Story:(George 14) and me,(Roy 11) Chapter 12.

Story:(George 14) and me,(Roy 11) Chapter 12.

George,Norman & me.
I was sat with the lads outside the stables office,thinking of George & his mood swing when Les,(Stables Owner) called me,he was walking down the yard Leading this Blue Roan pony that i was helping Les to break it in .
It was a Hot,(spirited) little sod,Les said,"Com,n Roy,ride this out in the paddock for a while",it was all tacked up,(Saddle and bridle on),i walk up to it and get straight on it,Les leads it to the paddock whilst i get myself comfortable in the saddle,"Okay Roy",loosing it off,i spend half hour going through the different gaites,(Walk,Trot,Canter and Gallop), with it,Les and the lads all watching me from the paddock gate.
The pony is going great,responding to the instructions i,m asking of it,after about half an hour Les calls me in to the yard,gives me a high Visibility Jacket to wear,on the back of it,CautionYoung Pony in Training,i see there are two adult customers on horses,a guy and a woman and boy about a year or two older than me on a pony,I take it he is the couples son,"They,re going out on a ride for an hour,go with them,see how she,(The Pony),behaves with traffic"Les says to me,i see the guy is wearing a High Vis Jacket",he says to me,"I,ll stay behind you Roy" i nod,okay to him.
The pony soon settled down with the traffic,(Bus,s, Lorries,Cars and even a couple of Motor Bikes),part way through the ride i was chatting to the boy on the pony,could,nt help but notice the bulge in his jeans,Fuck,i was fancying him and that bulge said he was fancying me,he was slim and quite good looking,he says,"Are you down the yard everyday,Roy,","Yes",i reply,"Parents are at work tomorrow,meet you down there,Oh,bye the way i,m Gary","Me thinking,"Fuck he,s a bit presumptuous,def wants my ass.
We got back to the yard from the ride,i told Les it was okay amongst traffic,"Right", he said,"it can start earning its keep this weekend,take the saddle off Roy,give it a feed,"Will you be okay riding it bareback?",me thinking,"I wish that boi was Riding me Bareback","Yes Les i will be okay",Les says," then take it up to the fields by you and turn it out with the other horses and ponies,ride it out for an hour or so,round by you,bring it up Saturday morning",I said," okay Les, will you watch my bike,it,s in the bike shed","Will do Roy",i took the saddle off,giving it to Les,gave it a feed of oats and chaff,while the pony was having it,s feed i was chatting with Gary for a while,"Fuck was this boi fancying me",the pony now finished it,s feed i ride it from the stable yard up to the fields,in the fields i ride it over to the horses and ponies in there,i took the bridle off letting it go,stood there watching it settle down with the others,soon it was okay after a bit of chasing about,i left it grazing with the other horses and ponies,making my way through the fields towards home.
Walking through the fields i heard someone shout,"Roy",i recognized the voice,it was George Green,(Greenie),i looked in the direction of the voice on the other side of the brook,it was George,he was with Norman Jones,nickname, "Jonah",lives virtually opposite my house.
I walk over to them,thinking,"Wonder if they,ve been fucking",i jumped the brook and walked up to them,George says,"Where are you going Kemco,see you,ve been up the stables",yes Greenie and i,m going home now",i say hello to Norman,"Been hearing things about you Roy",i reply,"If it,s something he,s said,don,t believe it,we all know about his fairy stories" George laughs,"who said its me,careful Kemco or i,ll give you a slap",i look at Norman,"Okay,Who and what has this supposedly person said Jonah",he replied,"Not saying,but i reckon it,s truth,I look at George,he,s smirking at me,i let fly,swinging the bridle and catch him on the shoulder with the metal bit of the bridle,next thing i,m pushed to the ground,George on top of me,aiming a punch to my face,Norman grabs hold of him,making the punch miss me, he pulls George off me,saying,"Com,n George,he,s two years younger than us,George gets up,making all sorts of threats at me,i get up,taking the bridle by the cheek straps,making the steel bit closer to my hand,"Com,n then Greenie,i,m not frightened of you,i,ll wrap this bridle around your head",Norman butted in,"Roy i was joking,winding you up,no ones said anything,just a joke". i say,"Some Joke,Haha,we,re all laughing".
I walk away from them,walking towards the lane,George runs up alongside of me,putting his arm around my shoulder,"I,m sorry Roy i should,nt have done that",i stop,looking at him," have you said something to him about us",he replies," Well,Yes Roy,he really likes you and Yes i,m having sex with him,he,s fucking me,got a great cock on him,luvs your ass,as well",I look back at Jonah,he,s walking a few yards behind us,"Roy,we was just going over the school sports fields for some sex,come with us,i mean he is good looking and he has feelings for you,Com,n", George says,"Two cocks for your Boifanny,you know you,ll luv it",George,putting his hand on my Ass and giving it a sqeeze,smiling at me.
Now i,m starting to feel Horny,thinking,"Getting Fucked by two cocks",now i,m getting hard on,George has spotted it,moving his hand off my ass and feeling my bulge,by now Norman has caught up with us,George says,"You,re still my little bitch boi",kissing me on the lips,I feel Normans hand take a hold of my Ass,George looks at him,He,s coming with us,"Who said i,m coming with you,okay I am",Norman gives me a peck on my cheek,squeezing my buns,i stop look at him,"Kiss me Jonah",which he does,really passionately",his hand finding my bulge,him gently sqeezing,George says"You two,do you realize we,re stood in the middle of a field almost having sex and on the other side of the brook is a public footpath with people walking along it,"Fuck em",I say,"Lets get over the school sports field,private,no nosey gets watching",George looks at Norman,"Hark at this little princess,can,t wait to get our cocks in her boifanny",both squeezing a bun each,Norman says,"Lets go,can,t wait to get into her boifanny",we cross the fence out of the field,onto the lane,then along Merritts Brook Lane,past Honeybournes Farm shop,up this pathway,past some old derelict cottages,under the fence into the school sports fields,i,m so horny now i can feel my cock sliding against my underpants in my pre cum,all of us laughing as both are feeling and slapping my ass,pecking me on my cheeks and telling me what they,re going to do with me,Norman says,"This is going to be a great threesome".
There is a hawthorn hedge all down the side of the cable fencing which we had just come under,Norman leads us along a gap between the fence and the hedge to a gap under the hedge,we crawl through the gap into a perimeter of long grass,long,it was about three foot high,all through,Norman stood up and dived straight back down,"Dickheads at the sports hut",Dickhead",i say,"Who,s Dickhead,is that his name"?,me on my knees,peeping over the top of the grass,seeing this guy at the sports hut and a bicycle by the gate onto Colworth Road.(The sports ground is for all schools in the area,not attached to any school,the sports hut contains,Changing Rooms/Showers/Medical Room//Groundsmans storage area and a couple of offices.),George says,as the three of us are peeping through the grass at this guy,"You Thicko Roy,thats his nickname because he is a Dickhead,he,s the caretaker at Tinkers,your new school with us after the hols,you,ll get to know him,he,s a Pain in the Ass","I like a Pain in the Ass,especially when you,re pushing your Cock in me",Norman and George burst out laughing,Norman says,"George,he is everything you told me,he,s Hot,Horny little Bottomboi",Norman feeling my Ass.
"Dickheads checking all the door locks"Norman says.We lie there a while watching him go around the building,then he walks off towards his bike,taking it through the gate onto Colworth Road,him closing the gate behind him,George says,"We,ll give him five minutes,make sure he dont come back,in that five minutes or more the two of them are snogging my face off,George gets my cock out,giving it a few shakes,i,m thinking,"I,m gonna get fucked here in the grass,Please",George says,hey Jonah look at this,he,s soaking with Pre Cum,my hands soaked",George shows Jonah his hand,i grab his wrist and start licking his hand,"Woow,I taste nice",Jonah grabs his wrist and he starts licking Georges hand,"Woooow,Norman says,"That is beautiful,i could fuck him,here and now",George pulls away from Jonah,he starts licking his hand,i grab it again and make a real good job of cleaning it off Georges hand,meanwhile Norman has pulled my shoes off and my jeans,me thinking",i,m going to get fucked here".George says,"Let,s get over to the hut,Dickheads well gone",they both get up,i grab my shoes,jeans and the bridle and stand up,"Com,n", Norman says,like a rocket i take off running in front of them in my pink socks,lemon underpants and my pink top,them grabbing and slapping my Bum,me luvving it.
We reach the hut,i say,"How are we going to get in",Norman says" easy",he leads us to the far side of the hut,away from the view of the back of the houses on Merritts Brook Lane, we come to a window with a small window at the top and a metal grill over it,George gets a coin from his pocket,he unscrews a couple of screws from the bottom of the grill,Norman lifts the grill,taking it down from the window,with the same coin George push,s it into the side of the top window,Norman hits onto the wood frame,i see the catch jump off its holder,George with the coin forces the window open,Norman climbs up onto the sill,reaches down and opens the bottom window which opens outward,i look at them both saying,"You,ve done this before","Only a couple of times",they reply,,George climbs in through the window,Norman picks me up,giving me a kiss on my cheek,lifting me through the window,George taking me and putting me onto the floor,then George closes the window catch,s,Norman outside,hooks the grill in place,I look at George,me wondering what is going on,he grabs my hand pulling me through this doorway,all the groundsmans equipment is in this area,looking across the room are two double doors,obviously were they take the grass mowers and stuff out,George lifts a long steel bar which is across the two doors out of their holders,he pulls the bolt down from the top of the one door and the bolt up from the bottom of the door he opens the door letting Norman in,then bolting the door shut and putting the steel bar into its holders across both doors,obviously no lock on the outside.
They both take me around the inside of the building explaining which room is which,they take me up this hallway to a room on the right hand side,"This is the room we want Kemco",George says,leading me into it,Norman following behind me,feeling my i,m really excited,my cock jumping in my pants,i look around the room,opposite the door is an office desk with a leather revolving chair behind it,a couple of chairs on the side wall and a thre seater settee to the left of the door,Norman closes the door behind us,i see two coat hooks on the back of the door,i hang my bridle and jeans up on one of them and put my shoes on the floor,i,m so excited now i can feel my chest banging away,me thinking," if something does,nt happen quick i,ll be cumming in my underpants".
I turn around,Jonah is sat on the desk looking me up and down,i can see he has a hard on,the flies area of his jeans standing up proud and him stroking it,Greenie by the far wall of the room,in no time George has got completely naked,i look him all over,looking at his cock stood out proud,i,m admiring that lovely upturned bend in it,remembering,Monday in the woods,me sucking him off,and taking him in my ass for the first time and yesterday him fucking me on the landing at my house,(Well my Parents house),now forgot his mood swing,now Wednesday,i,m about to get fucked and be sucking two cocks.
George,beckoning me with the crook of his finger,"Come here my Horny Little Bitch,your pants are soaked with your pre cum",I look down at them,well soaked and i am feeling so horny for his or Jonahs cock in me.
I walk over to George,leaning against the wall,he pulls me to him and starts to snog the face off me,with one hand i take his cock in my hand,i luv it,me gently stroking it knowing soon i will be on my knees making love to it with my mouth.
I feel a hand slide over my buns,i know it,s not George,he has both hands behind my neck,me thinking,"it,s Norman he,s going to take me from behind",Norman runs a finger over my underpants,straight up between my buns,running it over my rosebud,"Uuuuggghhhh",i gasp,sensatons like electric running through my body,hardly catching my breath,Norman say,"Wow George,he,s touchy",George replies,pulling away from our snogging,"Yes he is very touchy,he,s got erogernous zones all over his body,he turns on so easy,once you get them going,gives himself,definitely got some around and inside his boifanny".
George puts his hand behind my head and we go back to snogging each other,i feel two fingers hook into the waistband of my underpants,sliding them off my ass and down my legs to my feet,i step out of them,Norman says,"Fuck George,look at the pre cum in these,he,s a horny little fucker",George and myself pull away from our snogging,looking to Norman holding my underpants open for us to see,"Your cum Roy,eat it",Norman says,pushing my undies into my face,wiping it all over,i,m luvving it,the taste is gorgeous, salty,sweet,savoury and creamy,it feels great,then Norman chucks them on the floor,i luv the feeling of wet cum on my face,George licking my face we go back to snogging.
George puts some pressure on to the top of my head,so i go down onto his chest,sucking on his hard nipples,i don,t know what Norman is doing behind me it sounds like he,s getting undressed,i push my ass back,spreading my legs,"Woow George,his pussy,it,s opening and closing,i can see it from here,Roy really wants my cock",George replies,"I know what he,s like,he,s going to be a right slut for any cock that wants him,i know a few up the Crescent who will be having that hole before the hols are over",Yes,you,re right George,i know who you mean".still sucking on Georges nipples,i,m, thinking," i,m not rising to this chat,asking who he was on about yesterday,brought on Georges mood swing".
Kissing over Georges naval i take his cock in my hand and begin licking his domed knob end,it was wet with pre cum,"Oh! it tasted so nice",thinking to push my ass back for Norman,i felt his hand slide over my buns,then again running a finger over my rosebud, "Uuuggghhh",i let out a moan again as the sensations ran through my body,sensations of ecstasy,pleasure,then Norman ran his cock up between my buns and over the bottom of my back,i felt his balls on my buns,i felt the wettness of Normans cock,he did this five or six times,dragging pre cum over my rosebud,now twitching like crazy,trying to trap his cock and take it in.then i felt his finger go to my hole and he slid it in to my wet pussy,"Aaaaaaarrhhh",i let out then it was two fingers then three,he was finger fucking me like crazy,George was also now fucking my face,noises coming from me were undescribable but i was luvving this attention to my boifanny and my throat,gagging slightly but enjoying it.
George had a hold of my head,forcing his cock into the back of my throat,,tears from my eyes,snot from my nose and phlem seemig to come from my stomach,George was doing his best to force it into my larynx and i was doing my best to swallow his Bellend,George occassionly letting me up to get some air then again his cock into my mouth and into the back of my throat,me wretching,i was feeling all my facial juices running down my cheeks and off my chin,George saying,"Swallow it you little bitch,swallow my fucking cock", Norman commenting,"Go on George,make the little bitch have it",I was doing my best to swallow his cock but at this moment my throat was,nt having it,i was tasting Georges Pre Cum and i was loving that "sweet,Salty,Savoury", taste.
All this time Norman was at my ass,now finger fucking me,he had four fingers in my boihole,twisting and turning,this way and that way,stroking the walls of my Lower Anal Void,i was luvving it,he had me moaning and whining like the little gurly boi i was becoming.
He pulled my foreskin right back over my glan,my cock,although small between my legs and he was licking my pre cum off my bellend,me with all that was going on did,nt realise how hard my cock was,i could feel now it was throbbing like crazy.
Norman said,"George let,s have him on the office desk",George pulled out of my mouth,I stood upright,Normans fingers still in my Bumhole finger fucking me,"Uuuugggghh",iwas still moaning,"Aaaaggh,look at his face",Norman said,"Looks like he,s been crying,you liking it Roy","Yes Norman",I replied,still feeling his fingers in my Boifanny and George licking on my Gurly Boi Tits,Norman now kissing me,tongue in my mouth.
George saying,"Okay Norman lets get him on the desk",both picking me up and lying me on my back on the desk,Norman pulling me so that my ass was at the edge of the desk,lifting my legs in the air,telling me to spread them and hold onto them,which i did,George had climbed onto the desk and pushed his cock into my mouth,me now sucking him with vigourous slurps,Normans four fingers went in to my boihole,Mmmmm,i whined,Norman was finger fucking me again and he was also down on my cock sucking me.
Next Norman is down rimming my fanny,tongue,in and out of my gaping hole and wanking me with one hand,i feel my little balls tighten up,"OMG,im fucking cumming,George is straight down on my cock,taking the lot in his mouth and George shoots his load into my mouth,i also have a hot sensation in my anal cavity,i push George off me and i scream,"Aaaagggghhh",i have cum pumping out of my cock and i,m also having a anal orgasm,George's now licking my cock and my belly,licking my cum up then he,s kissing me,mouths open,tongues working in each others mouths,both of us tasting each others cum,it tastes so nice.
Norman still rimming my boihole,now slurping away at my anal juices,"Hey George,Roys had an anal orgasm,really tastes nice,well lubed now for a good hard fucking","Wondered why he started squealing like a gurl,he,s fucking luvving this,ain,t you bitch",i look up at George,smiling,i could feel the wetness of cum on my cock,belly,chest and face were George had cum in my mouth,also over my face.
I felt Normans cock slide into my fanny,Wow,he was about the same length as George but so much fatter,i was moaning a whining as Norman fucked my boihole,eventually cumming inside me,"Fuck George,he,s a great Fuck,you trained him right,little slut","Right Norman,now he,s mine,out of the way,you ready for my cock,Kemco",Yes George,fucking give it me","Hold his legs Jonah,wanna taste that boihole",Norman takes my legs,George is down licking my hole,i,m making all sorts of moaning noises,also fanny farting,cum dribbling out of my hole,George luvving it,then his cock goes in me,he gives me a great fucking,cumming his load in me,they both take it in turns,slamming their cocks into me,me wanking,i cum again all up my belly,then the two of them decide to wank over my face,i lay there,mouth open to take their cum,both shoot in my mouth and over my face and i suck both of them clean.
I sit up laughing,"How do you like your little slut,Jonah,Greenie",i say,Laughing,both kissing and licking my face,"Luv you you Horny little slut",Jonah says,George says,"You know what i think Roy,my horny lil angel,i get up off the desk,feeling cum running over my little balls and sliding down my thighs from my boihole,"Need a shower now,anyone know how they turn on",Norman says,"Yes i know",away he goes as George and me head for the showers,we see some towels laid out on the changing room bench,s,Jonah comes back,"Okay they,re on",we go into the shower room,Norman turns them on, we find some gel on the window sill,we all shower,playing up like bois showering,slapping each others ass,s and grabbing cocks,we finish showering,we go and dry ourselves off,folding the towels and placing them back on the bench,s as they were,Norman goes and turns the showers off at the mains,we all go back to the office and get dressed,me picking up my bridle,then the three of us leaving the sports hut in reverse to how we had got in.
We climbed the gate,were the caretaker had gone out with his bike,into Colworth Road,chatting and them feeling my ass every now and then,eventually seperating at our homes.

Well i hope you enjoyed this chapter,turned out to be a story of its own.

Love from me!
Published by DancingPony
2 years ago
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now i really wish that was me sucking cocks swallow cum and being fucked and filled with cum i really do love that and to be fucked when my hole is full of cum yes a nice wet sloppy cum fuck xxx i love it 
to DancingPony : Thanks, wow he does sound real hot, i imagine the girls loved him too.  His cock does sound beautiful and i bet he loved you sucking his cock as imagine you would be so much better than the local girls.  He sounds like he really enjoyed your body too..thanks for sharing
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to darter18 : Jonah is very attractive,sort of got a Chinese/European look,he never knew his father & he was never mentioned,all the girls around the area were always after him,think he was Bi,like all the bois i went with from the Crescent,all smooth,Jonah had a Gorgeous,Uncut Cock,6.5 - 7inches,luvved Sucking him & Swallowing his Cum but for some reason he did,nt have the same attraction to me as George had.
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Just so much enjoyed this have read it again, Jonah is interesting he obviously is also such a horny lad and he lives near you so probably been thinking about you for some time, your description of him is very short unless i cant remember it, was he pretty hot? obs has a lovely cock
to DancingPony : ha ha yes i love them, you were so lucky having all those lads up for some fun, i would have loved to have lived near you....cant wait to hear more..i will certainly enjoy x x
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to darter18 : Wooooow,i,m so over the moon,you putting my stories into your Favs,yes,such a exciting & fun start to my gay life,there is still a lot more to cum,Enjoy.XOXOX.
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wow thanks for sharing this, loved this got me so horny...but love the detail you give about the horses and setting too.   getting a 3 some at that age wow so jealous and to have some many horny lads leaving close y sounds like heaven.   must have been such a great fun
go to view device and description. your prostate will thank you.something about your affection for horses i find erotic
to illedgeyou : Don,t understand,what,s a Giddi?and please explain,some horses in the vicinity?xxxx
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to DancingPony : sounds great Roy. i have a Giddi that will be perfect for your boifanny and there is no way will i let you touch your penis. some horses in the vicinity will make it even hotter
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to illedgeyou : Ross i,d luv you Edging me,you would have to tie me down though or i,d want to be wanking myself,i,d like you edging me with a dildo or a plug in my boihole,i,d most likely have a anal orgasm as well as shooting a load from my cock,thanks for comment,luv you,xxxx
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fantastic!! love the cummy underpants. like George said your whole hot bod is one big erogenous zone. i'd like to tickle your arm pit and watch your penis grow
to illedgeyou : Hi illedgeyou,New chapter,chapter 12 now finished,more like a story of it,s own,ENJOY,ROY.xxxxx
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to illedgeyou : Hi,luv you,chapter not finished yet,glad you,re liking it.xxxxxx
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Roy!! such great stuff . i always wait for the next installment