A 3 to 5 Inch Penis is Large for Arab Men: Edwarde

A 3 to 5 Inch Penis is Large for Arab Men: Edwarde

A 3 to 5 Inch Penis is Large for Arab Men: Edwardes

Sexologist Edwardes observes that the pure Arab is lucky to have an erect penis
size of 3 to 5 inches, which is of course below the 6-7 inch average in the
Nordic West:

"The Egyptian Turk or fellah, inadequately or brutally circumcised, was generally
mowaulid (of mixed breeds). Proof of this lay in genital comparison. The pure
bred Arab, with a stature approaching that of the average northern European, was
fortunate to possess a penis measuring from three to five inches in erection;
whereas the Egyptian, in Burton's opinion a 'white-washed nigger,' possessed one
that measured six inches or more in a flaccid state. Were someone to place a
Bedewwee Arab next to an Egyptian fellah, the difference must bave been
conspicuous. Hence an Egyptian can never be called an Arab; and sang the Arab:
The prickle of the pure, in quiescence, retracts; The prickle of the vile,
unwrinkled, protracts. {p 207} From the very cradle, Egyptian fellaheen
(peasants) were prompted to enjoy every variety of sexual gratification. In
youth, they engaged in excessive genital manipulation and sodomy, then proceeded
to forms of b********y (to be discussed later). Not a few of them eventually
destroyed their ..."
- 'The jewel in the lotus: a historical survey of the sexual culture of the
East' Allen Edwardes, Julian Press 1959, p. 206-7.
Published by shortdickpakiboy
10 years ago
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