Another Fantasy. A few days away in Hertfordshire

Another Fantasy. A few days away in Hertfordshire

And again, this is a personal story. You do not have my permission to share or repost it!

If you enjoy reading this, check out my other blog fantasy stories :)

We’d “met” on what is essentially a porn site and had got talking. It had been a pleasant surprise to discover you were someone who had a wide range of interests and talents We seemed to enjoy finding out more about each other a little at a time. You sounded smart, funny, well-traveled, and kind... and had made me splurt my coffee more than once. It wasn’t long before you thought it might be a good idea to meet up and arranged a meeting in my local town. As you had quite a distance to travel, I offered to meet you halfway, but you earned yourself brownie points insisting that you came over to me. We decided to meet for a cup of tea in a local Tea Room and I arrived bang on time to find you already seated. My stomach was doing somersaults and my fingers shaking as I walked in and over to you. You stood up as I approached waiting until I was seated before sitting again. You tucked your phone away in your pocket and started talking. We were both nervous but the spark that had been there online was still there. The couple of hours we had before you had to leave passed in a flash and all too soon you were walking me to my car. At that moment I had never wanted anyone so much in my life. I felt your arm go around my waist and gently pull me into you as your mouth came down on mine and gently kissed me. It was one of those unforgettable hairs-up-on-the back-of-the-neck kisses. Warm. Tender, and a hint of passion kept under control. You straightened up, and opened my car door for me and once I was seated you leaned in and gave me one more kiss, which left me aching for more. I was so discombobulated that instead of going down to the exit I drove up a couple of levels before realising what I was doing and headed down to the way out.

We met several times getting to know each other over the next couple of months, gardens, cinema, walks, pubs and I found I enjoyed your company... I really enjoyed it. You asked me if I would join you for a long weekend and asked if there was anywhere I’d like to go. I thought about it and said I had taken a week off work and arranged to go up to the Buckinghamshire area to see friends and have a few days out with my camera but would love to extend my stay. You just said to leave it with you... which I did curious at what you’d come up with. I had long wanted to visit the Abbey, the Roman ruins and historical areas in St Albans and to stop off at Berkhamsted castle which offered a tempting view as I’d driven past it several times but never when I had time to stop. St Albans was first on my list and I impressed myself by getting there and parked by 10.00... not bad considering it included a long drag around the M25, but the traffic, though heavy, had kept moving. It was a glorious late autumnal day. The sky was blue and there was a fresh nip in the air. I had decided to splash out and had booked a private walking tour of the city so I could go at my own pace and see and learn about the places which interested me. Rather than rushing it into a few hours, I had the guide from 1030 until 1630, and had explained I would need frequent stops and rests. Even so, at the end of the day I was exhausted and think perhaps I should have allowed for two days there. I finally collapsed into my car and headed to my friends just outside the city arriving just before six. I’d forgotten what superb cooks they were and arrived at their very old black and white timber-framed cottage to be welcomed by them, their two beautiful dogs, a retriever and a completely bonkers young dalmatian and the most delicious aromas as I went in. I was shown to my room and told I had an hour to unpack and bathe or shower before pre-supper drinks would be served. I was grateful for the chance to freshen up, and even more grateful when five minutes later, there was a knock on my door and my hostess was there with a tray of tea and small homemade lavender melt-in-the-mouth shortbread biscuits. An hour later I felt refreshed and made my way downstairs to the drawing-room where I could hear my hosts talking. They welcomed me with warm hugs, and warm mulled wine sitting on comfortable sofas in front of a crackling fire in the grate. The lovely smell of burning wood filled the room, and we had a lovely catch-up hearing what we’d all been up to and what our shared friends were doing. After a delicious and deceptively simple supper of perfectly cooked salmon (caught by my host on one of his Scottish fishing trips), a creamy herby mash (with the herbs freshly picked from their garden, and peas… again from their garden followed by raspberry Pavlova with yes, you guessed it, raspberries from their garden and the meringue made with eggs from their chickens. All cooked to perfection.

I fell asleep in one of the most comfortable beds on the planet with feather pillows and duvet, crisp cotton bedding and a heated blanket that had mysteriously been turned on, so the bed was warm and toasty when I got in... I fell asleep immediately.

I awoke feeling refreshed and ready for the day ahead both excited and a little nervous with that knot in the pit of my stomach at the thought of seeing you again. Before hitting the road, I was fed a full English breakfast and toast made with their homemade bread and homemade marmalade... utter perfection. When I’d finished, I found someone had kindly taken my bags down the quite steep and worn, narrow oak stairs and left them in the hallway.

I loaded the car and we said our goodbyes and I put the Berkhamsted castle coordinates into the sat nav for the twenty-minute or so drive. You’re already there when I arrive, and you spot me as I park and stroll over. I’m already out of the car and getting my bag and camera out off the back seat by the time you get to me. We give each other a quick kiss and a lovely hug. You throw your bag in the boot and we start exploring. After an enjoyable morning and interesting wander around, (You’d done your homework and were a knowledgeable guide), we head back to the car. I ask where to head but you open the sat nav, key in the address and tell me to simply follow the directions... The traffic was light, some music was playing quietly in the background, the countryside beautiful and the conversation flowed.

After half an hour or so I’m directed to turn into what looks like a long drive. There are fields on either side with occasional trees dotted around with sheep in random groups. Keeping them off the road/drive was a three-bar metal fence with some of the sheep poking their heads through the rails and munching the grass on the other side. After a minute or two, the drive gives way to a large gravel parking area in front of a rather beautiful large country house, once a rather grand family home but now converted into a small hotel. There was light coming out of the windows with the curtains yet to be drawn allowing you to see glimpses of the rooms inside, one with a lovely fire burning in a large inglenook fireplace. It looked very inviting. The tyres crunch on the gravel as I park. Your hand goes over mine and gives it a reassuring squeeze before reaching round to open your door and get out. Suddenly my nerves are back, and I take a deep breath as I reach round to open my door, but you’re already there opening it for me offering a hand to help me out before we grab our bags out of the boot and make our way in.
The entrance hall is warm, welcoming and ‘traditionally modern’. We check-in and make our way up to our room and go in. It has a cosy feel to it and overlooks the back and the garden which is subtly floodlit highlighting some trees and shrubs, and the patio. We put our bags down and hold each in a warm embrace before giving each other a long kiss. And then another. You feel, taste and smell good. There’s a sofa at the end of the bed, which we collapse into. It’s the first time we’ve been properly alone. It was good to be able to kiss, to hold you and to feel your arms around me. After a while you look at your watch and said that if we were going to eat we should get ready. I looked at mine and was surprised to see we’d been canoodling for over an hour! You slowly let me go and say you’re going to have a quick dip before we go down to eat and start undressing your top half, leaving your trousers until you’re in the bathroom. I hear you turn the taps on and the bath fill and then having a quick pee and realise the bathroom door is open an inch or two and catch just a glimpse of you standing there naked before getting into the tub. You don’t see me, and I feel I am intruding. I don’t know if the door has been left open accidentally, but the image, though only seen for a second, is firmly imprinted in my mind. I hear you get into the bath. There’s a lot of splashing as you wash yourself and then whoosh of water as you stand up and I start to hear the water going down the plughole... I smile to myself imagining the scene. You call out asking if I wanted you to run me one, but I was already almost dressed for dinner and said I’d have one later. When you come out, I’m dressed and battling with the knots in my hair. You’re watching me and came over putting your hand out... “May I?” you ask. I look at you and hand over the brush. Standing behind me you start brushing my hair for me. It feels incredibly intimate and again, I felt at tingle go down my spine. Right down my spine as you made some comment about how long it was. You had to bend forwards slightly to reach the ends with the brush. I love my hair being brushed for me usually find it so relaxing, but when you do it, I feel the beginnings of arousal. I turned and smiled gently taking the brush from you. You turn as we both finish getting ready to go downstairs. I tie my hair back and put on a light cardigan. When you’re ready, you offer me an arm and say, ‘Shall we?’ before we leave the room and head down to the bar where we have a drink as we peruse the dinner menu and order.
The meal was lovely. The food was good, pudding delish, the conversation interesting, entertaining and animated and after a glass of wine, I was relaxed and really enjoying the evening. I was just downing the last of my coffee when the waiter starting to make his way over to offer a refill. I glance at my watch and am astounded to see it’s already way after ten and decline a top-up, as do you. I look around and realise we’re the last leave as you smile and say... “We’d better let them get home” and push your chair back. We stand up and head upstairs. As we pass the bar you ask if I want a nightcap before going up? I look at you and ask, “Do you?” You slowly shake your head and as you offer me your hand which I take in mine, as we head upstairs.

Once inside our room your arms go around me and pull me into you for a kiss. I willingly surrender to you and kiss you back. After a couple of minutes you release me, smile, and offer to run my bath before heading into the bathroom to turn the taps on full. I kick off my shoes and take off my cardigan. I hear you swishing the water mixing it and I head in with my dressing gown to hang it behind the door. You stand up turning and say “I’ll leave you to enjoy your bath. Call me when you want your back washed” and leave me to undress and clamber in. The hot water is bliss and I sink into it, lying back letting it wash over me before I grab the soap and begin to wash from head to toe. There’s a gentle knock at the door as you ask... “Ready?” I turn and nod as you come in, sit beside the tub and pick up the soap lathering it up in your hands. I sit, knees bent, leaning forwards with my arms around my knees and my head forward. You start at my neck and shoulders slowly moving down my back. Your hands feel really good. I don’t want you to stop, but you take the flannel and rinse the soap off me, and then your hand is once again on my back, but this time without a layer of soap between us. Your touch is both firm and gentle at the same time. I straighten up turning my head towards you and instinctively my mouth finds yours. The kiss is long and deep, followed by another, and another. You point out later that was when you first heard me quietly moan. One of your hands finds my breast and gently holds and supports it with your hand underneath, your thumb and forefinger giving my hardening nipple a gentle squeeze and tug. As the kiss ends, you reach for my towel. I stand up as you hand it to me. I wrap it around and start drying myself. You ask me to turn around and you dry my back for me, and then watched as I finish drying myself and remove the shower cap... I reach up to undo the clip that keeps my hair tied back. It tumbles down my back. Your hand reaches up to my hair and you run your fingers through it before your mouth comes down hard on mine, your tongue finding its way into my mouth, playing with my tongue. The kiss turns into a full-on snog. My towel has fallen to the floor and as we came up for air my fingers find the buttons on your shirt and start undoing them until I’m able to open it and at last, place the palms of my hands on the naked skin of your chest. I’ve wanted to do this for so long. To feel your skin against mine. It feels good. You take my hand and lead me out of the bathroom towards the bed which you’ve turned back. We fall back onto the bed with the kisses becoming more and more passionate. I reach down to undo your trousers but can’t manage the button, so you stand up, undo the button and the fly and the trousers just drop to the ground with you kicking your feet out of them before falling back onto the bed again. Your mouth finds mine again. I was so aware of your skin against mine. Your chest against mine. Your legs alongside mine. The bulge in your pants pressing against me. Your warmth. Your smell. All my senses heightened. You leaned back onto an elbow and look down at me. Your eyes slowly look at every inch of me before your free hand slowly reaches over and gently touches my breast. Your fingers trace its outline. You open your hand and let my nipple run across your open palm... barely touching me. Your touch is electric. It’s intensely erotic and I feel it hardening and becoming ever more sensitive with the sensations linking directly to my groin. You look at me and change your position so your other hand could join in too. It feels so good. My eyes are closed as I focus on the intense feelings you’re creating. Suddenly, it isn’t your fingers I can feel but the tip of your tongue as you gently lick and tease, suck and kiss. Your mouth suckles first one and then the other. The sensations are intense, and my hand reaches down to find your cock. Your rock-hard cock. The head is exposed and already dripping precum. I coat my fingers in it and bring them up to my lips, finally tasting you. I manoeuvre myself slowly down the bed, kissing your nipples, and tracing a line with the tip of my tongue, licking, gently blowing and kissing my way down your body, over your stomach, around your genitals to the inside of your thighs before slowly kissing my way up, smelling your muskiness as my mouth finds your balls, taking one and then the other into my mouth. Massaging them with my tongue before moving up to the base of your cock, the flat of my tongue moving slowly, so slowly, from the base to the tip before taking the head into my mouth, my tongue rubbing it from underneath. My hands cradle your balls gently squeezing them, massaging them, a fingernail gently tickling the perineum just behind them. You moan with pleasure, and a pulse of pre-cum oozes from the tip. The thick liquid clings to the head. I taste it with the tip of my tongue and I feel you pulling me up the bed towards you as you roll me onto my back, and you press your upper body against me as your mouth again comes down hard on mine and kisses me deeply. Passionately. I can’t help but respond. Both on our side facing each other, your leg resting between mine, your fingers find their way between my legs and gently part my lips to find my clit. I let out a moan and raise my hips towards your finger as your mouth comes down on mine...this time gently, tenderly before you leave my mouth and head down towards my pussy leaving a trail of kisses behind you. I’m aware my breathing has quickened as I anticipate how good it’s going to feel when your mouth reaches its destination... I’m not disappointed. Your fingers gently part my lips, and the tip of your tongue finds my clitoris and gently, oh so gently licks and teases it before moving down and exploring every part of me, dipping your tongue into my vagina and bringing it back up to my clitty. I don’t remember ever feeling this aroused. Several times you bring me to the brink and then you move back up to my mouth, but this time, your body is over mine. The sensation of your skin touching mine is almost overwhelming. I pull your mouth down onto mine desperate to taste myself on you. The kiss is hungry. Passionate. Deep. Memorable. You lie above me, my knees bent up on either side of you. Time stands still as you lift your head and look down at me. I feel you lowering yourself and then I feel the head of your cock at my entrance. You push your cock into me and withdraw, shallow strokes at first, your head brushing my clitoris. I am satisfied for a moment, but then I raise my hips, urging you to go in deeper, the muscles of my pussy contracting around your penis. We both wiggle slightly to get it just right, and there you stay looking down at me. I can’t stop my muscles tightening around you. We both smile and you slowly, very, very slowly sink deeper into me. It feels so good, and from the look on your face, it does for you too. Finally, your balls are pressed up against my arse and you can go no deeper. We kiss, and I swear I can feel you still growing inside me. You tuck your bent knees up under my raised thighs and start moving inside me. This was like nothing I have experienced before. We start slowly. Sometimes you lead. Sometimes I do. We both move the angle of our hips a little to the left, a little to the right altering the angle of entry, seeing what feels best for both of us. For me, it’s intense. Almost imperceptibly the pace is quickening. The room is warm and both of us have a thin film of moisture on our skin. My hands find your arse and pull you deeper into me. The rhythm, the moans and our breathing quickening as we both build-up to our release. I can feel mine building and tell you I’m going to cum. It hits me seconds later and yours a few seconds after mine. I cry out and shudder against you as you discharge your seed deep into me. Instinctively I hold on tight to you, my forehead up on your shoulder. I feel an aftershock course through me and my legs grip you until it passes. The aftershocks diminish and I become aware of your cum trickling out of my, down my arse as you softened and slipped out of me. “Do you always giggle when you orgasm?” you ask. I had no idea but had a feeling we’d find out before too long. We hold each other. Your hand in my hair again, gently stroking my head and playing with it. I kiss your chest and snuggle into you.

It isn’t long before we’re both asleep. After a few hours I wake up needing the loo, so pad out to the bathroom as quietly as I can hoping not to wake you and then return to bed relieved to hear you’re still breathing quietly and regularly… the breathing of deep sleep. There’s a little moonlight filtered by the curtains coming into the room, just enough to light my way and for me to see your beautiful soft cock resting on your balls. I get into the bed, lying between your legs and just look at you. Taking a soft cock into my mouth has long been a fantasy of mine and as I looked at you and can smell the slight mustiness I can’t resist and bring my mouth down to your cock, my fingers gently lifting it into my mouth. My tongue very gently holding it in place against the roof of my mouth. I feel it gently pulsing. Slowly growing. After a few minutes, I’m aware you’re stirring from your sleep as you let out a moan. I release you and look up at you as you sleepily mumble “Don’t stop. Please. Don’t stop” and I once again take you into my mouth. You’re now fully erect and as I rock my head you gently move your hips moving yourself in and out. My mouth and tongue concentrate on the head and my hands on the shaft and your balls. You quietly moan as you move your hips. You gently place your hands on the back of my neck, grasping my long hair in loops, gently pulling me onto you. I settle into a steady rhythm using my mouth. My hands sometimes playing with your cock, sometimes your balls, sometimes firm, slow, fast, gentle… Another pulse of pre-cum oozes from the tip. I coat my lips with it, tasting it with the tip of my tongue before taking you into my mouth again. My tongue playing with your frenulum. Once again you urge me to take you into my mouth. Your movements become more frenetic and involuntary, and your breathing quickens as your orgasm approaches. When you cum the sounds you make send lovely shivers down my spine. As it subsides you fall back into a deep sleep almost immediately and I settle down beside you and slip into a deep dreamless sleep until morning.

The next thing I know, there’s dappled light coming into the room, but that isn’t what I’m first aware of. I was neither awake nor asleep. Still in a dream-like state. I’m aware of a tongue gently and expertly lapping my pussy, sometimes playing with my clit, sometimes the tongue running from my vagina up to the top of my pussy and back down again. Long firm licks using just the tip of the tongue, sometimes licking me like you would a lolly, and sometimes the tongue darting up and down lightly against me. It felt good, and I’m not entirely sure if it’s just a very vivid dream or real. I don’t want to move in case you stop… You use your tongue. Your mouth, Your fingers. Licking, sucking, teasing, probing. You realise I’m awake and lift your head with a cheery “Good morning…” I look down at you and it’s my turn to say “Don’t stop! Please don’t stop”. You smile and resume your expert attention on my pussy knowing you won’t stop until I orgasm. You control my build up and bring me to the brink a couple of times before allowing me to cum. When I do it’s profound and ripples through my entire body. My hands and my thighs hold your head against me when the orgasm is at its peak releasing you as it subsides and you move up the bed to kiss me. Tasting myself on you the most erotic way to be woken up.

I’m now fully awake. You’re already out of bed and making your way to the bathroom. I hear the shower on full and then you standing under it as you wash from head to toe and are all done in just a few minutes, before stepping out and drying yourself… I get in after you… again a quick shower. We’re both ravenous after our nocturnal activities and dress quickly to head down to the restaurant again, but this time for a full English and some surprisingly good coffee! We were heading out for the day to look around a local town with a couple of arty places to look around. One mostly paintings and drawings, the other sculptures and glass. The afternoon was spent going around a garden we’d been recommended. I felt content, happy and think I had a smile on my face pretty much all day. It was a good day. Interesting fun, lots of hand-holding, hugs and touching. We decided on a Chinese for supper and stopped off on the way back to the hotel. The food was good and as it was quite early, we pretty much had the place to ourselves. We talked about the day, where we’d been, what we’d seen which meandered into more general conversation. Towards the end of the meal, there was a lull. You looked at me and said there was something you wanted to know more about… and then proceeded to ask about my camming. There were more people in the vicinity than there had been earlier, so said I’d answer all your questions when we’d left. In the car on the way back, I encourage you to tell me what you want to know and proceed to answer all your questions. You’re obviously intrigued and ask if I’ll do it when we get back. Hesitantly, I say “Yes”. We get up to our room and you ask me if there’s anything I need… I say “Just a large G&T”. While you organise that I get changed into just a light cardigan, bra, fresh panties and skirt and ask what you think. You give a nod of approval undoing one of the buttons on the cardy. I dig out my computer and webcam, set them up and sign in... you sit out of sight to my right and for a while just watch. We’re chatting and I’m responding to some of the messages being sent. Some of the watchers have clocked I’m somewhere different and that I’m talking with someone in the room. You ask me if I’ll unbutton and open my cardigan so my white cotton bra could be seen. I was half playing for the viewers, and half for you, deliberately teasing you… You have been watching intently and finally, stand up and wander over, standing behind me and undo the clip in my hair with it tumbling over my breasts. The cam only shows me from my shoulders down (I never show my face), so you can’t be seen. You look at the small window showing my cam view and place your hands on my shoulders watching the cam window. Slowly your hands slide down off my shoulders and down to my breasts. Your fingers trace the edge of my bra and then the outline of my breasts pausing to rub the pad of your fingers over the nipples. “Who is with you?” Where are you?” “Lucky bastard!” “Tell him to do this”, or “to do that”. I lean back into you and can feel your hardness pushing against me. Gently, you lift my breasts out of the bra and support them with your hands. You’re watching everything on the cam window… as am I. You hold and support them. You stroke them. You play with my nipples. You tease me… and our viewers. After a while, I forget about them (the viewers)… but you don’t. Leaning forwards, you slowly start to raise my skirt up my thighs exposing their milky whiteness inch by inch. As my skirt rises, both your hands have a finger or thumb touching my skin. Your touch is intensely erotic. Arousing... You then use your hands to gently but firmly open my legs. The white panties are now on show between my open thighs. You use your three middle fingers to start touching me. Stroking me. knowing we have viewers in three figures watching what you’re doing to me. I am so aroused and want to feel your fingers without the thin material between us. As though you’ve read my mind, you pull the fabric between my legs to one side exposing me. Your fingers part my lips and your middle finger settles in my groove. You find my wetness and dip your finger into it, before rubbing it over my pussy making it glisten in the light. I put my hand on yours and guide it up to my mouth so I can taste myself. You lift my arms above my head. I put them around you as much as I can whilst you go back to playing with my boobs. I am now completely topless. You push them together from the outside. You touch and tease, play and jiggle them. You whisper in my ear that you want them in your mouth and tell me you’ve worked out how it can be done without anyone being able to see your face. You move in front of me, standing with your back to the cam, and kneel, sitting back onto your heels in front of me. Over your shoulder, I can see that just the back of your head can be seen, and even I would have trouble saying with any certainty that it was you. You take one nipple into your mouth and hold the other boob and then swap over. It’s not long before I have forgotten that we have a large audience. I get you to kneel up so I can remove your shirt. Skin to skin with you has such an effect on me. As you kneel in front of me we kiss and my fingers again play with your hair. You remember we’re being watched and again sit back on your heels. You have a hand on each of my knees and slowly lower your mouth to my pussy. I lean back in the chair. Again, over your shoulder, I’m watching the cam view. There’s no mistaking what you’re doing and my hands move to the back of your head holding you there. Your mouth and tongue really know what they’re doing and you don’t stop until I start bucking against you as my overwhelming orgasm hits… but you don’t stop and keep going inserting three of your fingers. I’m also beside myself the sensations are so intense, but you keep going and keep going until suddenly, and unexpectedly for me, I experience for the first time what it’s like to squirt. You have moved quickly out of the line of fire so it can be seen on cam. I am completely spent and slumped in the chair. I can’t believe what just happened. As you stand up you undo your trousers letting them drop to the floor and step out of them pushing your pants down too. You are soooo hard and hold a hand out to me, pull me up out of the chair and lead me over to the bed. I fall back on it with my arse at the edge. You stand between my legs helping me lift them up onto your shoulders, and without further ado plunge into me up to the hilt. You go in like a hot knife through butter. You stop moving, look down at me and with a real twinkle in your eye simply say “Ready”?? I smile and nod my head and you pull back before you start powering into me. I feel my body ripple with each thrust. My boobs are going all over the place as you fuck me hard and fast. Both of us grunting, moaning, giving it our all. It doesn’t seem long before you tell me to ready myself for your cum and you thrust in me tensing as you deposit your seed deep into me. The noises you make ignites mine and I cry out as I cum too orgasming around your cock. As it passes you rock yourself gently inside me as an aftershock hits me making you shudder too. As you soften and fall out of me you flop onto the bed beside me and we hold each other, find each other’s mouth and kiss long and deep and somewhat breathlessly! We stay like that for a few minutes before you suddenly remember the cam and head over to the computer and tell me the whole thing has been seen by close to 1,000, but by sheer luck, you don’t think anyone could see who we were… You turn the cam off. You’re about to log out of the site but I tell you to hang on…. And we spend the next half an hour or so reading the dozens and dozens of messages. It seems that our ‘show’ went down really well with our onlookers! You look at me and quip “We’ll have to do that again” with a huge grin!

I head into the huge walk-in shower and let the warm water wash over me, wetting my hair so it clings to my back. I reach for the shampoo and pour some into my hand which I transfer to my hair lathering it up before rinsing it out and then repeating with the conditioner as I feel your eyes on me watching from the door of the bathroom. As the last of the conditioner is rinsed out you slowly walk across to the shower and join me under the refreshing stream of water and reach for the soap which you squirt into your hands and then proceed to run your hands over my shoulders, breasts, neck, belly covering me in the lovely smelling liquid... I reach up and fill my hands with it as you turn around presenting me with your back. I feel my slippery, soapy fingers and hands covering every inch of your chest, back and shoulders down to your arse. I look at you and our arms simply go around each other and we just hold each other as the warm water washes all the soap off us. Suddenly, I’m exhausted. You turn the water off and we reach for the towels drying ourselves and then each other’s back, wander over to the bed and just fall in. I lie on my side with you tucked in behind me, an arm around me.

The morning arrived too quickly. We had overslept and had to dress quickly and rush downstairs to get breakfast before they stopped serving. Thankfully, we didn’t seem to be the only ones. After we went up to our room and busied ourselves packing our bits and checking we hadn’t missed anything. When our bags were by the door, we just stood and held each other. I know I didn’t want to let you go. We kissed each other, picked up our bags and made our way down to check out. The drive to the station is quiet, your hand on my leg pretty much the whole way. As I pull into the station approach you say “let me know when I can see you again”. I smile and nod as I park. You lean over and give me a quick hug and a kiss before getting out and grabbing your bag off the back seat. I watch as you go in and you turn blowing me a kiss before you head inside. I sit there for a moment and gather my thoughts before setting the sat nav, revving up the music and heading for home..
Published by PickettyWitch
2 years ago
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trebleclef76 1 year ago
Slow burning passion! Wonderful!
Mds1636 1 year ago
Fantastic story, more please.
johnnyvagas6969 1 year ago
A fantastic  fantasy 
daveGb 1 year ago
Great story give me an add 
sexykinkyboy 2 years ago
lovey post
abracadabra20 2 years ago
This is my favourite fantasy ....such a massive turn on for me every time I read it.....and its been a few times now as well.....I know I'm not alone in thinking this ....but I hope I get the oppertunity to experience something like this one day....with someone just like you....
TalkativeDepth 2 years ago
You writing is for want of a better word 'amazing', it's difficult not to be drawn into the world your words describe, and a world I don't think I'd want to escape from. Hope to read much more from you x
Glasgowsfinest 2 years ago
A lovely story. 
FBcomms 2 years ago
That's a great story and really engaging, not to mention highly arousing. Thanks for posting
roadrunner1959 2 years ago
Well written, such lovely detail you could just picture everything
quierochubbys 2 years ago
very hot
elsid1969 2 years ago
Great Story, Well written, erotic, sexy.Really felt a part of your special story. Well done.
kleiner-30 2 years ago
great Story, did you experience it yourself?
amadeus57 2 years ago
Another wonderful imaginative personal story from you! It's great how you describe all the details, I feel so understandably close when I read it, smile

I also took the extra time to read slowly and intensively and to feel my own excitement more and more!
abracadabra20 2 years ago
I love this... everyone that reads this will be wishing it was themselves in the story... I know I certainly have... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
CuriousJack12 2 years ago
Very horny story. X