Ah well, since she went ahead and blocked me ...

Ah well, since she went ahead and blocked me ...

Were I in your neck of the woods, I’d have surreptitiously made my way to your office …

… and while nobody was looking, I’d have taken position behind your seat …

… and while nobody was looking, I’d have stroked your hair …

… and while nobody was looking, I’d have softly blown on your ears …

… and while nobody was looking … to then whisper to you … salacious things … mendacious things … wanton things … explicit things … reprehensible things … unrepentant things …

… and while nobody was looking, to careen my soft fingers, from your nape … to where your cascading hair breaks … then softly on the sides of your back … moving to the front … my will so slack …

… and while nobody was looking, to circumnavigate those orbs … so leisurely … so pleasurely … so ecstatically … oh so very dastardly …

… until my hands surrender … and comes to rest … on that victory … which is your chest …

… and while nobody was looking, I’d have made you stand up …

… and while nobody was looking, I’d have lifted your dress …

… and while nobody was looking, I’d have removed your panties …

… and while nobody was looking, I’d have feasted my eyes on the dantiest dimpliest silliest greatest smallest most yankee-ist pair of buttocks in the whole of the United States …

… and while nobody was looking … I’d have lowered your dress … made you sit down … and walked out …

… now now luv, what am I ever gonna do with your panties then ?

After all the grief you're trying to give me, I have a mind to hoist them up a flagpole right in front of the office of some terbacky-chewin sherrif, who is gonna try and extract a confession out of you, by reading out loud from the book of Isaiah to you …

Or I can send your panties to Guantanamo Bay, where only the most fanatical of inmates will be compelled to wear them …

You'd better make up that mind of yours luv, or so help me, I'm gonna wreck those panties in my dishwasher, and then FedEx 'em back to you.

I'll send a replacement as well ...



Published by sazelus
9 years ago
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