Danny and I by Michael T Dick

Danny and I by Michael T Dick

In my third year of Primary School (Grade School) I made a few new friends, mostly new fellow classmates. One was a boy named Danny.

He was quiet and shy. He didn’t hang out on the field or the playground, he could usually be found in the library or sitting under a tree reading during breaks. He was about the same size as me so, during PE we would often get teamed up together. As I wasn’t a whole lot sportier than he was, we would often just chat and half-ass our way through class. I discovered he was into some of the same things I was, sci fi for example, so we got along well.

After school we started walking home together. We both lived four or five blocks from school, so we walked three blocks together before heading our separate ways. Talk would often revolve around a book one of us was reading, or our favorite tv shows. One afternoon, however, the entire basis of our friendship changed with a single sentence.

As we walked, other k**s would often pass us. When this happened, we would move over or end up walking single file as we were both quite small and were eager to move out of the way of some of the bigger k**s. One day when this happened, Danny ended up behind me for a minute or so before he was able to catch up and walk alongside again. When we were side by side, and the other k**s had moved on, Danny said something I will never forget. At the time I thought it was a strange thing to say, but it also made me feel weirdly excited. Looking at the ground and with a quiet voice he said,

“The back of your legs are really nice.”

I remember the tingling feeling that ran through my body at the comment, and the flush in my cheeks. I didn’t know how to respond so I merely mumbled “Thanks” and we walked on in silence until it was time to part. That night, as I silently humped my pillow with my favorite pen in my ass, I ran my hands up and down the backs of my thighs until I spurted my little boy precum into my pillowcase.
The next day at school I caught Danny looking at me several times in class, maybe only because I kept looking at him. At lunch he asked if I would like to come to his house at the weekend and I agreed. The rest of the week carried on as normal, but the dynamic between Danny and I had changed. I became more aware of Danny’s attention towards me. I played with some of my other classmates in breaks and if Danny was in the general vicinity, he was almost always faced towards me, and I noticed him watching me several times. I must admit I enjoyed the attention.

Finally, Saturday came and mid-morning I was on my bike and headed to Danny’s. I knocked on the door and was greeted by a smiling Danny who invited me in. We headed to the kitchen where Danny told me he had to introduce me to his mother. I almost fainted when I saw his mother for the first time! Looking back at pictures of her now, it’s amazing I didn’t require hospitalization! One of my favorite shows of that era was Wonder Woman, probably for exactly the reasons you’re thinking, and Danny’s Mom looked a lot like Lynda Carter! And I mean, a lot!

She had the same hair, black and long, it flowed over her shoulders and billowed out in soft waves which was typical in the 1970’s. she had beautiful brown eyes and a smile that brightened the whole world. She was wearing a pair of yellow flannelette shorts and a white tank top with a rainbow design on the front. She was thicker in proportions than Wonder Woman, her butt and hips were bigger, as was her waist, but she wasn’t fat. Her top didn’t quite make it all the way to her shorts and a little of her midriff was showing, but there was no belly popping out. What was popping out was two magnificently large breasts.

It was clear she was not wearing a bra as I could make out the shape of her nipples against the fabric of her top. I was later to discover she almost never wore a bra. Her top was tight and had the effect of pressing her breasts against her body and forcing the tops up, so they protruded up and out of her low-cut top. She bent down to say hello to me, and I was greeted by an eye watering amount of breast flesh bulging to be released. They were the most incredible breasts I had ever seen, perhaps that I ever would see, and that image was irrevocably burned into my brain. If I close my eyes and think about them, I can still see them to this day.
“Well, aren’t you a little cutie!”, she exclaimed, and she leaned forward to plant a sweet kiss on my forehead, affording me an exceptionally close view of those amazing breasts. I actually thought she was going to knock me over with them!

As she stood up, I guess she noticed where my eyes were looking. She giggled and, with her left hand, she lightly held my chin and guided my face upwards until I was again looking at her face. One finger of her other hand extended, and she bopped the tip of my nose gently and giggled again.

“You young men go have fun, I’ll call out when lunch is ready”, and she turned and walked back to the kitchen bench.
Danny led me down the hall to his room. He had a bunch of cool toys, including some Star Wars action figures and a couple of playsets, so we started playing with some of them on the floor. We both laid down on our fronts on the carpet and played for an hour or so. Again, I noticed Danny looking at me often, and when I noticed, he would smile shyly. As we shuffled around, sometimes side by side, sometimes almost opposite each other, I noticed his shorts would ride up and reveal more of his legs. At one point they must have bunched up too much and he absent-mindedly reached behind and pulled them down again. This action had the, I’m sure, unintended result of exposing the top of Danny’s underwear. I could not look away as I clearly saw pink cotton and a delicate pink lace edge. Danny was wearing girl’s panties!

I didn’t get long to stare at them, and if Danny knew I was staring he did nothing about it, as a minute later Danny’s Mom called out for us to come to lunch. We both jumped up and headed down the hall to the dining room. A delicious spread of scones with jam and cream awaited us with orange juice to wash them down. Danny’s Mom chatted easily with us as we ate, asking me how I was doing in school and all of that Mom stuff. I tried to stare without staring at her as we chatted and ate, but I did see her sly smile a few times during the meal when, after staring at her breasts, I happened to look up directly into her eyes watching me.

When we were finished, we helped clear the dishes. Danny’s Mom thanked us both and she gave Danny a quick hug, his face pressed against her breasts. I couldn’t help staring again as she held her son’s face to her chest and, upon looking up, her eyes met mine again directly and her sly smile grew wider. She released Danny, turned him and gave him a loving little push-off.
“Off you go, my boys. Thank you so much for helping. Now go have fun.”

As Danny came towards me his Mom followed and, as I turned, she gave me a playful little slap on my bottom. My face turned bright red, and I jumped a little. She giggled and, as I looked back, she winked at me and said, “Have fun!” before wandering back to the kitchen.

Danny and I went back to his room and continued playing on the floor. As we moved around, we came to be laying right beside each other and I felt Danny’s leg move against mine. We had been laying hip to hip when Danny slowly but surely began edging his leg closer. First thigh against thigh and then I felt his lower leg against mine. His head turned towards me, and as I turned my head towards him, I saw him staring at the back of my legs. He quickly looked up at me, his face flushed. An embarrassed look came across as he looked at me and then quickly away again.

Our play had ceased as we both lay there for what seemed like an eternity. Danny looked very embarrassed with his bright red cheeks, and looked straight ahead, frozen.

“You really like my legs, don’t you?” I asked.

Danny looked down at the carpet directly ahead and, after a moment, very quietly replied “Yes”.

The tingling feeling ran through me again and it was my turn to blush.

“It’s ok” I replied.

Danny turned to face me, a huge smile on his face. He must have thought the smile, and his look of joy, was too overstated as he dialed it back a little and shyly asked,


“Yes”, I said.

Danny’s eyes moved from mine and scanned down to my legs again. I lost track of time as Danny lay there and gazed longingly at my legs. I watched his face lighten as he relaxed, knowing he had my approval. I wondered what I should say to him as it felt like the moment lasted for hours. I loved his admiration; it was filling me with a wonderful feeling of being admired. I wanted to tell him that, but I couldn’t find the words. As I struggled for the words, Danny broke the silence. Very quietly and very, very shyly he asked,

“Can I ………... touch them?”

“Um……. ok”, I replied.

His hand reached down slowly, nervously, until it came to rest lightly on the back of my right leg, just above the knee. I twitched a little and he quickly lifted his hand away. His touch was so light that it had tickled, and I’m very ticklish. I explained as much to Danny and a moment later his hand was back on my leg, this time a little firmer. Slowly, he began to move his hand in small movements from the back of my knee to halfway up my thigh. The feeling was incredible! He started moving in small circles as he ran his fingers across my skin. I was in Heaven!

He explained that he would rub his mother’s back when she was tired, and she would tell him how wonderful his hands felt. I agreed that his hand did indeed feel wonderful, and he asked if I would like him to do more. The words “Oh yes!” escaped my lips before my brain thought them. I wanted more.

He grinned and slid himself down the carpet a little. His hand moved with more freedom over my leg, travelling from mid-thigh to mid-calf, slowly tracing small circles as it went. I brought my arms up and rested my head on them and closed my eyes, his touch sending waves of joy through my body. I couldn’t say for how long it continued, but finally Danny stopped. My head rose and I turned to see why he had stopped. He was just staring at my legs with a look on his face that I assumed was very close to the look I had.

I wanted to ask why he stopped, but maybe that would have sounded weird. I didn’t have to ask as, a moment later he asked,

“Would you like more?”

The answer was obviously yes, and he smiled gleefully and asked if I would lay face down on the bed. I felt a bit weird about lying on his bed, I wondered where it would lead, but I didn’t want the pleasure to stop, so I got up off the floor and moved to the bed. He asked me to lay with my legs over the end of the bed, which I did, and he knelt at the foot of the bed. He asked if I would spread my legs a little so he could get in between them, and I nervously obliged.

I laid there feeling very vulnerable for only a second or two before I felt his hands caress both legs. He started almost at my ankles and ran his hands slowly up both legs, stopping mid-thigh and retracing his movements back down. Again, I was in Heaven.

This continued for maybe a minute or two before he adjusted his kneeling position. As I was laying on my stomach, I had my head turned to the right. My eyes were closed most of the time, enjoying his touch, but when I felt him move, I sneaked a peek. He was now kneeling upright with his torso pressed into the bed. His movements now concentrated on the back of my knees up to the bottom of my shorts. This being the 1970’s, my shorts ended higher than mid-thigh, and Danny’s hands were now stroking my thighs higher than they had before. Utter bliss!

As he stroked my legs, I became aware of the bed gently moving. I sneaked another peek and watched him pressing into the bed gently in time with the movement of his hands. Oh my God! Danny was humping the bed as he rubbed my legs! As his hands moved up my legs, he pressed himself into the bed harder, moving away again as his hands ran back down my thighs. Part of me loved the idea that he humped his bed like I did, but most of me was consumed by the idea that rubbing my legs was turning him so much that it appeared he couldn’t control himself.

I began to lose myself in everything that was happening. I uttered a low moan as his hands brushed the bottom of my shorts, and gently arched my back upward to meet his touch. His hands pressed a little harder as I moved up and his thumbs gripped my thighs before releasing them and moving back down to my knees. His next few passes up and down pressed firmer into me, now becoming more of a massage as opposed to a gentle rub. Each upward pass drew me up to meet him, my ass arcing upwards and, within three or four passes his hands now reached under the bottom of my shorts to the very bottom of my ass cheeks.

The bed began rocking a little harder as Danny lost himself as well. I heard him utter a slight moan as my back began to arch up more at his touch. Within a few strokes we were consumed in the moment. My movements were now more pronounced, as were his. His hands became ever more forceful, gripping my flesh as he began bucking into the bed with wild abandon. My ass rose and fell with his movements, my now hard little cock rubbing against his bed. On his next upward stroke his hands found my ass and he gripped my cheeks tight and groaned. I rose off the bed to meet his grip and slid a hand down between my legs to rub my cock.

He began moaning and thrusting himself into the bed, his hands now rubbing and gripping my ass tight. My hips thrust up and down to meet his grip as I panted and moaned, rubbing my hard cock frantically. With a final thrust Danny pressed himself hard into the bed, gripped my ass tight and, moaning loudly, came. I turned to see a look of absolute bliss on his flushed face as he rubbed his cumming cock against the bed for a few seconds before falling down on top of my still humping body. With Danny on top of me, and his hands still on my ass, I dropped back down to the bed and humped my hand several times before I joined him in his bliss. I shot my boy cum into my shorts. It was my biggest cum so far, and I could feel the wetness on my hand.

We lay there panting, him on top of me, for what seemed like forever. Finally, he released my ass and lifted himself off me. I turned to look at him and we both just stared and smiled at each other.

I don’t think either of us had the words to express what had just happened. We only knew that it was magical.

“Looks like you two are having fun!”

The words shattered our moment and we both turned to see Danny’s Mom leaning against the open door. She had a sly half-smile on her face and, as she watched us both jump up off the bed in shock, she let out the tiniest of giggles. I saw her eyes trail down to our shorts and back up again.

“I’m sorry Honey, Michael will have to go home soon, it’s getting late. I’m sure you two can play together again soon. Michael, you can come back any time Sweetie.”

Danny looked disappointed as he replied, “Yes Mom.”

“Thanks Mrs. Gordon”, I replied.

“You might want to clean yourself up a little before you go”, said Danny’s Mom as she pointed down. With that, she gave me a little wink and walked off down the hall.

I looked down to see a very visible wet spot on the front of my shorts. I looked over to see a similar stain on the front of Danny’s shorts. We both headed to the bathroom and wiped ourselves with a wet cloth to remove the evidence. We went out to the living room where Danny’s Mom was waiting for us. She looked down and said, “That’s much better.”

She gave me another little wink and gripped me in a tight hug, again pressing my face into her incredible breasts. She released me and, with a gentle kiss on my forehead said, “You’re such a little cutie, come back anytime you want”.
With that, we said our goodbyes and Danny walked me out. He thanked me for coming and we both stood there for a moment, staring and smiling at each other, before I hopped on my bike and headed home.

I couldn’t wait to come back to Danny’s house!
Published by michaeltdick
1 year ago
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Makemine 10 months ago
wisher2000 11 months ago
What sweet story. Wish I was Danny!
Billie_Undressed 1 year ago
Mmm great
SancheZ069 1 year ago
hot :smile: 
lukenb420 1 year ago
to georgesdad : Same here lot's of it, sleepovers were the best :wink:
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georgesdad 1 year ago
I did similar stuff with a couple of boys but didn’t cum just rubbed our erect cocks against each others cock, we didnt know what we were doing but it felt so good xx
fuck my cock is hard
Plonk123 1 year ago
OHhhhh. 🤗💦 happy, horny memories. So well written, too… 
Cigarman56 1 year ago
My buddy Eric and I used to get naked and play with our cocks and ass cracks but not fucking our holes.
spec1410 1 year ago
to michaeltdick : just read Sleepover Part 1 More More More
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michaeltdick Publisher 1 year ago
to spec1410 : I have 2 more stories posted, and more to come
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michaeltdick Publisher 1 year ago
to Fishflake69 : Thank you
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michaeltdick Publisher 1 year ago
to ahrcom : Thanks
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michaeltdick Publisher 1 year ago
to redclay56 : Thanks
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michaeltdick Publisher 1 year ago
to normanby17 : There's more coming, we played together for many years
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redclay56 1 year ago
Oh...that's great story, really well told!
ahrcom 1 year ago
wow that wass hot
spec1410 1 year ago
So gorgeous so well told so sexeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I need more
normanby17 1 year ago
Great story, I'd love to hear more of your adnetures with Danny. I wish I had him as a friend when I was young