038 – A De-Brief With Lyndsay

038 – A De-Brief With Lyndsay

About an hour or so later another text came through from Lyndsay.. “Brew done? Putting on shorts and be over” she said so I sent a smiley face back, slipped my robe on as it was close to hand and went down to put the coffee on and wait for my neighbours arrival with all the juicy gossip.. I won’t tell you the scenarios going on in my head.. nothing suggested anything bad.
Fuck me.. Lyndsay certainly knows how to show off her best features in her dress sense.. she came running up my path in a pair of shorts so tight they clinched to her like a second skin and hung on her hips and rather short too.. and if that wasn’t enough then what covered her top wasn’t worth wearing.. micro top is an exaggeration to say the least.. there was nothing bad gonna happen with her dressed like that.

“OH Frank.. I’m out of breath.. what have you done to my rebellious teenage daughter.. you know.. the one with hormones and attitude” she gasped out in a rage of excitement.. not even a ‘Hello, how are you'.. I was gobsmacked.. “What have you done.. she’s changed.. she’s loving.. she’s affectionate.. and OMG you’re not gonna believe what she did last night in bed.. OMG” she said and that last statement alone lit up her face.. “Calm down.. here sir yourself down and I’ll get a brew.. oh you do look nice today” I said as she caught her breath and my intrigue grew..

I poured her coffee and pulled up a chair and sat between her open legs and OMG what a view that was.. I held her hand.. “Please.. tell me what happened” I said softly gaining her confidence.. she took a deep breath..
“We’ll.. she was loving all night.. very tactile and we snuggled up in our nightshirts to watch TV.. I’ll tell you Frank.. I don’t know the last time we did that.. anyway, she was dozing off and she asked if she could cuddle up with me in bed.. weird but ok” she said getting into her story and I could already feel my robe moving with the excitement..

“I took her to bed and it was so nice cuddling up.. and then I felt it” she gasped.. “What?” I said excitedly.. “Her fingers.. her fingers Frank.. between my legs.. fiddling.. you know.. I froze Frank.. I didn’t know what to do.. I pretended to be asleep” she said in a somewhat panic-stricken voice.. I had to smile.
“Aww that’s so nice” I said without sounding patronising.. “She’s at that curious age Lyn.. she wants to be close to you.. feel a woman’s touch” I said.. “But I’m her mother” she interrupted.. “Even better to experience it with someone loving.. what happened next” I said and as we squeezed hands I ran my other hand up the top of her thigh for comfort.

“I played dead Frank.. she put her fingers inside me.. “I dunno mate.. I was actually liking it.. my own daughter doing that..” she said with a hint of embarrassment.. “Then build on it Lyndsay.. you can teach her so much about feelings..” I said encouragingly.. she looked up and smiled.. “I can?” she questioned, “Then so can you Frank.. she looks up at you.. you have that bond and I can tell from the weekend it’s special.. is she ever curious with you? You could teach her so much” she said and with genuine enthusiasm too.. I just wasn’t sure how to answer her.. do I say yes and risk destroying what was building or do I say no and keep the secret safe.. I was quickly trying to assess the situation and as we squeezed hands and my hand squeezed the top of her thigh she wasn’t pushing me for an answer.

“She’s a very tactile and affectionate girl deep down Lyn.. she loves cuddles.. I’m happy to help her develop feelings and aid her curiosity as best I can.. if you’re ok with that Lyndsay" I said thinking that her answer now would be the green light for me and Rosie.. “Who better Frank.. you’re perfect for teaching her.. now get up off ya knees and get your sister another brew” she said giggling.. “Love the robe.. live these brotherly chats too.. I feel like you’re a brother to me.. it excites me Frank.. is that weird or what?” she said and finally she seemed at peace with her daughters transition into a human being.. I was getting nothing but praise for the hard work I’m putting in.. <giggles>.
“Why don’t we take this in the other room.. after you sister” I said as Lyndsay got up and wiggled her tight bulbous arse in my direction..

“No chivalry there mate.. you just want to look at my arse.. don’t ya bro” she said smirking and she proceeded to wiggle it all the way to the lounge.. she did have a nice back view and I’m slowly starting to get used to her rather bottom end of plain looks.. her body more than compensates I might add.
“Do you have a real sister Frank.. what do brothers and sisters do.. help me out.. I like this scenario.. I get a favourite brother and Rosie gets a favourite uncle.. everyone wins” she said with renewed enthusiasm as we sat together on the sofa.. “I do have a younger sister.. we used to be very curious at the differences in our bodies.. we were both affectionate people.. we’d play games to help the bonding period.. and most importantly we were always open with our bodies and thoughts.. it was fun growing up..” I said with a snigger and found I had a very captive audience, she hung on my every word.. Lyndsay was serious in building this very comfortable family unit.. “Games? I like games.. me and Rosie used to play fight when she was younger.. you like play fights?” she asked excitedly like she was going back in years.. I held her hand for comfort.. “Oh yes and we’d do it naked.. no grabbing clothing ha-ha” I said and Lyndsay was bubbling.. “Even better.. no restrictions.. I must warn you though big brother.. I don’t fight fair..” she added as she stood up ready for her first sibling battle..

I must say by the movements under my robe I was getting quite excited by the prospect too.. she looked at me with fight in her eyes as she slipped off what flimsy little top she had on over her shoulder and teasingly put her fingers into the waistband of her tight little shorts.. she licked her lips seductively.. “Are you ready brother?” she said as she slowly pulled down her shorts very quickly displaying her curly bush and stepping out of her shorts stood legs apart totally naked waiting for me to disrobe, I smiled as I looked over her naked frame and slowly pulled the tie on my robe letting the silky material fall aside exposing my rising meat.. “Mmm.. very impressive bro.. something to grab hold of.. Mmm” she sighed softly as she watched my robe slip off my shoulders to the floor and then stopped as she noticed my cock rising.. “Show me what you got big boy” she said as she lunged at me and for a few seconds we gust grappled at each other with no rhythm nor reason.. it was fun though just grabbing handfuls off flesh.. especially her arse.. and falling about laughing.. there was a lot of very inappropriate touching going on and Lyndsay was amazed that I got so erect..

“That’s so hot that happening.. I never thought my brother would get a boner play fighting.. kinda cute though” she said as she again attempted to straddle me but she just wasn’t strong enough for the fight until her dirty tricks started.. she reached down and grabbed my throbbing erection and jerked it underneath herself and she was now impaled on my iron rod.. what the fuck.. I tried jerking up and to the sides to try and push her off but she seemed so pleased to have got me pinned down she wasn’t giving up easily and countered my jerking movements with her own.. she was basically riding me.. fair play to her for that one but we weren’t stopping just yet as the rule states that at least one of you has to be perfectly still and we were both far from still as Lyndsay rode me like a bucking bronco.. “I like these fights bro” she said still trying to get me still and although we’d slowed down to a steady pace neither of us wanted to stop yet.. “Keep going bro.. oooh yes.. that’s it.. Mmm” she sighed as we continued our gentle motion and if cumming wins the prize then I just got lucky as my cock pulsated shooting a stream of family DNA deep inside her belly.. “Oooh yes brother.. Mmm so much and so nice.. I do like this game.. can we carry on” she said still full of enthusiasm as I grunted and thrust up just as the last drops were coming out.. Lyndsay fell to the side and I smirked in my triumph but she came back fighting as she swung her leg over my head with her dripping cunt square on my face and my nose wedged into her crack having intimate times with her dirt box.. my tongue immediately scooped out some of my sticky mess as my living sister started to gyrate her cum filled fanny all around my face.. I was not escaping from this.. ever..

I brought my hands up and grabbed her fleshy cheeks in a miserable attempt at quelling the pressure so I could breathe but it didn’t quite work like that as my earlier cum deposit continued dripping into my mouth.
It wasn’t that it was uncomfortable and I’d had worse 30-year-old muffs in my mouth before but she was my first cum of the day and there was a lot of it.. my face was a mess while she played her rodeo game.
It was better when she bent down to play with her new toy as I gave me air and also better tongue access to her best feature.. her arse. Now I could lick this arse until the sun sets in fact I would happily die with this arse on my face and she soon allowed me the freedom to exploit my weakness. With her happily playing with my bits I went to task on one of the best rim jobs I think I’ve ever performed and with us in the 69 position with my hands keeping her cheeks apart I was in the zone baby!!

Lyndsay was in no rush as she explored my erection.. every part of my erection and in very close detail leaving me to feast on the delights between her cheeks.. the taste was exquisite and she softened up nicely.. how I didn’t just blow my load was beyond me.. Lyndsay may not be the prettiest painting in the gallery by far but she has the perfect frame.. a total injustice if you ask me but right now my cock was down her throat and her arse was in my face.. I wasn’t complaining.

It was a long time cumming which was largely down to Lyndsay’s edging technique but the extra rimming time was precious and when I finally unloaded into my newly adopted sisters mouth she greeted it with love and attention letting it run down her throat.. it was certainly different the way Lyn sucked me but very enjoyable and the sad thing now was she had to climb off me obviously needing a rest.. “Wow Brother.. I think we’re going to enjoy the closeness.. I so miss not having a brother.. I like the games Frank” she sighed softly as she got up to go to the conservatory for a smoke.. we stood there by the door totally naked letting the warm breeze run across our bodies.. it was so pleasant.

We chatted about Rosie’s new found affection and told Lynn to just go with the flow.. show each other how much you love each other and you won’t go far wrong.. if you’re uncomfortable with anything I’ll help was the only advice I could give.
“Where’s this Brew Frank?” she asked stubbing her cigarette out and stomping into the kitchen with me in hot pursuit if only to look at that arse wiggling.. she knew that and when she was sorting out the coffee she stood with her back arched and her arse sticking up in the wind.. what a fucking tease.. she knew it!!!
“Enjoying it are ya bro” she said glancing down at my half hard cock floating about.. Lyndsay was a common northerner and what you see is what you get.. something else that drew me to her.. I loved that in a woman and now she was comfortable being naked with her new found brother.. excellent.

I blushed as I stuttered to answer.. “Um.. yes.. err.. I do love your um.. arse Lyndsay.. OMG” I said unconvincingly as she gave me a little wiggle.
I suggested that it would be best to keep our training with Rosie low key.. I didn’t want to betray a confidence so I suggested Lyndsay concentrate on giving her love and support and I’ll do the same and as far as she is concerned we’re not working as a team.. “Let’s keep secrets.. it’ll be fun” I added and that in itself excited Lyndsay.

I think we had it all worked out.. Rosie won’t know the full extent of my relationship with her mum and as long as she continues in this loving and affectionate way then Lyndsay won’t ask too many questions.. she had a few debts and needed the work so I was always on hand to help and we vowed that when we’re all together we’d act like any other brother, sister and niece.
I kept our shorts purchase a secret for now as things were smooth and I didn’t want to rock the boat, I think Lyndsay was happy to know her daughter was looked after and as long as she got some of her ‘brothers’ dick then she was happy.

We finished off our bonding session with a naked hug.. standing close together feeling the warmth of our bodies and I just couldn’t resist grabbing hold of her fleshy cheeks as I felt my cock starting to respond and so did Lynn.. “Fuck mate.. you getting a boner again” she whispered in my ear as she nibbled my neck.. something told me we hadn’t quite finished yet as Lynn opened her stance to allow my rising pecker some room.. my fingers searching into her crack as my cock made contact with her hairy muff.. I could still feel the wetness around her pouting hole.. “Maybe if you turn around and bend down.. I have a surprise for you” I said softly as I moved her slowly around taking my cock in my hand and guided my swollen head between her arse cheeks.. “Oooh yes Bro.. Aghhh.. yes.. Mmm give it to me brother.. fuck my arse” she sighed taking a deep breath as she gripped the back of the sofa.. I eased inside her and pushed slowly gasping at the tightness as she clenched her cheeks.. one thing for sure was the woman with the best arse in the world liked it fucked.. oh what joys life was bringing.

She was yelping with every forward thrust making some rather strange inaudible noises which just added to the ambiance as I started to up the pace and as my belly slapped against her bulbous mounds I lost myself in the zone and watching my meat slide in and out of her dirt box was just too much and in a moment of unbridled pleasure I lost my load.. spurting deep into my sisters luscious body she gasped as she felt the warmth.. “OMG babes.. Oh YESSS!” she cried out as she wiggled trying to force more out.. I was spent and breathless as I clung onto Lynn’s torso with my cock still hard and gently pulsing allowing the last drops to escape..
As my cock slipped free from its confines she turned her head smiling.. “Way to go Bro.. way to go!” she sighed as she caught her breath and there my friends was one happy woman.

I think I’d got further than a lot of men in Lyndsay’s life as most couldn’t see deeper than her less than perfect looks but if they had then they would have found a very loving woman.. I was sure and even by her own admission she’d been fucked by lots who wanted that perfect body however nothing developed and she even told me how nice I made her feel.. we were building bonds.. I liked Lyndsay.
“How about I go put some clothes on and we go out for lunch.. it’ll be nice just the two of us” she asked softly as we went out to the conservatory for another smoke.. I hadn’t considered being seen in public just yet but you know what.. to hell with it.. “Great idea Sis.. should I put some clothes in or come as I am?” I said with a giggle as Lynn looked down at my sorrowful looking piece of hanging meat.. “Aww as much as I’d like you as you are babes.. it might be better if you put some clothes on” she said reaching down and giving it a little squeeze.. we both laughed.

“Wear shorts” she said with a cheeky grin as she stubbed her cigarette out.. “I’ll go and make myself look beautiful.. back in 10” she said as she quickly dressed in what little she wore over here.. back in 10.. what years?? It’ll be going some to make herself look beautiful in 10 days let alone minutes.. I gave her a playful slap on her arse and suddenly felt excited about my lunch date.

To Be Continued…
Published by britguy
2 years ago
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i wonder if she came then Rosie played with her ? and now shes going out with her holes full what a great lady she is