Just a friendly FYI

Just a friendly FYI

A few things I'd like to say to prevent me from ever having to repeat myself.
I don't do passive-aggressive. The moment I get that kind of static, I'm outta there.
I have a life outside of this place, and I expect so do most / all of you.
Moreover, I don't live my life parked on skype.
Nor do I read minds.
So...if you want to speak to me beyond the parameters set on this here very social websitey thing, speak plainly, speak politely, and please, a minimum of bullshit would be appreciated. I say what I mean and I expect you'll do the same. Guessing as to my motives is unnecessary when all you have to do is ask. This is an outlet, a way to kill time, a way to get certain needs scratched, and - also - a way of meeting people (in roughly that order). Assumptions are a poor basis for communication.
Otherwise, all's well. Carry on, everybody have fun.
Published by pusillanimouse
10 years ago
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