Outdoor in Overknee Stiefel
Draußen im Lederrock, schwarzem Oberteil und meinen neuen Overknee Stiefel - mache ich ein kleines Fotoshooting und bringe mich in Pose. Es war schön Warm am frühen Morgen vor dem Einkaufen und der Arbeit.. Puhhhh
Outside in a leather skirt, black top and my new overknee boots - I do a little photo shoot and pose. It was nice and warm early in the morning before going shopping and going to work..
Now Pedal Pumping in my Car
Outside in a leather skirt, black top and my new overknee boots - I do a little photo shoot and pose. It was nice and warm early in the morning before going shopping and going to work..
Now Pedal Pumping in my Car
2 years ago