I think my smoking fetish was triggered at quite an early age, when i visited
a friend with my mum and this lady started breast feeding, and was smoking so
that may have had some influance, and I would have been about 6 or 7,at that time.

Mum and Dad smoked and I remember how horrible it was when they lit up in the
car, which makes the fetish all the more strange.

Then at a similar age 7 or 8 I vaguely remember playing dressing up with my sister, who was about a year younger. We got handed down clothes from family or friends, and i can only imagine thats where a lemon corselette came from,, but it was very small, obviously for a young girl. ( I think it was the done thing that girl were introduced to foundation garments at a young age back in the fifties, (it was now the early sixties) so perhaps thats the explanation why it was such a small size.. (but it was a snug fit on me) Anyway I can remember getting an erection, which hurt constrained by this pantie girdle and been embarrassed, my sister finding it funny, and worried at what I had done to myself. Well I obviously went on to experiment, but can only remember hiding this garment away,,, hoping it wouldnt be missed,, then hiding it away somewhere else. Until I had it hid in my bedroom. So thats obviously how my enjoyment of cross-dressing started.

My brother is 6 years older than me, and when I was around 11 or 12 he had a girl friend who came to the house, she was quite plump ( perhaps that was the start of me liking for the larger lady) she had huge thighs, shown off in all there glorie by mini skirts of the day. And she always had quite strong blue eye shadow, and lip-stick. (and I even took her butts from the ash tray and they gave me a turn on)

Seeing Her smoke must have had quite some effect because I tried to copy her,
I even took her butts from the ash tray and they gave me a turn on)
I think I tried to look like her I started putting a bra on, and make up then tried posing with a cigarette, like lady, and it was all very confusing and I was ashamed every time I did it, but couldnt resist the massive turn-on.

I think it must have been around this time also that I was on the look out for
pictures of ladies faces in magazines, idealy their face filling the page and I
would cut a hole out in the lips so a ciggarette would fit in. I couldnt afford to waste a ciggy by lighting it,, so in my head I would imagine she was teasing
me saying, " would you like to watch me smoking while you have a wank in
front of me" and that line is still a massive turn-on for me. Later on in my
teens I come across a real hardcore porno book, stuff I had never seen but
there was one full page taken up by a girls face,, wonderfull make-up, eyes
that realy looked right at you and she was just half blowing a kiss, so her
lips were just slightly pouted, and after cutting the hole the cigarette she looked just perfect. I wasnt that intrested in the close ups of her pussy and toys been used, they were just as a reminder that she could be showing herself
while smoking, and I had that page/ picture for years and years, well into my
30 tis because I never found anything to better it.

Then we move to my later days at school, im probably 15. A girl called Linda would have been 14, and one of the crowd. We used to meet behind some garages, there were 30 odd garages grouped together on the estate. Well this day she kept asking for a cigarette and I hadnt many so kept saying no,, No ,,, she said go on lets go up to the garages and if you let me have one I will make it worth your while, so I said no Linda not even for the normal snog,,, "come on AL please please please, ok if you let me have one I will let you play with my tits, "No LINDA,",,,,, hang on hang on, she said,,,,I mean I will get them OUT,, and I mean OUT,, not just let you feel, "WHAT FULLY OUT",,,,????????????
,,,,,, yes,,,,and you can play with them till iv finished my cigy.

So we got up between the garages, and if I had just given her one she could have just done a runner, so she undid her white blouse and pulled it open, leaving it tucked in at the waste, then without hesitation, just said are you ready,,,and lifted each ample breast out of her bra, she was one of the top 3 or 4 best endowed girls on the eastate ,,,, SEE thats proved you wrong,, come on my reward please. She put the cigarette between her lips to one side, I went to cup her breast ,,,,ah ah ah ah dont I get a kiss first??? she took her ciggarete between her fingers and we started kissing, I took her breast in my hand,, so warm and soft, firm but o so squeezable, it was my first proper skin to skin feel of a girls breasts and nipples,,,, aumm umm our tongues
entwinded, as I found her nipple and rolled it between finger and thumb. umm umm she moaned , in what sempt like seconds it felt as if it had doubled in size, she pulled away and stood on tip-toes, putting the cig back between her lips, and lifted a breast,,,, obviously inviting me to take it, I stooped and bent over and her nipple met my lips, and I carressed it and just gently sucked on it, as she struck a match and lit her ciggarrete, it was my first proper look feel and taste of a girls b**sts, so I was rampant down below. I was tentative, but was eager to suck and take as much breast into my mouth as I could,,, she sempt to be enjoying it,so I opened my mouth wider, as she started to take her second drag her face just filled with pleasue and relief as she inhaled, I sucked more of her soft young flesh into my mouth, as she exhaled. then quickly put the ciggarette back to her lips, and she turned lifting her other b**st to my mouth, as the cigarette dangled from the corrner of her lips. With more confidance I greedily sucked in harder, the suddenness made her take a deep
long darg, her hand left her breast and out-strechted fingers took the cigarette from her lips, the drag had been so long and hard she had a job controling it and had to hold it in for several seconds while the urge to cough had subsided. Then looking down at her brest been sucked, she exhaled strongly upwards with such confidence, holding the ciggarete with such daintiness right at the ends of her fingers, and close to her mouth so as to be ready for her next drag. The pleasure in her eyes and on her face was just so pure and uninhibited, she lent back on to the garage wall and her breast filled and rose up as she took each drag,, so young and inocent but so much of a woman.

To try and descride my feeling would never do justice to the shear intensity of the turn-on, and we had many more encounters as boy and girlfriend.

There was one other occosion that stands out,, when a group of us were camping
out down the bottom of one of the gangs huge back gardens,, and the 12/13 year
old sister to one of the girls had tagged along, most unwelcome because she
could soon hinder spin the bottle and strip poker that was in store for later,,
and she was told time and time again she was too young,, and the younger
girl insisted she was old enough to be with her sister, they argued and
squabbled, the yonger one went off then came back saying mum says I can
stay etc etc. So her older sister gave her an ultimatum hoping she would go,,
if you stay you will have to play spin the bottle.. and you have to snog for a full minute, ,,,, "ok ya",,,, and you will have to play strip poker ,,,ya OK,,,,`Anyway it tured into almost an initiation, the older girl now under real pressure because she was going to ruin everything ,, said you will just end up crying like a big baby and you wont play properly, and back out at the last minute, you can only stop if you snog each lad in turn for a minute,, strip off to show your not a sissy, and you have to smoke a ciggarette, and she was still up for it,,

All the lads were pissed off and one said for fucks sake come here lets see if
your willing to snog,, and she did,, some one had a watch and was counting,,
and this youngster kept on going after the minute I think because she'd
been put down by her sister so much and was trying to gain the respect
of everyone else, anyway she soon did that by snogging all the lads in turn,
to hushed but rousing encouragement.

Then we started chantting strip strip strip,, and she did to her bra and panties,then backed out, but her sister steped in with the other girls and pulled her pants and bra off,, her bra was pointless because she had only just started to develop,, but she ended up knelt down covering her tits with her hands,,, I think her sister felt up-staged by her younger sister taking all the limelight, so was by now quite snotty with her,, "come on then sissy if your so grown up lets see your juggs, and tried to pull her hands from her chest, come on then sissy lets see if you grown up enough to smoke a full cig,,, she lit a cig then told the other girls to get her arms, the youngster struggled but with two girls on each arm she couldnt do anything. Look at you,,,, you tart snogging the lads and getting your big juggs out,, we will let you go as soon as you have smoked this, dont dare drop it, here take it, and she put the cig between the girls lips, A 13 year old stripped, knelt on the floor with two girls
holding her arms straight out and with a cigarette between her inocent lips. Go on smoke it lets see you take a drag, the faster you smoke it the sooner it will be over,, one of the lads said go on shaz, and she did take a drag, and to everyones surprise she took it back then exhaled down her nose, come on big juggs again, and she did, the lads encouraged her "ya go on love" " go on shaz good girl" they wasnt big drags but she was inhaling, she just managed to control one and had a couple of near coughs. Well Sharon was not pleased so she pushed her head forward so the smoke was going up into her face so even when she just tried to breath in,, without inhaling,, she still got the smoke "go on big grown up girl take a drag like that" well you could see how she was struggling just to breath without coughing,, " come on miss bigg juggs take a drag " well she tryed and couldnt help but cough and the cig dropped from her mouth and dropped on her thigh, which made her open her legs before it rolling off, "thats it little tart open your legs" Sharon picked the cig up and put it back in the youngsters mouth, "right keep your legs open, further further, like that,,, right keep them there and I wont bend your head down."

Well bless her she finish her cig, spred egaled so to speak in the kneeling position, with everyones support, barring Sharon's. I dont re-live that event in my fantacies as such. looking back it must have been a terrible ordeal for Shaz, but its taken a twist so that a girl is been trianed to smoke (bizarre I know) so its a girl say at a fiishing school,,or in a slave sittuation, etc.

But thats how my smoking fetish came about,,, I never realise what a mill stone
it would become. without that proper turn-on, then it always felt as if so much
was missing and so while making love my mind would be somewhere else, thinking of a lady smoking.

When I met my wife to be she smoked occasionaly,, when out for a drink etc,
so that sempt great, thinking it would be even more special, I was embarressed
at my fixation or fetish so never told her and just hoped that one night see might have a ciggarette after making love and she would be amazed how aroused I got and it would come out quite harmlessly rather than sounding so kinky, as in " O I need a woman to be smoking to get me realy turned on"

But righty so she didnt want me smoking in the bedroom,, she wouldnt have sex
on the sofa etc so it just didnt happen, then to cap it all she stopped smoking

After perhaps 10 years of marriage when thought I had the full day to myself the wife came home early and found me dressed up, so that took some explaining, but she never could except the cross dressing,, or how someone could need the sight of a woman smoking to feel truly turned on.. and we drifted apart.. even further,,, till it ended,,

Then later on when I got a camera,, that let me start making some video of Samantha smoking,,, because at that time there was no internet as such and I still thought I was the only bloke in the world with these two bizarre perverted fetishes, so it was A welcome surprise to find years later it was quite common, to enjoy cross-dressing,, and that so many thousands had a smoking fetish too.
Published by provosimulated
13 years ago
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LisaClark 4 years ago
So love your sorry hun! xxxx
Marciafag 5 years ago
Love reading your Smoking Fetish background story.....xoxo
MichaelWarks 5 years ago
You're not the only one Samantha, beautiful story x
barbedwirelove60 8 years ago
thank you for sharing your story, lovely in fact!!!.... there are some similarities between your life and my own...
Alth9 9 years ago
Really nice reading you are a real hunni
gest90 9 years ago
thanks samantha, glad you've never stopped dressing becuase you look fantastic
sissydaniella 13 years ago
a great account of the origins of this mysterious fetish some of us have. thank you for sharing your thoughts with us x