First Time Out Dressed

First Time Out Dressed

I was twenty-five when I got my first home. It was the end of November before I finally moved in. Christmas shopping for presents gave me the opportunity to view the women’s sections of the department stores. Not that I had any spare money for new clothes with the house which I really couldn’t afford and Christmas. Still, it gave me a cheap thrill as I felt the silk and cotton of the goods on display.

I got a little money as gifts at Christmas, with that and the January sales I spent it wisely on a couple of new girly items. A gorgeous pair of navy blue and black lace knickers and a pair of purple knee socks with black bands at the top. With my short legs they came halfway up my thighs and felt super sexy when I got home and tried them on.

The initial cold start to January disappeared and a few days of milder weather gave me the first opportunity to go dressed up outside. Mind, it still felt chilly that Saturday evening when I plucked up courage to do it. All day I’d been thinking about it. Managed thankfully to edge all day without cumming otherwise it might have not happened. I bathed for ages in girly bubble bath, shaved myself including my legs. Slid on my new purchases, the cotton knee socks felt so good against my freshly shaved legs. I decided on a plain knee length black skirt, a cotton t-shirt. For my coat I really wanted to wear a gorgeous gothic black jacket I’d acquired a while back k but never had chance wear, trouble though it was made of thin material, quite short and had many zips and buttons that would make stand out too much. I opted in the end for my leather jacket. I only had one pair of girly footwear which was a pixie ankle boot with flat heel.

I was so nervous when I stepped out the door. Kinda hid in the shadows of the house a few moments until I thought there would be no one watching me leave. When I did, I walked quickly to the end of the road, turned right towards the local shopping centre. It was only then I slowed, took a few deep breaths, and relaxed.

The mile or so walk past all the houses with the occasional car, including a police car was exhilarating. My mind imagined being pulled over, and strip searched as I looked over my shoulder to see if it stopped. Though in reality I would have been mortified if I had been stopped.

The local shopping centre had a few shops, most of which were closed at eight in the evening. There was a take-away, an off-licence bargain booze shop, and a convenience store open until nine. I walked past them, the bright lights shining on me giving the few people inside a brief glimpse of the girly me. It felt sexy, naughty, and many other things including panic in case someone I knew looked my way.

I stopped, sat down on the wall at the far end. The cold brick against my skirt, the feel of my naked thighs pushed together all made feel horny. My cock stirred but soon shrank as I heard voices from behind me. I heard at least two men moving quickly in my direction as I looked down, desperate not draw attention to myself. There was three in fact as they went past still talking. Glancing up I saw one turn his head and look directly at me. Thankfully he carried on walking with the other two.

It spooked me. I had planned to walk back past the shops again but quickly moved off in the opposite direction and set off towards home via another road.

Altogether I was out for almost an hour. It felt great to have done it, a little scary which got the adrenaline going, so when got home I gave myself a reward and wanked still dressed, shooting my load into the knickers and over the socks.
Published by rtales
6 months ago
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I hope you went out again and built your confidence.  Best wishes xxx
I know the feeling , Terrified of being caught, but in the back of your mind , secretly hoping you do