Robin Overton

Robin Overton


To all, who knew Robin Overton or rjo91

Today I received the following E-Mail, which announces, that Robin died in last December.
I am very, very sad and I only can wish him, to rest in peace. I will miss you Robin, though we were in contact only a short time.

This is the message I received:

At the request of Mr & Mrs John Overton, I have been given their son Robin's iPad and access to his e-mail account.

They have asked me to write to his contacts with a copy of the following message.

(My name is Freddie Booth, I was at university with Robin. If you have not heard what happened to Robin, I have added a brief note after their message.)

"We wish to thank everyone most sincerely, who sent Cards and Messages of Condolence following the death of our beautiful son Robin. In time, we hope to reply to everyone individually. It was wonderful and an enormous comfort to us to meet so many of his friends, who attended his funeral mass and joined with us in saying farewell. We should also wish to thank especially the medical staff who fought so gallantly to try and save his life.

He was our only son and he brought us such great joy and happiness. We did not know he would be taken from us so soon but The Good Lord wanted His Soul back home to be with Him in Heaven.

Robin's cremated remains will be taken to South Africa, where he will be finally laid to rest in the grave alongside his beloved Grandmother, in Cape Town."


Robin died as a result of injuries sustained in an accident, cycling home from the gym, on the evening of Monday 8th December. It is not thought that anyone else was involved but rather that he hit something in the road or was perhaps trying to avoid an a****l and lost control of his bicycle.

Robin died thirty six hours after being admitted to hospital. He carried an organ donor card.

Robin was the most wonderful human being you could ever wish to meet - highly intelligent, caring, witty, a fitness fanatic, always thinking of others, a kind, warm hearted man. He had just started to enjoy his professional life in a Dental Practice, where he had quickly established himself as popular member of the team with both colleagues and patients. He had his whole life ahead of him. He will be very sadly missed.

Robin John Overton RIP
Died Aged 23 Years
1st January 1991 - 10th December 2014

E-mail 24.01.2015

Dear Friends of Robin

This is just to let everyone know that Robin's cremated remains are being taken by his parents to South Africa. He will be laid to rest finally in the grave alongside his late Grandmother, not in Cape Town as I originally thought but rather in Franschhoek, a town some 50 miles east of Cape Town. There is to be a Service of Committal during the morning of Thursday 29th January.

When his parents requested that I try and contact anyone, who perhaps had not heard what had happened, I did not realise the emotional journey this would become. However, in reading your replies, kind words and about your memories of him, you have made all this just about bearable. It has been a great comfort but not a surprise to know that Robin was so very much loved. On behalf of his parents, I wish to thank everyone for their heartfelt messages of condolence, which will be much appreciated, as is the support you have been to me.

Robin was someone very special and the world is a poorer place with him no longer with us.

Yours sincerely,

Freddie Booth.

At Robin's Funeral Mass, his best friend Leith, from their schooldays, read this poem as part of the Service. I thought you might like to read it.

From: “A Shropshire Lad” By - A.E. Houseman

XIX - To An Athlete Dying Young

The time you won your town the race
We chaired you through the market-place;
Man and boy stood cheering by,
And home we brought you shoulder-high.

To-day, the road all runners come,
Shoulder-high we bring you home,
And set you at your threshold down,
Townsman of a stiller town.

Smart lad, to slip betimes away
From fields where glory does not stay,
And early though the laurel grows
It withers quicker than the rose.

Eyes the shady night has shut
Cannot see the record cut,
And silence sounds no worse than cheers
After earth has stopped the ears:

Now you will not swell the rout
Of lads that wore their honours out,
Runners whom renown outran
And the name died before the man.

So set, before the echoes fade,
The fleet foot on the sill of shade,
And hold to the low lintel up
The still-defended challenge-cup.

And round that early-laurelled head
Will flock to gaze the strengthless dead,
And find unwithered on its curls
The garland briefer than a girl's

"Somewhere" from West Side Story.

Rest in Peace Dear Robin.

Part of you will remain always in our hearts.

Published by luluhi
9 years ago
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satinfeelsgreat 5 years ago
so very young. so sad even though i did not know him.
whipper69 6 years ago
oh mon dieu... and good grief... salut Robin... I wish I knew you... YOu sound fun and I wish we has spent some time together...
ognemoteb 9 years ago
meus sinceros sentimentos, pois senti profundo em meu coração!!!
jonnyscallyboi 9 years ago
How sad. He was a beautiful loveable joyous boy on his first steps to manhood. RIP my buddy!
Tomas18 9 years ago
das zu hören macht einen sehr traurig!
schlimm wenn man einen lieben menschen verliert, ich glaube jeder kann das auch von sich sagen, denn in familie, feundeskreisen und unter bekannten verliert man mit der zeit viele gute menschen, schade nur wenn es auf so eine tragische art geschieht,
gurunguru 9 years ago
I can only subscribe what Mr Booth wrote: "highly intelligent, caring, witty, a fitness fanatic, always thinking of others, a kind, warm hearted man". He was able to spread his nature with us, mantaining his warmth and spontaneity. He got the power to let feel the others as human being, not only as sex-faddist. I'll keep him deep in my heart forever.
bongie9 9 years ago
I find it hard to believe this; we were friends and were planning to meet up in the New Year; he had become a soul mate on here; we talked a lot. I have been worried as I had not heard from him since the start of December. He was so kind and understanding. He is going to be very sadly missed.
drew270 9 years ago
r.i.p John