When doesn't no mean no?

When doesn't no mean no?

The question is when doesn't no mean no.... The answer is NEVER. No always means no no matter if it is one word or a thousand.
I have recently had an awful experience from a "guy" who I said no thanks to as he was in Canada but he couldn't accept that so he carried on. I said no thanks again but he persisted and eventually I had to ask him to stop. He became abusive so I blocked him. He then started approaching using newly created accounts to send more abuse. Its unpleasant and unnecessary, No means No guys, please respect this, No never means yes.

Have fun

Em xx
Published by gande11
2 years ago
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We just block them - no second chance and you soon work out who the fakes are on here .. keep smiling hun ... ❤️❤️ Terri ❤️❤️
The wife and I had the same problem, the wife said in the end never again, she has stood by that, spoilt it for me and a lot of others!
quite agree em show respect  xx
This sort of nasty behaviour gives men a bad name. Pisses me off that you should have to deal with it, but I guess if he just set up new accounts, blocking was ineffective anyway.
Sorry to hear that Em......xx
Guys should always respect and stop whenever we/they are told NO or asked to STOP… end of no debating or negotiating once it’s been made clear £