Ariel At Last

Ariel At Last

The sequel to "Karen and Cindy":

I got a taxi home from Karen and Cindy’s apartment on New Year’s Day, wearing the same silver dress I had worn the previous night, except I couldn’t find my bra or panties. And I was really angry about that; I felt like I was a sexual prize and they kept my underwear as a trophy.

My Roommate, Ariel, was on the sofa watching television; she was wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, hugging her bare knees to her chest. Ariel's eyes widened as I breezed through the door, the little skirt had ridden so far up that she could see my pussy!

“Hi, Happy New Year!” and I closed the door behind me.

“Hi,” said Ariel, forcing a smile across her lips. “What happened to your underwear?”

“I’ll tell you about it in a bit, I need a shower.” I needed to think about what had happened and try to get to the bottom of the strange feeling I had. I slipped out of my dress and looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was pasted against my scalp; and I could see the remnants of the girls’ come in my hair, smeared across my chest and crusted in my bush. What kind of woman looks like this, I scolded myself, feeling very ashamed. For what seemed hours I stood beneath the shower head with my eyes closed. Now, in the shower, that strange feeling was back again. I hesitated to admit it to myself for a while but, eventually, I realized what it was and how obvious it should have been. I felt used. Cheap and used. After I finished with my shower I dried myself off on a soft towel, slipped on a silk blouse and baggy shorts. I was just about to head downstairs when I heard the front door open.

“Ellen! I’m going to see my mum for a bit,” Ariel shouted.

After a few hours, Ariel returned home. It was obvious that she had been crying; her eyes were red and puffy despite scrubbing her face with warm water and soap while she had been at her mother’s house.

“Hi,” I said, now cautiously.

“Hey,” Ariel replied, offering a forced smile.

“Is everything ok? You seemed in a hurry to get going after I came back” I asked and sat in the chair opposite Ariel. My shorts rode up and showed off my thighs when I sat down but I didn’t worry about being too revealing, it was only the two of us after all.

“So, what happened to your underwear?” Ariel asked.

“Karen and Cindy kept my bra and panties.” I admitted, finding the honesty I felt in the shower.

“You mean … you had sex with them?” Ariel asked, amazed. “Both of them? At the same time?”

“Yeah, it was pretty wild.” There was no pride in my voice; in fact, I was ashamed. I went on to tell Ariel what had happened. I didn’t go into detail about the actual sex because I was embarrassed by it.

“Wow,” was all Ariel managed. She appeared to be thinking about it a while and then, to my surprise, tears ran down her cheek. Quickly, Ariel rubbed at her face with the palm of her hand but she knew I had seen it.

“What is it? What’s wrong? Please tell me Ariel, maybe I can help,” Kelly pleaded, genuinely wanting to be there for her.

“No, no, it’s nothing. I’m just in a…a funny mood that’s all.” Thinking quickly, she stood up and headed towards her bedroom, but then she turned around to face me.

“You … you just make me so … so upset sometimes!” Ariel’s reply was. “Why? Why do you do it? Why are you determined to be with people even though you knew you were being used for sex, like some sort of blow up doll! You don’t even try to look for someone who might actually love you! I don’t understand you anymore.” Ariel was shaking as she forced her words out, clearly words that she had been keeping to herself for a long, long time.

“I…I don’t know, Ariel why are you saying this?” I was stunned by my friend’s emotional and heartfelt outburst.

“Because I,” Ariel took a breath, “because I love you!”

“I love you too Ariel,” I said, taken aback by loud proclamation of love. “That’s why I would never hurt you.”

“No, no you’re not listening to me,” Ariel persisted, staring at the floor, suddenly scared to look at me. “I really love you, not just as a friend. I mean I want you, like a lover would want you.”

“But, but you’re not a…a,” now it was my turn to struggle. “You’re not into girls.” I was clearly shocked by this revelation and hearing that Ariel actually had ‘special’ feelings for me was mind blowing.

“Well, neither were you until last night. Remember our first day of school – two years ago -- when you sat next to me in Contracts class? That’s when I started feeling … different, and I started to see women differently, especially you.” Now that she had revealed her ‘big secret’ Ariel found herself talking much steadier.

I was stunned to learn that I was the object of her best friend’s desires, “why didn’t you tell me then? Why wait?”

“I wanted to, but you were with that sociopath of a boyfriend who saw you only as a fuck toy and there was no room for me. I was going to as I held you on the way to the hospital, but we were both crying too hard … so I invited you to stay with me, but you never picked up on my signals and I just got sadder and sadder.” As Ariel stood there in front of her face reddened with embarrassment and she lowered her head.

“And then you came back this morning looking like a cat in heat that had been fucked all night and it just broke my heart because it wasn’t me.” And she cried.

I stood up and walked over to her, I didn’t fully understand everything but for now all that could wait, I put my arms around her and we embraced. After a moment Ariel looked at me, clearly wanting to go further, to kiss me at last. But she couldn’t.

I took Ariel’s hand and led her over to the sofa and we sat down together, still holding hands.

“Anyway,” Ariel continued “I had a miserable time last night because I knew I wanted to be with you. So, I split up with Dan. You can imagine my surprise when you came home looking like a cheap whore. I had to get out.”

“I you should have said something Ariel, I can’t imagine what you were going through, but you really should’ve told me.”

“I was scared,” said Ariel, lowering her eyes to the floor. “I was scared that if I told you, you might reject me and leave. And then I would have nothing.” It hurt that Ariel had held on to her secret for so long. Now, she had decided to face the music; she would either be rejected or accepted. I could see in her eyes that she had no idea which way it would go.

“I would never have rejected you,” I said, firmly so there were no mistakes. “Never; and I’m not going to reject you now.” I moved up and sat next to Ariel who still couldn’t look away from the floor. I put a finger beneath Ariel's chin and gently raised it until they were face to face. “Never, I could never, ever forget what you did for me, cared for me when I needed it most” I said softly as they looked into each other’s eyes.

Ariel's heart pounded inside her chest because, finally, she had told me! She had imagined this moment thousands of times and I didn’t make her wait any longer; I leaned towards my best friend and kissed her sweet lips. My heart was pounding as much as Ariel's; last night I watched two girls falling in love after years of being close and I wished I could experience a love like that.

This, I thought to myself, could be just that kind of love and, with that in mind, I pulled Ariel closer.

Our kissing embrace was full of emotion, and tears flowed from both of us as we held each other. I realized that it was this kind of moment that I had waited for month after month, hoping for the right girl, but that girl never happened. I laughed inside because that “right girl” was in front of me all the time. Although both of us were excited at the prospect of being with each other, neither of us pushed too hard, it was too early. We didn’t even open their mouths during this first kiss, we were just content to just be so very close to each other.

Of course it hadn’t escaped Ariel’s attention that I had nothing on beneath blouse and shorts and Ariel was showing off a fair amount of her leg in her little shorts! But for now, we just enjoyed the closeness that they were sharing, their gentle embrace and soft kissing was more than enough to keep us happy.

They parted after a few moments, although their lips no longer touched they remained close, and I gently stroked Ariel's face with the palm of her hand.

“I sure wasn’t expecting this half an hour ago,” I said with a smile.

“Neither was I…but I hoped,” Ariel admitted. She smiled as another tear rolled down her cheek, this time I wiped it away for her. “I’m so sorry for calling you a cheap whore – or a cat in heat.”

“I love you,” I said laughing. These three little words caused Ariel to inhale sharply, even after months of fantasies and daydreams about hearing me say these words to her, she was still unprepared when I finally did.

“I love you too,” Ariel responded after getting her breath back.

We kissed and cried, embraced and stroked, never frantic and never rushed, we both realized that this moment was too intimate to rush. I went to the kitchen and got us each some water. Then after several minutes I looked her in the eye.

“Ariel, I want to…” my voice trailed off, suddenly I felt incredibly vulnerable.

“What?” Ariel asked.

“I…I mean, would you like to… make love?” It seemed right to ask rather than assume Ariel would want to, and I held my breath hoping she would say yes

“Oh,” Ariel's heart skipped several beats and she was suddenly excited and extremely nervous, she had never actually made love to a woman before, just fantasized, a lot. “I want to; it’s just that I don’t want to disappoint you.”

“Oh Ariel, you couldn’t disappoint me, even if you tried,” I softly assured her. “Have you ever been with a girl before? My first time was last night but that will never count.”

“No,” said Ariel. “I only ever thought of being with you, I found other girls attractive and had a few fantasies but, I thought that being with another girl would be like giving up on you!” my heart fluttered at Ariel's admission, it was thrilling to hear that I was desired in such an intimate.

“Did you fantasize about me much?” I asked playfully.

“Lots,” Ariel admitted. “I fantasized about this mostly, being close together and kissing.”

“Did you ever… get yourself off when you thought about me?” I couldn’t resist asking.

“Umm, maybe … sometimes,” Ariel teased with an embarrassed smile. Her smile lit up her whole face and made her more beautiful.

“Well don’t worry; we’ll figure it out … it’s not rocket science,” I assured her. Again, I planted my lips on Ariel's but this time our kiss was different, seriously intimate, and, for the first time, I slipped my tongue between Ariel's lips and into her mouth. Ariel accepted the probing tongue, curious to taste the woman she had been fantasizing about for so long.

Ariel ran her fingers through my hair and thought about all the things she’d be able to do now, she could touch me, hold my hand and kiss my lips, Ariel's heart raced as she thought of all the possibilities. She would even be able to see me naked! I knew Ariel had seen me naked before a couple of times; I saw her spying on me in the shower once. But it was different now. She knew that my whole body was her playground! Ariel was getting more and more aroused, she could feel her pussy moistening and her nipples stood erect. Ariel had longed for this moment for so long and soon, very soon, her wait would be over.

As if I had read Ariel's mind, I put my hand on her bare knee and gently stroked her soft skin. I leaned back and withdrew my tongue from Ariel’s mouth and, without saying a word, moved my head to the side and gently kissed Ariel's neck, making her shiver and quietly moan under her breath. Ariel had never experienced this kind of tenderness before, she had so wanted to be touched and kissed by me in this way, now she knew it had been worth the wait.

“Sure you want to do this? I won’t be upset if you’d rather just talk or whatever you want,” I asked.

“Oh my God, I’ve waited so long, I don’t want to stop now,” said Ariel.

Smiling, I took hold of Ariel's trembling hands and got to my feet, pulling Ariel up with me. We walked hand in hand down the hall and into my bedroom.

The reality of what they were about to do really hit Ariel as they approached the bed. She was really going to do this, to have sex with her best friend who she’d loved and lusted for. Then a pang of doubt: would this ruin their friendship? Or would this cement a new relationship? Were they an ‘item’ now? Or was this just a one off? Or, worst of all, was this going to be the biggest mistake she ever made? Or the most amazing thing she’d ever …

“Ariel, are you ok?” my voice snapped Ariel out of her trance.

“Oh … yeah, I'm ok, sorry, my mind ran away with me for a moment,” Ariel admitted, still a little shaky. “I hope this doesn’t turn out to be a mistake; I don’t want to lose you.” I took hold of Ariel's hand again and led her forward towards the bed. Now standing between Ariel and the bed, I lifted Ariel’s shaky hands to my lips and kissed along her knuckles and fingers.

“I'm going to take care of you, you don’t have to worry about a thing, you can trust me, I love you.” As I looked into Ariel's worried eyes and held her hands to my lips, I felt somehow responsible for all of her pain.

“Ok,” said Ariel. “I trust you.”

“Good.” I turned around and hopped onto the bed, rolled over to the side and then looked up at Ariel and patted the space next to me on the bed.

Ariel looked down at me for a moment, my damp hair was brushed back but a few strands hung over my face. I was lying on her left side and resting my weight on my elbow. Ariel looked over the rest of my body for a moment, the smooth skin of my chest and … my breast! My blouse had become unbuttoned and one of my breasts was in full sight! Having been friends for so long Ariel resisted the urge to point, laugh and tell me to cover up before I caught a cold. Instead, she just examined the curve of my breast, my nipple was erect and having witnessed this, Ariel’s own nipples were now poking through her T-shirt!

I smiled up at Ariel and again patted the bed, enjoying the attention I was getting from her and she looked so seductive that I could have happily dropped my shorts and masturbated my way to orgasm. Instead, I reached a hand out to Ariel and drew her onto the bed. Slowly, tentatively, Ariel put her knee onto the bed and crawled onto the sheets, stretching her body out in much the same way as me. She laid on her right side and looked up at my face, not wanting to make the first move.

I shifted my body forward, closing the gap between us until we were almost nose to nose. It was obvious that Ariel was really nervous, she was breathing deeply, almost panting and her face had slightly lost its color. I stroked a few stray hairs that were covering her face back behind her ear, then gently combed her fingers through Ariel's dark hair, trying to calm her beautiful friend (or is she a lover?) down.

“It’s ok,” I whispered. I had stopped stroking Ariel's hair and let my hand make its way down her neck then down her back, searching for the hemline of Ariel's T-shirt. I wanted Ariel to get used to my touch, although to be truthful, it was quite a challenge for me to get used to finally touching her!

Ariel's mind was racing as fast as her heart was beating! My lips were just inches away from hers. She desperately wanted to feel, to taste, another sweet kiss but the anticipation itself was as pleasurable as it was unbearable. Then, at last, my hand came all the way back to the nape of her neck and delicately pulled her closer still and finally, Ariel felt my lips on hers. Then, I felt Ariel's tongue slip into my hot mouth. I could have cried out at the tenderness we were sharing, I had never experienced this kind of gentle love before. I was determined to not only savor this moment, but make this the best and most erotically sexual experience as possible for me and Ariel

After her first French kiss with a girl, Ariel pulled away; the most beautiful smile crossed her lips and I immediately felt a tingle between my legs. For now though, it would all be about Ariel, after waiting for this for so long I felt almost obliged to make her the center of attention … for now.

I moved back and softly urged Ariel to get in the middle of the bed with her head resting comfortably on my pillow. I thought about getting on top of her, but I wanted to take things nice and slow; it was such a change from being just a fuck puppet like last night. I ran my palm over Ariel's firm stomach; she was still wearing her T-shirt that was a few sizes too big, but I found the hemline and slowly lifted the T-shirt up, as far as Ariel’s breasts but didn’t uncover them just yet, instead I leant down and softly spread kisses along her shapely torso.

Ariel wanted to giggle when she felt my soft lips on her stomach, even more so when she felt my warm tongue in her navel, this all felt so new and exciting. If someone had told her that being kissed on your stomach could be erotic she would’ve laughed! All she could see was the top of my head while I kissed her down there; she felt my lips move to her lower stomach, just above the waistband of her shorts! Breathing heavily again, Ariel was expecting her shorts to be pulled down, revealing her barely used pussy!

Later, she told me that no one had ever gone down on her before; her boyfriend he never got that close and the thought of anyone being that close to her sex became as terrifying as it was thrilling. However, I had other ideas for the moment; instead, I kissed and licked my way from the waistband of her shorts up towards her breasts. When I got to where the T-shirt had been bunched up around Ariel's breasts, I slipped my hand inside and smiled when I confirmed that Ariel wasn’t wearing a bra!

When Ariel felt my hand slip beneath her T-shirt, she thought she was prepared for what was going to happen.

“Mmmmmm,” Ariel groaned. She couldn’t stop herself reacting so vocally, her breast was being fondled by the girl she loved, and the feeling of my hand on her breast was so amazing that she just had to vocalize her pleasure. Instantly embarrassed, Ariel looked down at me, hoping I hadn’t heard the soft moan that escaped her. Looking up at her, I could see she was embarrassed, color had rushed back to her cheeks and she even looked a little worried.

“It’s ok, moaning is good” I said in a soft tone. Ariel smiled and instantly felt comforted, she could moan as much as she liked, it was all ok.

I put my right leg over Ariel's body and lowered my pelvis onto hers. Now, Ariel couldn’t take her eyes off me as I straddled her. She stared even more intently when I began to unbutton my blouse. I made a show of removing my blouse. As button after button came free, I ran her finger down the exposed skin in between her breasts, down further to her stomach. Then, I undid the last button and opened my blouse a little further. Ariel watched as more and more flesh became visible, she was still on her back with her head on the pillow so she couldn’t see anything below my stomach. Finally, with a shake of my shoulders, my blouse fell away. Ariel took a deep breath as I revealed myself, my flat stomach and gorgeous breasts. I didn’t give her much time to stare, instead I fell forward and planted a wet kiss on Ariel's quivering lips. I slipped my hands beneath the T-shirt again, this time I teased both of her little mounds of flesh. Ariel managed a few sighs muffled by my invading tongue.

I pulled away from our kiss and sat back. I pulled Ariel up by her shoulders until her back was no longer touching the soft bed. I took the hem of Ariel’s T-shirt and slowly raised it up. Ariel’s heart throbbed -- she was about to be topless in front of another woman! Despite her obvious nerves, she raised her arms above her head and allowed her T-shirt to be pulled up, over her breasts and then off. Instinctively, Ariel lowered her arms and crossed them across her chest, her cheeks burned with embarrassment.

“Hey,” I whispered “What’s wrong?”

“N…Nothing, I’ve never been naked with a woman before … it feels a bit weird.”
“Shhhhh, it’s ok to be nervous.” I put her hands on Ariel's cheeks and looked into her eyes. “Listen, do you want to stop? We both want to make love, right?” Ariel nodded. Ariel smiled and forgot her topless-ness. she uncrossed her arms and threw them around me. “I’ve wanted this for so long!” For the first time that evening it was Ariel who instigated their kiss.

I guided Ariel back onto the pillow. My fingertip she traced a line down Ariel's body; from her throat to the soft skin between her breast and down to the waist band of her sexy shorts. I shuffled down Ariel's body so I could get my mouth onto her breasts. I wanted to work over her nipples. I positioned my legs on either side of one of Ariel's thighs and felt the firm skin between my legs, my moist pussy caressed Ariel's thigh, sending shocks through my body, I contemplated rubbing her pussy along Ariel's leg to get herself off but passed. Instead, I simply rested myself on Ariel's thigh and lowered my head.

I closed my lips over Ariel’s erect nipple, covering as much of her breast as I could and gently flicked my tongue over the erect nipple. I wanted to treat her nipples as a delicate place; each time my hot tongue circled around the erect bud I felt Ariel's body quiver and shake, usually with some muffled moans and sighs. While I gently one of stimulated Ariel's breast, my hand took her other nipple between my thumb and forefinger and delicately stroked it. Then I swapped sides.

Ariel’s body twitched by itself now, her sighs of contentment were also involuntary; I knew was just a passenger now, her body knew what to do, all she needed to do was lay back and enjoy herself!

Ariel's breathing became more ragged when I slid further down the bed, my pussy grazed against her skinny leg until it reached her knee. I released my grip on Ariel's breasts and kissed my way down her body until the rough material of Ariel's little shorts halted my progress. I unbuttoned her shorts and hooked my fingers into the waistband and gently began to pull them down. Ariel was wearing panties under the shorts; I pulled at them too.

Ariel gasped as she the last pieces of her clothing were coming off. I pulled at them slowly and gently, maximizing the erotic effect of becoming naked. I had my face close to the waistband; as I pulled at it and revealed a new piece of flesh, I kissed and tastes Ariel's sweet skin. At last, the top of Ariel's slit was revealed and more and more of her pussy was uncovered, now I firmly pulled the shorts, and panties, down over her cute rear and past her thighs and knees until, at last, Ariel was naked. I slipped between my new girlfriend’s legs and brought my lips down to her inviting pussy.

As her shorts were being removed, Ariel felt erotic excitement and then her mind went numb; the only thing she could focus on was the feeling of soft lips moving further and further down her body, then the brief pause before I tugged them off. Ariel opened her eyes and looked down and found herself naked! She was about to open her mouth and say something, anything, but the feeling of my hair on her thighs, the sight of the top of my head moving and finally feeling warm breath on her sensitive lips robbed her of words. A moment later she found her voice as a warm tongue entered the folds of her pussy.

“Ellen! Oh god … Mmmm.” Then that tongue was on the move, it glided up the length of her sweet lips, not dipping inside just yet.

“Mmm! OOOhhh, that’s so……god it’s…” Ariel's voice trailed off, she stopped looking at my bobbing head and threw herself back, her head hitting the pillow with a moderate amount of force. Her body took over again; her back arched up and her hands rubbed her torso before grasping hold of her breasts, adding her own stimulation to the experience. “OOOhhhhh!!!”

I loved listening to my lover’s moans pleasure; every sound she made drove me forward. While running her fingers down Ariel's slit, I spread the moist lips to reveal the beautiful pink flesh inside. Opening her up a little wider revealed the Ariel’s entrance; it looked tight and I didn’t want to force my fingers inside straight away. There was no rush. I lined my fingertip up and gently pushed into the entrance.


My middle finger was inside up to my knuckle. I withdrew it and lubricated my finger by putting it in her mouth and getting my first taste of Ariel's pussy. This time my middle finger slid in more after my whole finger was inside, I began to slowly finger fuck Ariel. My lips brushed over her clitoris that was now erect and poking from its hood.

“OH GOD … Ellen”

I pushed a second finger inside Ariel's body which cut off her voice for a moment, I slowly inserted and withdrew, pushed and pulled …. From the amount of fluid that now coated my hand I realized that Ariel was close to her orgasm, her back arched more and she matched my thrusts by lifting her hips towards the invading digits. It was time to tip her over the edge. I thrust my fingers as deep as they could go inside of Ariel's pussy, then, while still inside her, I took Ariel's clitoris into her mouth, sucking and licking in much the same way as she treated her nipples. My tongue danced over the little bud while I thrust my fingers as far inside her body as I could. Very quickly the attention I was paying to Ariel's pussy did exactly what I intended it to do. As Ariel shuddered and writhed around on the bed and the white hot spasms shot through her body, I didn’t let up and as fluid gushed out of Ariel’s beautiful pussy.

Ariel cried out as the fiercest orgasm of her life tore its way through her body. Her pussy and especially her clitoris felt like it was burning hot! She shuddered and cried out but her voice was fading, her mouth was open but no more sound could force its way past her lips.

I slipped my other hand between my legs to relieve the intense heat in my own, now wet. My hand slipped inside my shorts and a finger slid deep inside me. I finger fucked myself faster and faster, and my arousal grew with every sound and every movement Ariel made. While my tongue and right hand serviced my wonderful new lover, my fingers copied the rhythm I used on Ariel. As my right hand tickled, teased and penetrated her young lover, my left hand worked over my own sex.

As my orgasm washed over me I opened my mouth to cry out but, like Ariel, the arousal and outright pleasure of the experience took my voice away. I felt my orgasm coming but this was different than others; it was intense in a way I had never felt before. My head fell to the side and rested on Ariel's thigh, the fluid on my left hand and the fatigue in my body confirmed that I was spent, my whole body throbbed with energy and excitement, and at last I no longer felt alone Instead, I finally truly felt part of someone’s life, I felt like I mattered to someone.

Ariel's muscles tensed and finally, with a huge sigh and massive sexual release, they relaxed which allowed yet more of her juices to ooze from her pussy. My own climax had subsided and now I kneeled on the bed and watched the last of the orgasmic energy seep from Ariel. She opened her eyes and saw me watching her; with that special smile she opened her arms toward me. I didn’t need a second invitation; I fell into Ariel's outstretched arms and embraced her. There was no need for words now; our love for each other was beyond anything either of them had felt before. We hugged and kissed, neither of us wanted to let go.

“I love you,” I whispered.

“I love you too,” Ariel replied. “But I have a confession to make.” Ariel turned, not knowing what to expect. “Now, I feel like a cat in heat.”

I rolled off of Ariel's naked body and laid on my side facing her. The love making had left them both spent but from the look in her eyes, I knew Ariel wanted to make love to me. “Ellen,” she whispered, suddenly nervous again. “Can I … make love to you?” After those words left her lips, Ariel felt the heat of fear in her cheeks.

“Oh Ariel, I hoped you would want me” I said, placing a reassuring hand on Ariel's cheek and smiling warmly.” Ariel threw her arms around me and hugged me. After she released me, I moved away from Ariel to let her see my entire body, and I couldn’t help provocatively licking my lips and running my hands over my breasts.

Ariel enjoyed watching my little show and already she could feel the moistness returning to her pussy. She got on her knees now and we were face to face, looking at me with a seductive smile. “I don’t know where to start.”

“It’s ok, let me help you.” I laid back onto my back and took Ariel's right hand and guided it down to her body. I placed it at the base of my neck and led her down my body and stopped when her hand was between my breasts placed Then, I took Ariel's hand and moved it over my breast.

“Do you like that? Do you like how my breast feels?” She asked sensually. Ariel's mouth had gone dry so rather than speaking she managed only to nod.

“Now, kiss me, kiss me here,” I pointed to the flesh in between my breasts. Ariel was happy to be the student for now and lowered her head down to the spot Kelly had indicated. While Ariel kissed and licked my soft skin, I took her hand and moved it down onto my shorts. Ariel's black hair kept tickling my breasts and I felt her hand begin to move over my shorts. My arousal began to build as Ariel seemed to be getting more and more confident.

Ariel moved her mouth to her right, and I sensed what Ariel was planning and as her lips moved across her body I softly gasped in anticipation. Ariel used the very tip of her tongue to trace a thin line around my nipple. With each circulation the little chocolate bud was erect. Then, Ariel closed her lips around it and she softly bit me, a pleasing jolt and groan triggered more attention. She opened her lips a little further and took the nipple into her hot mouth, and let her tongue tease and flick my nipple. After that pause, Ariel moved to other breast, only this time her tongue was more urgent.
I felt my pussy begin to burn, it needed attention. I tried rubbing my thighs together but it didn’t give enough friction and I couldn’t reach my pussy because Ariel was in the way.

“Ariel, please,” I said almost breathlessly. “Please take off my shorts. I’m on fire.”

Ariel slid right down the bed and positioned herself right in between my knees. Ariel kissed and licked her way along my toned thighs, ever-so slowly moving upward from my knees to the hem of my shorts. She let her fingernails lightly sc**** along my thighs as she kissed her way. I reached for the hem of my shorts, but Ariel brushed my hands away. Ariel made me wait just a little bit longer as she watched me writhing in my erotic frenzy. Ariel pressed her hand against the crotch of my shorts. “You’re so wet. Can you feel how wet you are right here?” Her hand pressed on the glistening area between my legs sending shocks through me.

“Ariel, please …” I begged.

Ariel took the waistband of my shorts and slowly peeled them down my legs. Too slowly for me. “Ariel, please …” now more desperately. I felt my shorts come off and I immediately spread my legs, inviting Ariel to my sex. I was in no position or frame of mind to help guide Ariel now. I panted as I felt Ariel’s mouth begin to nibble on the outside of my pussy lips. I could feel her fingers on either side of my clitoral hood and gasped as she began to work it between her fingers. Then I felt her mouth biting into the flesh she had been kissing. I could only moan as I realized she was marking me. Then, finally her tongue and licked me from the bottom of her pussy right up to the top of her pubic mound, her fingers parting my wet lips as she went.

“OOOhhhhh God! Ariel….” I cried out. I could feel my orgasm building inside. “Don’t stop … please don’t stop!”

Ariel repeated her long licks a few times, and my moans rose in volume each time, then my moans turned into a long drone when Ariel thrust her tongue as far inside me as she could. I could feel my pussy ooze as I got closer and closer to climax. And then I just felt my body explode into this climax, thrown into an ecstasy I had never felt before. My thighs closed around Ariel's head and my hips left the bed and ground against Ariel’s mouth.

After several minutes, my hips collapsed again, for the second time that day. I only required one last thing. Ariel had just wiped her face on her discarded t-shirt when she looked up and saw me reaching for her. With a smile she embraced me again. We kissed for what seemed like an eternity as the fatigue began to take them over.

“I love you, I love you so much,” I said. I began to sob as my emotions erupted when I thought about what had just happened and, even better, who it had happened with!

“I love you too, and I want to be here with you forever,” Ariel whispered.

We were exhausted both mentally and physically and these were the final words I heard before both of us closed our eyes and slept. Naked and in each other’s arms, the most perfect of moments that, they hoped, would be repeated many times.
Published by bianca44
2 years ago
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xx1236 2 years ago
bianca44,,You really know how to tell a story of two lovers...AA++
roadrunner1959 2 years ago
This was very erotic to read
ukusaok 2 years ago
Breathtakingly exquisite  Tender and erotic  Thank you Bianca
Sirmichael0003 2 years ago
love the emotion from dispondent to exhilaration 
Myka125 2 years ago
We 'Love'  a happy conclusion ?
bigsteve111 2 years ago
Nickyhere 2 years ago
absolutely brilliant.  love, emotion, pleasure and SEX!
bianca44 Publisher 2 years ago
to mscotton12 : Thx
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mscotton12 2 years ago
Sapphic Erotica at Her Finest !  Exhilarating !