Naked Attraction – The XX Version

Naked Attraction – The XX Version

Naked Attraction – The XX Version

UK TV viewers may have seen a programme called “Naked Attraction”. If you haven't seen it, this will not have as much resonance for you as for those who do know the programme. Its a quite explicit post-watershed show where couples meet, naked, before going on a date. It unfolds when one candidate, clothed, is introduced gradually to five potential dates. The unique aspect is that each of the five is naked and is revealed in stages until finally, after they are eliminated at each round, only one is left who is fully seen and heard. The interim stages comprise a barrier being raised up to show in stages legs, genitals, breasts/chest, and finally fully naked, also during the process they get to hear them speak and find out further personal details.

I was a keen fan of the programme as you got to see some fit women on there, totally nude full frontal. I forgot to say that the final stage, when a date is chosen, the chooser has to strip off too. Anyway, I thought I'd apply to be on the next series. I saw an advert for a new version of the show and felt I had a good chance of getting on. I have a reasonable body, a bit overweight but not too much, but I have an extremely long cock. I hoped that would be enough. I had to send a photo of myself naked and a couple of weeks later I was invited to an interview and recording.

The morning was taken up with assessments of each candidate. Then we were told if we'd made the grade and if we were to be one of the five to be chosen or to be a chooser. I was selected to be a chooser (Wow) and was invited back the next week for the shoot. They mentioned that the new series would be going further than the ones aired on TV to date, that the concept was the same but some details and the way the reveals were done would differ. They were right about that as I discovered when I returned for the shoot!

The set looked different but they explained that the elimination would go ahead in a similar way; I would have to select one girl at each round who would have to leave. And so the shoot began. The booths that the girls occupied were different from the mainly vertical ones used before. These had more depth to them, though I could not see inside, I wondered why.

First off was as I expected. Each booth rose up and began to expose the legs and eventually the genitals of the five girls. Three of them were shaved and two were slightly hairily pubed. Very nice. One had very fat legs and one had extremely thin ones. One was very white skinned, two looked Asian or West Indian, two had tanned skin. I discussed the pussies with the female host of the show, Anna, saying I had no preference as far as hair or shaved was concerned. I liked the fact that I could see nice vertical smiles on the shaved ones, and got a laugh from the host and the crew. I now expected to have to eliminate one of the girls but the host said there was one more examination to come before that.

“Now is the chance to get to know the girl's pussies a bit more intimately,” Anna said. At this point the booths rose higher and showed that the girls were wearing smocks that covered their heads and their bodies down to their waists. And I also saw why the booths were a new shape, each had a reclining chair in place. “OK girls get on your chairs and spread for Alan!” Good grief! This was new, and amazing! The girls sat down in unison and opened their legs wide, displaying their open pussies to my view. My erection grew in my trousers and I tried to push it aside. Goodness this was going to be on TV! “Alan, get close and take a good look at these ladies intimate delights! That's it make sure you study them well.”

I approached pussy one. The girl was holding her legs aloft. Her pussy was open and the folds were clearly visible. “Can you see inside OK Alan? Ask them to move if you need a clearer view, we need you to make an informed choice..”

“Err, can you move forward a bit then, and hold your lips apart a bit more?” I asked. The girl shifted forward on the chair and lifted her legs higher and simultaneously put her fingers down to her outer lips and pulled them further open for me.

“That looks nice, doesn't it Alan?” asked Anna, “Nothing left to the imagination there, is there? We can even see her anus rather well can't we? What do you think?”

“I think that is a very pleasant view. I'm finding it difficult to believe this is happening to be honest. I don't think any of my previous girlfriends have ever done that for me!”

“Well that's the point of the show, we can get all that out of the way so you can concentrate on getting to know the right girl on your date as a person. I think we'll get all the girls to open up like that; anuses and pussies and a good look inside, shall we? Lets go to number two now.”

And so we went along the line and I feasted my eyes on five disgustingly blatant sex organs displayed for my benefit, and for the delectation of the viewers! Surely this wouldn't appear on TV?

“So, now Alan, its almost time for the first elimination. You've had a very good look at the genitalia, so one final little thing to try, quickly. Have a good sniff of each of them. Get nice and close and inhale each of our lovely ladies aromas!” Kin'ell!

“That's it, go along the line, get a good nose-full! And a final look before you make your decision. Good man! Yes, that's it, get nice and close. Number three looks very wet down there doesn't she. Does it smell good?”

“They all smell good! They're wonderful! Choosing is hard, but I think number four will have to go, I'm afraid.”

“Oh, number four, that's Molly, a secretary from Lancashire. Come on Molly, get the rest of the kit off and come over here.”

Molly stood up and took off her smock. She was extremely pretty and had a look of disappointment as well as lust on her face. She had huge pendulous boobs, with pale nipples hanging down. I suspect she was quite a go-er. She came up to me and I kissed her.

“Alan, you're going to have to tell us why you decided Molly wasn't the girl, or should I say, pussy, for you!”

“Oh I feel bad, Molly is really lovely. It was an impossible choice, but I think her pussy hair was just a bit too thick for my taste. I'm really sorry!” I didn't say that actually I found her unattractive because of her fat thighs and the fact that even with her legs wide apart I couldn't really get a good view of her holes, especially her bum-hole. But she seemed a nice person and I didn't want to make her feel bad. Its just not a look that appeals to me. She kissed me again and left the set smiling.

“Well Alan its on to the next round now. You've had a good old look at our ladies privates, and a nice sniff too. I think its time you saw their boobs don't you?”

“Oh yes, that would be nice.” I replied, rather lamely. I was still overwhelmed by what had gone before.

“OK girls, lift up your smocks, let Alan see your tits!” commanded Anna. And with one motion all the girls exposed their breasts for me. They were still lying back on their chairs, they had closed their legs, sadly, but at least that made me focus on their top halves, though I couldn't see their faces yet. These were yet another revelation and my host guided me through the four remaining girls. “Nice selection here, Alan. These ones are very firm aren't they? On the small side but very perky indeed, and look at those nipples! Gosh they look suckable don't they? And how about this set, I think they may be a little bit enhanced don't you?” I nodded. “I don't think they'll flop about when she's on her back will they! Let's take a closer look at number three. I think these are fully natural. Big aren't they? I bet they look great in an under-wired bra! What do you think of her nipples Alan?”

“They're very pale aren't they, quite a contrast with the first pair! Nice, I wonder if they firm up when sucked?”

“Well you'll have to wonder about that for now,” (For now?!) “Let's look at the last set. Quite different again aren't they? Quite puffy little nipples, quite firm boobs, just hand-sized I'd say...”

“I'd guess so. They're all fabulous. Its going to be a difficult choice this time, Anna.”

“Well its not choice time just yet, I think you need to do a bit more research on our lovely quartet. Hands and mouth Alan, give them all a feel and a little suck. I think that's the only fair way to make a proper selection!” (Fuck me!) “Off you go, see what you think.” And I advanced on each girl's chest in turn. They sat in their chairs as I fondled and weighed each tit in turn, then I diddled each nipple to see if they responded, two of them firmed up and made little peaks. One, the first one, was already about half an inch long, but one, the pale-nippled one, had no response at all. So I did as I was instructed and licked and sucked. They all tasted wonderful, the really pert-nippled one had the best mouth feel, and the pale one seemed lifeless. The next elimination choice was easy. But I made the most of my time and revisited them as often as I could until Anna told me it was make-your-mind-up time.

“Which one, or I should say, which pair have to go then Alan?” she asked.

I pointed to my choice: “I'm afraid its this pair. They're lovely and her pussy was very nice, but, they just didn't do it for me, I couldn't get a response. I'm sorry!”

“Well, they belong to Adina, from Twickenham. Adina is a hairdresser. Come on girl, get that smock off so Alan can see your face.” Adina smiled at me and gave me a little kiss on the cheek. She was nice in a homely sort of way. She'd overdone the make-up and fake tan though I thought, and had awful lip enhancements that made her look a bit like a fish, and ridiculously great dark eyebrows that were completely unnatural. Phew! Close shave there. Then she skipped off set.

“It looked like you enjoyed feeling the girls up there Alan! I think your next decision will need a bit more exploration, you've felt their boobs, now you can get to grips with those pussies that you studied earlier!” My eyes opened wide at this and my jaw dropped. “Yes, you can have a feel of their privates. Yes, really! But remember they may be a bit dry, don't just go in there poking around, over here we have a lube dispenser. Get plenty on your fingers before you explore. Off you go... Open wide again girls, shift your bottoms forward and get those legs spread, hold then up and back so he can get at your bits.”

The three remaining girls complied, one was black, one white and one Asian, I guessed, lifting even further apart and ensuring vaginas and anuses were fully available. I got my fingers lubed up and advanced on the first girl who was white. I dripped lube on her crotch and gently began to feel her lips and her clitoris. She responded by moving up and down as if she was actually enjoying it. I hoped she was.

“That's nice Alan, it looks like you know what to do. Oh, yes, a finger going inside now. Gentle, very caring. Oh, two, no three fingers now. Frigging her eh? Looks like she's dripping a bit, she's very very wet isn't she? Oh! I wondered if you'd do that, a finger up her bottom now, and, oh, one in each hole. Wow, right up as far as they'll go. Dirty sod aren't you?” I smiled at her as I enjoyed the tightness of the holes and the weirdness of the situation. “Maybe go on the your next candidate?” she asked. I complied, reluctantly leaving the first girl, legs akimbo and dripping juices from both holes. I got more lube on my fingers and went for the second girl, who looked Asian from her skin tone. Her vagina was very tight and gripped my fingers as I frigged her. I looked closely at her parts as I fingered away and noticed her anal-ring pulsing. I dripped lube onto it and pressed a finger at the opening. “You're getting a bit of resistance there aren't you, Alan?” asked Anna.

“Yes, just a bit, but it feels lovely at the entrance, hopefully it'll respond to a little light pressure!” As I very gently and lightly massaged her small hole, the lube was joined by juices leaking from her pussy; this was getting to her all right. Then I felt a slight opening and she pressed back against my finger. Finally her ring opened and my finger tip went in a little.

“Oh, that seems to have done the trick, Alan! Its making me feel horny just watching you at work. Ah, there you go, finger right up her arse! Very nice!”

“Its wonderful!” I exclaimed, “so tight and lovely. Fabulous. Oh look she's really letting it in now, I can really frig both her holes now, she just needed a little time!”

“Well I'm sorry Alan, but time is limited, try girl number three now please..”

I was extremely reluctant to leave girl number two behind, her holes had been wonderful and the grip from her anus... just wow! Still, there were two more holes to try, and my cock was uncomfortable in my pants, it needed satisfaction, this was proving challenging...

“Ok girl three, let Alan at you! That's it girl, open up for him again. Wow, you really are open aren't you? Not sure your pussy was as open wide as that before!“ The black girl had her hands alongside her vaginal lips on her bottom and seemed to be pulling herself further and further apart. “Gracious, love, you look like you've had some fists up there doll! Go on Alan, see how many fingers you can get up her!” I did as asked. The girl was open like a cave, and she was wet and slimy inside. I bunched my fingers together and advanced, Anna was right, my whole fist almost disappeared up her. I rotated my hand and yes, my wrist went past her outer lips and I had my hand inside her, completely. “Oh my word, you really are fisting her, Alan. Oh goodness! Oh, and look at her anus, Alan!”

I looked, I was astounded that her smaller hole had opened as well. I reached down and put three fingers of my other hand inside it. The girl began to squirm and we soon realised she was orgasming! She bucked and groaned, her womb contracting on my wrist and gripping then releasing the gripping again. “Get the cameras closer, guys!” Anna yelled at the camera operators and they advanced on the scene as I frigged with both hands and the girl writhed around. Then it was over and I extracted my wet hands as her holes gaped and the cameras focused in. “Wow, let's take a little breather before Alan makes his next decision,” said Anna.

I surveyed the scene, the three girls laying there having been comprehensively explored and penetrated by my fingers. I think I knew then which one was for me, but I had to eliminate one first. “Anna,” I said, “I'm going to have to eliminate girl number three I'm afraid. Fisting her was an experience I have never had, it was wonderful, but I think she was just too much for me. She has a wonderful body and fabulous breasts, but it has to be somebody, so.. I'm sorry!”

“Oh, what a shame, after opening up so much for us!” said Anna. “This is Elizabeth, from Camberley, she's studying to be an accountant. Let's see your face, Elizabeth!” And with that, she revealed herself. Had I made a mistake? She was beautiful, and my god, what she could probably do with that vagina! But I'd made my selection and would have to deal with it. We kissed, I hugged her and she looked downhearted as she went off the set.

“Final choice now Alan. One girl has to go, the other one is your date. How to decide? Well now... How else? You need to fuck them both!” (What?!) “Yes, so you can make a fully informed decision about sexual compatibility, you can shag each girl before making up your mind. You won't see their faces though until you have chosen. We have condoms over there alongside the lube. The girls are ready, laying in wait for you, if you want them in that position. Its up to you. Off you go!”

Blimey! I was going to get my relief now, on this studio set, with the lights and cameras, and Anna and the technicians, the show's producer and all, watching me! Wow!

I took a deep breath. The two remaining girls, who had given me such pleasure with my fingerings, were laying back and open legged ready for my cock. Ready for a shafting. Wide open and dripping in both cases. My hard-on was immense but I had to control myself. I needed to cum, but I had to make sure I could do both of them. I couldn't go shooting off in the first one and not sampling the delghts of the other one. Pressure. But a wonderful pressure at that!

Who to choose first? I chose the white girl. She had lovely firm breasts and pert nipples. Very white skin, almost porcelain like. Her pussy was glowing with juice or sweat. I pulled on a johnny and advanced on her, cock foremost, and stood between her thighs as my dick danced in anticipation. The cameraman drew in closer, no doubt to capture the moment of penetration. She slid forward slightly as if she couldnt wait, and, just like that, my erection disappeared up inside her. She gave a little groan as I went in to the hilt, and I stayed in there for a few seconds to make sure I didn't explode. I wanted relief, but I wanted to perform on her and for the cameras, so I got ready to pace myself. So... long slow strokes were the order of the day, give her the full length, hold it in, withdraw fully then go in again. “This is looking good, Alan,” said Anna, “I have to say its making me horny. Our cameraman looks like he's enjoying it too, arent you Rob? Yes, I can see a bulge in your trousers... Keep it professional Rob! Now Alan, how long are you going to fuck that girl for, there's another one waiting you know. Fair do's Alan...”

“OK, Anna, this is wonderful, she's lovely and wet and she's taking it all well, but I'd better move on...” And so I withdrew my cock from one lovely pussy, ready to go up another one.

“Better change the condom Alan,” said Anna, and I pulled it off and reached for another. “Err, l.. let me, err, do that for you. I don't think the producer will mind. Yes, a lovely erection you have there, only fair to let me have a little feel of it if that's OK with you?” It was.

“Errm, I'll put it on with my mouth I think. Make sure you get this Rob...” and with that Anna put the condom in her mouth and proceeded to fellate me and encase my cock with the condom. Very expertly. And I thought she was gay! She let me thrust in her throat a couple of times before she appeared to realise what she was doing and steered me to the other girl, who had been patiently waiting and getting wetter as she waited, legs akimbo, for her share of me.

She didn't have to wait much longer as I went right up her no problem. I was so hard and she was so wet I slid in her as far as I could go. She pushed back at me and did something with her vagina muscles that sent shock waves through my member. She gripped and loosened, gripped and loosened. It was amazing. I had enjoyed having my fingers up her but that didnt give any clues to her capabilities. Wow! I almost forgot 'my slow and steady, make it last' approach, but managed to slow down into long strokes as she almost sucked at my cock with her pussy-muscles. “Oh god!” I gasped and Anna looked at me quizzically. “She's doing something amazing to my dick!”

“If you've got to cum, then go ahead Alan!”

“Final couple of goes in both of them?” I shouted.

I extracted myself from her heavenly tube and went to the first girl, who opened up in anticipation and I thrust deeply into her, no concern now with slow and steady. Three or four manic thrusts and I felt a tingling. Quick. A rush over to the second girl and embedded myself up her; then reaching underneath and slipping a finger right up her anus I rogered her furiously. She began to buck with orgasm and I emptied my balls into the johnny, which I hadn't bothered to change. I let out a yell as I exploded finally up a vagina after holding myself in check for SO long. Even so, I was aware of the camera and, as my thrusts continued, I pulled out of her, pulled off the durex and made sure the camera caught the final spurts of cum from my cock.

“Oh Alan, that was great!” cooed Anna. “Thanks for letting us capture your money shot! Now you need to calm yourself down and make your mind up. Which of our two lovely girls get's your vote?”

“Anna, its got to be the second girl. What she can do with her pussy muscles is phenomenal. And she has a fabulous body too. So does the first girl, but after that fucking, its got to be number two for me!”

“Well, you've made your choice. Sad for girl number one. Come over here love, take off the mask and tell us your name and what you thought of the exercise.” She beckoned the first girl over and she got off the couch and removed her mask. She was beautiful, blonde hair and quite petite. Standing up she had a perfect body and her boobs were still nice and firm.

“Hello Alan, hello Anna. My name is Natalie, and I'm a student in London. As I'm currently between boyfriends I thought I'd enter this show, I was intrigued. I've had a really fun time. Sorry I didnt make it to the final place, but I've had a lovely fuck and fingering. Do you mind if I just bring myself off. Alan didnt quite go at me for long enough...”

“Err...” said Anna as Natalie sat back down on the couch and began to frig herself. “Umm, I could help you with that,” she continued, and to my amazement, and that of the crew, she bagan putting a finger up Natalie's anus and, using the juices the girl was producing, gave her a good seeing-to, quickly managing to get two fingers in there as the camera zoomed in on this bonus action. Soon it was all over as Natalie seemed to experience a kind of fit, her eyes glassed over, her mouth opened and she went a shade of red all over before shaking her entire body, before eventually subsiding and beaming lovingly at Anna. “Phew, Natalie, glad to have been of service. Off you go, and many thanks for taking part. Maybe see you after the show? I'm going to have to look after myself as well soon.. But first. Alan, its time to meet your chosen partner. This is Nadia. Take off your mask Nadia love, and come over here and introduce yourself.”

She de-masked and I saw her full beauty and a wonderful smile. I was completely smitten and speechless for a while. She spoke.

“Hi there, I'm Nadia, I'm a trainee solicitor at a law firm locally. I think Alan is a great lover. I felt we really connected sexually. I haven't had much experience of sex, but I'm so glad he seemed to like being up me. When his finger went in my bottom I just couldnt hold on, it was fabulous. I've never experienced that before. Wonderful. It was worth it just for that fuck!”

“It was wonderful for me too Nadia” I said, smiling at her. She smiled sexily back at me.

“Ok you two, “ said Anna, “well, as you know this isn't the usual kind of Naked Attraction programme, which usually ends in the partners going off for a conventional date somewhere. You are both free to do that after the show, but on this programme we do things differently. Now, we give you both a short break to get your energy levels back up, and we supply some sexy underwear for Nadia, and for you too Alan if you want, then we bring you back here for... wait for it... A nice anal fuck! What do you think about that then guys?”

“Blimey. Fuck, yes!” I said

“Oh, how dirty,” said Nadia, “That sounds like fun!”


Now I had some time to get grounded and reflect on what had happened and was about to happen. I had made a great choice in Nadia. She was a beautiful girl, with a wonderful figure and was obviously very clever. She could do things with her vagina that I could not believe. She seemed like a keeper to me and I would defintely want to date her and find out more about her. And fuck her again! And on that note I was soon going to be having her anally. I will admit here that I was an anal virgin. I had enjoyed fingering the girl's anuses, but actually having anal sex was beyond the dream. I was in a separate dressing-room from Nadia, so the excitement of seeing her again was mounting. One of the production staff put her head around the door and asked if I wanted to wear some more sexy underwear, or get ready in other ways. I asked what the options were and she handed me what I would describe as a posing pouch in black nylon, and some body oil. “In for a penny, in for a pound” I thought, and slipped on the pouch and slathered the oil over myself. Looking in the mirror I decided I scrubbed up pretty well. A few minutes later I got the call that they were ready for me. I walked into the lights in the sudio, noticing that the couches had gone and a large bed was now in place.

“And here's Alan, ready for the show's climax!” announced Anna. “My, you look good. Ready for some anal action? Good. Bring in Nadia...”

Oh my goodness. Nadia appeared from her dressing room, spotlit and magnificent. She was kitted out in a kind of white corset that emphasised her waist and lifted and exposed her breasts. No panties. I hadn't really taken enough notice of her pussy in the earlier stages, just glad to have access to them all and to feel and smell them. She was nicely shaved; completely hair free down there, and her little front slit was enticingly visible. She had white stockings held up by suspenders from the corset and white high heels. She really looked a million dollars.

“How do you want to do her, Alan?” asked Anna. “From behind, or from the front?” Gulp!

“Err, from behind. At first, please. If that's OK with you Nadia?” She nodded agreement and beamed at me. Then she went to the bed and climbed on, on all fours. She parted her legs and dropped her breasts onto the bed, making her rear quarters nicely available. She turned her head towards me, beckoning me forward, while reaching back and pulling her arse cheeks open for an extraordinary view of her crotch and gleaming anus. No one mentioned a condom so I took a slight detour to a small table I had spotted earlier and helped myself to a fist-full of lube. The cameras followed me as I spread the lube over her hind quarters, slipping a couple of fingers in her arse to make my entrance easier. “Ready Nadia?” I asked and she answered affirmatively. I put my cock at the entrance to her small hole and pushed forward a little.

“Push back onto him, love” commanded Anna, and Nadia complied, pressing her ring-piece against the head of my cock. “Ah, there it goes!” panted Anna as I felt Nadia open for my entrance. I was an anal virgin no longer as I slid slowly into her colon. It was delightfully tight and Nadia gasped and exhaled as I went up her. “Are you OK love?” Anna enquired.

“Oh yes, its... its.. different. Its so tight in there, so tight. Oh gosh. So tight. Not too fast Alan. That's it. Let me get used to it. Oh wow. Lovely slow strokes. Amazing! Oh, I'm opening a bit. That's better. You can speed up a bit Alan.”

This was heaven. I began a regular long shafting movement. Nadia was responding with sighs and deep breaths. Then I thought about her other hole and how she'd enjoyed my anal fingering while I'd had her earlier. I reached under her and put three or four fingers in her puss and frigged her in unison with my anal thrusts. Then I made sure there was pressure on her clitoris and I felt a veritable drenching of her juices on my hand. They were pouring out of her as she loosened up anally. I was giving it to her quite hard and fast now; I couldn't help myself. Then, she began her orgasm and shook her body as it took hold of her. That was enough for me and I came for the second time, now right up her rectum. My thrusts were pounding her and we both screamed with delight as we jointly reached nirvana.

I lay back exhausted and was surprised when Nadia, who had made herself comfortable beside me on the bed, first turned and smiled at me and then said to Anna and the crew: “Sorry about this, but I can't help it!” and she opened her legs, pulled her knees back and apart and peed a long wet gush out towards the cameras and soaked the bed completely. Then she relaxed and I saw Rob focus in on her wet and dripping crotch. Blimey! Stunned silence for a few moments then..

“Good grief! Well done guys! Great TV!” smiled Anna. “I hope you captured that Rob!”

And so it was all over. I understand the show was made available on porn sites only. I don't think anyone ever thought it would air on Channel Four! Its not easy to find; I understand Anna had issues over her exposure on the show, especially her little interlude with Natalie. Copyright stuff got in the way too. Anyway, I was happy.

Both Nadia and I got paid handsomely for the experience and.. well, Nadia is now my wife! She still does that amazing thing with her vagina...

Published by radionpg
1 year ago
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So so sexeeeeeeeeeeeeeee had me cumming at several bits
great  thank you
you should pitch that to channel 4
amazing , would of wanted to taste their pussies , and also see what they could do sucking my cock . the real kinks would come later 
Wow this is amazing.  Have seen the tv show, wish i could see this episode.  Thanks for sharing.
Great story
Hahaha. Enjoyed the scenario. Great ! 👍😇