026 – Odd Jobs For Nicky

026 – Odd Jobs For Nicky

Nicky was 48 and offspring’s had flown the nest and her ex-husband had fucked off with a younger model so she wanted to completely decorate her house and wanted to run some ideas past me and price it up.. I finally made the appointment for lunchtime and she told me that if she doesn’t answer the door to go through the side gate as she may be sitting in the garden, seemed simple enough.
As it was a hot day I decided to wear a pair of short shorts and a tee shirt and I did T need any tools as I was only quoting so I headed off using my trusty sat nav and arrived just before noon and have to say it was a nice area of town.

There was no answer at the door so like she suggested I sneaked down the side of the house to the back garden where I found Nicky who was a slim almost skinny woman very tanned laying on a sun lounger in a rather small bikini, “Oh hello, you must be Frank” she said looking up from her sunglasses. “Please forgive my lack of clothes, I do like to keep my tan topped up” she added as I stopped in my tracks looking down and to say her bikini was ‘micro’ was an understatement, it barely covered her, she certainly wasn’t scared to show off her body.
“Now you’re here we’ll crack on, can you pass me my robe” she said pointing to a little silk robe which once on barely covered her but it was better than nothing. She seemed a little unsteady on her feet and from the smell I think she’d been drinking but it’s her house so if she wants to drink then so be it.

“We’ll go upstairs first Frank but bear with me as I suffer from a nervous condition and I’m not too quick on my feet” she said as she slowly started up the stairs and the interesting thing was her little thong bikini wasn’t covering up too much, “You just take your time Nicky, I’m in no rush” I said enjoying the view of her skinny arse.. “You’re so kind Frank” she said softly, “I have been known to fall so hands at the ready” she added with a giggle and she’d slowed right down and her arse was getting close to my face and I could see the tiny gusset only just holding her lips in place and a few dark pubic hairs.

I’m sure she could feel my breath between her legs as I was so close, “We’ll need a full stripping Frank, and check for cracks and holes, I want you to be thorough” she said and I could smell the musky aroma and the warmth being generated.. “Oh yes Nicky.. I’ll be sure to be thorough in my search for cracks and holes that need filling” I replied and we were going up so slow I almost ended up pushing my face against her arse, “Thank you for being patient Frank” she sighed softly and I certainly wasn’t complaining as I felt contact with my nose pressed into her arse crack.

“I’m so sorry Frank, please forgive me.. my legs are particularly bad today” she sighed softly as she gave an unsteady wiggled which not only pushed my nose against her ring but also allowed my tongue to slip between her legs, I understood her predicament, “Its ok Nicky, we can take a breather if you want.. it’s ok.. I don’t mind.. I’ve got you supported with my head” I told her reassuringly and I seriously wondered if I was dealing with a nutter, she certainly didn’t come across like this during our correspondence.
My tongue was pushing under the thin gusset and I heard a soft moan.. “Oooh that’s not a bad.. oh yes.. idea Frank, as long as you keep your head there I feel safe.. Mmm .. oooh yes.. That’s it Frank.. keep me stead” she moaned out as she continued to wiggle on my face and my tongue had got right inside her now hanging gusset and was lapping at her juicy hanging lips, “I’m sorry for the wiggling but my legs have no strength.. Oooh.. I’m so sorry” she muttered as she now gyrated on my face as she pushed back giving me far better access as my tongue ran riot between her legs and even up to her arsehole, Mmm.

My cock was throbbing and pushing hard against the waistband of my little shorts but I held fast and concentrated on keeping Nicky from falling and her mutterings of “Oh yes.. “Oh yes” repeatedly told me she was starting to get some feelings back in her legs or maybe not because the gyrating quickened and her body mysteriously started to shake and then much to my surprise I felt this warm juice running into my mouth.. OMG I was concerned for her well-being and decided I’d better swallow and lick her clean to save any embarrassment but they kept coming and she kept shaking.. I had to carry on and she was pressing harder against me, luckily my nose had slipped into her crack and pressing into her gyrating arsehole or I would probably have broken it.

“You must be getting out of breath Frank.. Oh I’m so sorry.. why don’t you take a breather and come up closer so your body supports me until I get the feelings back in my legs.. I don’t want you breathless” she said at least showing some concern for my welfare, it made sense and as I moved my face up her arse to the small of her back I was taking her little robe with me and the further I stepped up behind her the further up her back I went and had to put my hands around her front to help support her while I closed up right behind her, my hands had inadvertently pushed her top upwards and her stiff nipples were now pushing against her palms of my hands, but I had a good grip so knew she was safe.

I was one step down from her now and as she bent forward it not only tightened my grip at the front but in the close movement upwards my shorts had slipped down exposing my throbbing weapon which as she pushed herself back on me ended up between her legs.. “I’ve got you Nicky.. I’ve got you” I said softly gasping as I think my throbbing cock had just penetrated her as I felt this warm tightness surrounding my cock.. I gasped again as I felt it going deeper.. “Oh that’s good Frank.. Oooh yes.. Mmm. I feel safe now.. Oh yes.. Mmm” she sighed as I was empaled between her legs and as she pushed back on me I had to thrust forward in order to maintain the balance.. she kept pushing and I kept thrusting back… she just couldn’t keep still and to be fair if it wasn’t for my cock being inside her adding support I think we would have both ended up spiralling down the stairs.

I had a good grip on her small and saggy breasts which supported her upper body and she kept pushing back and wiggling and then her body started to shake and the ‘Oh yes.. Oh yess’ returned and as I felt the wetness running down my testicles it triggered something really strange.. I felt my cock starting to pulsate and was shooting stuff inside Nicky’s body.. maybe it’s a secret serum which will return life to her legs, it kept pumping and she kept murmuring and I had to squeeze and massage her breasts in order to keep the top half secure.. however it was now the bottom half that was giving me worry as I felt my cock starting to soften I knew I would lose my grip.

Nicky was smart, she’d realised the danger too and had come up with a brilliant plan.. “Why don’t you squeeze up in front of me and try pulling me up.. I’m sure my legs can stand the weight if you move slowly” she said feeling a little concerned at the situation as my cock softened and had all but slipped free of its support role.
“My shorts have slipped off and I’m naked from the waist downwards Nicky” I said finding a flaw in the plan but again she didn’t want the drama.. “Don’t worry about that now Frank, It’s important you move and get into position” she said sounding a little desperate.

I squeezed up past her which was a struggle as I didn’t want to inadvertently push her down the stairs and what made it more challenging was we were on a curve in the stairs, damn convenient eh!.
I managed to edge my naked body up past her rubbing my flaccid cock up her partly dressed back.. her robe was hanging on by the skin of it’s teeth and by the time I got in front of her I had to sit in order to have the reach to get her up the stairs but there was another obstacle to overcome, as I reached down to grab her naked hips it forced her head right into my naked lap pushing her face against my flaccid cock which wasn’t going to stay flaccid for much longer at this rate, “Grab my hips and pull.. don’t worry where my head is Frank.. it has to be done and I apologise in advance” she mumbled still with her face pressed against my flaccid cock which was beginning to fill.

I reached down and in order to get a good grip I had to grab her arse cheeks which just so happened to widen them allowing my fingers to push into her crack, I had the perfect grip now however things weren’t so good for Nicky, with her head firmly in my lap and my cock starting to rise it soon became apparent that space was at a shortage and Nicky couldn’t get far enough into my lap but once again she came up with a solution.. she adjusted her position slightly and figured if my cock went IN her mouth then she might have enough space, as she wrapped her lips around my helmet I could tell she didn’t like it as if felt like her tongue swirling around the tip was trying to force it out but it wasn’t working as more of my erection entered her mouth but she was resilient and kept trying to get me out with her tongue.. Hmm.

As I gripped her arse cheeks she did yelp as I think my finger accidentally pushed into her arse but she maintained the position and as I pulled her up more of my cock pushed into her mouth and it sounded like she was choking so I pulled back but then pulled again forcing the same choking sounds but she was insistent that I had to get the rocking motion perfectly timed.. I was working on it however Nicky was having a tough time as my cock seemed to be sliding in and out of her mouth plus the finger up her anus was going further in.. I could tell by her moaning and groaning that she was in a lot of discomfort and I felt a bit guilty as when my cock was coming out of her mouth I was pushing it back in.. I had no other option and we had to get the momentum going.. I just hope she wasn’t getting dizzy with her head bobbing up and down..

The other problem that I was about to encounter was that with all this rocking she hadn’t actually moved and I was starting to get that feeling in my balls that I last got just prior to loosing my stuff when I was impaled.. it was going to happen again and there was no way I could warn Nicky of what was about to occur.. I couldn’t control it and it just spurted and spurted into Nicky’s mouth but she quickly adjusted and rather than my mess leak onto the stair carpet she made sure she didn’t spill a drop and as I kept my grip on her arse along with the offending finger that seems to have become impaled in her rectum.. at least if I maintained that grip then she was at no risk of falling as my cock softened in her mouth and I could feel her tongue trying to push me out as it swirled around the head.

I don’t know how or why but she remarkably got some feeling back into her legs and after a few struggles and a lot of inappropriate touching we managed to get ourselves up to the top of the stairs and into the main bedroom, “Oooh Frank, we finally made it and OMG you seem to have lost your shorts on the way.. oh and my robe? How embarrassing and I’m so sorry” she said as she looked down at my now hanging cock as if all that had happened on the stairs was a dream. “It’s ok Nicky, as long as your safe it doesn’t matter.. I’m sure you’ve seen plenty of cocks in your time” I said which made her giggle.. “Oooh you are a bad boy Frank” she replied with a cheeky grin.

“We’ll you’ve handled the stripping part quite nicely Frank” she said softly as she again looked down at my flaccid pecker, “And you’ve shown you’re competent at locating cracks and filling holes and if we can negotiate a beneficial agreement for both of us then it’s a win/win isn’t it” she said as she sat didn’t on the bed to rest the energies in her legs.
I was confused, in one hand I think this lady is completely nuts and then I look at her ailments and show a certain amount of empathy but either way I was intrigued to see how it will all play out.. “I’m sure we can Nicky, I will guarantee a full strip is completed while searching out every crack and ensuring enough product is available to fill all holes as required” I replied in a professional confident tone and she nodded her head, “Oh that’s so pleasing to hear Frank, I do like thoroughness in a handyman.. oh and there’s NO sex involved in the agreement Frank, I’m not that kind of woman.. let’s make that clear” she said rather sternly and while it was as clear as mud I nodded my head.. “Perfectly clear, I wouldn’t dream of taking advantage of your vulnerabilities Nicky” I replied sincerely which judging by her smile is exactly what she wanted to hear.. I’m still siding with the nut case but at the very least it was exciting especially as she said the No sex comment she quickly readjusted her top what little material there was… but it just about covered her nipples.

“And you’re aware of my medical condition which exasperates at a moment’s notice and often in compromising positions and I was exceptionally pleased with how you handled my safety, I could see it was your only consideration, we’ll done Frank” she added and I could see the sincerity in her eyes.
“In fact I need a care assistant too to help out in those moments too, maybe you’d consider that position and I’ll get another decorator inn, you can still search for the cracks and holes though” she said with a giggle and I must say that being a caring person the offer did appeal, “I’m a trained physiother****t and can offer you on the spot treatment” I said confidently, “Oh this just gets better Frank.. Oooh when can you start?” she said smiling.. “And I’m glad you accept my ‘No sex’ policy Frank, I’m not that kind of lady” she said and I could see she meant it…

“Wouldn’t dream of it Nicky, just happy to help you through those embarrassing moments” I said reassuringly.. “Let’s get you downstairs where I can find my shorts and we can discuss the finer details” I said offering my hand.. “Yes, good idea Frank.. you do look a little exposed” she said with a giggle as she again glanced at my cock as she stood up.
“How do your legs feel Nicky?” I asked and I could see she was a bit wobbly as she reached up grabbing my shoulders to try and keep her balance, “There’s no way you can go downstairs Nicky, we’re gonna have to think of something” I said as she clung on tight now clasping her hands behind my neck which gave me a light bulb moment… “Why don’t you jump up on me and wrap your legs around my waist, I will support your bottom and I’ll carry you down the stairs, it may be a bit bumpy Nicky but for your safety I’d have to go very slowly.. worth a try isn’t it” I said softly showing a little concern as Nicky looked up at me, hanging on for dear life as her legs starting to buckle under her,

“As my newly appointed care assistant I’ll trust your judgment Frank, I’m hoping you will suggest exercising the legs and hips to be a crucial part of the process.. certainly nothing sexual of course but in the interest of my wellbeing… Certainly nothing sexual” she said as she tried to raise her legs up and with a little bit of help from me I actually had her wrapped around my waist, luckily for me that at this moment of time my cock was hanging like a good boy however as I felt the soft gusset of her bikini rubbing against my pubic region I knew that any arousal at this stage would become one of those embarrassing situations that were discussed earlier.. I grabbed hold of her bottom and as my fingers pushed into her crack I could feel the thin string loosely fitting between her skinny cheeks, ‘Oh no’ I thought as feeling into her crack while cupping her arse cheeks would surely kick start an unwanted erection… Too late.. by the time we’d taken a couple of steps I could feel it’s rapid rise as it pushed against Nicky’s gusset poking out through the cheeks of her arse.. at least it gave her a perch to sit on albeit bloody uncomfortable as I could feel her pussy lips on my naked shaft… she looked up at me in disbelief as she felt my hardness between her legs and I could feel the tip squeezing between her cheeks,

“Oooh that can’t be comfortable Frank… lift me up a bit.. it might be more comfortable walking” she suggested and anything was worth a try and as I lifted her up my cock slid down her crack taking the string with it which totally loosened up her little thing gusset and I was curious where this was going because it did relieve the pressure somewhat.. “Oooh sorry about that Frank.. but does it feel more comfortable?” she asked as I gasped feeling my throbbing cock slip into her tight pussy.. oh it certainly felt more comfortable as my cock slipped further into her and not only that but being impaled deep inside her lowered the risk of her falling considerably… absolute genius!!

“Oh that’s certainly more comfortable Nicky” I said gasping as I got in up to the hilt and as we started walking towards the door my hands which were clasping her arse cheeks provided a kinda rocking motion in order to maintain balance, the stairs were going to be the tricky bit but with her so close and tight and my penis providing adequate support I felt confident of us getting down the stairs in one piece.
The first few steps were indeed bumpy and Nicky was moaning and I wasn’t sure if she was in pain so I had to lift her arse up and down to try and get her more comfortable and in doing so might have made it worse as her moaning increased, I even had to thrust harder into her as I was concerned all the movements on the stairs might increase the risk of withdrawal which wouldn’t be good only halfway down the stairs.

We were like a pair of bucking broncos as we descended down one step at a time wriggling in all directions trying to maintain some kind of balance and I was thinking that Nicky wanted to disengage as she kept lifting up but as I went down another step her weight forced her back down and I kept apologising for causing pains that her moaning was evidence of, she assured me she was in no pain and told me to keep going slowly as she was nearly there.. whatever that might mean.

I could feel her holding on for dear life and I increased my grip on her arse cheeks as her body seemed to go into spasm halfway down the stairs and I don’t know what was happening as I could feel this thick warm juice running down my balls and her cries of “Oh yes” repeatedly I had a real struggle to keep her steady and proceeded down another step and it was at that point just a couple of steps to safety when I felt something really weird happening.. it was like my cock was exploding right up inside her and she must have felt it too as she gripped me really tight crying “OH YESSS!” at the top of her voice.. I was really struggling at this point as my knees trembled and how I got to the ground albeit on my back with Nicky implanted on top of me.. “Oh shit, are you alright Frank” she muttered trying to catch her breath but seemed more concerned with my welfare.

To Be Continued….
Published by britguy
2 years ago
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tommy523 2 years ago
Sounds to me that she might require extended therapy to strengthen her leg muscles
nicolaslut 2 years ago
what a nice lady concerned about you laying on your back you poor boy hehe