For clarity

For clarity

While I get a half-dozen or so friend requests a year, not much by most standards, most of those come as a blank, "wanna be my friend?" Almost all of those get rejected immediately. If you want to be a friend, why me? Let me know. I write to users or respond to as many posts, profiles or videos I see. Again, not that many. If I write to you, it does not mean I'm trying to hit up on you. Most times I'm messaging JUST to say "WASSUP" or in other words, I like what you're doing and I wanted to let you know that. If you feel pressured to respond, that is not my intention. I'm sure most of you get dozens per day. Great! But as a "friend", there is no way on Earth you can really get to know all these people, from all these geographical locations, preferences and channels. There are just some people who stand out and when I cum across them(pun intended), I want them to know. Because you are reading this I know you are checking me out for some reason. If a perv can't politely say "What Up, Tho'" to another perv, why are any of us here? We have enough crap to put up with in the world today, without taking a dump on folks who are usually here for pretty much the same reason; looking for someone who 'GETS' "IT". Whatever IT is to you, there IS someone out there who likes IT, craves IT, relishes in IT. I have a whole lot of ITS to get to. I have found a half dozen women in my life who share some or most of my ITS and that' great. Right now, I'm feeling one especially. One day, the PTB's will give me a break and we'll be together. Until then, I have to hope it won't be too late. But without these electronic venues like xHamster, AdultFriendFinder, Jmeeting and FreeI, we would be wandering around aimlessly, trying to find a clue. I have NO patience for the AutoBots that are just spamming to make a buck. The "Catfish" abound in these here waters. A Pox be unto them. But those of you who are just trying to find a modicum of acceptance, you can find it here. I'm not _____, but I won't refuse a friendship or a fiendship with someone because they are _____. Feel free to insert any usually negative or derogatory term you've heard or been called. I like women with fat asses and if you don't, well, that leaves more for me! You can't help the way you were born.

Before I fill the circuits with soapsuds, I'm only trying to say that, to all of you who've been abused, looked at funny, talked about, beat-up about or made fun of because of some 'Thing' that is you and you can't change it, WHY should you be made to feel YOU have to change a damned thing? If you wanna talk about it to someone, message me. Judge not, lest ye' be judged. Let's have _____ Pride Day! You be your own blank. I'm out!
Published by chubhandler
11 years ago
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