Full Moon

Full Moon

3:30 in the morning and i find myself looking at the moon and wishing it was full but knowing deep down that no matter how much it looks like it is it isn't. its odd the parallels one can find in life. looking up at that nearly complete sphere, just an infinitesimally small sliver missing, i couldn't help but think of myself and the little sliver that's missing from within me. we were together so long, and for the longest time it felt so right, but just like that moon it was missing something. some tiny little part that would make it whole, make it complete. make it perfect. but unlike that mystical orb in the sky that's got me so mesmerized tonight, that little sliver never came. so just like this glowing ball of reflected fire in the sky, we sank into the horizon, the moon falling behind the trees, signaling the end. for now. until a new day rises, a new night comes, and with it that perfect full moon, that perfect woman, that perfect moment. and when it comes i'll be there.
Published by resistivecorpse
10 years ago
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Gonzoholic 10 years ago
You sound like my brother. Less than a month out of a 10-year stint in maximum security prison, he falls in love with someone he knew when he was 16 years old.... handn't seen her since then.... 20-fuckin-5 years later... in less than a month... in-love.

This may come across as an insult and that's surely not my intention. My point is, man... you are a goddamn dreamer. A good guy, not a great guy (truth be spoken... Hell, I still like ya) who might be prone to fuckin around or fuckin off or sideways goddamn HIATUS-takin, "screamin FTW"... .just like me..

What the fuck am I sayin here? I dunno. I'm drunk. I'm fuckin off. Fuckin off work. Godddamn work sucks. Point is, maybe... I do wahtthe fuck I want cause I'm single. No fuckin cunt draggin me down with her fucking INSURMOUNTABLE pile of bs on a fucking schedule.


I dig the writing bro, but fuck. FUCK THAT SHIT!

Ya know I love ya bro,
vertuila 10 years ago
A nice poem for a beautiful moon.
I don't think a sliver was missing.
SassyBri 10 years ago

I see the moon you speak of. I feel that sliver missing... I also know with time and the phases that come along with it, so will that perfect reflection on the water. So close now we can reach out and run our fingers through it's luminescence.

I want you to go to my pro and just below my about me, there is a picture of this moon. A gif. Below it are my thoughts on the moon. Read it slowly and let it's meaning sink in...

SassyBri ~

Thank you for sharing this.