Credit Cards are open again! Yay!

Credit Cards are open again! Yay!

As some of you may have already discovered in your inbox, has sent out a mail to their users regarding the re-opening of services to foreign credit card users. I have copied and pasted the official email below:

Dear loyal DMM.R18 customers,

Thank you for your continued patronage and support of our unique adult
entertainment product library.

We would like to apologize for any inconveniences caused due to our
service upgrades up until this point. Due to issues with integrating
overseas credit card information into our system, we at DMM had to
upgrade and perform maintenance on our payment services. We have
completed these security upgrades and are proud to say that the
payment process is now up and running for our customers using
non-Japanese credit cards.

Please be aware that even though the maintenance has been completed,
there might be some instances where users will not be able to register
their credit cards or purchase products.

We apologize in advance for any inconveniences and appreciate your
understanding in any future matters regarding security measures to our

Again, we would like to thank you for your continued patronage and
support of


DMM Overseas Team
Published by DMM-R18
11 years ago
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