039 – A De-Brief With Lyndsay Part 2

039 – A De-Brief With Lyndsay Part 2

I decided to be daring and slipped on a pair of shorts that weren’t too revealing but had enough leg room to tease and as I saw Lyn walking back I had to take a double take.. OMG she looked half decent.. she had a lovely off the shoulders summer dress in white with a few flowers dotted about.. buttoned up the front.. short but not slutty shirt and when she did a twirl her bulbous bubble butt protruded showing how fine and lovely her curves are.. I opened the door.. “Wow!” was all I could say.. I looked into her eyes and she had just enough makeup to make a difference.. her top button unfastened showing just a hint of her bra less chest.. “Well.. what do you think?.. scrub up well don’t I?” she said with a giggle as she pushed me back into the hallway and looked down at my attire.. “Oh yes bro.. that’s what I’m talking about” she said excitedly as my cock pulsed inside my shorts out of total surprise at this wonderful transformation.. Damn!!

Something told me that Lyndsay was in a wicked mood and lunch was going to be fun.. “Where are we going? You choose baby sis.. I don’t know the good haunts yet” I said still amazed at how acceptable Lyndsay looked.. and she knew it.. she’d found a new lease of life.
“I heard about this back street cafe Frank.. it’s quiet and very friendly.. very intimate.. hehe never been but I’m sure we’ll love it” she said excitedly and I was intrigued.. “Sounds like a plan.. let’s go” I replied smiling.

We went down a couple of steps to a darkened basement where mood lighting was present in the tables.. it wasn’t busy and we were greeted by a smiling young waitress.. “Hello sir.. and madam.. welcome.. table for two? Would you like a quiet booth?..” she said as I detected a jangle of her perky boobs under her tee shirt.. “Yes that’ll be cosy.. won’t it brother dear” Lynn said excitedly as she gazed around the place, “Follow me please guys” the waitress said and I then saw the second-best arse as i followed the pretty little thing to our table.. I do have a bit of a thing about denim and where shorts are concerned when they are shirt and frayed at the edges there’s nothing better.. oh and tight in the crotch too which I soon discovered as we took our seats next to each other in the darkened booth..

“I’m Cindy and I’ll be looking after you today.. anything you need just shout.. here’s the menu.. can I get you a drink?” she said as my eyes were transfixed on her tight crotch.. “Sir? Drinks?” she repeated as Lyndsay nudged me giggling.. “Stop looking at her minge bro.. what do you want to drink?” She growled and I quickly looked up at the embarrassed girl.. “Oh sorry.. (I wasn’t) Oh.. maybe a bottle of wine would be nice.. white please” I said and Cindy turned and gave me a playful wiggle as she went.. “What are you like Frank.. although she is cute” she said playfully which after last night with Rosie I think she was looking at females in a totally different light.. Mmm.

“Nice arse though Frank” she commented and I had to tell her it wasn’t as good as hers.. “Aww.. love you bro” she said snuggling up to my arm.
Cindy returned with the wine and would you believe it.. she stood right in front of me while she very slowly opened the bottle.. I was sure her crotch was tighter.. I could clearly see the outline of squashed lips and the odd black hair intermingled with the white frayed denim.. she knew I was looking and if I’m honest.. so was Lyndsay. She even parted her legs slightly as she poured me a taster.. “Mmm.. very nice” I said softly not even moving my eyes from her tight denim crotch.
“The wine sir, how is the wine?” she asked and I had to divert my eyes briefly to look up and smile, “Perfect Cindy” I said as she poured out two glasses.. “There you go guys.. enjoy.. I’ll be back for your order shortly” she said and she did have a pleasant smile and again both of us looked at her cute denim clad arse as she walked away.

Lyndsay was happy and put her hand on my lap.. “Oooh.. I feel something stirring Bro.. the nice waitress take your fancy does she?” she asked with a giggle and before I could answer young Cindy returned to take our order however Lyndsay had forgotten she was holding my bulge and Cindy’s eyes widened where her hand was strategically placed.. “What can I get you lovely people?” she asked with a smile as she again stood with her legs slightly apart.. my eyes were like magnets plus she could see exactly where Lyndsay’s hand was.. “I’ll take your sisters first shall I sir while you check out what’s on offer” she said softly noticing where my gaze was directed..

“I’ll have the sausage.. I like a nice sausage” she said giving my growing erection a playful squeeze.. “Good choice.. I’m told the sausage is very succulent and tasty” she said subtly looking down at my sisters groping activities.. “And for you sir.. Do you like sausage too or something maybe a bit juicier..” she asked but I was on the verge of spying some skin inside the frayed leg of her shorts.. “Oooh” I gasped as Lyndsay yet again squeezed my cock forcing me back to reality.. “Sorry.. yes I like sausage too.. and after maybe a closer look at the desert menu” I said briefly looking up at Cindy and smiling.. “Of course sir” she said as she looked down again and could see my cock had outgrown Lyndsay’s hand that was covering it.. “Oh dear sir.. is everything alright down there.. I see your sister has it covered.. never mind” she said with a coy smile and as Lyndsay looked up and smiled she again administered another playful squeeze.. “All good Cindy” she said softly as Cindy turned and left.. “Wow Bro.. you let her see your boner.. so cool” she gasped with a giggle obviously not used to my acts of exhibitionism but at least I’d developed an interest.

Cindy had noticed our glasses empty and came over to refill them.. her nipples seemed to poke hard against the fabric of her shirt and as she poured our drinks I saw her glancing down at my sisters hand which continued to squeeze my todger.. she was now playing on Cindy’s interest.. Cindy was silent and nearly overfilled the glasses.. “Oops.. silly me.. your sausage won’t be long in coming” she stuttered a little embarrassed.. “I’m sure it won’t” Lyndsay said softly as she gave me a few playful tugs and poor Cindy didn’t know where to put her eyes… she half turned and then turned back like she didn’t know whether to stay or go.. “Maybe I’ll go check on your.. um.. sausage" she said pointing to the kitchen but looking directly into my lap where Lyndsay was openly playing with my tackle through the thin confines of my little shorts.. “OMG you guys.. what are you doing” she said softly as she looked around to make sure nobody was watching.. “You’re siblings for god’s sake.. Oooh.. no.. stop this.. Mmm… Wow!” she gasped and was all confused and all the time standing a foot away from me with her legs parted.. she wanted me to look.. she was subconsciously thrusting herself toward me with that tight denim crotch of hers..

Lyndsay didn’t stop.. this behaviour seemed to excite her.. she all but had my cock out in a quiet little cafe with the young waitress dribbling at the mouth and feeling extremely naughty.. what’s not to get excited about.
Then the unthinkable happened.. just when I thought Cindy was about to turn away my dear sister thought it would be a great idea to whip it out into the open.. yes that’s right.. she pulled my boner out in all its full glory right in front of poor Cindy’s frozen face.. “O.. M.. G.. did you just.. OMG.. you just got it out.. OMG.. and you’re stroking it.. WOW!!” she gasped in total amazement as Lynn started to slowly jerk my meat.. exposing the shiny head with Cindy looking on in total awe.. the poor girl didn’t know whether to bed down and suck it or reach out and slap it.. good job the bell went to indicate our food was ready.. “Oooh.. I’ll go get your food” she stuttered still looking at my exposed dick as she turned.

I was now left to suffer the indignity of nibbling at my sausage and chips with a couple of inches of my dick protruding out the top of my shorts as Lyndsay hadn’t put it away properly due to Cindy’s continued interest.. “Enjoy your sausage guys.. Oooh” she sighed taking one last look at my exposed helmet before sighing and walking away.. “Mmm.. this is excellent food isn’t it Frank” Lyndsay said eagerly tucking into her sausage and I have to say it was a very interesting lunch date especially with our curious young waitress hovering around hoping for a glimpse of her own sausage.
You can’t beat attentive service and Cindy was certainly there for our every need and Lyndsay was loving her treat laughing at the fact I could so openly expose myself.

“I’ll clear your plates for you.. more wine?” Cindy said standing in her usual pose in front of the table with me still drooling at the mouth wondering if the button on her shorts would hold up and if not would her zipper easily slip down.. wondering what delights were hidden beneath that frayed denim.. OMG.. my cock was pulsing and crying out for freedom.
“Anything you recommend for desert Cindy” I said softly as she subconsciously thrust herself closer to my face and I was still trying to see skin inside her leg.. the view was delightful I was seriously dribbling.. it didn’t help that Lyndsay reached across and continued where she left off pulling my dick clear if it’s constraints.. “Oooh the banana split covered in cream.. Mmm so nice” she sighed certainly being side-tracked by my sisters actions.. “Oooh I’ll definitely have one of those” Lyndsay said excitedly.. Make that two” I added as I grabbed a breath.

“Good choices guys.. with plenty of delicious cream.. Mmm.. that’s nice” she said licking her lips seductively as she turned to put the desert order in.. “Anything else i can tempt you with sir?” she asked as she gave a cheeky smile.. “Oh I think things are being taken care of for the minute” I said taking another deep breath.
Cindy returned quickly with our deserts and I won’t tell you what these huge bananas covered in whipped cream looked like but Cindy was beaming when she presented them to us.. “There you go guys.. a symbol of pure beauty” she said as Lyndsay gasped at the sheer size.. “Wow!! Here we go” she said giving my boner a quick squeeze and then tucking into her desert.. I’ve never seen something eat a banana with such sex appeal.. my cock was exposed and throbbing and Cindy watched in awe as Lyndsay slurped her way through and slid unnoticed on the bench next to me.. her hand immediately reaching down to my exposed tackle left vacant by my hungry sister..

“Shhh” she whispered as she started to slowly masturbate me and then bowed down and OMG her warm tongue on my bellend was just too much and add in the sneakiness I just immediately blew.. my cock, which had been edged ever since we got here gave up and spurted straight into the young waitresses mouth without any warning catching her off guard but she quickly recovered to swallow the proceeds and sit back up licking her lips before Lynn even knew she’d gone missing.. I couldn’t believe I came so quick but from the look on Cindy’s face she didn’t care less.. I came and that’s what she wanted.. “Enjoy your deserts guys” she said giving me a wink as she walked away.
We finished our meals in style and no mention was made of Cindy’s extra and I made sure my tip compensated her for her excellent service.. “We must come here again Frank” Lyndsay said excitedly and smiled at Cindy, “Thank you for a wonderful experience Cindy” she said totally unaware at the extent of the experience.

“You’re so welcome guys.. come back and see us again” she said as we got up to leave and thankful I was able to release while my sister filled her face.. bless her.. she doesn’t get taken out much so I was pleased for her.
“If you react like that I’ll have to dig out MY denim shorts babe” she said giggling as we headed back to the car.. Lynn was a little giggly after the wine so I figured home was the best place to be and to cap off a great day maybe another tipple before the monster comes home from school..
Lyndsay had a wonderful time and it was nice to see her in a totally different light.. she looked half decent for a start and she was loving and affectionate towards her new found brother, like with Rosie we were making a connection.. it was pleasant.

She was still giggling when she plonked down on the sofa.. “Great day Bro.. great day” she said smiling as I looked down on her realising how beautiful she looked in her summer dress.. I was so besotted with Cindy’s tight crotch that I’d totally overlooked the beauty that sat before me.. I could see down the top of her dress at her perky little titties that hid beneath and was at the right angle to see right between her slightly parted legs.. “More wine sis?” I asked and she smiled sweetly.. “Mmm yes please.. Nice” she said laying her head back and just closing her eyes to embrace the situation she found herself in..
I felt a stirring in my shorts as I collected another bottle and two glasses and on my return pulled up a footstool widening her legs to enable me to sit between.. “Oooh you be careful what you do with that bottle babes” she said with a giggle as I held the neck of the bottle.. I had to laugh at her humour and she looked so peaceful sitting there.

We chatted about nothing in particular and drank a large portion of the bottle and not once did Lynn worry about her panties being in full view.. it was just like a normal brother / sister chat with a few innuendos thrown in along with the odd playful inappropriate touch.. it was light hearted and fun.
Don’t ask me how or when but somehow the buttons on Lyndsay’s pretty white dress has somehow managed to pop open.. “How did that happen?” I gasped sarcastically and she glared down at me.. “I don’t know Brother!” she said sternly as her dress fell open displaying her perky breasts.. it all seemed so natural.. just siblings mucking around.

“Oh FUCK.. look at the time” she gasped which killed any impending passion and as I jumped out my skin and looked at the clock it was about that time that we shouldn’t be caught in any compromising positions.. Rosie was due and she’ll likely come round here on her way home, she usually pops in to say hello. Lynn quickly fastened her dress while I put my shorts straight.. we had to portray a normal couple having a glass of wine together.. the plan worked and just in time as Rosie came bundling through the door.. “Hello Uncle Frank.. Oooh hello mum.. oooh you look nice” she said cheerfully as she spotted her mother sitting there.

“Can we stay for tea with Uncle Frank? Please mum.. I’m sure Uncle Frank won’t mind.. can we mum?” she said excitedly seeing her mum and me together seemingly enjoying each other’s company plus the added factor that her mum looked nice, maybe Rosie liked the idea of us all together.. Lynn looked at me and shrugged her shoulders.. “Yeah… lets have a quiet family night in” she said excitedly.. was this too soon, I dunno but the girls seemed happy and I figured.. what the heck.
Published by britguy
2 years ago
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nicolaslut 2 years ago
its getting close to you taking both to bed frank mm