Interestingly (or not!) I never thought of others blocking me!

I mean I am such a nice girl..honest!

Forget the talk about me describing myself as a 'nasty little slutty BITCH' that might just go with anyone at the drop of a hat..or other things for that matter!? I am just another human being with feelings to match, mainly underneath my shell of course.


I must admit even way back when 'mandalorian1000' blocked me, I was actually hurt. THAT was because I couldn't imagine..then..WHY someone might do it.. He did call me an 'Eastern European *****' though that was odd because I am definitely BRITISH.
Others have done it since however despite THIS being a PORN SITE and I thought user's might just be that little bit more broad minded and actually open to people's little foibles! Not so it seems some..maybe a lot? are definitely set in their ways of being possibly prejudiced against some of us that don't conform to their views of the world.

Now to stop that happening to me I am very honest with everyone on here..hey, if you can't be honest HERE..there is no hope for you..I THOUGHT! and maybe THAT idea is wrong?? but I tell the one's who I think might just be offended by my one little secret upfront that I don't wish to be blocked etc before telling them..they ALWAYS say its OK..then block me anyway! No need JUST unfriend me and actually be man enough to TELL me you dislike (hate maybe!!) me, then go.

So anybody have any ideas as to why this happens?? Have YOU blocked ANYONE? if so why..

Even I usually ignore those that insist on petty name calling.. verbal abuse..I can give as good as I get.. YOU DON'T KNOW ME..OR WHERE I AM..SO FUCK YOU!

Ooops I am normally such a placid submissive soul..

Anyway why would someone join a porn site with those sort of views?? Isn't that that whole point of being here, to meet others and expand your own horizons a little more.. I just think some are STUCK in a tiny bubble of their own choosing..nice and comfortable and really just don't want the REAL world reality to impinge on THEM. Sad but my view on THEM!


Oh! and I will be listing those who have blocked me in the past right here..
Maybe its good that my memory might not stretch to all of them??


2. sloanskylark1 on 28/03/24 after writing this to me:
Im not sure what heteroflexible is doing exactly but 2 each there own and I'll adventure . Apparel is points and your preferences include my triggers. Gang up on you 1 ,2 and up. Amazing multiple cock fair brings woman ga ga. Love stretching for a fist but not to hurt. To be depraved. Can we do something on camera see if it melds.
Maybe being blocked was an error!! Never had time to reply.??

3. jacoXx on24/06/24 - interesting reason..maybe..I told him I had a GF..
Obviously one of those who likes pictures rather than actually reading profiles..I AM NOT A LESBIAN..just because Ihave a GF and like girls..idiot! His loss anyway..great set of vids too?


proper links later..
xx?? Danni
Published by Concordski
7 months ago
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to Concordski : many are afraid to be turned cockolding as they can't keep up with the sexual needs of the women.... No problem with that!!
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to KellieC : Hi Kellie...I agree wholeheartly...Guys like that probably wouldnt know what to do with a real slut...anyway we know who has the power dont we??
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I've blocked on guy who was messaging me numerous times for a long time.... never, ever really saying anything beyond, "Hey babe"  "I wanna fuck your mouth" and "suck my bi dick".  Eventually guys like this - so shallow and uninspried - simply become burdensome. So, I blocked him. I suspect that whomever blaocked you did so to gain some sense of "power". Social media of all forms seems to bring the bullying out of many people.
to Concordski : You like the avatar? Probably, because you are jealous that she is wrapped in rope, helpless, and knows she is going to be used like a toy very soon.  Also, I know Allie.  Feel free to DM me if you like.
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Could be worse. a friend of mine got her account nuked for 'spamming activities' She had only set it up thirty minutes previously and had blocked one guy who kept messaging her. Who the hell starts messaging an empty account with no content? She figures the frustrated little incel got offended when she blocked him and reported her for spamming.
to TrainU2serve : I agree..just annoyed me so much..see I do have real feelings..hey nice avatar😜
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I have only blocked people once I had reason to believe that they were not who they said they were.  Generally, it turns out to be a guy pretending to be a woman (I have no idea what the purpose of that is) or it is someone who is clearly scamming me.  But blocking someone you are having a conversation with just because you might disagree on something is a bit much.
I nearly had a stroke trying to read what sloanskylark1 wrote to you!  Looks like he did you a favor when he blocked you.
I’m here to learn more about our world I would only block if you became a pest or if we had nothing in common 
I've blocked people, usually because I can tell they are using "stolen" images and pretending to be someone they're not. I am blocked by a couple, one profile who exclusively uses photos of Daisy Ridley and people falling for it x
I have blocked a couple of guys, they just think they are kings and repeatedly say the same things,I have a big cock for you, and it just becomes annoying. And they had empty profiles.
I have blocked two guys who simply got too pushy and would not back off no matter what I said. they had nothing on their pages either. you, I would never block. I have been fucked but never pegged by a female. Would love to try it with a more dominate woman who could give me orders. 
to Concordski : very right.  I am frustrated
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to firstknightd : Thanks Donna..I will chat to anyone, I enjoy learning about others ways that just might be of interest🤔 and yes role play by text isnt ideal..and I never get involved with video calls. With overseas friends there is always the time diff issue too.
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to male247 : Agree..again! Why on earth would someone knowingly join a porn site then be upset by the content..or someone chatting about their experiences..maybe actual real life to some is just too much!🤔 I mean fantasy is just that, in your head.. REAL is well something else entirely it seems.
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i enjoy the content of your profile.... I will add to the conversation.  Why viewing other peoples profiles they say, "if you have a dick pic in your profile, you will be blocked"?  I kinda joined this porn site for sexy fun, but now i am dick pic shunned. Those people do KNOW this is a porn site, right?  yes, i only block aggressive people, manly gay men or trans men, not that I have a problem with them or what they do, just not my thing.  I am a Straight guy, no where in my profile suggests that I am interested in being gay or cocks.  Thats like me reaching out to a lesbian and saying Hey I can make you straight. so dumb. ~ cheers!
I have blocked very few, and both for the same reason. Them kept DMing me that they want to fuck me or sext with me. I tell them I don't sext and they can't fuck me because I am in the USA and they are like in Russia, or somewhere in Europe. but they keep on and getting nastier about it asking why won't you write me? I'm horny, get me off. I ignore it as long as I can, but finally block. I only remember twice and I told them I was going to if they kept writing. Stories are fine or tell me how you would like to use me. But I don't set and text sex. 
Oh I've been blocked for all sorts of stupid things 
to _CheshireCat_ : I agree totally..if I offend someone I would hope they might tell me upfront, then unfriend me..if that is appropriate for them DONT JUST SULK AND BLOCK ME! that is just rude...
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Everyone has their dirty secrets and dark fantasies, it's not really anyone's place to judge you especially if you've been kind and trusting enough to share that with them. I think it's best not to worry about being blocked but you hit the nail on the head when you say that "some are STUCK in a tiny bubble of their own choosing..nice and comfortable" I won't say any more or I'll end up in a rant I've already written enough about this in one of my posts lol!