Dark lady

Dark lady

Just wanted to share something I remembered from my past. There used to be a club in Providence called Dark Lady.. well there still is but this older club was closer to PPAC than the current one. I have been chatting with a guy online that suggest I go there. I had not gone out dressed often but he kept asking and finally I had the opportunity so I went for it.
I was dressed in a slutty red top and short black skirt, garters and stockings with a backseam, black CFM heels, blond wig, long crystal earrings. I topped it off with a white fur coat. It was winter and I remember parking in a lot down the street and walking over… and stepping in a slush puddle on the way.. lol
I get there, check my coat and look around. Took me a while to find my date but he was sitting at a small table alone. The club had a U shaped bar with a stage and dance floor across from the middle of the “U”. On one side were tables and booths on a bit of a platform up from the main floor. The other side of the bar was a bit darker corner of tables and small booths away from most of the crowd. I came over and sat next to my date, he ordered a drink for me… there were waitresses serving but they were a bit slow.. most people seemed to just go up to the bar and order. The drink did eventually come as did a few others right behind.
I was feeling good and my date asked me to slow dance with him a few times which was getting me hot and bothered. After about the fourth dance we sat down and he excused himself to a few minutes when as he spoke with some guys he apparently knew a few tables over. He came back and we chatted. He asked if I brought the poppers I said I would. I was relatively new to poppers and they had quite an impact on me. I told him that I had them and took the fresh bottle out and set it on the table. He told me to take the bottle and take a big sniff…. I did and as soon as I felt the warm rush I also felt is hand slide up my leg under the table and stroke my sissy cock til it was nice and hard. It felt so good!!! He leaned over and whispered that he was heading to the mens room and I was to follow shortly with my poppers. I did as I was told and as you can imagine I was made to kneel, sniff poppers, suck him til he came and swallow. I was told to count to 10 after he left the mens room before I returned.
Back at the table the waitress brought me another drink… I didn’re remember ordering it or my date ordering it. I went to pay for it as it appeared my date wasn’t going to… but the waitress leaned over and said “From the guy over there in the blue shirt hun” I looked over and say a hot looking guy raise his glass in kind of a toast.. I mouthed “Thank you” and blew him a kiss. It was one of the guys my date was talking to earlier. Soon he headed for my table, I thought he was going to ask me to dance but he brushed my hair softly and passed by, I turned and saw he was headed to the mens room. My date touched my shoulder and said “His turn sweetheart, take your poppers with you”. I knew just what to do and went for my second load to swallow. That scenario happened two more times… with a few slow dances from guys in between. Each time my date would encourage me and he seemed to enjoy it.
I was pretty buzzed from the drink and poppers. I was thirsty still and decided to go up to the bar.. I moved in between two guys and was waiting to catch the busy bartenders eye… I was getting felt up and my sissy cock stroked…. I leaned down a took a quick sniff of poppers… hoping to get felt up more… the guy leaned in and suggested that I should go around to the other end of the bar where it is quieter and ask for the “Dark Lady special drink”. I figured what the hell and told the guy I’d be back in a few.
On the other end of the bar it was quitter, the bar was a bit lower and a lot darker. There was an open area at the bar and I went up and caught the bartenders attention and asked for the “Dark Lady Special”.. he seemed to not hear me and motioned for me to lean in and speak louder. I grabbed the edge of the bar and leaned in. Suddenly to sets of hands grabbed my wrist and pulled me over the edge of the bar… two straps were quickly placed over my wrists and secured to something behind the bar. There I was, bent over the bar ass exposed. I felt my skirt lifted, my panties pulled down. At the same time the bartender stepped up on a small stool and filled my mouth with is cock… it was surreal with a few guys taking turns on both ends while others in the club looked on. After about half an hour of this I was released and given a drink and told I just had the “Dark Lady Special”
My date apparently had been watching.. and may have taken part. We finished the evening with some more dancing, poppers and fun!!!
Published by MichelleSEmass
2 years ago
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