Interesting Christmas Proposal 2023

Interesting Christmas Proposal 2023

Firstly to those who read my previous posts and said they were too long...go get a life! Real life is long and sometimes boring too, and is definitely NOT one continuous sexual adventure..more's the pity..??

Sunday 17/12/23

Well there I was having breakfast, casually reading and replying to those xh messages that took my fancy! when I had a whatsapp message from my local DOM Howard.. Message read "Legion, 14:00, dress casual, Christmas Proposal - Don't be late. xx". The message had been sent to his 'fav5' group, that is me Jill, Anja and Mairi and her Mum.
Just to enlighten those that might not know who these people are because I haven't chatted to them previously..Jill is my gorgeous girlfriend, Anja is a Ukrainian refugee, over here with her younger sister and mother, while her Dad and brother are involved in Putin's war. Mairi is one of our parkrun group..Jill and I are avid parkrunners!..and her Mum is just that..her Mum.
Howard basically 'recruited ' us all some because of what we just happened to say when he was quizzing us about everything about us..Strange that most guys never seem to listen then remember things, Howard remembers everything he hears..not only that he uses the information for his own ends.. Girls remember that!

Quick overview of Howard:
Howard was a nice old guy (now 73) I used to jog past in the mornings and say hello to..he was always sat outside his house on a big old black chair with his two dogs sat one either side of him. During the covid lockdown period he caught covid and I ended up looking after one of his pets..once he got back on his feet, I continued to be a regular dog walker for the pet I had looked after..
Fast forward to this year, due to an odd set of circumstances involving Jill mainly we discovered, Howard had been a DOM in his former life along with his then partner Eric, sadly Eric is no longer with us, which was the reason why Howard had returned to his home town and basically almost a hermit, by no longer getting involved with the community. We found out he was an ex RN was Eric..had spent several years in Japan studying martial arts..while they were there they found other things of interest, bondage and BDSM became a bit of an obsession..they made friends of local practitioners.. Later they decided to return to the UK and bought a small holding in Wiltshire..Lots of cherry trees in an old orchard..Eric was into all sorts of woodwork..carving..turning..making furniture. They discovered an old cold war bunker on their land..renovated part of it to be a REAL dungeon..Eric making a lot of the equipment he had seen in Japan..he had made drawings of things that took his fancy! Made friends with the locals..discovered a gap! in the market for those ladies that were intrerested in ???, so they setup a training programme to cater for and plug that gap. They became..I was told, quite popular in certain circles and all went well.. Eric unfortunately was diagnosed with prostrate cancer and it wasn't long before he passed. Howard sold up, packed up, closed the dungeon and with the last two trained pets went back to his home town, where I met him in late 2019. Howard had bought a big old semi detached property that when I saw it had a huge seven foot fence all around the rear garden and a large workshop which used to house a previous owners large sailing boat. Howard used it now for storage and his gym equipment. I found out later he seemed to have all the equipment a professional gym would have..treadmills, weights, rowing machine, multigym and a wooden dummy for practicing, karate I thought initially. But, no he was into something called wing chun and practiced every single day for several hours..he was a SIFU now he said because he started teaching us a few things after we were recovering from covid this summer.

I became involved with Howard properly when he caught covid during lockdown and I looked after one of his pets, Max, while he was in hospital, another neighbour had Toby his second pet. Once he came home I still took Max for walks on a regular basis for 'personal ' reasons. Anyway back to this year, my Nanna became ill and passed away and while I was at her funeral in Aberdeen Jill (my now partner) took my place to walk Max, Howard queried why and Jill explained about my Nanna, then in her wisdom asked the question I never had. "Why and how come, Max is so well trained". So he explained everything, about him and Eric and how he came to be there, then he said he knew ALL about her and myself as far as Max was concerned, because whenever he was returned to him he could smell us on him. So there we were BUSTED as it were! Jill rang me as soon as she could..Howard wanted to see BOTH of us when I got back.
I had expected I proper dressing down for what I had done..we had done, wasn't like that at all! What we got was a thank you instead..weird but he explained that since Eric had di ed he had been on auto pilot..not really livjng just existing! My Nanna's untimely de ath brought that home to him and so he had made a few decisions. 1) He was going to build a new dungeon..convert his existing workshop. 2) He wanted us to help, become his new 'pets or slaves', he would train us. 3) He gave us until the next night to make our decisions. We obviously had long debates but in the end agreed to say YES..and ever since we have been at his beck and call??, but have the benefit of 'training' sessions!! and access to his other pets, although only when he decides.

So that was a brief overview as to how we came to be involved with Howard and the people that help with his venture..

Of course we all turned up at the Legion..early as it happens.
Jill and I had had a chat beforehand and seeing as yesterday had been an eventful day too..we had gone to town with the twins to 'see Santa' and generally get into the Christmas mood, by looking in the shops and viewing the decorations. BUT we just happened to run into her ex husband and his new GF .. soon to be wife as it turned out! Actually he was nothing like the picture Jill had painted!! the kids were ecstatic..seeing their Dad..(and her!). Jill wanted to show me off it seemed so we ended up having coffee and a long 'civilised ' chat together. Ended up agreeing that the twins would stay at their Dads from 22nd..after school finished until the following Wednesday.. Now knowing Jill THAT was a great plan off the cuff to come up with! she knew my Dad and Grandad were coming down for 'the festive season', my Dad and her Mum had developed a relationship when they had 'popped' down earlier in the year. Jill and I often talked about them..if they married, what the hell would that make us?? So all in all a GREAT plan..we would be on our own interruptions..could do what we wanted..when we wanted..BLISS!!.. Not only that HE or THEY would have a disrupted Christmas.. twins take a lot of time and effort to keep occupied you know!..??. Howards proposal might just add an extra something to our already sketched out plans.

As soon as we arrived in the foyer, Howard was there greeting us and helping with coats, before ushering us through to the table that he had reserved for us. Then arranging drinks all round, being the wonderful host that he could be. Once we all had our drinks he sat and explained... Pointing to a group of scruffy guys on the other side of the room that we could actually smell from where we were, he said..'Those guys are all ex squaddies that have been living on the streets for some time now, WE are all going to give them a Christmas to remember. Any questions '??. There was complete SILENCE as we stared more now at the poor guys on the other side of the room. Not that we were the only ones, there were quite a few others staring too, the place was full, lunch now over, nothing else to do but gossip. 'Well', Howard demanded. 'Fine, yes OK with us' Jill said pointing to me. Mairi's Mum also said.. ' OK with us too', looking at her daughter. We all looked then at Anja. 'Yes OK too, but need to know times? my Mum has an English Christmas planned and I don't want to spoil that'. Howard just smiled that great smile of his and said 'Well I will let you have ALL the details later then, there is another round of drinks in for you, just flag the barman. Also Jill and Jessica will come and chat later, they should be here soon, and don't worry THEY are all staying with me now until after the New Year, and so will be looking better when you see them next'. With that he upped and left us to join his new smelly housemates.
We just sat and stared at each other.. What the hell have we all just agreed to?? Howard had always been a man of his word, none if us had come to harm..well real harm! his training was sometimes a bit OTT, but the end justifies the means..famous last words of a meaningful DOM?? We might just enjoy this too!..
Consensus was it was a 'Good idea' overall..we had all seen guys on the street in all weather, and hey, THESE guys had served their country and deserved a break..maybe not what they ever expected though. I mean I come from a fam ily of RAF people and Jill's Dad was in the Navy..Anja's fighting now for freedom etc..
We finished the drinks and had the barman serve the second round and waited for Jill and Jessica to arrive..
We were all listening to Mairi's Mum give her views on royal icing when thankfully Jill(s)arrived with her usual cheerful(not) greeting of friendship "Hi losers"!. Actually this Jill was OK for someone who seemed to ENJOY hurting people and then feeling sorry for them afterwards, that aspect funnily enough made us feel better.. We had long discussions about her and her motivations, I mean WE had agreed to the things she put us through but why did she want to do it to us?? Jill(s) [ s=STERN by the way .. never smiled] she was ex military police, we could all see that in the way she strutted about in her leather 'uniform ', large tits hanging over that poor tiny harness she used to support them..Great nipples though-we had all been forced?? to suck them at one time or another and drink her milk!.. Mairi's Mum was always on her side it seemed, she had larger breasts than the rest of us and Anja had a chest like a boy with sticky out nipples??.. Anyway enough if that..Jill had information for us! or so we thought turned out all she wanted to tell us was basically WE were going to be in control when we eventually met Howard's house guests, and she suggested WE decide on just how that first meeting unfolds..
(Note...all this is being written later . so with hindsight??)
Jill also said she expected a 'heads up' on our plan for Friday, and that she would be there directing things as usual in any case. Having said her piece Jill upped and left heading towards the smell that was still drifting in the air.
So now we concentrated on Jill's words..What the hell do we do? we were all so reliant on Howard directing things.. at least initially! before lust kicked in?..or his punch! which had a little 'something ' in it that put us girls at our ease or maybe just made us easy???. We all just hoped Howard would really have them cleaned up by the time we met them properly.?
Anyway we didn't have time to talk much as Jessica arrived. Jessica is a trans guy.. and she always annoyed me by being so well dressed, with immaculate make-up each and every time I saw her?..not only that she smelt gorgeous too and talked about electronics whenever we got together. This time it was only to ask us whether we objected to using stills or video clips of us that had been taken previously, to be displayed on the 'big led screen' that Howard had in the reception area?
We all we quiet again, all doing the same thing..going over in our heads ALL the times we would have been caught by Howard's dungeon cameras..they were in every room/cell, corridor, nowhere wasn't monitored! 'For our own safety'..he had always said..everyone he allowed in knew about them..his introduction chat reiterated his RULES and a few other points that should be followed, plus the installed camera system. We had seen Jessica's work before as there were clips always playing on that screen! Sometimes live too depending on what Howard selected..had been quite eye opening the few times I had been in there to witness those..what other groups got up to were their affair, but they did pass on ideas that later became ours to use? THAT was the real reason obviously! Howard used his phone to monitor EVERYTHING he hardly saw the action live, too busy ensuring our 'safety'.
Again we ALL agreed that was "OK"! maybe just wondering what Jessica might dig up! "Fine, next issue then!", she said "Howard wants me to video whatever you all get up to, as best I can that is, because what you ALL do is going to be up to you, maybe Jill too, but your idea mainly, so Howard tells me". More stunned silence.. "Only for use here". Jessica stated. This was the first time we had ever been told about cameras! Cc tv was different..wasn't it?? Maybe not, not with how she managed to manipulate them! Mairi's Mum Lydia, took control..unusually! "Can you let us discuss that for a while?" she said. . "No problem" Jessica replied "Just give me a wave. I'll be at the bar". and off she went..
We all tried to talk at once..again Lydia stopped us and said "One at a time, this is a BIG decision to make!" . So we all had our say, pros, cons, what it really meant for us, why etc.. But, basically that it was exciting to be filmed doing the things we might get up to, and imagining THAT being shown to others..
So Jessica was told that we agreed..after all she was one of 'us', as Anja told us about how she remembered seeing Jessica sitting on a bar stool at the Halloween party offering her ass to anyone that passed. Honestly?? we all said.. Apparently a group of trans had turned up towards the end and sweet talked Howard into letting them in. We all must have been occupied elsewhere when that occurred!!
The rest of what was left of the afternoon was spent girls do?? sketching out something that might be good for us and our 'vic tims'.. Eventually Howard appeared again, asking if everything was OK and had we ANYTHING in mind yet. Lydia was first to speak and said "What we want is Christmas pyjamas all round, for them and shorty nighties for us, can you arrange THAT?" . "Mmm I expect so!", he replied.." Is that all? ". We looked at each other and nodded. "OK then, I will sort that out then, I'll be in touch, are you ALL happy about the video arrangements?". Again we all nodded, and off Howard went to his housemates give them the good news I expect! I'm pretty certain he never expected us to argue in any case, I mean we were in 'charge', weren't we?? As for him not asking specifics, our sizes etc, we had all realized early on, that from the way he had interrogated us all, he knew everyone of us inside out; and we had just told him everything he wanted.
We were still sat chatting when two familiar guys came over, a tall black guy and one with a big smile all over his smug face. "Hi girls" he says " What's Howard got you into now"? These two had played a prominent part, for us at least, at Howard's opening Halloween night party. We gave them an overview of what Howard intended, they said it was nice meeting us again and they would talk to Howard to see if they might help with his plans, then off they went to talk to him.
We all left shortly afterwards having ordered a taxi to take us all home. Lots of talk on the way home about Ron and happy harry Mark. We really did know why Jessica had referred to him as 'horse' when she met us for the first time.
Anyway on the way home we made arrangements to meet at my place on Wednesday night to finalise everything we had already discussed and bring up any other 'treat' we might be able to give the poor homeless ex squaddies??

Just had to add this..
Was skipping my usual jog this morning, thought I'd use Howard's gym for a through his two 'security' doors and OMG..I knew there was something going on inside because of the noise..just wasn't expecting to be confronted with five naked men using the equipment!!?? Howard had always insisted we work out naked and use the mirrors to view ourselves, he always knew when we didn't because everywhere has cc tv cameras..and he would suddenly appear to ensure we abided by 'the rules'..we always do now as his litt le leather flogger really is a pain in the ass..and everywhere else he used it???. Anyway I was so taken aback I just slammed the door shut and went home, my head full of the sight of five naked sweaty men exercising. Rang Jill to tell her, then got a text from Howard asking "Well, what do you think"?.. "Fine..not smelly anymore! but they need grooming", I replied..which was true, they all had long scruffy hair and unshaven..amazing what a quick glance can reveal if you really think about it!! Mmmm they need grooming in other areas too?...thinking about that now..none of us in our group particularly like hairy guys..hate to have pubes in our mouths...

The week passed quickly, at least for me, really busy at work making sure my project was ahead of time, to enable us all to relax over the 'festive ' period and so not worry about getting back on track once we came back in January..
So on Wednesday night we all gathered at my place, a last chinese ordered for 7pm and two bottles of wine for anyone who wanted it..Jill and I were having green tea as usual. Turned out to be pretty boring as we just finalized the 'games' and what we would do IF certain things occurred . you never knew what guys might do with girls in control for a change! What we did decide on though, was to write a few choice words or hints on ourselves for the guys to read and take note of.. That had seemed to be something that caught everyone's eye at Halloween when I turned up covered..well not quite covered! in a few that my Mistress had asked..ordered actually! to write. And thanks to Jill there were several others too??
It did seem I may have been popular just for THAT! I do remember bring asked who Bekki and Allie were as well as "where's your dog tonight?" That night was a bit if a blur though, so much was going on couldn't take it all in, I do remember Howard and I in the rain in front of Eric's shrine though..another story that though.?
Anyway a lot of time was devoted to what we would write on ourselves..had to be meaningful to each, not just rubbish stuff!..can't have guys thinking we were just any old slutty girls, can we??
I did mention what I had seen that morning however, and yes, we all agreed that 'smooth' was best, but what to do if they weren't?? Well obvious solution was to shave them! Jill and I just happened to do that to each other and it was a nice experience.. Ever since I arrived back from my Nanna's funeral and got told, 'you feel like a lavvy brush ', wasn't ever going to happen again was it??? We discovered we all removed undesirable hair differently, but then decided to try to let 'another ' help in future, we each volunteered to be THAT other when needed.. So wine gone, meal eaten, they all left and Jill was left alone with me at last..NO sorry! we just discussed the twins before I drove her home to relieve Linda (Jill's Mum) of her baby sitting duties.

I did say life's mainly boring with the odd wonderful happening..
Thursday .. came .. usual work, a few quick replies on xh, swimming after work with some workmates, nice to work different muscle groups, good to exercise with friends and enjoy freedom it gives. Thursday went..chatted to Jill several times, can't wait for tomorrow.

Friday, half day, met Jill in the afternoon, said a tearful goodbye to the twins as their Dad and his new GF picked them up for Christmas. Presents were handed over with a promise to video call at 12 on Christmas day. We sat and had green tea, then I unpacked my stuff and we talked about us!
Call from Jill's Mum later, my Dad and Grandad had arrived..oh joy! Just glad they made it from Aberdeen in one piece!
Call from Howard..had my Dad arrived yet?? yes of course he knows about them he is very inquisitive about ALL of us! Can we all meet at the Legion later? He likes my Dad and Grandad..promises NOT to mention ANYTHING of the homeless guys, and by the way, they are house trained! Wasn't entirely sure what THAT actually meant!
So yes we went to the Legion, hugged Dad and Grandad when they arrived..they ALL, including Linda went off and sat with Howard, we had our own table..drinks already arranged. We were just chatting about what we might do after parkrun on Saturday when Jill(s) arrives and sits down..straight to the point as usual she asks if we had decided on a plan for Monday! So we told her..PLUS.. "A set of sticky note pads, one for each of us, guys too! pencils as well, we want you to collate the results to make sure its fair" . We then explained our plan... "Also, as we are all to be identified by colour, we want them numbered, 1 to 5 so we don't need names". That was agreed and Jill(s) said "They all look presentable now anyway, I gave them all a regulation trim". "What ALL over?" we both asked together. Jill(s) just grinned and said "You'll see later, and we'll be expecting you over tomorrow afternoon to view Jessica's handiwork, no-one else is expected this weekend so you can keep your clothes ON", with that she left us alone, to chat and check out the other guys sat around us.
On Saturday it was a struggle to get up out of of those times you you wished for snow drifts that led to cancellations! didn't happen, so quick breakfast then a slow jog to the start line. All our group were there, even Lydia..which was fine, we could all take it easy!
The other's had all been told to turn up for a viewing session parkrun over..usual coffee and cakes finished..we all went back to Jill's to relax, dressed in our running kit.

So off we go let ourselves in the backdoor of the dungeon, only Jessica is there waiting.. We all get a soft drink and sit facing the big LCD behind the 'bar' as instructed..

The video clips Jessica started running were all of the give of us..stitched together showing our 'progress' as one of Howard's pets.. Right from the very beginning it seemed..some in Howard's front room too..didn't know he had cameras running there?
All in the best possible per Kenny Everite..may be??
Last clip was in the gym..again didn't know cameras were in there..hadn't seen them.. The five squaddies working out..naked as per his gym! All suitability trimmed ALL OVER..Jill(s) was right..they were all presentable now...
"These clips will be running tomorrow..not the guys that OK with you all??" Jessica asks. .We all talk it over and say "yes.. Better what you know than the very random clips we have all seen in the past.. Not sure how possibly uninitiated guys might react to seeing girls with Max and Toby?? though, let's hope they are pet lovers in the broadest sense??"

So Jessica ushers us all out.. "See you all tomorrow then, don't be late. We have lots to do now to make it suitable for you ALL" he says gesturing to the reception room..
Off we go back to my place to plan the fun in more detail..


More later...
Published by Concordski
9 months ago
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Yummy, more please
to Concordski : a twist? very curious. 
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to subijana : Thank you! But I really should finish it...there is a little twist I am struggling with still..🤔😞😞
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a good read 
to Sally45marriedUK : Old and useless? Nothing a bit of lube wouldn't fix! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
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what an amazing story.... I really like you....   I KNOW Id like Howard...... I wish I was young and pretty.....its no fun being old and useless...
you're a horny little fucker I'd love to have my way with you ♥️ 
to Rabbyrob69 : Thanks Rabby..Time is SO SO short though..really need to spend as much as possible with Jill on our own, but we can see that we are going to be with others too now.🤔🤔..but we will still be seeing a lot of each other😂😂😂
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I have missed your keen sense of observation and eloquence; shall resubscribe and look forward to hearing more about your community support! Be well yourself and enjoy the season 🥃
Great you have time for others 