let them dry...let them dry.... let them dry.... I like to wait at least 15 min between coats but YMMV - it will depend on the viscosity ie: thickness of the polish and how much you have applied to your false nails.

Now, while your false nails are drying, you can be carefully applying some of the base coat/ridge filler to your actual the same fashion as we painted the false nails - long smooth strokes using enough but not too much base coat
What? "But we're not painting our actual nails" you say.....yes, but we want to provide a smooth surface for the glue and false nail to adhere to... hence the base coat/nail filler...
Exciting bonus fact - this will also make it easier to remove your false nails when the time comes... who's got your back?

So after doing our base coat, and waiting the appropriate time for the false nails to dry we can get ready to apply a second coat - starting with the first false nail you painted as it will be the most dry..... see why I lay them out in order now?

Again grasping the very outside edge of the false nail with your tweezers, apply long smooth strokes of polish... after you have placed it down to dry, you can carefully dab a small amount of polish on the spot where your tweezer was holding the nail.

Once again, in the fashion described above apply a second coat to all of your false nails....and then let them dry...let them dry.... let them dry.... I like to wait at least 15 min between coats but YMMV - it will depend on the viscosity ie: thickness of the polish and how much you have applied to your false nails.

"But what about the quick drying topcoat?" you ask.... yes once again, I can't do things properly. Hold on and I'll get to that in a minute or two....

If your base coat needs a second coat, you could apply that now. Or, if your base coat is to your liking, go and make a cup of tea, coffee or a drink for've earned it. And secretly, I really want your false nails to dry some more.....

So now that you're relaxed and ready for the task at hand, you need to decide how long and what shape you wish your false nails to be...unless you have chosen a short or medium length false nail. As much as I totes adore "teh slutty two-inch nail look", it makes it really hard to do many things.
So unless you are staying in, or have someone who is extra nice and will be taking care of all of your needs, you will want to trim them down a bit...

Making sure that your false nails are dry and that you are cutting from the outer, thicker end trim them to shape in a symmetric fashion - so relatively uniform lengths and curvature from one nail to the next...

Once this is accomplished, carefully using your emery board smooth the edges of your false nails in a downwards direction - so you don't chip the polish. I even like to file the bottoms of the nails so that there are no snags to catch on my stockings or lingerie....."Smooth all over" - that's my motto! *giggles*

Now, after having done all that, I re-check the nails to make sure that the polish coverage is uniform and is the time for any minor touchups and then wait...........wait.............wait for them to dry....

So while we're waiting, let's go do our makeup and get dressed...
"What are you talking about?" I hear you say - "You haven't done the glossy topcoat that you went on and on about.."
I know, I know....just humour me and go get your cute little ass ready, alright?

Well don't you look absolutely sexy....such a cutie!

Once again taking our time, we will apply each nail....first a dry run with no glue to make sure you haven't mixed them up - see what I meant about laying them out?
Once we have laid our nails out in their proper order, we will start from the smallest nail on our dominant hand - that means your right hand if your are right-handed, not that it likes to tie people up - although that may in fact apply.
Why the dominant hand? Simple,.your dominant hand typically possesses your finest motor skills.....which means that it will be easier for it ( your right hand in this case ) to attach false nails to your non-dominant hand (your left in this case) while already wearing false nails of it's own than if you were to do the reverse... Go ahead, think it through for a sec... I'll wait.......

So, holding the appropriate false nail upside down, apply enough nail glue so that we will get a good seal, but not so much that it starts oozing out around the sides....again, we want to look pretty... and don't want to smudge glue all over our pretty nails
Carefully line the false nail up and then position it in one fluid motion - not on and off...twist it into alignment fairly quickly as it is a quick setting glue and then press and hold for 10 -15 seconds... I like to count to 25, but you know that I am OCD about my nails...

Once this is done, move on to the next nail.... and repeat... Sometimes, I choose to does the nails on my thumbs last after I have done my left hand, but whatever works for you....

Now, assuming that everything has gone well so far, it is time to finally do our glossy top coat....
Why do I wait until now to do it? For a few reasons....

Sometimes, we may not have perfectly coated our false nails when we were painting them...
Sometimes, despite our best intentions, we do have a minor incident with the nail glue and a little can get onto our polished false nails...the glossy top coat can help hide our minor mistakes..
Every girl has their organizational system for getting ready.... I like to do my nails a couple days in advance - I know! I'm craycray....but for me, it means that I don't have to rush and can concentrate on my false eyelashes, hair and makeup..... but I love having my nails done up...
So for me , the last reason, is that I like the feeling of "doing my nails" and applying that shiny finishing top coat prior to going out just makes me feel that much more polished and femme... silly I know, but I am totes worth it... *giggles*

So there you have it... way longer than I intended - it probably would have been easier to make a video but whatevs...

To recap, prep your nails and then paint your false nails ahead of time.... put on a base coat/ridge filler on your real nails and let dry.....apply your nails in the fashion described above..... and finally finish off with a nice top coat for that glossy polished look.

I hope this has been of some use to my peeps - yes, it does take longer than press-on nails... BUT, do it right, and the results are spectacular and will cling fast matter how wild the ride you're on!

I would love to hear your thoughts, comments, additional info or better advice that I'm sure many of you lovely girls posses....
C'mon....."Let me have it - I want some!"... *giggles*

XOXO Kim Cumkitten aka LittleMissLipService

9 years ago
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LittleMissLipService Publisher 9 years ago
to tammy_tranny : Oh you are so welcome hun.... funny thing is, I was just going to quickly jot down a couple of tips.. and then just when I thought that I had it licked, it kept getting bigger and bigger.... *giggles* ... I know, I know - I am such a perv!
But that really is what happened....
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tammy_tranny 9 years ago
Ive been wondering which nails to order....thanks for the well written tips :wink:
LittleMissLipService Publisher 9 years ago
to prairieFreak13 : Thanks so much for your comment Bri. ...and glad I could make you laugh... so many of the how to's are terribly boring and clinical and so become TLDR... I too wish there was a clear concise resource for girls like us who never had Moms, Aunts or sisters to show us how and give us all the ins and outs of becoming beautifully femme ..... So we just forge forwards trying to wade through the blizzard of info on "teh interwebs" and sometimes getting confused..or worse, getting bad info.... By the way, if you or any other girls has favourite " go to" sites for TGirl beauty/grooming tips, please post and share here.... we can even do more of these if the demand is there... p.s.... nice nips! *giggles* XOXO Kim
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prairieFreak13 9 years ago
Nice post~I laughed reading it, I used to use false nails until I decided to go ahead and grow out my own...wish this post had been available then.

Anyway number 5) Nail remover. The cheapest and BEST nail remover is Acetone. It will strip a multi-coated nail in seconds. LOL (I used to have to do that when the kids were around.) And you can get a quart of the stuff for under $10. BTW Acetone is the main ingredient in most nail strippers. make sure you wash your hands well after using though. ~Bri