Bus Ride

Bus Ride

In the beginning I wasn't too thrilled about taking the bus in to work. It meant getting up an hour earlier for one thing, and for another, it also meant arriving at work a half hour earlier than I needed to be. As far as I was concerned, it was a good waste of my own personal time. On the other was saving me a great deal of money in gas, not to mention paying the exorbitant parking fees just to leave my car sitting in a spot all day that wasn't even really secure.

I boarded the bus, the sun hadn't even come up yet, and though lit, the light was still dim inside as I made my way towards the back where there were few if any other passengers. As I neared the back section, I spotted one young attractive looking woman, surprised to see her look up meeting my eyes and actually smiling. I returned the smile and immediately took a seat directly across the aisle from her. For a moment I felt somewhat embarrassed in having done that. I could have taken any other number of seats. In my mind, I wondered if I was being obvious in having done so, but she was certainly worth looking at. And the fact she continued to glance over my way told me that she had some minor interest in me as well. That...or my overactive imagination was working overtime.

Deciding that I shouldn't jump to conclusions or make any assumptions about a simple look and a smile, I opened my morning newspaper and began reading. Though I soon realized I had read the same paragraph three times trying to digest the content. Glancing up and over the paper in her direction again, I pretended not to look as I did so, but then I was suddenly forced to look. "Had I just seen what I thought I'd seen?" I asked myself. This time, I lowered the paper just enough to allow myself to appear to be reading it, yet once again looking even more purposely towards her.

She wore her hair short sort of spiked and wild looking, which for some odd reason really set off the rest of her features as well. Nice full succulent lips I had seen smile at me, and a first glance that showed me she'd been wearing a rather short black skirt and a simple pullover sweater that matched it. She had repositioned herself there on her seat, likewise now pretending to glance out the window of the bus as we moved along. But she had turned her legs, and thus her crotch in my direction. Just dark enough that I couldn't really see anything, it was nonetheless a nice fantasy to sit there entertaining. Half another movement, and her legs would spread far enough apart that I could have easily seen what was sitting there hidden between them. But then again, that was just me, enjoying the fantasy and playing it out in my mind, though it was never really going to happen.

I realized I'd allowed that gaze, that fantasy of thought to play itself out far longer than I should have when I once again locked eyes with her, realizing I'd been looking, and that she'd caught me doing just that. Once again, she smiled however, and as she did, she spread those same wonderful long legs of hers, and treated me to the fantasy I'd been entertaining. Only this time it was real, and this one was even better. Taking a quick sneak peak forward where the only other person who might have taken an interest in whatever she was doing, was three rows ahead of her. Satisfied no one else could, she raised herself up very quickly, and in doing so, bunched the very short skirt she was wearing all the way up and around her waist!

"Holy shit!" I just barely vocalized, certainly not loud enough for anyone to have heard me, though she had...or had at least managed to lip read the words I'd just spoken.

"You like?" she mouthed back at me, easy enough to know I hadn't misinterpreted her words, and answered by almost idiotically nodding my head.

I watched as she then spread her legs even further, dim light or no...there was no mistaking what I was looking at now. She was shaved, her lips puffy and swollen as she ran a finger deftly up and down the slit of her cunt. When she retrieved her hand, sucking the middle finger she had used, I felt my cock suddenly throb, not even realizing until that very moment that it was as hard and stiff as it could possibly be.

The bus slowed, pulling over to the side of the road picking up another passenger. Taking a quick glance back her way, I saw she was prepared to yank her skirt back down if she had to. Looking back up towards the front, I saw another guy begin to head back our way.

Normally, I consider myself a nice, really easygoing guy. Which in fact, I am. But I found myself glaring at him as he approached. Maybe it was the look in my eyes that caused him to take the seat that he did, though to be honest I really don't think I had meant to look at him the way that I had. Or...maybe I did. Either way, it served its purpose as he took his seat thus removing the threat of my "Bus Girl" as I now thought of her, from having to reposition her skirt. As I turned back to look at her, she actually laughed, her face blushing a little. But more importantly, her hand was once again down between her legs, and this time, she made it even more obvious as to what she was doing to herself as she openly finger-fucked her cunt.

This was, one of the most wildly erotic experiences of my life. A complete and total stranger, a very attractive younger woman was sitting there masturbating in the aisle across from me! I wondered for a moment if I'd boarded the bus to heaven as aroused as I now was.

Even the ride itself seemed to contribute to the erotic atmosphere. Lights periodically reflecting inside, seemingly showing a brief spot-light here and there against that openly displayed pussy. The glistening wetness of her arousal briefly, momentarily highlighted, giving the entire adventure we were sharing a somewhat surrealistic feel. When she lifted the lightweight sweater she was wearing, revealing two very beautiful full looking breasts barely encased inside a black lacy bra, I felt my prick again twitch and knew I was in the process of creating a very large wet spot. Thank god for dark Levi's or I would have really been in trouble arriving to work like that.

Bus Girl, then managed to pull one of her tits free of the bra, giving me an additional thrill as she fingered the rather dark looking nipple, which was obviously erect and fat looking. She applied a bit of her pussy juice to it with her finger, the lifted it with her hand, licking the substance off she had just placed there.

"Give me some," she mouthed towards me.

I had no clue what she had meant by that, though my mind wasn't thinking clearly at the moment either. "What?" I mouthed back barely speaking, my lifted eyebrows clearly messaging my confusion. She laughed, understanding my lack of interpretation at her request. Like a street mime performing, she then made motion with her hand like she was jacking off...a pretend cock, which she pumped, and then squeezing it. With the tip of her finger, she swiped off what I then knew was pretend precum, and then applied this to her nipple, though she actually did touch it once again looking towards me.

"Oh my God! She wants me to give her some juice!" I thought, and realized that in order to do so...I'd have to pull out my cock and actually do that. But as I sat there thinking about it, I realized I wanted to do that just about more than anything else at the moment.

I knew no one could see what I was doing unless they suddenly stood up for whatever reason and actually walked back. Freeing my prick, which was no easy process under the circumstances, Bus Girl sat grinning at me as I did so. I then copied her mimed movements as I actually did stroke, and then squeezed my prick until a nice fat juicy droplet of precum oozed out of the tip. She slid over on her seat closer to the isle, took a quick glance up towards the front, and then suddenly she was across the aisle sitting next to me! The fact she had managed this feat with her skirt still bunched up around her waist and one tit hanging out was amazing enough. Had anyone looked back as she'd done so, there would have been no mistaking what was going on back here, though even then I wondered if the bus driver had taken note of the sudden movement in back through his rearview mirror. As he made no sudden movement to pull the bus over against the curb, stand up and walk back and kick us off, I figured he hadn't. That...or maybe he was now enjoying the show. There was really no way of knowing for sure. But at the moment, I could have cared less. Bus girl was holding my dick, and squeezing it.

"By the name is Julie," she then said, and swiped a droplet of juice from my dick, applying it to her tit just as she'd requested. "Wanna feel?"

I had to check myself for a pulse. For a moment, I actually did wonder if I had died, and that this bus was taking me anywhere but to work. If it was...I didn't care, I was along for the ride for the duration. Accepting her proposal, I reached over, cupping her breast and then thumbing that hard erect fat nipple of hers. She sighed pleasurably. Then to my added confusion, she lifted herself up, once again straightening her skirt back into place. As she did, I removed my hand, and she then stuffed that beautiful tit of hers back into place as well.

"Sorry...but my stops coming up," she informed me. "Tomorrow?"

Once again I nodded my head stupidly, though I think I added the words, "Hell yes!" when I did so. She again smiled, leaned over kissing me on the cheek, and then stood pulling the cord alerting the driver to pull over at the next stop. I sat there, my cock still exposed, throbbing like mad as she gathered up her purse and promptly made her way forward. I noticed as she did so, several appreciative glances followed her, along with mine. I looked out the window as she looked back, even waving as the bus pulled away. Which is when I realized, I hadn't even introduced myself, nor had I put my exposed cock back inside my pants yet either. Which I hurriedly did as another passenger got on and came all the way back to take the seat behind me. Look...or no look. Though I think my now worried and fearful expression wouldn't have scared anyone as I just managed to pull up my zipper.


She wasn't on the bus for the ride home, which wouldn't have made a difference even if she was. It was far too crowded, though I managed to slip into one of the few vacant seats remaining. And it was of course too well lit anyway. But even on the ride home I tended to think back of the morning and the incredibly erotic experience we had shared together. It was perhaps the first time in recent memory that I was actually looking forward to going to work again the next day.

I stood at the bus stop the following morning wondering if she'd in fact even be there. And though she'd indicated she would be, it wasn't the only bus along this particular route, though it was the same bus and time I had taken the previous day. As I stepped up, paying my tokens, I turned looking back. It took a moment, but there she was! Unfortunately even as I noticed her, I also noticed another man sitting two seats behind her. As I approached, Julie slid over from the aisle seat she'd been sitting in to the one next to the window. An obvious invitation to sit down next to her, which I did.

"By the way...I didn't introduce myself to you yesterday," I began whispering. "My name..."

Julie put a hand on my leg, shaking her head. "No...don't tell me, I don't want to know. I'd prefer to keep it this way," she told me seriously. "And my real name isn't Julie either, can call me that, or think of me by that name if you'd like."

I wondered then if she wanted me to give her a fake name, but then decided it was redundant. Obviously she preferred thinking of me as "Bus Guy" perhaps, and so let it go at that.

Though the bus wasn't nearly as full as it had been the previous day, the guy sitting two rows behind us concerned me. I soon discovered however, his presence there didn't concern 'Julie' one iota. She was again wearing an equally short skirt, though this one had a plaid design, and the red pull over sweater was again likewise similar to the one she had worn the previous day. Though this one was a bit more low-cut and considerably tighter, which really accentuated her full shapely breasts, not to mention looking like it had been painted on. Almost immediately she had bunched up her skirt once again, though this time she took my hand, placing it down between her legs.

"I am already so fucking wet!" she whispered, which was an understatement. Her pussy felt like she had poured a full bottle of baby oil on it, even the seat she was sitting on felt damp as I sat there trying to be nonchalant about what I was now doing, which was finger fucking that wet juicy slit, having the time of my life while I did. "Oh yeah...that's nice," she moaned pleasurably. "Now...pinch my clit and pull on it."

Once again, I was already fucking hard. Though I'd boarded the bus with half an erection already. Just seeing her sitting there had caused it to balloon to full staff even before I had taken my seat. And now...sitting there next to her fingering her cunt, and now pinching her hard knotted clit between my fingers just as she'd asked me to, had sent a series of almost painful throbs surging through my prick.

"Read your paper," she told me grinning. "Open it up and hold it out towards the aisle."

I checked the paper to make sure I wasn't holding it upside down, and then proceeded to pretend to read it. As I did, I felt her hand fumble with my zipper, soon pulling it down. I was glad I had thought well enough ahead to forgo the necessity of wearing briefs, otherwise it would have been near impossible to fish out my rock hard cock. As it was, it just sort of popped out, much to her delight.

Holding my prick in one hand, she proceeded to toy and play with it, fingering herself with the other as I sat there staring at black squiggly lines trying to look all professional and business like. But what I really wanted to do was moan out and tell her how fucking good her hand felt. Especially when I realized she was now smearing it with a considerable amount of that cunt-cream she was producing. Which made it even slicker than it already was, though the juicy slippery sounds she began making as she did so, sounds I would have normally found extremely erotic and sensual, were making me somewhat nervous. I flipped my paper as though to straighten it, looking up and about as I did. But found relief in the fact no one was looking back at, and that no snot nosed k** had piped up and yelled, "Mom! Mom! Some ladies touching this man's penis and doing naughty, dirty, disgusting things to it!"

Which did feel wonderfully, naughty, dirty and decadently disgusting as we rode along in the bus. Even as we pulled over to pick up a couple of additional passengers, Julie never quit fondling me. The problem with that was, sitting there pretending to read the paper, I couldn't very well glare at everyone who had boarded, or hope to cause them all to squeeze in to the few available seats up front with so many available empty seats all about us. And worse, there was no way to even casually discuss it in the few brief moments we had. Holding my paper, I bent it back towards me to some degree as well as lowering it as best as I could. We both watched as a middle aged woman passed by taking the seat across and behind us. And though that made things a bit more difficult, the guy who had come down the aisle behind her, made it even more so by taking the seat directly across from where I was sitting.

As he did, I heard Julie giggle knowingly, though she continued to pump my prick slowly, teasingly, and oh so wonderfully, which was already causing me to feel the first warning signs of tossing my salad everywhere. And to make things worse, as I sat staring at my stupid paper, though what I was really doing was glancing down towards her, and what her marvelous hand was doing to me, was to then watch as she again revealed her beautiful tits by pulling up the front of her tight fighting sweater up and over them. She then somehow managed to pull down the cups of her bra, so that each of her beautiful, magnificent globes were just sitting there, cradled in their cups, she now added some of my juice and hers, to each of them, fingering her nipples.

"Cum on my tits," she told me then. "I want to feel your hot juice spurting all over them!"

I glanced up over my paper, but the guy sitting across from me was looking out the window. If he'd heard anything, he certainly hadn't indicated he had, nor had he suddenly taken his cock out and started to stroke himself off, which I might have done had the roles been reversed.

"Whenever you're ready," she told me. "Because I am!"

I don't know if anyone else has ever tried holding a newspaper still while someone else is busily jacking them off, and causing you to hover on the edge of orgasm. But it's a hell of a lot more difficult than one might think. And you can only shake a paper so many times without turning the page, which I didn't dare do as I couldn't run the risk of dropping it for one thing. But likewise trying to use it as a shield in covering up what it was Julie was now doing as she leaned over even closer to me, her soft breasts actually touching my cock, was in itself a monumental feat. I could only wonder at what the guy two rows back might actually be thinking. Standing up, leaning over our seats and wondering if she wouldn't mind doing him next.

Once again...had the roles been reversed.

My answer came in the form of a groan, one in which I fought with every fiber of my being to keep from being heard, though even then I did see the guy who'd been sitting there looking out the window turn his head and look over towards me. I caught his eyes, smiled...I mean what else was I supposed to do? As I felt spurt after deliciously wonderful spurt leaping from the head of my prick to splash against the softness of Julie's breasts as she milked out every single available drop from my prick. What I really wanted to do was pull down the paper and show him I'd just had one of the best fucking orgasms of my entire life. I wanted to see the expression on his face as she looked over to see all that cum cream smeared all over this beautiful woman's tits, and make him envious as hell. Though with my luck, he'd turn out to be an undercover member of the bus police or something.

I knew that her stop was coming up soon, so wasn't at all surprised when she flipped the bra back up over her cum-smeared tits, likewise pulling down her sweater and readjusting her skirt back into place. With the orgasm I'd just had, and the sudden nervousness of the bus stopping, I wilted like a flower out in two hundred degree heat, making it very easy for her to stuff me back into my pants, which she thankfully did. Though even that embarrassed me somewhat as I'd shrunk down next to nothing. Julie didn't seem to mind though, even giving it an affectionate little pat as she tucked me back into place, pulling up my zipper just as the bus made ready to pull into her stop.

"I won't be on here tomorrow," she told me. "But I will Friday. And Friday is usually a lighter day for people taking the bus," she informed me. "I'll be in the back seat, if we can...plan on fucking me," she stated, causing me to raise my eyebrows at her. "Wear something sweat pants." And with that, she stood as the bus came to her stop. Once again, I watched as she walked up the aisle, glanced out the window as she stood there watching the bus pull away. Knowing as it did, she was standing there with a gallon of my fresh cream still clinging to her tits.


The following day I drove myself to work, I saw no point in taking the bus for one thing, and for another, I needed to stop at the store on my way home. I didn't own a pair of sweat pants. Nervously, I contemplated on how the hell we were going to get away with fucking on the bus. I mean it was one thing to think about it, imagine it, and another one entirely to actually manage to do it. I decided that the odds were, it would be next to impossible, and that we'd no doubt just end up masturbating one another again on the way into work, though the sweatpants would certainly make that far easier to do to. Especially with me not wearing any underwear again, that would at least speed up the process of taking me out and putting me back in.

She was right, which meant she'd been traveling this route, this bus for far longer than I ever knew. For whatever reason, there were less than a half dozen people on board when the bus stopped. And true to her word, this time she was sitting all the way in back, with the six bodies all sitting near forward. Two of which must have been a couple as they were the only two sitting together. Even so, we didn't have anyone within eight rows of us, though I still couldn't imagine how we could actually sit in the back and fuck without someone being the wiser.

Obviously, I hadn't done this before.

As I neared the back row, Julie scooted over allowing me to pass. "Sit with your back against the window," she told me. "After you've pulled your sweats down first," she added with a wink. I did so, as she then slid in closer towards me, once again bunching up yet another very short skirt. "We're just two young lovers cuddling together on the backseat," she then said filling me in. "Let me do all the work."

I mean it's not like I had visions of fucking her doggy style on the back seat or anything. Ok, well...maybe I did. But that wasn't very realistic. What was...was how she just sort of settled back in towards me, managing to slip down and over my cock in one fell swoop, with no one the wiser as I folded my arms about her chest, the feel of her soft, braless...breasts, pressed against my arms. I felt her cunt contract, which was another amazing sensation. Without even moving, she seemed to be stroking my cock as though her mouth was in fact sucking it. This was again something new. I'd never fucked anyone without moving before. Which we were. Though after a bit, we finally did begin to move some, always alert and keeping an eye out should anyone grow curious and look back towards us. If they did, we stopped, Julie turning her head towards me as we kissed, looking more like what she'd told me we would look like should anyone look back towards us. And I guess two people making out, tended to keep other's eyes averted from watching. Sort of a privacy thing I suppose. Though I seriously doubted that same rule applied towards actual fucking. Again, anyone discovering that would no doubt alert the driver, who would no doubt pull the bus over and kick us off. Or worse, we'd be hauled off to jail in chains for perverting the mind of the ninety-year-old grandmother sitting up front directly behind the driver. Obviously, they didn't have buses back then when she was of fooling around age. If she ever did. Though I did briefly wonder what it might feel like on the back of a hay cart or something.

Julie's wet slick pussy reminded me of what we were doing however as she very slowly, and very teasingly began working herself against me. Each of us with eyes glued forward should anyone decide for whatever reason to look back towards us. And likewise being aware of the height of the seat we were sitting behind, no one could see much of anything else unless they stood either. Which meant that when I pulled up the top Julie was wearing in order to cup both of her braless breasts in my hands as we sat there fucking, I got the additional enjoyment of playing with those wonderful fleshy soft pliant boobs while we did.

"Oh yeah baby, I'm getting close here," she told me. "I want to feel you cum inside me when I do," she then added. "I want to feel your fresh hard squirts filling my cunt as I cum," she said a bit too loudly, and I noticed then for the first time the bus driver appear to be actually looking up into his rear-view mirror. For a moment I held still, but she wasn't about too, now thrusting, pushing back against me as she came, as I did. I felt my cock lurch, explode and began to empty itself deep inside that amazingly wet cunt of hers, drenching us both, along with the seats as she exploded in pure unbridled ecstasy.

And this time, we did get more than just one or two curious looks our way, including one from the ninety year old, though truth be told, I think she was smiling at us.

Long before Julie's scheduled stop, she'd climbed off making herself presentable again, as I did.

"Well, it's been nice," she told me. "I've certainly enjoyed this week with you," she then added, "And wish we'd had more time to enjoy one another the way we have."

"What are you saying?" I asked, already knowing the answer to that.

She hesitated briefly before continuing. "Well, you see...the driver? He's my husband. And this week he's been filling in for the regular guy who's been on vacation. Next week, he's doing the fill in for another guy on another route, so obviously...I'll be on that bus."

I looked at her with what had to be an incredulous expression on my face, though at the moment, words failed me.

"Maybe, if you're still taking this bus, the next time Larry fills in on this route, we'll bump into one another again. I'd really like that," she told me, still leaving me without a word in response as the bus slow rolled at the next stop, where she stood and once again made her way forward. This time, it was far easier to see without so many people in the way. She paused briefly, leaned over kissing the driver, turned, looked back at me smiling and then waved. She got off, standing there as the bus pulled away from the curb, me looking back, knowing it would no doubt be the last time I would ever see her again.

But the really weird part was, getting off at my stop, passing by the driver, having to stand there and wait for the doors to open letting me out.

"Hope you enjoyed the ride," he said simply grinning at me.
Published by canadianbbw
1 year ago
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anoldpunkrocker 1 year ago
Great story - thank you for posting.
Thats soooooo fuckin hot! 
Wildthing369 1 year ago
Hot dam that was one exicting story
HNG5252 1 year ago
SIZZLING   HOT !!!   🤩🤩
Looker469 1 year ago
Another hot story
fannylicker57 1 year ago
Great story, would love to read more if you have any.