Online Roleplay, What Excites Me

Online Roleplay, What Excites Me

People often ask what excites me in my online roleplay at the two talkers i frequent, Crystal Palace and Shangrila, so i am writing this blog to describe scenarios that i find most exciting in virtual roleplay, most of which are a direct extension of real life fantasies of mine, but often more intense due to the safety of roleplaying online.

***UPDATE, 4/29/21: Due to time limitations, i very rarely make time for online roleplay in CP and my character got nuked on Shangrilla due to inactivity***

BDSM:First and foremost, i love roleplaying BDSM scenes. i enjoy BDSM for the sake of the power exchange, not simply as a gateway to vanilla net sex, although sex is often part of the BDSM roleplay. i enjoy all aspects of BDSM, especially bondage. It is very exciting for me when I am able to please another by enduring the physical or emotional pain they choose to expose me to in a roleplay.

Blackmail: It is very exciting to me to explore the emotional roller coaster inherent in a detailed blackmail roleplay scene. Perhaps there are compromising pictures of me that would ruin my marriage, a video that would destroy my career, or information about my past that could plunge me into financial ruin. In all cases, i might be influenced by this information to do things that i would otherwise never do.

Discipline / Punishment: While i typically won't intentionally displease a roleplay partner to be disciplined, it is something that excites me greatly in a scene. Whether something as simple as a spanking, more intense with whips and drops, or incredibly intense with torture devices, needles and biting clamps, it is all exciting to me.

Efficiency: This might sound odd, but while i love a well setup scenario to roleplay, i hate when i only have an hour or two to play and we spend the whole time setting the stage. When possible, setting the back-story and other details about a scene in advance, via email or messages here even, can make the roleplay more enjoyable, and yes, efficient!

Enslavement: This is the root of my roleplay at both talkers. It is very exciting to me to be in a role where i have no say over my life, and must cater unconditionally to the desires and whims of my Master or Mistress.

Hostage: The idea that i would be taken against my will, and held for ransom until someone paid for my release is very exciting to me, not just being taken, but how i am treated while awaiting my release. The idea of being captured and imprisoned pending an unknown fate is very arousing to me.

Humiliation: Whether physical or simply verbal, i find humiliation very exciting, particularly in public settings.

Pregnancy / Lactation: Not really a kink of mine, but something i have roleplayed often and enjoyed. Twice i have been bred (once by a former Owner, another time as the result of being sold to a lesbian couple at a breeding auction where i was used as a surrogate for them). On Shangrila, my current Owner keeps me lactating for His pleasure and amusement.

Prostitution: On both talkers, i am required by my Owners to collect a small fee (in-world credits that have no real life cost or value) anytime i engage in BDSM or sexual roleplay without Them. This excites me on many levels. There is the humiliation of being paid a small sum for virtually unlimited use of my body. There is also the excitement of not knowing how my client will want to use me, but knowing that i have no choice but to submit to their desires. Ironically many clients want just a bj and a fuck, but others want to try out intense BDSM scenes, or film our activities for distribution and sale to others.

Public Places: i love to roleplay in public places, where the risk of being observed, or even joined, is high. Some of my absolute favorite roleplays have been where i have been bound naked and left in a public place, sometimes for weeks, at the mercy of anyone who wandered into the area and found me.

Information about my personality on both talkers: i identify myself as bisexual because some of my most exciting and entertaining scenes have been with other women. i am an exhibitionist and especially enjoy when I am put into a public situation by my roleplay partner. i am masochistic and creative torture and punishments can be such sweet agony and pleasure for me. i am submissive but this does not mean i am passive. i do love actively submitting to a strong Dom/me.

Shangrila Reference Sheet For Newbies:

Basic Information:

“+beginner” is especially useful to those who are new to MUX commands
“+help” displays a list of commands available to you
“+help help” is an index to the help systems
“+faq” displays a FAQ
“+101” is a directory of training info, meta-directory of theme-related resources
“+help finger-setup” for help setting up your finger info
“+howto” for info about how to do some things
“@name me=new name” (changes your name or capitalization)

“look <Player>” for the physical description of a character (can only be used when you are in the same place as them)
“look me” will show your own physical description
“+finger <Player>” for details about a character (can be used anywhere)
“+info <Player>” for more info about a character (can be used anywhere)
“+kinks <Player>” for a list of kinks and comments about a player
“+kinks” for help with kinks
“+kinks list” for a list of kinks and codes
“+kinks/add <...>” to add a kink to your list of faves
“+kinks/pref <kink>=<note>” - Adds note next to your favorited kink
“+kinks/match <Player >” to compare kinks
“+who/match” shows top 10 compatibility matches for kinks
“+glance” (shows in room, like look)
“+time <Player>” gives current time if time zone is set, see +help +time
“Places” shows special places in rooms

Note, below, I will discontinue use of quotes in most places, except where needed for clarity. By now you get it and know what I am saying must be typed, right?

Setting Information About Your Character:

@desc me=<text description> This sets the physical description others see when they “look” at you. Try to keep info here restricted to what another might actually see if they looked at you. The symbols %r and %t start new paragraphs and insert tabs, FYI. “%r %r” for example with insert a line break between text.

i set these two the same:
&short-desc me=<Short message to right of your name in a room>
&title me= <Short title in +finger (41 characters)>

Finger Setup, Set by: “&<attribute> me=<contents>” Example: &email [email protected]. All optional!
EMAIL : Email address.
TITLE : In-Game Title
POSITION : In-Game Position
OWNEDBY : Who owns you?
SLOWNED : Who do you own?
FULLNAME : Your character's full name.
AGE : Your character's actual age. &age me=34
APP-AGE : Your character's apparent age.
FAME : What your character is renowned for.
PLAN : Any plans your character may have.
RP-PREFS : Your role play preferences as a player.
ALTS : Alternate characters you may be known as.
THEMESONG : Your character's theme song.
QUOTE : A typical in-character or player favorite quote.
OFF-HOURS : Your 'office hours'; common online times.
TEMPERAMENT : Your character's personality.
VACATION : Dates you expect to be gone (overrides 60-day idlenuke).
URL : Your personal or character homepage.

In addition to the default +finger fields, you can set custom fields using the following syntax: &FINGER-<label> me=<contents>

The portion of the attribute name following '&FINGER-' will be displayed in your +finger as the field label, followed by <contents>. When setting this attribute, additional '-' or '_' characters will be displayed as spaces. To display portions of the label in all caps, type a period before each letter that should be capitalized. Example: &FINGER-R.L.-AGE me=25 displays as RL Age: 25

To remove something from your +finger, you need to remove the attribute from yourself. The syntax is &<attributename> me=<blank> If it just won't go away, you're probably using the wrong attribute name. You can use ex me/finger-* to get a list of all your custom attribute fields, and find the one correct spelling for the one you want to remove.

To sent the general information that others will see when they type “+info <yourname>” simply type “&info-general me=” followed by the information you want displayed. This info, unlike “look” can be seen from anywhere, regardless of proximity. You can also set additional information as follows. To create an information text showing your description, for example, just type “&INFO-Desc me=” followed by the description you want displayed when someone types “+info <yourname>/Desc” to view your desc.

Colors can be set using the following settings:
%xh%xx black
%xh%xr red
%xh%xg green
%xh%xy yellow
%xh%xb blue
%xh%xm magenta
%xh%xc cyan
%xh%xw white
To end the color and return to normal text, use %xn.

Information About Other Players:

+finger <Player> to view their ‘finger’ information
+info <Player> to view the info they share
+kinks <Player> to view their kinks list and comments
+where for list of who is where
+where/public shows who is in public places

+watch/add <Player> adds a friend to your watchlist
+watch/addcom <Player>=<comment> adds a friend to your watchlist with a comment only you see
+watch/comment <Player>=<comment> adds a comment only you see to a friend on your watchlist
+watch/rem <Player> removes a friend from your watch list
+watch/who - lists friends online
+watch/who2 - lists friends online with "last on" info
+watch/where - lists friends online and where they are
+watch/clean - remove all non-player objects from your watch list.

Enter this text to customize how watchlist notifications appear to you: “&WATCHFMT me=@pemit me=[name(%0)] %3 in [name(%1)] at %2. Comment: %4.”


To speak so that all in the same place (room) as you will hear, simply type “<Message you want to send>

To emote so that all in the same place (room) as you will hear, simply type ; <Emotion you want to send>

To speak or emote OOC (out of character) so that all in the same place (room) as you will hear, simply type ooc <Message> or ooc ; <Emotion>

To speak directly to someone (or emote) so only they will hear you (whether they are in the same place as you or not), type “page <Player>=<Message you want to send>” or shorten ‘page’ to p and type “p <Player>=; <Emotion you want to send>” as in “p Tom=; smiles” which will show only Tom the message “From afar, nadiaj smiles”

To send a message to someone who is not online, or to send a message to someone who is online so they will be able to reference it later, “@mail/quick <Player>/<Subject>=<Message you want to send>”

Note, the mail system is pretty clunky. Typing “@mail” displays your inbox, “@mail <#>” displays message <#> and so on. Mail help is available at “help @mail” or “help mail-sending” or “help mail-reading”

To call someone to your location, type “+summon <player>”
To join someone where they are located, type “+join <player>”

Movement Around Shangrila:

Each place (room) will display a list of exits, or places you can go from there. Simply type the name of the exit to go there. When in doubt just type “o” or “out” to move back from where you are.

+OOC returns from world to OOC Nexus
+IC returns to role play world at last IC location
@IC returns to role play world without moving to new location
@afk to go AFK
@idle me=<AFK message here>
@idle me=<blank> to remove idle message!

+leash/follow is the command for leashing
+help +leash for help with leashes

Typing “+hangouts” will give you a list of hangouts where people often go, “+landmarks” will give you a list of landmarks, “+getaways” will give you a list of places you might want to go with someone special and “+101 rp” will help you learn where to find role play partners.

The following is a list of places you might want to teleport directly, without having to move from place to place to get there, by typing “@tel #1234” (if the place you want to go is 1234):

@tel #9133 The Riverway - Wayfarer Harbor(#9133RJ) (S, S to Flynn’s Seaside Retreat)
@tel #3158 The Rose Hotel, room 201 is exhibitionists, room 203 is voyeurs, W of central Square
@tel #3103 Sperm Bank (leads to Public Sex Room)
@tel #34960 The SpeakEzee Or, @tel #75, w, n, n
@tel #38012 House of Alexander
@tel #194 Tower of Dark Desires (note, Rose Hotel is just west of the Tower, room 203 voyeurs)
@tel #10792 The Park, close to the zoo
@tel #75 Central Square
@tel #61 Northern Mountains, Northern Gate, N then E to Fields of Gold (FoG)
@tel #28055 The Slaver’s Guild

think num(here) to get a tel number for a location
“@link me=here” is the command to set your home location

Miscellaneous Information:

ShangrilaMUX - Shangrila Coinage:
Coin: Plural: Abbrev: Value:
Platinum Imperials I 10000 10,000 Dollars
Gold Royals R 100 100 Dollars
Silver Crowns C 10 10 Dollars
Bronze Marks M 1 Dollar
Copper Commons Cc 1/10 Dime
Pewter Bits B 1/100 Penny
An untried slave costs about 10 gold royals when purchased from the Processing Center. A full meal in an expensive restaurant would cost about 2 Bronze Marks. Just about anywhere else, the same meal would cost about 5 Copper Commons. Smaller items (cigarettes, toiletries) rarely cost more than a few Pewter bits. Please set your costs appropriately.

$cash will display current cash on hand.

Inventory: Type “I” or “Inventory”

The credits that you see in your inventory, which are used to fund computationally expensive commands and functions, are unrelated to IC money.
Published by nadia877
9 years ago
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nadia877 Publisher 8 years ago
to JerichoX : Thanks Hun!
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JerichoX 8 years ago
VERY informational, and instructional. Excellent post! Kudos!!!
nadia877 Publisher 8 years ago
to caldenied : Fun! There were others in the late 90s that were sexually themed... Bonds of Beauty, Nails (I think), Bondovia, Ironrose, House of Chains, Harem, Sleepy's Multiple Worlds, Twilight Zone, etc.
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caldenied 8 years ago
This was a cool read. I remember a text based roleplaying game I was into in the 90's called Major MUD. It was on a local BBS and was a ton of fun. I actually met a girl through it. Now it was just fantasy Lord of the Rings stuff but was still fun. Now seeing that there are sex roleplaying versions are out there that's so cool.
phillymark1 8 years ago
such an incredible lady and still has time to check out football
nadia877 Publisher 8 years ago
to peterexperienced : That's great, such a wonderful way to let loose and explore! :smile:
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peterexperienced 8 years ago
I too love on-line role playing.
nadia877 Publisher 9 years ago
to michael2010 : Awww, thanks Sweetie, glad You enjoyed reading!
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michael2010 9 years ago
You spark an interest like no other! Such an amazing lady.
nadia877 Publisher 9 years ago
to lovelicks : So true!
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lovelicks 9 years ago
Role play stimulates the mind, imagination, emotions and finally the physical senses, all make you feel more alive ! In turn, this increases the intensity of your cumming.
nadia877 Publisher 9 years ago
Mmmm, i would like that! :smile:
nadia877 Publisher 9 years ago
to margiehank : So very true!!!
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margiehank 9 years ago
I love your world, your role play world. It is wonderful to explore new roles, new worlds, new adventures with others and maybe on your own to learn more about others and yourself. Often I wonder if the opportunity arose if I would act out some of those fabulous fantasies.... Actually I think we all do in some sort of fashion... Role playing and dreams sometime come true:smile:
petdyke 9 years ago
Very interesting and intriguing, Nadia!
Expect an invitation to my studio soon
***** - Poet PETER
sanchasmasher 9 years ago
I think people don't understand that a woman who submits to another and entrusts him with both her pleasure and welfare, is an exceptionally strong woman. It also takes tremendous character on the part of the Dom to be disciplined in how he handles his/her duties. The master must strike the right chord in dancing that line between pleasure and pain.
nadia877 Publisher 9 years ago
to Cas001_965 : *blush* Thanks, i appreciate that!
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nadia877 Publisher 9 years ago
to wiggie63 : You are welcome, thanks for taking the time to read! :smile:
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Cas001_965 9 years ago
your roleplay are so good, you are a very interesting girl.... :wink:
Very good , I can see some of this in your writings ! Thank you :wink: