Spiritual encounter at a abandoned house

Spiritual encounter at a abandoned house

Ever get a glimpse of a dark object in the corner of your eye, and when looking nothing was there. Or a dark shadow where shadows shouldn't be. This is the weirdest bump in the night I ever experienced.

During summer vacation mom and I went on a road trip, visiting family.
We stopped at my aunt's family farm for a few days. My cousins and I took off looking for what ever trouble we could get into.
While exploring we came up on a old house long forgotten. I suggested we explore it, but they said to stay away from it. Why, I asked. It's supposed to be haunted, Billy(my older cousin) said. We continued on running through the woods playing around, but I kept thinking about the house.

That's when things got strange.
Going to the house, I pushed the door open. My cousin was to scared to come in with me, so I stepped in by myself. It had a stale oder about it. Broken furniture laid about the front room. I have to admit I was a bit nervous walking around looking in each room, I thought I seen something move by the wall. Heading towards it, a door creeked open. Looking in, there where stairs heading down to what I assumed was the basement. Going down them, the room was nearly pitch black.
I thought Billy had snuck in and was trying to scare me when I heard something fall on the other side of the room.
The floor creeked as I stepped further in. I called out his name, but no answer. I thought I heard whispering sounds. I couldn't make out where they were coming from. It was like they were everywhere at once. I reached out to grab the railing to the stairs, but my hand was pushed away. Not funny Billy, I yelled. Reaching out again, I climbed up the stairs. Don't go, echoed through the room. Billy was suprised as I ran out the house. I didn't stop running till I made it to my aunt's house.
I thought you wanted to look around, he said. I yelled at him for trying to scare me. I asked how did you get downstairs before me. With a confused look Billy said, what are you talking about. You were in there for only a couple seconds.

Early the next morning I found a flashlight in the barn. With everyone still asleep, I knew I wouldn't be tricked this time.
Walking up to the house, the door was still open. Going in, I headed straight for the basement. Going down the stairs I thought I heard whispering again. He's come back, reached my ears. Turning the flashlight on, I shined it around the room. There was the table and chairs I seen earlier. Moving along the wall, I seen some shelfs. Shining along the back wall, I heard a sound by the table. I either tripped, or something pushed me. I ended up tumbling down the stairs. When the light hit the floor, it went out. As I struggled to see, I heard the whispering more clearly. One of the voices said, enough playing.

Frightened, I stood up. I don't know if it was my imagination, but I felt hands touching me. Turning left and right, there was no one there. Reaching for the flashlight, I was pushed. Standing back up something took my hands. My arms straight out, I was shocked by what happened next.
I felt a hand grab my ass. Who are you, I called out. There was no one, yet my cheek was being squeezed. Then something touched my chest. It moved across, then down. After a couple seconds, my arms are pulled forward. Unable to break free, I'm dragged to the table. My legs are raised, and I'm laying flat. Frightened and confused, I yell what do you want.

I feel what I can only describe as a icy hand brush the side of my face. It moved down, under my jaw and up the other side.
I must be going crazy, for the faint image of a face starts to appear above me. What do you want, I cry out. From the end of the table i can barely make out, you.
A chill ran up my back. Moving to roll off the table, my legs were pinned. Swinging wildly, I try to hit who or what was holding me down.

Ice cold hands grabbed them, and held them in place. I froze, when I watched my shirt being lifted. My arms were pulled up to allow my shirt to be raised. As it came over my head, the icy grip on my arms shifted to remove it.
I could only watch as it disappeared across the room.
The apparition of the face appeared in front of me. Unable to make out who or what it was, I tried to reason with it. Pleading and promises did nothing. I felt something grab my hair. My head was pulled back, and pressed hard onto the table. My arms pinned straight out, I couldn't move.

Again the face appeared. As it looked down on me a mistake built up in front of me. Moving closer, it moved into my mouth. A sickly feeling came over me with the mist becoming fallus shaped. My jaw being wedged open, it moved in and outward. I was soon gagging from its moving and growing.
An odd feeling came over me, I began to enjoy it. I found myself closing my lips around it and sucking. I could feel it swell in my mouth, then nothing.

My jaw acking I was allowed to get up. Finding my shirt, I ran out of the house as fast as I could.
To my surprise, the sun was just rising. What felt like hours, was actually seconds.
Published by 1120scott
2 years ago
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Great start, a real scary story!