Fantasying my sexy GF!

Fantasying my sexy GF!

That day was special to me. I always use to ask my gf to wear something tight as much as possible so that her well-endowed breasts can show some cleavage. And it was nothing but usual, that, she readily disagrees and wear something loose then all my begging would haphazardly go in vain. On that particular day when she was about to visit some doctor in Kilpauk Garden, where she wanted me to accompany her, she did attired herself in some loose clothing as to bull-doze my fantasies. But unfortunately (for her), the big muskmelon boobs of hers were in no mood to restrain themselves inside her prison of bra.

You guys must have seen that epic moment. As I was later than usual, she was made to pay the visit to the clinic alone (the doctor's lucky day maybe) and it was when she's walking back to the bus stop I called her and informed her of my being there.

After apologizing much for my late appearance and thus not accompanying her to the clinic, we spent some ten minutes walking hand-in-hand to everyone's amusement. It was not too long, when we decided to dine in some american eatery, as we were too tired to walk and also too eager to spend some time alone, we happen to cross the "Fruit Shop on Greams Road." It's actually a nice juice bar, if you spare them for affixing the term "On Greams Road" for each and every branches the shop owns in and around Chennai, just because the shop was inaugurated first on the Greams Road, which lays opposite to the infamous mosque of thousand lights area. Although, the name of the road itself has some issues to be dealt with as it is rightly to be addressed as "Greame's Road" on contrary to the present form of addressing. Really, what in the world is GREAMS?? Anyway, that's totally another matter and we'll just hop onto the story at where we just left...
10 years ago
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