Do You Want To Make Love Or Just Have Sex? EP1

Do You Want To Make Love Or Just Have Sex? EP1

So when is it time to tell someone you want to make love? Is it right at the start of a relationship or do you actually need to be in love?


Now, you could of course use the basic "I want to make love to you" which is really nice, but I always have issues with the term "making love." Think about it. You meet somebody, you go out on two dates, and then you have sex. Aren't you really "making like?" I mean, really, you can't love someone you've gone out with two times.

At that stage, it's purely lust. So why not say "I want to make lust to you so badly!" or "Do you want to come back to my place and 'make like?'" It's way too early at this point to tell someone you want to make love to them.

Personally I want to say to someone "I want to fuck you so badly it hurts." There are some women out there, though, who don't want to hear you say "I want to fuck you." So what are some good terms to use when you want to have pure, unadulterated sex?

You can be cute and clever and ask her if she wants to play "hide the salami," but once you think about that it really doesn't seem quite so clever or cute. Picture a woman walking into a deli seeing the salamis hanging from the ceiling. This probably does not seen very sexually appealing to her.


I really hope your penis is not coated with dots like that salami... and if your penis smells like salami, no woman is really going to want to hide it inside her. The last thing a woman wants her vagina to smell like is a Jewish deli!

Then there's the term "getting busy." Just think about this one for a second. You're on a date and you look at a woman and say "Do you want to go to my place and get busy?" There's a few things this might trigger in her mind.

By saying this you might take her back to a totally stressful moment at work when she was super busy. Or, instead of her picturing moans of pleasure and groans of desire, she might instead hear the old busy signal on the phone. So "getting busy" is just not something I think is very appealing. CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR SEXUAL BIBLE
Published by UncleObara
3 years ago
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