047 – An Unplanned Evening Part 2

047 – An Unplanned Evening Part 2

“In here grandad” Maisie said reaching up to the fence adjoining our gardens, “Frank asks if you wanna beer?” she added and while I couldn’t see the old man I heard him say.. “Give me 5 sweetheart” but more interesting was that Maisie’s skirt had risen up and I could see her knickers were still all over the place and as much as it breaks my heart I had to mention it for fear of the old man catching wind of it.. “Err Maisie.. you might want to straighten your underwear” I said with a giggle as she walked back into the garage.. she giggled.. “Oops.. don’t wanna give grandad a heart attack do we” she said reaching up under her skirt and putting things right.. “How does that look?” she said as she lifted up her skirt to show me and even turned so I could see her arse.. “Perfect” I said as I felt my cock twinge.

The old man was in good spirits when he came round and even laughed at the fact we were both fucked up and I was guessing that if Maisie was no stranger to weed then nor was he.. I pulled him over a chair and he sat down making small talk with his granddaughter.. he was chilled and relaxed and had changed into a pair of shorts and a button front shirt.. I didn’t think his body was as bad as Maisie made out.. “So we gonna share another then Frank” he asked and I thought why not!

We all chatted away happily.. Maisie was excited at having another smoke.. “I do like that robe mate, where did you get it?” he said as he checked me out and with my robe being the centre of attention it didn’t take long for there to be some movement underneath, “It was a present but I’ll find out for you” I replied and Maisie, who was looking down also and I was sure she’d seen the movement said.. “If you like it gramps I’ll buy you one for your birthday.. (she reached across to feel it).. it’s so silky.. feel it” she said and John also reached and with the back of his hand against my thigh tan his fingers into my robe feeling the material..
OMG.. there I was twisted in my chair rolling a smoke and I had Johns hand on one thigh and Maisie’s hand on the other which by the way were widening giving young Maisie a full-on view of my bollocks and rising cock which would very soon be visible to the old man if it wasn’t already.. “Oh this is nice Frank.. I bet that feels so good on your skin.. Yes please sweetheart, and maybe get one for yourself too” he said softly as he subtly moved his hand inside my thigh and fuck me if I didn’t feel the back of his hand make contact with my dick.. I glanced at Maisie who had a front row seat of her grandads wayward hand and I saw her eyes widen as she tried to focus her glazed eyes..

“Oh really grandad.. that’ll be awesome” she said excitedly as they both finally withdrew their hands.. “Lucky man Frank” he said sitting back in his chair and blatantly displaying a rather impressive tent pole not only in front of me but in front of his granddaughter.. from the look on Maisie’s face I was guessing his visible arousal was something she’d witnessed many times before.. he was totally oblivious to his exposure or he just found it naturally ok but as we fired up the smoke we tried not to make a big deal of it which was difficult as seeing him with a boner and a constant view of Maisie’s knickers was not helping my own arousal issues.

“Oooh this is good stuff mate” the old man said as he passed it around and as he looked down at my lap he noticed a similar looking tent pole which was now luckily covered.. her put his hand on my bare knee.. “Looks like week affects you the same as me Frank” he said giggling however he had a boner long before we hit the joint.. I didn’t want to pick him out on it though but poor Maisie looked horrified.. “Grandad please..” she said giggling as she took a big hit and passed it on.. “Yeah John.. strange how it affects you.. Um.. down there” I said taking my turn and passing it to John.. I was happy to let them finish it off as I was pretty fucked up already and had lost all control of any inhibitions I had left and although Maisie could still see my naked bollocks at least my dick was partially covered.. the smoke was now affecting the old man and he was talking gibberish..

“Ain’t she got nice legs Frank.. baby.. show Frank your lovely legs” he said laughing which I think embarrassed her a little but as her eyes rolled around in her head I was soon learning who the boss was in their household.. I already had the greatest of views as she sat with her legs nicely apart but apparently grandad wanted more.. she picked up the hem of her little black skirt and raised it to her belly.. so glad we put her knickers straight earlier.. and with legs spread her loose fitting soft white gusset was visible for all to see.. “Ain’t that a beautiful sight mate” the old man sighed and with Maisie too far gone to even care she sat displaying herself to us two dirty old men.. “Oh indeed it is John.. very nice.. and I live the way her little pubes poke out the sides” I said dribbling at the mouth.. John sat back.. his cock harder and more upright now and on full display for all to see, I didn’t know where to put my eyes but Maisie’s crotch won the day..

He leant across to me.. Aww mate, you should see her naked.. fucking stunning" he whispered in my ear and even if he’d said it out loud I doubted whether Maisie would have heard it.. I don’t think she needed a top up as it had all but put her out but the fact she was sitting in front of us with legs spread and everything showing allowed her grandad and me to dribble at the sight.. I looked across at the old man.. he didn’t know I’d seen her naked.. even massaged her naked.. and to be fair I was too fucked up.. I just sat and stared at her beautiful crotch.

“How about you let me try it on Frank.. see how it feels against my skin.. huh” he said and as it looked like Maisie was out of it I figured it wouldn’t do any harm.. so I carefully stood up and sheepishly removed the robe.. John looked across at my erection.. “Oooh way to go Frank” he said giggling at my nudity and if Maisie had been in any way coherent she would have seen.. John stood up and smiled as he wobbled a little on his feet.. “Best I take these off to get the best benefit" he said whipping his shorts down and for an old man he stood rather impressive.. he started unbuttoning his shirt and very quickly he was.. like me.. totally naked.
I handed him the robe and he excitedly slipped it on and although a little on the large side I could see he was loving the silky feeling.. “Oooh fuck man.. it feels orgasmic” he purred as he ran his hands over his body especially his fucking cock.. Eeew and I’ve got to wear that.. in the bloody wash it goes.

I sat back down with one eye on Maisie not just to see her lovely young crotch but to keep an eye on her welfare.. she seemed happy enough in her special place but I didn’t want her waking up to toe naked old men perving over her lovely body.
“I can’t wait to get one Frank.. look.. it’s given me an erection” he giggled as he opened the robe to show me and sure enough as he wobbled on his feet there we were.. both with erections..
Suddenly we heard a giggle that stopped us in our tracks.. “What are you two doing.. OMG grandad.. your wearing his robe.. take it off” she said trying to make sense of what was happening before her very eyes.

I stood back and let Maisie fight it out with her grandad, she wasn’t angry she was just confused and when her grandad explained he was trying on the robe and to do that Frank had to get naked.. “It’s all harmless sweetheart” he said as he removed the robe and handed it back to me.. I felt guilty and without thinking just sat down without putting my robe on.. I was so fucked up it didn’t really matter.. John stepped to the fridge to get a couple more beers and then he also sat down in the clothes he was born in leaving Maisie totally mystified by what was going on.

She was starting to come round and we welcomed her back to the conversation feeing totally at ease about being naked.. “Maybe you should get out of that uniform sweetheart, let some air get to your body.. it’s good for you” said her grandad softly and she looked down at our throbbing erections.. “But your both um.. erect” she said with a worried look on her face, John giggled.. “Oh don’t worry about these sweetheart, these are natural erections not sexual erections.. your quite safe” he replied mumbling a little bit but she seemed to accept her grandads explanation.

“Cool” she replied as she started to unbutton her shirt and as it fell down her side we both looked at her perky little puffies.. “Such a nice body Frank” John said as he grabbed hold of his boner giving it little tug.. Maisie stood up and turned her back on me.. “Can you help?” she asked stepping back towards me as I reached up and slowly undid the button on the back of her skirt.. “GRANDAD!!” she cried looking down at him beating his meat.. “You said it wasn’t sexual” she said as I lowered her zip.. he looked up.. “It’s not baby girl, grandads got an itch” he replied nervously.. “Oh ok” she stammered with a giggle as her little black skirt fell to the floor exposing her soft white cotton panties.. Mmm.. she gently arched her back and stuck her arse out towards my face while grandad went into overdrive sitting watching with his hand trying to break all speed records.. “Wow that must really itch.. Frank.. would you like to do the honours” she said pushing back further and as my trembling hands reached up to grab her knicker elastic I heard a grunt and as we both looked down at the old man we witness the volcano erupting.. “Oooh there she blows” he cried breathless as his cum shot out the end of his dick.. “OMG grandad.. at least you got some lotion to cure your itch” she said giggling as the old man got his breath back, I sat there in limbo with my fingers in her knickers waiting for the go ahead.. “Oooh that was good.. I’m off to bed guys..” he said as he picked up his clothes and walked.. naked.. out the back gate.. there was an awkward silence as both me and Maisie processed what had just happened.

“Shall I carry on?” I asked softly not that I wasn’t enjoying having her panty clad arse in my face, she smelt so… Musky. “No point in stopping now.. unless you’re planning on going to bed too” she said still very much feeling the effects and still very much in a playful mood.. “Not a chance.. well.. at least not without you” I said giggling as I slowly pulled her panties down her hips to expose her fleshy arse cheeks.. “Don’t forget mate, this is for the beauty of the naked body.. not sexual gratification” she said in a bit of a mumble however I was so impressed at her choice of words especially as I ran my tongue gently up her tightly clenched crack.. Oh I totally agree Maisie.. definitely nothing sexual.. absolutely not” I said as I held on to her hips and repeated the process a little slower and immediately felt her cheeks unclenching.. Mmm I could actually work my tongue into her crack as she stood there with her hands on her knees, back still arched.. “Good.. I’m glad you understand that.. although I don’t think skin licking is sexual.. is it?” she said in a soft breathless voice, I had to pull up briefly.. “Not that I’m aware of.. perfectly natural” I replied as I got my tongue back to her sweet crack.. I continued to hold on to her hips however my thumbs were wandering across her soft fleshy cheeks and I was able to open her up spreading her cheeks to expose her dark shaded hole… Mmm it looked so succulent as it pouted at me.. I wonder if she’d thing licking the skin inside her crack constitutes inappropriate contact.. it’s a fine line but one worth investigating.

“Do you think this.. (Licks arsehole) would be considered sexual?” I said and she appreciated me bringing it up.. “I don’t know.. tell you what.. you try it and I’ll tell you if I think it’s sexual or just a sign of genuine affection” she said softly and it was a good plan so I started to lick and flick around her dark little anus and for 10 minutes I tried to soften her up listening to her muffled murmurs.. finally I pulled up.. “We’ll Maisie, what’s the verdict?” I said softly and she had a breathless and excited voice.. “Oh I dunno yet.. keep going.. OMG” she sighed and I got my tongue back deep into her dark tunnel and as I felt her pushing back on me which actually forced my tongue into her hole further making me wonder if insertion constitutes licking.. Damn she tasted good though.

“Mmm I really can’t decide mate.. Oooh yes I think it’s just a sign of affection, I don’t mind as it’s not sexual” she said still breathless.. “I’m good with that assessment Maisie.. it is a sign of my affection for you, my neighbour” I said taking a quick break for air but then she straightened up and turned to face me, still a bit wobbly on her feet she put her hands on my shoulders.. I looked her up and down taking in every mole, every pimple and came to her little tuft of fair coloured pubic hair.. OMG it was so cute and then down to her thigh gap revealing her hanging lips.. OMG my cock was bursting.. she looked down at me.. “I think tasting skin is a very erotic way of showing affection and is very stimulating.. I think we should explore in a very non sexual way” she said still mumbling her speech but what she did do was step closer so her little tuft of fine curly hair was in my face.. I wonder where she wants me to start. …

I did like the smell of Maisie and her fine short and curly hairs did tickle my nose and I couldn’t resist a quick flick between her legs of her sweet hanging lips.. I reached out and grabbed her fleshy cheeks as I started to run my tongue up her flat belly, “Mmm mate; it tickles but nice” she sighed as started to lick up towards her perky little puffies.. it was at this point she decided to get closer and as she raised her legs she climbed up on my lap however she didn’t waste any time in reaching down and grabbing my dick and guiding it to where she wanted it.. we both gasped as she slowly came down on my cock.. not too sure how this can be derived as non-sexual but she made the running and at least I had more of her chest to play with.. I kept her steady with my hands around her arse cheeks and as my tongue found her rock-solid nipples I was sending her into a mini frenzy as I sucked on those bad boys while she gyrated on my cock.

I was in deep and she was moaning out and with no time restraints we just gyrated slowly which was an awesome feeling especially as I was sucking on her lovely nipples too.. “Oooh yes.. Mmm it’s so good.. oh yes, fuck me” she sighed as we got into a steady rhythm and I could feel her juices running down my balls as her cunt muscles tightened up making her tight.. it wasn’t uncomfortable in fact I think it was perfect.
I have to say that due to our condition it wasn’t the best or smoothest fuck I’d ever had and to be honest we were so tired that when I eventually sent my seed shooting into her it was a bit of an anti-climax but I knew there would be other opportunities I the future.. Maisie had to go home and I had to go to bed.. weird way to end the day but nothing and nobody seems straightforward in my life right now.

I slept right through to 1pm and when I woke I had very little recollection of what happened last night.. I vaguely remembered Maisie coming over and also remembered John coming round late for a beer and when I checked the garage I couldn’t figure out why there was a pair of white cotton panties on the floor which I could only assume belonged to Maisie.. what crazy night if only I could remember..
Published by britguy
2 years ago
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WOOOOW Fantastic all had and wet again!
a pair for your collection mm