The woman in the village

The woman in the village

Hello all, I thought I would write and tell you all about a little something that happened to me at the weekend, as you may know I have had one experience with a lady before at a swingers club which I did enjoy and said that would would like to explore this more, well up until the weekend this hadn’t happened! Well hubby and I went down to the village on Saturday to the post office, yes one of few remaining, we walk round the shop to pick up a few odds and ends for dinner that night and we got talking to this lady in the shop who had not long moved into the village. She seemed very nice and was well dressed, unlike hubby and me as we were in our scruffs. She was asking about different things in the village and places to go locally, we had been talking for sometime and I said I must get on with getting what we needed for dinner and post some parcels which we had brought down, I left hubby chatting to her which he seemed pleased to do, after a little while hubby joined me and said he had invited Jayne round for dinner that evening so we would need to get some more things. I didn’t think anything of this and picked up what we needed and said to Jayne that we would see her later on. On the way back home hubby said did you get the same feeling as me? Which was what I asked? Hubby said I think she liked you as she was looking at you a lot even when you walked away, to be honest I had not noticed or picked up on anything and I told hubby he was talking rubbish. Anyway we got home and got things sorted for later as Jayne was coming around 7pm, we both got showered and hubby suggested that I wear something nice and revealing just in case she was interested. I said no don’t be silly, hubby said well up to you and went downstairs, as I started to get ready I couldn’t help thinking about it but for the life of me I could not remember what Jayne actually looked like as I didn’t pay that much attention in the post office, after giving it some thought I decided that I would put something nice on and a little revealing as hubby and I were bound to cam later anyway so nothing was lost. Bang on 7pm Jayne arrived at the front door, I went to the door and opened it to let her in, wow was the first thing that came into my head, I said come in you look great, she was dressed in a short skirt heels, bare legged and a similar top to me and I could see she had some very nice boobs, we went into the lounge and hubby came in and asked what she would like to drink, she asked what I was having and I said I will start with a gin and tonic, ok I will have the same she replied. As we chatted while hubby was finishing off dinner I couldn’t help thinking she had dressed like that for hubby as she didn’t seem to be that interested in me. We both had another gin, hubby was making them a bit strong and I needed some more tonic in mine, I asked Jayne if she would like some and she said hers was fine, when I came back and we carried on chatting about the village and things to do she uncrossed and crossed her legs and given I was sat opposite her on the other sofa I couldn’t help but notice she had no panties on, it was a very slow cross over, Jayne see me look and just smiled and we carried on chatting. Hubby then called us for dinner, our table is oblong so one of us had to sit next to Jayne which ended up being me. Hubby poured wine for us all and we had our starter, then main course with more wine, we were all getting along very well. The conversation then got round to did Jayne have a partner or hubby, she laughed and then proceeded to tell us that she had been married for a longtime but they started to drift apart as they both wanted different things out of life, she asked us how long we had been married which hubby replied to, she asked what our secret was for a long and happy relationship as her and her ex hubby wanted different things and although she did the things that he wanted to do he would not do the things that she wanted, Jayne said it was all a bit one sided in the end, I asked what kind of things do he do and what did she want, Jayne said he wanted to go to different places which was great, he wanted to start Playing golf which Jayne said she found very boring, I asked Jayne what she wanted, she replied well that’s a little embarrassing, it’s ok I said you are with friends now, hubby asked her if she wanted to know what our secret was to a long and happy marriage, she said yes, I looked at hubby as if to say don’t you dare, he of course took no notice of my glare and said well Jayne we went through a difficult period and was not enjoying each other as we should have been, how do you mean Jayne asked, well sexually we just wasn’t having any time with each other, umm Jayne said that sounds like me and my ex, so what did you end up doing as you have obviously sorted it out. Hubby said well I don’t think we have had enough to drink yet for us to tell you that part, Jayne laughed and said ok we best have some more wine, hubby went and opened another bottle and poured wine for us, we then had dessert and moved back into the lounge where we had yet another bottle of wine, I was getting quite light headed and so was Jayne and hubby. Hubby asked if we would like something else other then more wine? Jayne asked if she could have a gin and tonic and I said I would have the same. When hubby come back with the drinks Jayne asked if he would now tell her our secret? Hubby said ok but it must remain between the three of us as we didn’t want the whole village knowing what we did, ok she said you have my word and I probably won’t remember in the morning and laughed. Hubby said well we both loved our sex life before things started to go wrong and we started to drift apart so one night we sat and talked about how could we rectify the situation, we agreed that we would share each other, what do you mean Jayne asked, hubby said we’ll become swingers, really she said, yes we have sex with each other and other couples and we now just prefer threesomes. Wow that’s great, she said that is what she wanted when she was with her ex but he was not interested, she went on to say that she had a few affairs which she was not pleased about but she wanted sex and that was the only way she could get it. She thought that what we did to save our marriage and for both of us to enjoy that lifestyle was great and wished that if only her hubby would have tried it maybe they would still be together. Jayne seemed very curious and asked us what kind of things we had done, hubby was in his element and started to tell her about the threesomes we have had and the delivery drivers and swingers club, as he was telling her I could see she was getting a little flushed and she uncrossed her legs and left them slightly apart, she asked me if I had been with a woman which hubby had left out, hubby got up and said I will get us some more drinks, he collected up the glasses and went out to the kitchen, I answered Jayne’s question with a yes I have, she asked if I had enjoyed it well I said I have only done it once and would love to explore some more, with that Jayne got up and came over to me, took my hand and asked me to stand up, I was wondering what was happening but it soon become clear as I stood up, she put her arms around me and started to kiss me and I couldn’t help but respond, as hubby came back in with our drinks we were still kissing, all he said was oh wow really, we didn’t stop and I must say I was really enjoying this……………….
Published by BBW-Willmer
22 days ago
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