056 – A Walk In The Park Part 2

056 – A Walk In The Park Part 2

“Can I check yours again sir?” he asked as I edged closer to him and he reached out with one hand and cupped my balls but this time his finger pushed through into my crack searching.. “Oh yes.. I love how smooth they are sir and your penis is hard too” he said with his head just a few inches away from my pulsing dick.. we were both naked in the small clearing and even if somebody did wander past I doubted they would see us unless they were looking so maybe this was the opportunity.. "Why don’t you check the hardness as well mate and then we can compare that too” I suggested and he looked up at me with his eyes glowing..

“Really sir.. you won’t think I’m gay if I touch that?” he asked with excitement in his voice and I could see he wanted to.. “Of course not, we are both guys doing a comparison.. why would it be gay” I replied as he tentatively reached up wrapping his fingers around my shaft while continuing to massage my balls with his finger still wedged into my crack.. he pulled the foreskin back exposing the swollen head and giggled as he saw some precum oozing out the tip.. “Mine does that hehe” he said giggling as he gently rubbed his hand up and down my shaft.. “Oooh that feels good mate, you got a nice touch..” I said softly and I could see him looking at my shiny head and as he slowly masturbated me I could see him pulling my cock down towards his face.. “Thank you sir.. I like doing this for you.. it’s fun.. maybe I will make you cum sir.. would you like that?” he asked and I nodded my head..

“Oh that’ll be nice as it will ease the pressure.. and I will help you after” I said smiling as he continued to squeeze my balls while gently jacking me.. “Oooh I like that sir” he replied moving his head forward to within an inch of my bellend. I subtly thrust forward so my bellend made contact with his lips and at first he was reluctant to open but eventually did allowing my cock to push into his warm mouth.. “Mmm” he muttered under his breath and I felt his tongue swirling around the tip and some slight suction as he seemed to be wanking me into his mouth.. after all that’s happened I knew I wouldn’t take long but he seemed to be enjoying what he was doing.

He pulled back.. “It tastes nice sir.. I like doing it to you” he said softly as he got his tongue around the shaft and back to the top taking my cock deep into his mouth.. this was NOT the first cock this lad has had in his mouth that was a certainty and he was doing such a great job I just couldn’t hold it back any longer and as my spurts fired into his mouth he tightened the grip and swallowed quickly gulping it down like a milkshake.
He carried on sucking as he squeezed my balls making sure he’d completely emptied me and looked up as he pulled off my softening cock while licking his lips savouring the taste.. “Mmm.. that did the trick sir.. your testicles are empty now hehe” he said innocently with a smile.. “Thanks mate.. it was so good too.. now lay back and let’s sort you out” I said excitedly and as he laid back I looked at his naked body.. cock rampantly sitting hard against his stomach throbbing.. he sighed in anticipation as I knelt down between his legs running my hands up his smooth thighs.. “Oooh you got a nice touch sir” he sighed softly as he closed his eyes to enjoy the moment.

As one hand slipped inside his thigh towards his bollocks the other carried on up and across and my fingertips ran lightly up and down his shaft while the other cupped and gently squeezed his little teenage balls and although he was rock hard his skin felt soft and fresh.. my fingers wrapped around his shaft and I pulled it upright forcing the skin back exposing his glistening purple head.. “You have such a lovely cock mate.. you liking what I’m doing?” I asked softly as I started to slowly massage his oversized teenage rod.. he didn’t open his eyes and his breathing was getting heavier.. “OMG sir.. it’s great.. Oooh yes” he sighed as I bent down and licked around his bellend before running slowly down to his swollen nuts licking and sucking feeling him squirm under my guidance.. Oooh he did taste so nice and I then ran back up taking that bad boy into my mouth and increasing the suction as I took him further and further until my gag reflex kicked in making him squirm further.
OMG his cock was wonderful and he even thrust up as I worshipped his teenage meat and from his body language and breathing I couldn’t even edge him and the fact we’d gone so long undisturbed played a part as he let it all go and fuck me was there a lot.. he couldn’t keep quiet either as he ejaculated that creamy teenage spunk into my mouth which slid down my throat easily.. experience played its part there as I gently squeezed his nuts to ensure I’d got the lot.

As he finished and his cock softened I looked up at his cum face and would say he thoroughly enjoyed that release.. his eyes opened as her caught his breath.. “Wow sir.. that was just wow!!” he sighed softly and I could tell he was getting a little uneasy being fully exposed out in the open.. I pulled up and sat back on the log as he searched for his clothes.. “I think we achieved our goals sir.. I must get going” he said pulling up his trousers and doing up his shirt in almost record time.. obviously he didn’t want to get caught and he looked down at my cock which had recovered and was now showing a renewed erection.. “Thank you for the chat sir.. I’m Ryan.. I hope I see you again” he said and I smacked at him.. “Oh me too Ryan.. me too” I said as he disappeared into the undergrowth.

I sat there for a few minutes processing what had just happened and feeling exposed I slipped my shirt and shorts back on and decided I was happy with my new found fun zone however I would have to figure out the best times and decided a lunch break visit was needed to fully appreciate and access the area but I was in no hurry to go home to an empty house.
What made this venue so interesting was the lack of a car park meaning that in my mind there were three types of people that would inhabit the area, dog walkers who would walk down the main track.. students using the woods as a short cut home and people who knew what the toilets had to offer and came for the sole purpose of oral gratification.. but my big question was.. Who maintained it?.

Somebody obviously did as there was toilet paper and although it wasn’t the most hygienic place I’d ever visited someone mopped the floors and supplied paper and soap.. the toilet block itself was pretty well hidden and my guess was you’d have to know it’s there.. the more I sat and soaked up the atmosphere the more curious and excited I became… and one of my questions was about to be answered.
As I was about to leave and call it a day I decided to have one last look inside and with nobody in sight I wandered down the little track towards too shabby old block and to my surprise I saw a bicycle leant up against the wooden sidings.. it was a woman’s cycle and had a basket on the front and as I approached to door I was a little nervous not knowing what or who I was going to find.. the door creaked as I opened it giving whoever’s bike that was plenty of warning and turning the corner I saw this woman probably late 50’s dressed in a cleaning coat cleaning the sinks.. she turned her head to see me entering..

“Hello dear.. just cleaning up.. you carry on, I haven’t done the cubicles yet” she said with a half-smile as she subtly looked me up and down.. “Been out running have you dear” she added seeing me in little shorts.. “Yes ma’am, something like that” I said as I headed for the left sided cubicle and as I shut the door I sat down with my shorts around my ankles, ‘Let’s be adventurous’ I thought as I slipped off my shirt so basically sitting there naked..

I head faint footsteps heading towards me as the cleaning lady quietly entered the centre cubicle and I could hear her wiping down the walls and as I grabbed my semi I gave it a few gentle strokes as I looked under the divider seeing the bottom of her bare legs moving slowly towards the hole as she wiped away.. my rubbing had now got me fully erect and as I saw her hand wiping the inside of the hole my anticipation grew.. she was certainly taking her time and I wasn’t sure if it was a signal or not but then she backed away and I heard her very quietly shut the cubicle door and I saw her feet moving back towards the hole.. I stood up and stepped out of my shorts and now fully naked I turned towards the hole with my boner in my hand and saw her hand by the hole beckoning me so I stepped forward and slowly pushed my cock through the hole.. “Oh yes.. nice dick” the cleaner said softly as she wrapped her fingers around the shaft pulling its through until my balls were her side of the wall and while frantically jerking my cock she squeezed my nuts a little too hard but as I felt her eager lips around my bellend and she started wanking me into her mouth my knees began to tremble.. maybe she keeps it clean because she gets herself some cock at the same time..
I held on to the top of the dividing partition as the cleaning lady slurped and slobbered on my cock putting her saliva to good use and it was turning into a rather pleasant blow job and it wasn’t long before she got he just deserts as my cock pulsates into her mature mouth.. she swallowed quickly and I don’t think I had much left in the tank but she dealt with what I had left to give and sucked on my softening head making sure she got it all.. she pulled back and as I pulled back I heard the cubicle door quietly open and she carried on with her cleaning.

As I opened the door she was just coming out of the last cubicle and she gave me a warm smile.. “All done dear?” she sighed softly like nothing had happened as she walked back over to the sink.. “Yes I think so ma’am, although I should wash my hands” I said walking up behind her fully expecting her to move away from the sink.. “Oh don’t mind me dear.. I’m sure you can reach around me can’t you?” she said sternly as she stood by the only sink.. what was she expecting?
Not being one to avoid a challenge I moved behind her with every intention of washing my hands somehow however I had to get pretty close to her in order to stand any chance of reaching the taps and straight away I could feel her pushing back on me..

As I pushed my hands under her arms with the sole intention of reaching for the taps I somehow ended up cupping her breasts as I felt myself pressing against her arse cheeks.. I heard her sigh softly as I gave her ample breasts a gentle squeeze and could feel my cock responding quite rapidly to the point it was pushing h the back of her coat through her legs which caused her to wiggle her arse definitely feeling my arousal.. “Mmm.. that feels good dear.. don’t worry.. it’s unlikely anyone will come in now” she said breathing a bit heavier and while I still had a firm grip on her breasts she reached down her sides and raised up her coat which pushed my bulge harder between her legs as the coat raised up to her waist.. she knew what she wanted and exactly how to get it and as she fumbled feeling my bulge I quickly reached around and pulled my shorts down giving her far better access which she took full advantage of as she grabbed my shaft and guided it towards her hairy muff..

I knew straight away as she pushed down on me that she wasn’t wearing any panties under her coat.. or a bra for that matter as my hands undid the top buttons allowing me full access to those perky mammary glands.. OMG, I was soon pushing deep into her warm and aged cunt.. her murmurs got louder as I started to thrust deeper causing her to yelp with every forward thrust, her body starting to tremor as she reached a deeply intense orgasm and I felt her getting wetter adding lubricant to her rather tight hole..
I held her breasts tightly as I felt her nipples digging into the palms of my hand and was banging away at her as she bent over the sink.. her coat around her waist and her legs spread.

“Oh yes.. Mmm.. Oooh Mmm” she murmured as I started giving it everything I had as I did feel a bit vulnerable out in the open but ‘he who dares.. wins’ so I kept at it and as I felt my body shaking my cock pulsated deep inside her shooting whatever spunk I had left and from her mumbled murmurs there was certainly some.. “OMG Yes.. that feels so good … Mmm” she sighed as my cock quickly softened and slipped out and as I stepped back her coat slipped down covering her naked arse.

She turned to face me with her tits still exposed and looked down at my hanging cock.. “Older than the usual clientele dear, what brings a nice man like you here?” she asked with a cheeky smile on her face and when I told her I’d just moved here and found it by accident she gave a little giggle.. “Oh I think you’ll love it dear.. I try to keep it clean and I get to play with some nice cocks” she said with a giggle as she reached out and gave my hanging dick a quick squeeze.. “Evenings are quiet as the majority are from the school.. I tend to clean in the evenings and nearly always get someone interested.. it’s tough being on your own so this is a kinda hobby for me” she explained as she still had hold of my cock.

“If you’re out running again and see my bike outside then do come in and say hello” she said as she finally let go of my flaccid dick allowing me to pull up my shorts while she fastened up her coat.. “Thank you ma’am.. I’m sure I’ll become a regular visit.. who doesn’t like a good blow job” I replied with a giggle as I made my way to the door leaving a satisfied cleaning lady to continue her work.
Published by britguy
2 years ago
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what a nice lady
Mmm...she sounds lovely
Nice community service 😉