Forgive, Forget or Revenge? EP2
Forgive, Forget or Revenge? How Modern Men Deal With Infidelity and Sexually-Independent Women
Yet, as a Heterosexual Relationship Specialist, time and again I meet with men who seem to be stuck in the past, men who can't overcome the fact that their women want more than what they can give them, and feel as a result they have been betrayed. I have great sympathy for these men, having been down that road myself when young, but now I take a strong, almost strict approach to dealing with their misery. This approach is the best, most direct method for a man dealing with modern woman's need for independence and free choice.
But it is important we recognize the degree of suffering these 'men from yesteryear' are experiencing. Often, when speaking with a man who declares he's recently been betrayed and who's clearly still emotionally distraught, I'll head straight into his symptoms, before moving on to useful advice. It's critical men are allowed to experience their feelings, right or wrong, to realize and then release them, if they are to heal and become Good Partners to the women in their lives.
A typical session, after I have listened to him stammer out the situation, may go something like this:
"Alright, Pansy, it's time to face the Truth:
Your woman is fucking another man, or men; she's unfaithful, she's betrayed you, she's given her body, mind and soul to another man and you're suffering the most intense emotions of your life. The pain is suffocating, you feel lost, weak, uncertain, everything is poisoned; you can't understand much less believe what's happening; nothing makes sense, and nothing takes the pain away; there are no words of immediate comfort, and there are no instant solutions."
This declaration often leads to a breakdown by the suffering wimp before me, but I am compassionate, and I know he must go further. I then offer a series of questions:
"When you first discovered, did you do everything in your power to find out every detail about her 'activities'? Did you tear apart her world looking for clues, snooping about her private things, suspicious and driving yourself nuts from the thirst to know everything about what's going on?"
Usually the man will agree, and I will then add, "You are torturing yourself, aren't you?"
This can lead to the man suddenly standing up and shouting incoherently, with tears running down his face, "The bitch cheated on me!" before I grab him and sit him down.
"Are you sure you're the victim? You're angry and outraged, you've made everyone in your life aware of how badly you've been betrayed and how much you're hurting, you crave revenge, right?"
"Yes, yes, I do," he'll claim, before I reply, "You're feeling sorry for yourself, and pity only makes you weak. You know the old Chinese proverb, 'If you're going to seek revenge, dig two graves', for revenge is always just as destructive to you, the revenge-seeker, as it is upon her, who's simply out doing all the things she has long been denied."
Soon he accepts that his anger and feelings of revenge are displaced, and he's ready for more uplifting action. Sometimes, however, I find men who take a different course, men who, after discovering they've been betrayed, say nothing to anyone, ashamed of themselves and her and determined to keep this a secret till the day he dies. Often they'll withdraw from the world altogether and stop doing everything they've been doing with no idea what to do next, everything that once gave them pleasure now making them only sick. So often when a man feels betrayed, he can't eat, sleep, even communicate what's going on within, and can only isolate himself from the world, with thoughts of suicide to plague him.
Other men report only intense feelings of suspicion, consumed with finding out the reason why it happened, constantly analyzing and looking back at all that's happened, and then the endless questions: 'why did this happen to me, why did she do this to me, why didn't I see this coming, why didn't she tell me, why can't I stop her why, why can't I stop suffering, why doesn't this end?' MAKE YOUR PARTNER FALLING IN LOVE WITH SEX
Yet, as a Heterosexual Relationship Specialist, time and again I meet with men who seem to be stuck in the past, men who can't overcome the fact that their women want more than what they can give them, and feel as a result they have been betrayed. I have great sympathy for these men, having been down that road myself when young, but now I take a strong, almost strict approach to dealing with their misery. This approach is the best, most direct method for a man dealing with modern woman's need for independence and free choice.
But it is important we recognize the degree of suffering these 'men from yesteryear' are experiencing. Often, when speaking with a man who declares he's recently been betrayed and who's clearly still emotionally distraught, I'll head straight into his symptoms, before moving on to useful advice. It's critical men are allowed to experience their feelings, right or wrong, to realize and then release them, if they are to heal and become Good Partners to the women in their lives.
A typical session, after I have listened to him stammer out the situation, may go something like this:
"Alright, Pansy, it's time to face the Truth:
Your woman is fucking another man, or men; she's unfaithful, she's betrayed you, she's given her body, mind and soul to another man and you're suffering the most intense emotions of your life. The pain is suffocating, you feel lost, weak, uncertain, everything is poisoned; you can't understand much less believe what's happening; nothing makes sense, and nothing takes the pain away; there are no words of immediate comfort, and there are no instant solutions."
This declaration often leads to a breakdown by the suffering wimp before me, but I am compassionate, and I know he must go further. I then offer a series of questions:
"When you first discovered, did you do everything in your power to find out every detail about her 'activities'? Did you tear apart her world looking for clues, snooping about her private things, suspicious and driving yourself nuts from the thirst to know everything about what's going on?"
Usually the man will agree, and I will then add, "You are torturing yourself, aren't you?"
This can lead to the man suddenly standing up and shouting incoherently, with tears running down his face, "The bitch cheated on me!" before I grab him and sit him down.
"Are you sure you're the victim? You're angry and outraged, you've made everyone in your life aware of how badly you've been betrayed and how much you're hurting, you crave revenge, right?"
"Yes, yes, I do," he'll claim, before I reply, "You're feeling sorry for yourself, and pity only makes you weak. You know the old Chinese proverb, 'If you're going to seek revenge, dig two graves', for revenge is always just as destructive to you, the revenge-seeker, as it is upon her, who's simply out doing all the things she has long been denied."
Soon he accepts that his anger and feelings of revenge are displaced, and he's ready for more uplifting action. Sometimes, however, I find men who take a different course, men who, after discovering they've been betrayed, say nothing to anyone, ashamed of themselves and her and determined to keep this a secret till the day he dies. Often they'll withdraw from the world altogether and stop doing everything they've been doing with no idea what to do next, everything that once gave them pleasure now making them only sick. So often when a man feels betrayed, he can't eat, sleep, even communicate what's going on within, and can only isolate himself from the world, with thoughts of suicide to plague him.
Other men report only intense feelings of suspicion, consumed with finding out the reason why it happened, constantly analyzing and looking back at all that's happened, and then the endless questions: 'why did this happen to me, why did she do this to me, why didn't I see this coming, why didn't she tell me, why can't I stop her why, why can't I stop suffering, why doesn't this end?' MAKE YOUR PARTNER FALLING IN LOVE WITH SEX
3 years ago