Life Advice!

Life Advice!

Life Advice!

Spend less than you earn and invest the difference.

Invest in your education & personal development.

Never co-sign on a loan.

Read more books & watch less TV.

Hang out with wealthy and successful people.

Make money work for you.

Save and invest regularly.

Avoid lending money.

Always have a emergency fund.

Create and stick to a budget.

Be careful who you bring into your life. Choose friends & lovers wisely!

Pay off your credit card balance.

Take care of your health. Health is your #1 asset.

Don't smoke.

Study wealth & investing.

Buy assets, not liabilities.

Generate passive income.

Get help from mentors.

Invest in things you know.

Start a business.

Ask more questions and learn from everyone you meet.
Published by Fuckmeslut101
2 months ago
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