Is porn dangerous?

Is porn dangerous?

If you're reading, good on your for not just being a drone around here.

Here's what I'm coming to realize. And this is specific to the United States, I can't say it applies to other places. But in the US, the things that are said and done to women are not improving. They're still heinous and horribly disrespectful. If you're curious, it isn't hard to find reports and reviews on any search engine.

If you aren't in the mood to search, here's one you can take a look at:******e-survivors-fight-back-project-unbreakable

It is pretty appalling that a somebody could say, or do, these things to another person. It is degrading, humiliating, and inhuman. I cannot imagine the lack of empathy, morals, or respect that it would take to put somebody through this kind of experience. And yet, guys do it. The only difference is that now, people are being vocal about the abuse, and thank god that they are.

At any rate, I'm not here to get up on a high horse and denounce the guys that did it. If society has any back bone, then I shouldn't have to. What I'm here to ponder is what is leading to it. Where is the notion that it is okay to do things that reflect severe personality disorders (eg Antisocial Personality Disorder) coming from? Could be a lot of things, but I think the digital age is a lot of it.

Here's why my thinking is. People have always been more aggressive when there is some anonymity involved. Hop on any given youtube video and read the comments. Do you think any of those things would be said to a person's face? Probably not. We are, for whatever reason, inclined to say the most heinous things to a person when it is electronic because we don't have to face any repercussions for the act.

Okay, that's not that big of a deal. If someone goes name calling on youtube, who cares? Well, I'm starting to think about where the bridge is that connects that to actual acts. And I have some ideas. For one, there's cognitive dissonance theory. Leon Festinger proposed the idea (I believe), and it basically says that there is discomfort for a person when they're holding two contradictory ideas in their head, and they will naturally gravitate toward one or the other. So what am I getting at? Well, a perfectly reasonable person who acts normally toward people in public might go through cognitive dissonance when they start to say abusive things to others online. Over time, they might gravitate toward actually adopting that sort of personality.

Where I am starting to think there's a connection is in dating sites. If you go to sites like single white boys texting, you see that guys are willing to say some pretty unbelievable things to real women. These aren't girls that make money by being there. It isn't like being sexual with a cam girl. These are normal women who are just looking for a nice guy to date. But instead, they're constantly asked if they want to fuck. It is sorta gross when you think about it.

And when they're rejected, a lot of the time they lash out. They'll say that you must be some dumb cunt. Here's some solid examples:

Now, when I think about the kinds of guys that are willing to do the horrible things to women that are outlined in that first link, I start to believe that these guys are coming from the group that says shit like what is in that second link. They're making the jump from the anonymity of being online to actually committing the acts and being just as abusive.

So, I know this is rambling. But honestly, I'm having some pretty strong feelings on this that are sort of spilling out, so you'll have to excuse me for it. At any rate. That brings me back around to porn. Is it dangerous? Are these guys getting the ideas for what they do from porn? Part of me thinks yes. But part of me thinks no. There are millions of people who watch porn. But I can't even come close to imagining that all porn users are willing to commit acts of ****. I, for one, consider myself in the opposite camp. I've stopped three of them that were in progress. But I watch a lot of porn.

So, is it just that porn is the sort of thing you have to enjoy responsibly? Again, I don't think that's it either. I think that porn is not necessarily the culprit. I think it is the lack of respect that we, as a society, have for each other. I think that having online anonymity has given us a bold willingness to say what we want, and it is translating into the offline world. We feel no accountability for the things we say anymore. There's no sense of communal responsibility. We only do what makes us ourselves happy. It is disappointing, to say the least. We don't do right by others anymore. In fact, it has become so exceptional that people act with any sense of benevolence that people are caught off guard by it. I see it all the time when I try to help somebody.

Maybe it is a problem with disconnected parents that don't enforce discipline. Does corporal punishment have a place? I can't say for sure. But I genuinely believe that our basic lack of respect for each other and lack of any sense of responsibility is what is to blame for these horrible actions. And I want people to start to stand up against it. I, for one, am not willing to be quiet about these things. People can say that I am just saying it because I'm online, but I'm happy to say these things out loud, in public, to anyone that will listen. I genuinely believe that anyone with a sense of empathy will side with me.

We, as a society, need to remember that we cannot just do right by ourselves. We need to consider what we are doing to other people and own up to it. Have some accountability. We can't just blame porn because it has the closest contextual link. We have to blame ourselves, and then we have to stand up and say NO MORE.
Published by imperiex10
9 years ago
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imperiex10 Publisher 9 years ago
to Rick69g : Happy to do it. It just feels like humanity gets lost at a certain point.
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Rick69g 9 years ago
Great post. I hate abusive porn. it's a sad statement on society that there is enough of an audience out there that it supports this garbage.
Thanks for posting this.
steelrider412 9 years ago
Interesting blog- check mine out - an article posing the question - is porn desensitising sex- good thing is guys- there's hope for us yet !
Timbuctouche 9 years ago
A stimulating conversation... and good read. I will be back
thatporncompany 9 years ago
I am extremely disheartened by the current state of porn. I refuse to watch or upload violent misogynistic porn.

The saddest part is that this type of garbage wouldn't even exist but for its demand by its sick audience, which is legion.
slaveashish 9 years ago
Couldn't agree with you more on all that you have mentioned. However it doesn't stop with porn. Take any mainstream Hollywood movie and you can see that most of them portray women horribly. The situation is worse if you consider hip-hop or raps or other movie industries like Bollywood (Indian movies) for example. Coming back to the porn industry, in addition to any effect on the porn watching population's perception of women, the ordeal the porn actresses go through is also startling. One could argue that they are doing it for money, but a responsible society cannot hide behind that argument. Make no mistake, I love porn just as much as the next guy, but when I am not horny :smile: I do think about such matters, but unfortunately cannot see any feasible solutions, at least in the near future.
And FYI, things are much worse in third world countries such as mine. Here it is socially acceptable, especially within men's circles, to talk about women as if they are nothing other than sex objects. And then we wonder why rapes are at an all time high (:
I heard something on NPR by a female-and admittedly overweight I comedian. She was stalked by somebody who actually made a twitter account in the name of her deceased father and had comments from him about how ashamed he was of her, etc. In this show she confronted him and he admitted it was partially the anonymity, partially unhappiness with his own life and anger that she wasn't filled with self-loathing too. He apologized and recognized how inexcusable his behavior had been. Me, when I was on Myspace and some troll would say something nasty I frequently freaked him (always a him) out by saying "Dude-I love you, man. You obviously haven't heard that often enough."
bb49 9 years ago
I agree, for the most part, I do think what your saying is true, absolutely anonymity has a great thing to do with it, the immature and feebile minded will hide behind the electronic screen to say anything that comes to their weak minds, I think often these guys are abused, or just taken advantage of from their lack of self confidence or low self-esteem, which can be from abuse, I also think the todic environment has a great deal to do with it, soft plastics that have high levels of BPH can release toxins into the body that creates zytoestrogens, this increases estrogen levels in both men and women, fluoride blocks higher brain functions causing one to make bad decisions or not to be self-aware, but as you say some of the problems are social as well, I'm not sure to what degree as I just don't live in that way, I try to maintain a high level of self awareness, I don't eat anything processed, or red meat,I try to maintain a level of fitness for both mind and body, I pray daily and meditate as well, so awareness is really a big deal, that's just not taught in schools anymore, schools used to try and make people think, cellphones now do the thinking for most folks, instead of people telling computers what to do the opposite is now true, it's a very toxic world, our air, wafer a d food are all contaminated, specially with chemtrails being sprayed, unless one takes great and persistent matters to avoid these toxins, they will affect the mind and body, effectively degrading the physiological and psychological , it's really a messed up world, one where aggressiveness and hostility are rewarded and deep thinking, book reading are discouraged.
jacksprat15 9 years ago
Great food for thought. I often read the comments posted on the videos I choose to view. I nearly always find some comments that refer to the females in the videos as sluts, whores, bitches, etc. I rarely find any slurs directed against the males that appear in the videos.
markkeys 9 years ago
accountability and responsibility are the key to life along with balance. agree 100%
Awesome post. I believe in balance as well.

This has made me think about the comments I leave on here a little different. I am brutal on here. Name calling, degradation, humiliation. However I have never once acted out aggressively via social media (you tube comments, twitter, facebook, tinder, etc..) to a woman either personally or anonymously.

Now some people can't separate the two worlds. Fantasy VS. Reality. I think a screen in front of you allows you to say or do something in the fantasy realm thinking thats what it is but as soon as it touches another person it is no longer a fantasy it is real. For example, if you look through my favorites you might see maybe 1 gay video for every page of my favorites (lets say 8 pages of videos, Id have 8 gay vids favorited). I have 0 interest in men. Ive been in gym locker rooms and am actually quite disgusted with men physically compared to women. To me women are perfect in almost every way, I'm a ladies man, I lust for them, I gush over them, I take care of them in all ways physically and mentally. But there is something that turned me on in those gay videos where in reality it would disgust me.

Being able to separate the two worlds is important and if you cant do it porn is dangerous. Watching porn is not a hobby, its an addiction. If it gets in the way of your daily routine you have a problem. If what you are doing when you go out and talk to females is trying to be your xhamster, tumblr persona and try and recreate vids and scenes from the two places you are sorely mistaking. Not to say you cant have some amazing, porno-esque sex because i have and i'm sure many others have. But if you think you can spit in a whores face, drag her around by her hair and put your dick in her ass like these videos than you have a problem. Now in reality i have spit in a girls mouth (she ASKED ME!), walked a girl around on all fours by her hair and fucked her ass. The difference is I didn't get their by being a rude, aggressive asshole. I got their by being caring and putting trust in them and them trust in me over time !

I'm beginning to draw a blank but would like to add/discuss this more. The mentality of people is that its online and its fake but for many its not, it seeps into their daily reality and they cant seperate the two and will often act on their fantasies. News flash online is REAL AS IT GETS! Look at court cases, white collar crimes, etc... You do something wrong on the Internet and your reality is fucked!

This made me think a lot about what I do on here, not that I haven't before. But the personality I have on here is so different then how really I act but to me the porn is all just fun and games. Its sexy, these girls are doing something you don't see normally, they look different and the same with guys with massive cocks. Its different and its all a fantasy for me and has not crossed over into my daily reality in what I say on personal social media platforms, via text or how I treat woman face to face.

GREAT topic here, A lot of room for discussion. Hope to be back to add something.

*Clicks save this post to my favorites
As with every, balance is the key.