113 – The Twin I Never Knew I Had Part 3

113 – The Twin I Never Knew I Had Part 3

Alice got up to clear away the empty boxes and I poured the last of the wine into our glasses, my cock was still hard from Mike being here and my sister was quick to notice.. “Aww babes, you still got a boner.. does it ever go down?” she said smiling like she’d never met a man with such a drive but then again it was 7pm and I’d only cum once today so there was plenty left in the tank.. I giggled at her comment and called her across to me.. “I love your little panties Alice” I said as she stood in front of me and with her crotch just inches from my face it was my turn to give her some pleasure and as her musky aroma hit my head I reached out grabbing her fleshy arse cheeks pulling her closer and burying my head into her spongy knickers… “Damn you smell nice Alice.. Mmm” I said softly as I felt her pushing against me and as my fingers explored into her crack my tongue went exploring the soft cotton of her gusset.. “Mmm Frank.. Oh yes babes.. that’s nice” she sighed softly as she held on to my naked shoulders.

I could taste the dampness in her gusset and I figured now was the time that her knickers came off and she sighed her approval as I inched them down her legs exposing her hairy bush which I was quick to bury my head in.. “Let’s get more comfortable eh” I said as I pulled up and spun her around to sit on the sofa and with her legs wide I knelt down pushing my hands up the back of her thighs grabbing her arse and pulling her up to meet my face.. OMG her exposed labia lips tasted so sweet and I could hear her moans as my tongue licked and sucked on this moist skin folds and as my nose pressed against her stiffening lady button my tongue inched inside her.. “OMG Frank.. this is so good.. Oh yes.. Mmm” she sighed as I felt her body starting to tremble and a much-needed release was about to follow.. she was a squirter and as she spasmed I felt the warm juices in my mouth almost covering my face.. “OH FUCK YESSSS!” she cried out as her whole body shook to a very intense orgasm.. she was primed and ready and I could tell her orgasm was the result of her own sexual tensions.. “Fuck me Frank.. I want you to fuck me” she sighed softly in a very breathless voice and as I reached down to grab my throbbing cock I ran my tongue through her hairy bush up her belly and by the time I got to her perky little titties my cock head was making an easy entry into her waiting cunt.. “Oooh yes babes.. that’s it babes.. OMG YESSS” she sighed as my cock went further into her arm hole and I could feel her cunt muscles taking a grip sucking me further inside.

She seemed to like it slow and easy and I could tell she was feeling every thrust as I got into a gentle rhythm.. “Oooh that’s nice babes” she sighed softly as I kept the momentum going and it wasn’t long before she started to shake again as she experienced another intense orgasm and I felt the warm juices running down my balls as the squelching began.. she was wet, very wet but kept a good grip on me making every gentle stroke a very pleasurable one.. this was love making at its very best.
I kept the rhythm going and I could see in her smiling eyes just how much she was enjoying this union and as my face got closer to hers it was the most natural thing in the world to make contact with our lips, it wasn’t lust and it wasn’t pretentious.. there was a definite connection between us and as our tongues intermingled it was the most wonderful feeling running through my body.. our kiss had feelings I’d never experienced before and made me wonder how such a mix up at birth had happened and I’m sure this will be discussed in detail but now wasn’t the time.. her kiss was purposefully administered and I could sense the mutual feelings and the electricity between us.. I couldn’t hold back any longer and she wanted nothing more than my seedless juice pumping into her and there was no better experience than cumming while kissing..

She let out a muffled moan and started sucking gently on my tongue as my cock exploded deep inside her.. my body shook as spurt after spurt thundered into her and by her reaction on my tongue I knew she could feel the warmth deep inside her, I thought I wasn’t going to stop and I don’t think she wanted me to stop either.. I really thought I’d died and gone to heaven.
She looked into my eyes and all I could see was love.. she caught her breath and not a word was said, her eyes said it all and we didn’t for a second lose eye contact.

In those moments I was thinking why it had taken 55 years to find each other and was gobsmacked when her mouth opened.. “Why has it taken us 55 years Frank? Can you imagine us growing up together” she said softly and we’re even thinking the same.. “How long do plan to stay?” I asked and could feel the pressure she was gripping my softening cock.. she didn’t want to let it go.. she smiled at me.. “Hmm.. good question babes.. we’ll get my stuff in the morning and talk about it.. right now I’m enjoying the precious moment I’ve waited all my life for.. do you feel it Frank?” she said and the weird thing is I did feel an unbreakable connection, a bond I’d never experienced before.. “I am you in a male body and you are me in a female body.. this is so wonderfully weird” I said in response which was as true as it gets.

We spent the next couple of hours chatting and demolishing another bottle of wine and I have to say we were both a bit wasted.. “I think we should go to bed” I said as we stared into empty glasses and both comfortably naked and I think the alcohol was affecting any chance of further arousal which made our conversation more meaningful with no distractions.
As Alice tried to get up which wasn’t easy I turned to her, “Better warn you girl, my bedrooms on the second floor” I said jokingly and unsteady on her feet she turned to me.. “More time for you to look at my hairy arse then Frank” she said laughing as we tried to help each other out to the hall.. this was going to be a hands and knees climb up the stairs and she giggled as she got down and started her climb.. I was just a few steps behind her and as I looked up between her legs she wasn’t joking as I saw a line of black hair running into her crack.. now I’m not opposed to a hairy arse especially on a woman and Alice was fit and had a very toned body, almost masculine but that made her even more attractive and as we clambered up the stairs I had her most intimate areas got in front of my face.. it was delightful.. “And a damn nice arse it is too Ali” I said softly as I struggled to keep up behind her, we were both in fits of laughter and as we reached the bedroom sighs of relief could be heard as we both crashed onto the bed.

As I lay there looking up at the ceiling Ali leant in putting her head on my chest.. no words were said as we drifted off into the night.. what a day which I was still processing.
I woke up late which wasn’t a surprise and Alice was still out for the count, she looked so peaceful laying on her back with her head close to my shoulder.. I decided to slip my robe on and go make some coffee which after yesterday was much needed.
I returned with 2 steaming mugs of coffee and sat on the edge of the bed looking at my sisters lovely naked body, my silky robe covering evidence of my morning wood which I have to say due to my hangover was a little jaded.

I ran my fingers through her ruffled hair and leant forward giving her a kiss on the forehead, he eyes slowly opened and that lovely infectious smile came across her face, she made no attempt to cover that lovely body.. “Mmm.. good morning babes.. Oooh.. what day is it?” she said focusing her eyes and obviously, like me, feeling the effects of yesterday.. “How ya feeing Ali?” I asked and she looked into my eyes.. “About as good as you babes” she said as she sat up and reached for her coffee.. “Oooh you know the way to a woman’s heart don’t you.. coffee in bed.. AND a handsome man sitting on the side.. (she lifted up the front of my robe).. with a morning wood too..” she said sipping her coffee.. “Yeah but a pretty poor excuse for one though Alice” I said laughing as I picked up my morning coffee.

We discussed the plan for the day which was to head over to her B&B and get her stuff, I saw no point in her paying for accommodation and after that we needed to discuss the way forward.. “I’ll have a shower later Frank.. no point showering and putting dirty clothes back on.. my knickers will stink” she said with that cheeky grin.. “I’ll check them when we get back” I said smiling which nearly made her choke on her coffee.. “Mmm.. I bet you will babes” she said giggling.. she lifted up my robe again and saw my boner had come back to life.. “Oooh I see the thought of my knickers turns you on Frank.. you just like my Tony..” she said as she grabbed my robe tie and pulled it exposing my morning wood… “Mmm.. I could get used to seeing this every morning babes” she said softly as she ran her hand up my thigh.. “Nothing like having a good start to the day is there” she said smiling as she put the coffee cup back on the side and grabbing my cock she pulled me up onto the bed with my knees either side of her.. “Mmm, now it’s coming to life babes” she said as she gently wanked me pulling my skin right back exposing the shiny head which she leant forward and licked.

I don’t think the early morning blow job should be a slow one necessarily and while Ali tried to be attentive I just wanted a release which she found out as I started to thrust into her mouth hard and fast and I got the impression as she grabbed my arse cheeks hard that she also liked to mix it up and wasn’t adverse to a bit of rough play and even when I felt the tightness of her throat she didn’t complain, she loved cock and she loved my cock.
Having just drunk her coffee her mouth was rather warm and that added to the sensations as I pumped in and out of her mouth and as her fingers explored my crack I was starting to feel the end in sight which was no surprise as her finger found the target and pushed into my arse.. that just about did it for me and with a loud grunt I found my cock pulsating my early morning load into her mouth, she gripped my arse tight pulling me right in making sure she didn’t waste any on my salty load as she gulped down quickly.

I pulled back to allow her to breath and she looked up at me smiling.. “Mmm Frank, that was different.. Wow!” She sighed softly as she licked her lips.. “We better get a shift on or I’ll have to pay another day” she said as we got ourselves moving and with her clothes being downstairs she left me to get myself dressed.
I slipped on a tee shirt and shorts and headed off down to see how Alice was doing and fully dressed she was on the phone… Gotta run Sammi, call later” she said as she finished the call.. “Your nosy niece Frank wanted all the gory details.. let’s go” she said as we headed out the door, we took my car and luckily the B&B was only a ten-minute drive which still excited by our meeting was a pleasant drive.

I waited in the car while Alice grabbed her bag and settled up.. “All done babes” she said as I put her travel bag into the boot and from the size of it I don’t think she’d planned to stay longer than a couple of nights.. I hoped safer yesterday that she will stay longer.
“Let’s get your luggage back and let you take a shower then maybe we’ll go for a walk in the park and discuss life” I suggested and she nodded her head.. “Great plan babes, I might even let you sniff my knickers” she said giggling as we sped off..
Alice seemed happy as we drove back even teasing me with a show of her thigh, it was hard to concentrate and not only were we blood siblings there was a hell of a lot of sexual chemistry between us.

She insisted on carrying her bag up the stairs, “It’s my form of exercise Frank” she insisted but as I followed her I was sure she just wanted to me to look up her dress, I didn’t mind that in the slightest.
She stripped off and threw her knickers at me.. “There you go babes.. knock yourself out” she said with a giggle as she went into the shower.. I didn’t waste time as I held her soiled panties up to my face taking a long deep sniff and OMG I nearly did knock myself out.. the musky aroma hit me hard and sent my head spinning and this was a habit I could easily get into.
I was lost in the moment and didn’t hear Alice coming out of the shower.. “Wow Mister.. you really do love knickers don’t you.. I’ll have to let Sammi know that” she said with a giggle as she stood there watching me sniffing.. I had a real buzz going on but eased off as we laughed about my little kink.
She unpacked her case which wasn’t that much just being underwear, shorts and mainly summer clothes.. enough for a couple days at least.. more with washing.

“Shorts and tee shirt I think babes if we’re going for a walk” she said slipping on a pair of white sports shorts and yes, I did notice the omission of panties.. Mmm.
We had a slow stroll through the woods and I told her about my odd jobs business along with my massage and naturist B&B service and she was amazed.. she told me that she didn’t work at the moment but being a self-trained masseuse she kept her hand in even though she didn’t have the equipment that I had.. I got the impression that she’d be happy to help out and it gave us both food for thought.

“How long do you want to stay Ali?” I asked as we sat down on a log in the peace and quiet of the forest.. “I feel such closeness to you Frank I’d like to stay forever.. now you’re in my life I don’t want to live without you..” she said grabbing my hand and squeezing it tightly.. I felt exactly the same.. “I’d like you to meet the twins and have some quality time.. maybe one at a time.. I could go home at the weekend and send Sammi up and then the following weekend send Tony” how does that sound.. “Oh and I’ll be back during the week” she added..
That actually sounded like a good plan and then we can assess the situation after we’ve all had time together.. she squeezed my hand again as I agreed with her suggestion.. “That should work out fine Ali..” I responded and the crazy thing was they only lived an hour away and with the twins both driving it made for a perfect start.

Although we were siblings I think we were both happy to live as a couple.. who would know and in any case we had different names on our birth certificate, it was a perfect scenario.
“Shall we move on Alice.. there’s a toilet up ahead which with it coming up to lunchtime may be interesting” I said with a smile and she looked up at me with a confused look on her face.. “Interesting babes? How can a toilet be interesting?” she asked and I winked at her.. “We’ll for one it’s unisex and there are glory holes in the cubicles.. and it’s used by students and teachers alike” I told her and her eyes widened.. “Mmm, now that does sound interesting babes” she said as we got up and on the way I explained the set up of three cubicles so it was often pot luck.. she seemed excited.
“I’ve come across a few in my time Frank but thought they’d all been closed down now.. Mmm I do like a nice anonymous cock” she said giggling and as we got closer I noticed a few students hanging around, a couple of girls sitting on a bench nearby and a couple of lads kicking a football between them plus there looked like a teacher mulling about too, not too sure what he was up to, there was another empty bench which we decided to sit on while we surveyed the situation.

Nobody came out of the old building so either it was empty or whoever was in their was busy and after waiting a while our conclusion was it was empty.. “Why don’t you go in Ali and let’s see who follows” I suggested and I could see her nipples pushing against her tee shirt in anticipation.. as she got up and started to walk towards the entrance I saw one of the lads kicking the ball stop and watch in Alice’s direction.. he signalled something to his mate and hurriedly headed towards the toilet block before the teacher had noticed.. I sat down watching the two girls who’d also noticed Alice and the lad going in and as I looked across I saw them smile at me as if to say, ‘you’re next’ and they were both teasing me with a flash of teenage thigh.. I think we all knew what we were there for.
Alice had been in there a while and I noticed the teacher had gone across to the other lad and after a brief chat they both disappeared into the woods leaving just me and the two girls sitting outside about 10 foot or so apart.. I could feel my cock twitching and was about to make up some story and go chat to them when the lad came out looking for his mate who’d disappeared so he wandered off back in the direction of the school..

As Alice followed behind I could see she was licking her lips.. “Wow Frank.. that was awesome” she said softly and as I got up I turned to her.. “My turn.. I’m sure one of those two will follow me, be back soon” I said as I glanced back to the girls and headed off to the old toilet shack.. I didn’t look back.
All three cubicles were empty so I went in the middle one and within about a minute I heard the door opening and the sound of tiny feet going into the cubicle next to me.. I dropped my shorts to the ground and stood there with my cock in my hand pretending to go through the process of taking a piss however as I glanced down at the hole to my left I could see a shadow which told me the occupant was watching me.. this made my cock react and with a couple of gentle strokes it was soon getting hard.. I could hear the faint breathing from next door starting to increase.

“Wow.. nice cock mister” came the soft whispering voice.. I turned to face the hole and stepped closer without actually putting it through.. “Oh yes mister.. so nice.. you want it sucked?” she whispered and I could see her open mouth come close to the hole so it was a no brainer to step forward pushing my erect dick into her warm mouth.. I immediately felt her tongue swirling around the tip as she applied gentle suction to my bellend.. I pushed right through and held on to the top of the dividing wall as my belt lay flush with my cock and balls now on the other side.. she was pretty good and used her tongue and saliva making my shaft totally wet.

I heard someone else enter and they went into the cubicle behind me but as my cock was very much through the hole I couldn’t turn and see anything through the other hole as my bits were firmly pushed through and being nicely worked on and as I held on to the top of the wall for balance, my legs were trembling, I felt a hand coming through behind me touching my arse.. OMG that was enough for me and I felt myself emptying my load into whoever was the other side.. I heard a faint ‘Mmm’ and the sound of swallowing as I emptied my sac.
The hand on my arse quickly retreated on hearing my orgasm groans and quickly left the building and as I got my breath back my mysterious cocksucker also exited leaving me alone with a semi hard on.. I quickly withdrew from the hole and pulled my shorts up flushing the toilet.. As I left Alice was nowhere to be seen nor was the second girl and as I returned to the bench the girl who I assumed had just sucked me off gave me a warm smile..

In the spirit of the anonymous act nothing could be said and I knew that Alice would return, knowing her she’d probably gone into the bushes and I have to say it was awkward sitting 10 feet away from the other girl..
She was the first to break the silence.. “Where did your wife go sir?” she asked inquisitively and I looked over at her smiling.. “Oh that’s my sister and I have no idea” I said softly as I glanced down at her thigh that with one leg over the other was clearly showing.. “Oh right, sister eh.. that’s interesting sir” she said as we struck up a conversation and it soon became clear that she was the girl in the toilet and she wasn’t ashamed about it..

“Did you enjoy what we just did sir? I certainly did.. it was nice sir” she said and I could see her glancing down at my shorts to see if I was showing any reaction.. “Actually I did.. it was very nice and you’re good at what you do” I said complimentary which I could see made her feel good, she uncrossed her legs in an almost slow-motion fashion allowing me to get a glimpse of her white cotton knickers.. she knew I was looking.. “Mmm.. you like schoolgirls sir.. I like older men” she added as she sat with her knees slightly apart knowing I was looking up her skirt.. my cock was starting to respond and even at 10 feet she could see the bulge growing.. “I think I need to visit the toilet again” I said standing up slowly making sure she got a good look at my bulging shorts.. “Really sir.. must be something in the air, I need to go again too” she said with a giggle and was a couple of steps behind me and as we walked into the shabby block I went to the left-hand cubicle motioning her to follow with my finger.. she accepted my invitation with a smile and as we got into the cubicle I shut the door pulling my tee shirt up over my head and dropped my shorts down to my ankles, my cock was semi hard and the girl made a grab for it gently squeezing the stiffening shaft.. it was all a bit clumsy as I reached down putting my hand up her skirt between her legs and she moaned softly as I ran my fingers into her moist gusset easing into her panties feeling her soft pubic hairs.. “Oooh that’s good sir.. you wanna fuck me” she said softly in a whispered voice as my finger penetrated her… “Do you want me to?” I replied as she gently jerked me to a full erection.. “Yes” she whispered as I turned her around and bent her forward.. her hands against the door I reached up and pulled her panties down to her knees letting gravity take control and as she widened her legs I guided my cock rubbing her soft moist labia lips.. she gasped as I pushed myself inside her and it wasn’t long before I’d got a good rhythm going quickly realising that the door banged which would certainly give away our actions should anyone enter the toilets.. personally I didn’t care as I pumped her from behind which to be honest was the best position in such a confined space.

OH GOD YESSSS… FUCK ME MISTER” she yelled out as I built up a sweat hammering her and could feel her juices as she orgasmed.. I was nearly there in this brief but lustful encounter.
It was over all too quick as my man juice fired into her belly causing her moans and groans to amplify around the old wooden shack, we were both breathless but the deed was done.
“Thanks mister” she said smiling as she pulled up her knickers leaving me naked in the cubicle with the door open.. as she opened the main door to leave Alice walked in and giggled when she saw me.. “Wow Frank, she left with a smile on her face, did you fuck her?” she said looking down at my hanging cock.. my smile said it all as I got myself dressed.
“I can’t believe how short they wear their skirts.. damn” she added with a cheeky grin, “And they walk past the house twice a day too” I told her and her eyes lit up.. “Oooh let’s go home then” she said with a wicked look in her eyes.

To Be Continued….
Published by britguy
1 year ago
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Fuck me frankmit just gets better
yes yes love it